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1、专业英语四级分类模拟325及答案解析 (总分:60.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、CLOZE(总题数:3,分数:60.00)Atheoretical Bdistinction Cfocusing Dmaintains Econcentrate Fcentral Gjustifying Hemerged IForethoughtful Jprominent Kpreoccupation Lpromiscuous MForemost Nanalysts Ocritics Aesthetic thought of a distinctively modem bent 1 during the 18t

2、h century. The western philosophers and critics of this time devoted much attention to such matters as natural beauty, the sublime, and representationa trend reflecting the central position they had given to the philosophy of nature. Since that time, however, the philosophy of art has become ever mo

3、re 2 and has begun to supplant the philosophy of nature. Various issues 3 to the philosophy of art have had a marked impact on the orientation of 20th-century aesthetics. 4 among these are problems relating to the theory of art as form and to the 5 between representation and expression. Still anothe

4、r far-reaching question has to do with the value of art. Two opposing 6 positions have been taken on this issue: one holds that art and its appreciation are a means to some recognized moral good, whereas the other 7 that art is intrinsically valuable and is an end in itself. Underlying this whole is

5、sue is the concept of taste, one of the basic concerns of aesthetics. In recent years there has also been an increasing 8 with art as the prime object of critical judgment. Corresponding to the trend in contemporary aesthetic thought, 9 have followed either of two approaches. In one, criticism is re

6、stricted to the analysis and interpretation of the work of art. In the other, it is devoted to articulating the response to the aesthetic object and to 10 a particular way of perceiving it.(分数:25.00)Awhen Breach Cuntil Dso Erecovering Fphone Gappropriate Hconfusing Itell Jtune Ktone Ltype Minquiries

7、 Nrecording Oplace More and more residences, businesses, and even government agencies are using telephone answering machines to take messages or give information or instructions. Sometimes these machines give 11 instructions, or play messages that are difficult to understand. If you make telephone c

8、alls, you need to be ready to respond when you get a 12 The most common machine is the 13 used in residence. If you call a home where there is a telephone answering machine in operation you will hear several rings and then a recorded message that usually says something like this: Hello, we cant come

9、 to the 14 right now. If you want us to call you back, please leave your name and number after the beep. Then you will hear a beep, which is a brief, high-pitched 15 . After the beep, you can say who you are, whom you want to speak to, and what number the person should call to 16 you, or you can lea

10、ve a message. Some telephone answering machines record for only 20 or 30 seconds after the beep, 17 you must respond quickly. Some large businesses and government agencies are using telephone answering machines to provide information on topics about which they receive a large volume of 18 . Generall

11、y speaking, using these systems requires you to have a touchtone phone. The voice on the machine will tell you to push a certain button on your telephone if you want information on Topic A, another button for Topic B, and so on. You listen 19 you hear the topic you want to learn about, and then you

12、push the 20 button. Immediately after making your selection, you will hear a recorded message on the topic.(分数:25.00)A. grimy B. assumed C. derives D. emerges E. approve F. turned G. buried H. published I. unfortunately J. grim K. appeared L. intriguingly M. conjunction N. bolster O. relationship Sc

13、ientists say they have found rare evidence of a prehistoric massacre in Europe after discovering a 7,000-year-old mass grave with skeletal remains from some of the continents first farmers bearing terrible wounds. Archaeologists who painstakingly examined the bones of some 26 men, women and children

14、 21 in the Stone Age grave site at Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten say they found blunt force marks to the head, arrow wounds and deliberate efforts to smash at least half of the victims shinseither to stop them from running away or as a 22 message to survivors. It was either torture or mutilation. We cant

15、 say for sure whether the victims were still alive, said Christian Meyer, one of the authors of the study 23 Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Meyer said the findings from Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten 24 theories put forward after the earlier discovery of two other g

16、rave sites in Germany and Austria. At all three sites, the victims and the perpetrators 25 to have been from the Linearbandkeramikor LBKculture, a farming people who arrived in central Europe about 5,500 B.C. Their name 26 from the German phrase for linear band ceramics, a reference to the style of

17、their pottery. 27 , the sites have all been dated toward the end of the LBKs 600-year presence, suggesting that members of this culture may have 28 on each other. Its about finding patterns. One mass grave was spectacular, but it was just a single grave. But when several such sites are found from th

18、e same period, then a pattern 29 , said Meyer. In their article, the authors suggested that the new evidence in 30 with previous results, indicates that massacres of entire communities were not isolated occurrences but rather were frequent features of the last phases of the LBK.(分数:10.00)专业英语四级分类模拟3

19、25答案解析 (总分:60.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、CLOZE(总题数:3,分数:60.00)Atheoretical Bdistinction Cfocusing Dmaintains Econcentrate Fcentral Gjustifying Hemerged IForethoughtful Jprominent Kpreoccupation Lpromiscuous MForemost Nanalysts Ocritics Aesthetic thought of a distinctively modem bent 1 during the 18th century. T

20、he western philosophers and critics of this time devoted much attention to such matters as natural beauty, the sublime, and representationa trend reflecting the central position they had given to the philosophy of nature. Since that time, however, the philosophy of art has become ever more 2 and has

21、 begun to supplant the philosophy of nature. Various issues 3 to the philosophy of art have had a marked impact on the orientation of 20th-century aesthetics. 4 among these are problems relating to the theory of art as form and to the 5 between representation and expression. Still another far-reachi

22、ng question has to do with the value of art. Two opposing 6 positions have been taken on this issue: one holds that art and its appreciation are a means to some recognized moral good, whereas the other 7 that art is intrinsically valuable and is an end in itself. Underlying this whole issue is the c

23、oncept of taste, one of the basic concerns of aesthetics. In recent years there has also been an increasing 8 with art as the prime object of critical judgment. Corresponding to the trend in contemporary aesthetic thought, 9 have followed either of two approaches. In one, criticism is restricted to

24、the analysis and interpretation of the work of art. In the other, it is devoted to articulating the response to the aesthetic object and to 10 a particular way of perceiving it.(分数:25.00)解析:H 考点 考查动词。 bent原意为“弯曲的;决心的”,在这里表示“分歧,争端”的意思,结合全文主旨可推测本句意思为“18世纪美学思想开始出现明显的分歧”,由此可知,空格处所填单词具有“出现,浮现,兴起”的意思,故选H项

25、,emerged意为“出现,浮现,显露”。解析:J 考点 考查形容词。 分析句子结构可知,空格处应填形容词,选项中J项prominent意为“突出的,杰出的”;L项promiscuous意为“混杂的,杂乱的”。根据本句中的however可知,西方哲学家关注的重点由自然哲学转向了艺术哲学,因此艺术哲学应该是变得更加“突出”,所以答案为J项prominent。解析:F 考点 考查形容词。 该句意为“对艺术哲学来说各种 -|_|-问题给20世纪的美学倾向带来了显著的影响”。分析句子结构可知, -|_|- to the philosophy of art作后置定语修饰主语issues,因此空格处应填形

26、容词、动名词或者动词的过去分词。A项theoretical“理论上的”和L项promiscuous“混杂的,杂乱的”,与题意不符;C项focusing和G项justifying都不能和介词to搭配,故排除;F项central意为“中心的,主要的”,be central to为固定搭配,意为“对极为重要”,在这里表示这些问题与艺术哲学之间有着极为重要的关系,故答案选F。解析:M 考点 考查形容词。 根据下文Still another far-reaching question(另一个影响深远的问题)可知,此处的问题也有深远的意义,因此只有M项Foremost符合题意,foremost意为“最重要

27、的”;I项Forethoughtful意为“深谋远虑的,有先见之明的”,不符合题意,故排除。解析:B 考点 考查名词。 本句意为“其中最重要的问题是关于将艺术作为形式的理论以及表现和表达之间的 -|_|-”,由下文Two opposing.positions.可知,这里表达的应是“表现和表达之间的对比区分”,故空格处应填B项,distinction意为“区别,差别”。解析:A 考点 考查形容词。 句中take.positions on.为固定搭配,意为“在问题上采取态度/姿态”,该句意为“在这个问题上人们持有两种完全对立的 -|_|-观点”,由上文的the theory of art.可知,本

28、文主要讨论了美学思想以及围绕它的各种争论,而这些争论应建立在假设的理论基础上,故本题答案为A项,theoretical意为“理论(上)的;推理的”。解析:D 考点 考查动词。 前文说到在这个问题上人们持有两种完全对立的理论观点,此句上半部分提到一部分人的观点,下半句又说到另一部分人的观点。由此句的句型可知,空格处所填单词应与前面的holds时态和数一致且意思也相近,表示支持某观点的意思,故答案选D项,maintains意为“坚持认为;维持”。解析:K 考点 考查名词。 根据上句中的one of the basic concerns of aesthetics和该句前半部分的also可知,art

29、 as the prime object of critical judgment也是人们很关注的一种事物。K项preoccupation意为“全神贯注,入神”,preoccupation with为固定搭配,意为“对很关注”,故选K。解析:O 考点 考查名词。 上一句说到最近几年艺术已经逐渐成为人们首要的批判对象,由此推知此句的意思为“与现代美学思想的趋势相一致, -|_|-已经遵循两种方法中的任一方法”,由句意和下文出现的criticism可知,此处的主语应该是评论家,O项critics“评论家,批评者”符合题意,故为答案。解析:G 考点 考查动词。 该句意为“它致力于表达人们对审美对象的

30、反应,以及 -|_|-感知这一物体的一种特定方式是恰当的”。and连接的articulating the response to.和 -|_|-a particular way.为并列关系,都与devoted相呼应,因此在形式上要保持一致,故本题选G项justifying“证明有理;辩护”。Awhen Breach Cuntil Dso Erecovering Fphone Gappropriate Hconfusing Itell Jtune Ktone Ltype Minquiries Nrecording Oplace More and more residences, business

31、es, and even government agencies are using telephone answering machines to take messages or give information or instructions. Sometimes these machines give 11 instructions, or play messages that are difficult to understand. If you make telephone calls, you need to be ready to respond when you get a

32、12 The most common machine is the 13 used in residence. If you call a home where there is a telephone answering machine in operation you will hear several rings and then a recorded message that usually says something like this: Hello, we cant come to the 14 right now. If you want us to call you back

33、, please leave your name and number after the beep. Then you will hear a beep, which is a brief, high-pitched 15 . After the beep, you can say who you are, whom you want to speak to, and what number the person should call to 16 you, or you can leave a message. Some telephone answering machines recor

34、d for only 20 or 30 seconds after the beep, 17 you must respond quickly. Some large businesses and government agencies are using telephone answering machines to provide information on topics about which they receive a large volume of 18 . Generally speaking, using these systems requires you to have

35、a touchtone phone. The voice on the machine will tell you to push a certain button on your telephone if you want information on Topic A, another button for Topic B, and so on. You listen 19 you hear the topic you want to learn about, and then you push the 20 button. Immediately after making your sel

36、ection, you will hear a recorded message on the topic.(分数:25.00)解析:H 考点 考查形容词。 根据连接词or可知,give -|_|- instructions的意思应该与后面的play messages that are difficult to understand相近。H项confusing意为“令人困惑的”,表示“有时这些机器会发出令人困惑的指令”,因此选H。解析:N 考点 考查名词。 文中的machines指的是答录机,其给出的说明或播放的信息应该都来自于“录音”。因此第一段最后一句话的意思是“如果你打电话,你就要准备好

37、在听到录音时做出回应”,本题选N项,recording意为“录音”。E项recovering意为“恢复”,不合句意,可排除。解析:L 考点 考查名词。 这句话意为“最常见的电话答录机是在人们家里使用的那种 -|_|-”,L项type意为“类型;种类”,侧重指某一类事物中相似的型号和式样;指“某一种”机器的时候用type比较合适,故选L。解析:F 考点 考查名词。 引号中的是电话答录机经常会播放的录音内容,根据常识可以判断,该处句意应为“我们不能立刻到电话前(接听)”,因此选F项phone“电话”。解析:J 考点 考查名词。 该题考查的是将beep概括为一种东西。J项tune意为“旋律,声调”,

38、侧重于电子、通信的曲调;K项tone意为“音调,语气”,更侧重于人的语调和音乐的曲调。所以电话应答机的声音只能用tune来表示,因此选J。解析:B 考点 考查动词。 B项reach的常用意义为“到达;延伸”,也有“与取得联系”的意思,这里指的是打电话的人要在留言中说明打哪个号码能够“联系”到他。因此选B项。解析:D 考点 考查连接词 该句意为“一些电话答录机在滴声后录音的时间只有20或30秒, -|_|-你必须迅速地做出反应”,因此空格应填表示“因此,所以”的单词,D项so“所以”符合题意。解析:M 考点 考查名词。 该句意为“一些大型的企业和政府机构正在使用电话答录机,以提供关于一些主题的信

39、息,而这些主题他们收到了大量的 -|_|-”,根据常识可知,答录机所提供的一般是一些经常有人询问的、基本的信息。M项inquiry意为“询问,打听”,符合题意,因此答案为M项。解析:C 考点 考查连词。 该句意为“你一直听, -|_|-听到你想要获悉的主题时”,“听”是可以延续的动作,因此此处用C项until“直到”最合适;A项when意为“当的时候”,不符合题意。解析:G 考点 考查形容词。 空格处应填一个形容词来修饰button。根据句意“你一直听,直到听到你想要获悉的主题时,再按 -|_|-键”,由上下文可知,此处表示的是“根据主题的不同而按相应合适的键”,G项appropriate意为

40、“适当的,合适的”。因此G项为正确答案。A. grimy B. assumed C. derives D. emerges E. approve F. turned G. buried H. published I. unfortunately J. grim K. appeared L. intriguingly M. conjunction N. bolster O. relationship Scientists say they have found rare evidence of a prehistoric massacre in Europe after discovering

41、a 7,000-year-old mass grave with skeletal remains from some of the continents first farmers bearing terrible wounds. Archaeologists who painstakingly examined the bones of some 26 men, women and children 21 in the Stone Age grave site at Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten say they found blunt force marks to t

42、he head, arrow wounds and deliberate efforts to smash at least half of the victims shinseither to stop them from running away or as a 22 message to survivors. It was either torture or mutilation. We cant say for sure whether the victims were still alive, said Christian Meyer, one of the authors of t

43、he study 23 Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Meyer said the findings from Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten 24 theories put forward after the earlier discovery of two other grave sites in Germany and Austria. At all three sites, the victims and the perpetrators 25 to hav

44、e been from the Linearbandkeramikor LBKculture, a farming people who arrived in central Europe about 5,500 B.C. Their name 26 from the German phrase for linear band ceramics, a reference to the style of their pottery. 27 , the sites have all been dated toward the end of the LBKs 600-year presence, s

45、uggesting that members of this culture may have 28 on each other. Its about finding patterns. One mass grave was spectacular, but it was just a single grave. But when several such sites are found from the same period, then a pattern 29 , said Meyer. In their article, the authors suggested that the n

46、ew evidence in 30 with previous results, indicates that massacres of entire communities were not isolated occurrences but rather were frequent features of the last phases of the LBK.(分数:10.00)解析:G解析 从句法功能判断,该空格需要填入后置修饰语。依据上下文,尤其是grave site和mass grave,选择buried。解析:J解析 从句法功能判断,该空格需要填入名词修饰语,很可能是形容词。依据上文

47、对受害人的描述(blunt force marks to the head, arrow wounds and deliberate efforts to smash at least half of the victims shins),以及与grimy的意义辨析,选择grim。grim表示“严峻的”,例如:When he lost his job, his future looked grim. grimy表示“沾满污垢的”,例如:The whole town was grimy from smoke and coal-dust.解析:H解析 从句法功能判断,该空格需要填入后置修饰语。依据

48、上下文,尤其是与学术发现相关的词语study、journal,选择published。解析:N解析 从句法功能判断,该空格需要填入谓语动词。依据下文(theories put forward after the earlier discovery of two other grave sites in Germany and Austria),以及与approve的意义辨析,选择bolster。bolster表示“支持、支撑、加强”,例如:Timman needs to win a game to bolster his confidence. approve表示“同意”,此处不适用。解析:K解析 从句法功能判断,该空格需要填入谓语动词(过去时)。依据上下文,以及与assu

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