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1、专业英语四级(听力)-试卷239及答案解析 (总分:44.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、DICTATION(总题数:2,分数:4.00)1.PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the se

2、cond and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.(分数:2.00)_二、LISTENING COMPREHENS(总题数:6,分数:40.00)3.PART II LISTENING COMPREHEN

3、SION_4.SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the

4、blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task._How to Reduce Presentation Stress1. Causes of presentation stressFear of being 1Doubt of your own abilityFocusing on 22. Strategy 1: 3 and prepareKnowledgeable about the topicAnticipate audience 4Rehearse your prese

5、ntation loudlyRecord your speech and 5 it3. Strategy 2: 6 your focus to audienceChange your 7 8 in your goalThink about how powerful sharing knowledge is4. Strategy 3: work with a speech therapistTeaching you the art of 9Where to 10What words to emphasizeHow to eliminate distracting fillers(分数:20.00

6、)填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_填空项1:_6.SECTION B CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each ques

7、tion there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have thirty seconds to preview the questions._A.He saw the advert on a newspaper.B.He heard about it from his friend.C.He lear

8、nt about it from a job centre.D.He saw the advert on the Internet.A.Making phone calls.B.Washing up dishes.C.Waiting at table.D.Receiving phone calls.A.Because he is an overseas student.B.Because he isnt an European Union citizen.C.Because he hasnt got any work experience.D.Because he is not an Euro

9、pean national.A.They offer you a free dinner.B.Taking public transport for free.C.Driving you home if youre working after 10.D.Getting extra pay for working on weekends.A.He thinks quickly.B.He communicates well.C.He speaks fluent English.D.His voice is clear.A.Because he has a hard time choosing co

10、urses.B.Because he has difficulty choosing his major.C.Because he doesnt have time to declare a major.D.Because he wants to extend the deadline.A.He doesnt want to be his own boss.B.He hates getting outside.C.He dislikes moving around.D.He doesnt like to stay in the office.A.Great.B.Dull.C.Difficult

11、D.Interesting.A.Philosophy.B.Psychology.C.Sociology.D.Journalism.A.8 to 4 from Monday to Friday.B.9 to 4 from Monday to Friday.C.8 to 4 on Saturday and Sunday.D.9 to 4 on Saturday and Sunday.专业英语四级(听力)-试卷239答案解析 (总分:44.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、DICTATION(总题数:2,分数:4.00)1.PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to th

12、e following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of

13、 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.(分数:2.00)_解析:_正确答案:(正确答案: Using the Library You look for a book in one of two ways: / either youll know the author and title of the book, / or else youll want a book on a particular subje

14、ct. / Lets start with what to do / if you know the authors name and the title of the book. / The first thing is to look up the authors name in the Author Catalogue. / If you can find a card for the book, / you should then write down three things: / the author, the title and the class number. / Now f

15、ind the class number on the library shelves. /)解析:二、LISTENING COMPREHENS(总题数:6,分数:40.00)3.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION_解析:4.SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS fo

16、r each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task._解析:How to Reduce Presentation Stress1. Causes of presentation stressFear of being 1Doubt of you

17、r own abilityFocusing on 22. Strategy 1: 3 and prepareKnowledgeable about the topicAnticipate audience 4Rehearse your presentation loudlyRecord your speech and 5 it3. Strategy 2: 6 your focus to audienceChange your 7 8 in your goalThink about how powerful sharing knowledge is4. Strategy 3: work with

18、 a speech therapistTeaching you the art of 9Where to 10What words to emphasizeHow to eliminate distracting fillers(分数:20.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:judged)填空项1:_(正确答案:mistakes)填空项1:_(正确答案:practice)填空项1:_(正确答案:questions)填空项1:_(正确答案:assess)填空项1:_(正确答案:switchshift)填空项1:_(正确答案:internal conversation)填空项1:_(正确答案:Have

19、 confidenceBe confident)填空项1:_(正确答案:communicationpresentationspeech)填空项1:_(正确答案:pause and phrase)解析:解析:本题考查语言治疗师具体教授的方面。录音提到,语言治疗师教你在哪里停顿,如何措辞。故此处应填入pause and phrase。6.SECTION B CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be ask

20、ed about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have thirty seconds t

21、o preview the questions._解析:A.He saw the advert on a newspaper.B.He heard about it from his friend.C.He learnt about it from a job centre.D.He saw the advert on the Internet.解析:解析:四个选项都表示从哪里得知某个信息,注意对话里的相关内容。男士说到自己没有看到招聘广告,而是从朋友口中得知招聘信息的,所以B正确。A.Making phone calls.B.Washing up dishes.C.Waiting at ta

22、ble.D.Receiving phone calls.解析:解析:四个选项都是动名词短语,注意对话里的相关内容。男士问女士,“这份工作是做什么的,是洗盘子吗?”女士说,“不是,是接电话”,也不是“做侍应生”,所以D正确,D是录音中answering the phone的同义替换,同时也排除了B和C项。A项“打电话”则刚好是“接电话”相反的动作。A.Because he is an overseas student.B.Because he isnt an European Union citizen.C.Because he hasnt got any work experience.D.B

23、ecause he is not an European national.解析:解析:选项都以Because开头,预测本题问原因。男士说他不是EU national“欧盟国的公民”,问女士是否需要提供工作许可证,女士说要的,所以B正确,该项European Union citizen和录音EU national是同义转换。A项“他是留学生”和D项“他不是欧洲人”有很大的干扰性。录音提到。只要是欧盟国家的公民就不需要工作许可证。虽然男士是留学生,但他有可能是欧盟国家的人,所以A错误;此外,欧洲国家不等同于欧盟国家,所以D项也不能选。C项“没有工作经验”与原文意思不符,而且也不是需要提供工作许可

24、证的原因。A.They offer you a free dinner.B.Taking public transport for free.C.Driving you home if youre working after 10.D.Getting extra pay for working on weekends.解析:解析:男士问女士这份工作会有什么fringe benefits“额外福利”,女士说会提供一顿正餐,让员工吃得好,A正确。C项中的after 10和原文after 11不符,所以也不对。女士还说到“国家法定节假日上班有额外报酬”,但不是“周末上班有额外报酬”,所以D项错误。B

25、“搭乘公共交通免费”在录音中没有提及。A.He thinks quickly.B.He communicates well.C.He speaks fluent English.D.His voice is clear.解析:解析:选项都是关于He的描述,注意对话里的相关细节。女士说到胜任这份工作需要具备两种特质,一是“声音清晰”,她认为男士很明显有这个特质;另外一个是“思维敏捷”,但她没有评价男士是否具备这个能力,所以答案选D。A.Because he has a hard time choosing courses.B.Because he has difficulty choosing

26、his major.C.Because he doesnt have time to declare a major.D.Because he wants to extend the deadline.解析:解析:选项都有Because,可知问题问的是某个原因。对话开始时,男士便提到下个月挑选专业的期限就要到了,但他还没想好要读什么专业,整个对话也是围绕着挑选专业进行的,可知他找女士是因为他在挑选专业上遇到了困难。所以答案为B。A.He doesnt want to be his own boss.B.He hates getting outside.C.He dislikes moving

27、around.D.He doesnt like to stay in the office.解析:解析:各选项说的都是男士不喜欢做什么,注意对话里的相关描述。录音中男士说到business不适合他,因为他不喜欢朝九晚五地待在办公室。D项正确。A、B、C项中的“to be his own boss”,“getting outside”,“moving around”都是男士喜欢做的事情,而非不喜欢。A.Great.B.Dull.C.DifficultD.Interesting.解析:解析:选项都是对某物的评价,听音时注意相关信息。对话里男士说他开始时以为sociology“社会学”很无聊,但他的

28、室友说服他选了这门课,上课后发现这门课非常好。问题问的是男士在上课前对这门课的看法,所以答案选B,dull是boring的同义词。A“Great”是上完课后学生对这门课的看法。A.Philosophy.B.Psychology.C.Sociology.D.Journalism.解析:解析:选项都是学科名字,注意相关描述。原文中,女士根据男士的兴趣爱好,建议他选择journalism“新闻学”,D项正确。A、B、C项都是学生提及过他喜欢的学科,不是女士建议他选的学科。A.8 to 4 from Monday to Friday.B.9 to 4 from Monday to Friday.C.8 to 4 on Saturday and Sunday.D.9 to 4 on Saturday and Sunday.解析:解析:根据选项可推测题目问的是某个时间段,注意相关描述。原文说到指导老师的办公室每个weekday“工作日”的8点到4点开放,答案选A,其中from Monday to Friday是every weekday的同义转换。


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