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1、专业英语四级(阅读)-试卷163及答案解析 (总分:30.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、READING COMPREHENSIO(总题数:11,分数:30.00)1.PART V READING COMPREHENSION_2.SECTION AIn this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one th

2、at you think is the best answer._The never-ceasing pace of scientific accomplishment often surpasses the progress of moral thought, leaving people struggling to make sense, initially at east, of whether heart transplants are ethical or test-tube babies desirable. Over the past three decades scientis

3、ts have begun to investigate a branch of medicine that offers astonishing promisethe ability to repair the human body and even grow new organsbut which destroys early-stage embryos to do so. In The Stem Cell Hope Alice Park, a science writer at Time magazine, chronicles the scientific, political, et

4、hical and personal struggles of those involved in the work. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent(多功能性的): they have the ability to change into any one of the 200-odd types of cell that compose the human body; but they can do so only at a very early stage. Once the bundle has reached more than about 1

5、50 cells, they start to specialize. Research into repairing severed spinal cords or growing new hearts has thus needed a supply of stem cells that come from entities that, given a more favorable environment, could instead grow into a baby. Immediately after the announcement of the birth of Dolly the

6、 sheepthe clone of an adult ewe whose mammary(乳腺的)cells Ian Wilmut had tricked into behaving like a developing embryo-American scientists were hauled before the nations politicians who were uneasy at the implication that people might also be cloned. Concern at the speed of scientific progress had pr

7、eviously stalled publicly funded research into controversial topics, for example, into in vitro fertilization. But it did not stop the work from taking place: instead the IVF industry blossomed in the private sector, funded by couples desperate for a baby and investors who had spotted a profitable n

8、ew market. That is also what happened with human stem cells. After a prolonged struggle over whether to ban research outrightwhich pitted Nancy Reagan, whose husband suffered from Alzheimers disease, against a father who asked George Bushs advisers, Which one of my children would you kill?Mr. Bush b

9、locked the use of government money to fund research on any new human embryonic stem-cell cultures. But research did not halt completely; Geron, a biopharmaceutical(生物制药的)company based in Menlo Park, California, had started to mop up this orphaned innovation , as Ms Park puts it, by recruiting resear

10、chers whose work brought them into conflict with the funding restrictions. Meanwhile, in South Korea a scientist claimed not only to have cloned human embryos but also to have created patient-specific cultures that could, in theory, be used to patch up brain damage or grow a kidney. Alas, he was wro

11、ng. But a Japanese scientist did manage to persuade adult skin cells to act like stem cells. If it proves possible to scale up his techniques, that would remove the source of the controversy over stem-cell research. Three months after he took office, Barack Obama lifted restrictions on federal fundi

12、ng for research on new stem-cell cultures, saying that he thought sound science and moral values were consistent with one another. But progress has been slow: the first human trials in America, involving two people with spinal-cord injuries who have been injected with stem celis developed by Geron,

13、are only just under way. The sick children who first inspired scientists to conduct research into stem cells in order to develop treatments that might help them are now young adults. As Ms Park notes, the fight over stem-cell research is not over, and those who might benefit from stem-cell medicine

14、remain in need.(分数:6.00)(1).We can infer from Paragraph 1 that_.(分数:2.00)A.scientific achievements occur at a slower rate than peoples expectationB.repairing human bodies and growing new organs have already been realizedC.Alice Park has proved the meaning of stem cells in The Stem Cell HopeD.people

15、are concerned about moral and ethical implications of scientific research(2).What does the author mean by saying Geron had started to mop up this orphaned innovation(Paragraph 4)?(分数:2.00)A.Geron ends government interference in this area.B.Geron settles the disputes over stem cell research.C.Geron f

16、ollows up the research on their own.D.Geron rallies for the research.(3).Which of the following statements is CORRECT about the stem cell research?(分数:2.00)A.Embryonic stem cells are changeable even in the late stage.B.Growing new hearts in a patient needs stem cells from an adult donator.C.Research

17、 findings by a Japanese scientist might end the controversy.D.President Obama agrees with George Bush concerning the issue.Despite what you might think from its name, the Museum of Afghan Civilization will be the very model of a modem major museum when it opens in January. It will be housed in an an

18、gular, postmodern building, designed by Frances Yona Friedman. It will display the art of Afghanistan from prehistory to today, with works collected from all over the world. And it will have a nifty website, complete with high-definition reproductions and interactive information guides. What the mus

19、eum wont have is a front door, a parking lot, or a cafeteria. Thats because the museum is the first designed as a virtual building only. Why put the objects in an imaginary building, instead of just creating a website full of pictures? Pascale Bastide, President of the Paris-based association Afghan

20、culture, says she hopes that hiring an architect will imbue her project(afghanculturemuseum. org)with the gravitas of a traditional museum, as well as make viewers feel as though they are actively traveling to a museum rather than passively seeing reproductions of its artwork. Bastide is quick to ad

21、mit that nothing replaces real contact with an objet dart(小艺术品,古玩), but the sites interactive approach comes close. Visitors will encounter a digital image of Friedmans design, set against its imagined location; the Bamiyan caves, where two monumental Buddha statues had stood since the fourth centur

22、y A. D. before being destroyed by the Taliban in 2001. Viewers can spin the building to view it from all sides, then click to enter multimedia pavilions, which can be organized chronologically, geographically, or thematically. Friedmans design will serve as the shell. The interior will change just l

23、ike in a real-world museum, where curators(馆长)erect temporary walls according to an exhibitions needs. Bricks and mortar(传统实体企业)aside, the Museum of Afghan Civilization will operate like a typical art institution. The website will have a director(Bastide)and a team of curators(a Princeton professor,

24、 a French museum conservator, an Afghan archeologist, and an Afghan linguist). Oh, and theres also a designer with a background in videogames. Afghanculturemuseum. org obviously isnt the only museum with a website, but its purely virtual form could affect the traditional museum world. For one thing,

25、 it all but eliminates the debate over whether a museums priority should be to display artworks or preserve them. Todays digital reproduction technologies are generally harmless to the art(unlike the light and air in a museum), so they allow the public to see works otherwise accessible only to those

26、 with white gloves and doctorates. Virtual museums still take money to launch; Bastide is looking for $10 million in private and government funding. They wont make the traditional museums obsolete, either. But their lower maintenance costs and sustainable approach to exhibitions might mean fewer tra

27、ditional museums created in the future. That said, Bastide hopes that one day, in a stable, democratic Afghanistan, a physical Museum of Afghan Civilization might be built. But for now, the virtual approach will allow the museum to livewithout having to exist.(分数:6.00)(1).According to the first para

28、graph, the Museum of Afghan Civilization wont_.(分数:2.00)A.display the artworks of Afghanistan from all over the worldB.have a website with reproductions and information guidesC.have a front door, a parking lot or a cafeteriaD.open in January as the first virtual museum(2).Why does Afghanculturemuseu

29、m. org eliminate the debate on whether a museums priority should be to display artworks or to preserve them?(分数:2.00)A.Because it can replace the traditional museum in the near future.B.Because it only allows the doctorates to see works that need particular protection.C.Because when displaying the a

30、rtworks, it also prevents others from stealing them.D.Because it almost eliminates the contradiction between displaying and preserving artworks.(3).It can be inferred from the passage that_.(分数:2.00)A.it is Pascale Bastide who designed the Museum of Afghan CivilizationB.the Museum of Afghan Civiliza

31、tion is not just a website full of picturesC.traditional museums should display artworks rather than display themD.virtual museums will completely replace the traditional ones in the futureBonfires can cause localized air pollution and annoy neighbours. Follow the bonfire guidelines to reduce nuisan

32、ce to others. There are no specific laws governing the use of bonfires although under the Environmental Protection Act(EPA)1990, a statutory nuisance includes smoke, fumes or gases emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance. If bothered by smoke, approach your neighbour an

33、d explain the problem. You might feel awkward, but they may not be aware of the distress they are causing and it will hopefully make them more considerate in the future. If this fails, contact your local councils environmental health department. The National Society for Clean Air and Environmental P

34、rotection(NSCA)factsheet Pollution, Nuisance and the Law explains the situation in more detail. If the fire is only occasional it is unlikely to be considered a nuisance in law. Under the Highways Act 1980, anyone lighting a fire and allowing smoke to drift across a road faces a fine if it endangers

35、 traffic. Contact the police in this case. Whats wrong with bonfires? Burning garden waste produces smoke, especially if it is damp and smouldering. Burning plastic, rubber or painted materials not only creates an unpleasant smell but also produces a range of poisonous compounds. Your bonfire will a

36、lso add to the general background level of air pollution. Bonfire smoke may cause problems for asthmatics, bronchitis sufferers, people with heart conditions and children. The smoke, smuts, and smell from bonfires are the subject of many complaints to local councils. Smoke prevents your neighbours f

37、rom enjoying their gardens, opening windows or hanging washing out, and reduces visibility in the neighbourhood and on roads. Allotments near homes can cause particular problems if plot holders persistently burn waste. Fire can spread to fences or buildings and cans are a hazard when rubbish is burn

38、ed. Piles of garden waste are often used as a refuge by animals, so look out for hibernating wildlife and sleeping pets. If a bonfire is the best practicable option for disposing of garden waste, follow these guidelines from the National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection(NCSA)to avo

39、id serious nuisance: 1)only burn dry material; 2)never burn household rubbish, rubber tyres, or anything containing plastic, foam or paint; 3)never use old engine oil, meths or petrol to light the fire or encourage it; 4)avoid lighting a fire in unsuitable weather conditionssmoke hangs in the air on

40、 damp, still days and in the evening; 5)if it is windy, smoke may be blown into neighbours, gardens and across roads; 6)avoid burning when air pollution in your area is high or very high-check the weather forecast, or the air quality website.(分数:4.00)(1).Which of the following statements is INCORREC

41、T according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.The law may not help reduce nuisance.B.Bonfire smoke may cause problems for people with heart problems.C.Garden waste may be used as a refuge by animals.D.Anyone lighting a fire and allowing smoke to drift across a road may be fined if it endangers the traffic.(

42、2).All of the following are included in the bonfire guidelines offered in the passage EXCEPT_.(分数:2.00)A.avoiding burning when air pollution is very seriousB.only burning dry materialC.never using old engine oil, meths or petrol to light the fireD.only burning in a place that is far away from the ne

43、ighbourhoodThe word open is really used a lot. Youve probably heard open up in many ways over the years. Probably most people would like to be more open than they are right now. We know it feels good to share with others. If feels good to talk to somebody about things were concerned about. Its good

44、to be able to trust somebody. What do we really mean by becoming open? Well, trying to talk about yourself in such a way that something of the inner person, that is you, is communicated to others might be one way of being open or at least thinking about being open. That inner person is a complex per

45、son who has a variety of thoughts and also feelings. So, wanting to share with other people these inner feelings and these inner thoughts is one way of becoming open. Being open is a kind of invitation to others. What you share about yourself should encourage others to come in, so to speak and make

46、contact with you. To involve themselves with you. Being open is difficult. It makes us feel vulnerable, psychologically naked and usually anxious. But it also is important in terms of really letting others get to understand how we think, how we feel and what we believe We often hide our inner though

47、ts and feelings because were concerned how well excepted theyll be by other people. But we also shut out other people from knowing and accepting us by not being open. Were denying ourselves that chance to speak out, to declare our inner thoughts and feelings. Its up to you to decide just how youre g

48、oing to talk about yourself and what youre going to say. Telling somebody that school or work is awful. However, it might be more meaningful to share why youre saying that about school or work. Thats at a little deeper level. There are probably more risks attached to sharing that. Probably most important is an immediate here and now honesty that goes along with being open. For instance, telling someone that youre bored is risky, but it takes courage to say, Im bored, why dont we do such


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