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1、2013-2014学年江苏省金坛市第三中学八年级 5月月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 【小题 1】 Sunshine For All works _ (close) with the local government. 【小题 2】 It is _ ( meaning ) for teenagers to help the poor people. 【小题 3】 Quite a few _ (charity), including one foundation, are helping the children. 【小题 4】 We will give a _ (help) hand if

2、 you are in trouble. 【小题 5】 Dr. Black felt tired because he had two_(operate) yesterday. 答案:【小题 1】 closely 【小题 2】 meaningful 【小题 3】 charities 【小题 4】 helpful 【小题 5】 operatio 试题分析: 【小题 1】句意:阳光为所有人与当地 政府合作紧密。 closely紧密地,修饰动词 work要用副词 . 【小题 2】句意:对于青少年来说帮助穷人是有意义的。 meaningful有意义的 【小题 3】句意:相当有几家慈善机构,包括一个基金

3、会在帮助孩子们。 charity慈善机构, a few+可数名词复数,故填 charities 【小题 4】句意:如果你遇到麻烦,我们会帮助你 . give a helpful hand to帮助 【小题 5】句意:因为昨天有两个手术,布莱克先生感觉很累 . operation手术,是名词。 two operations两个手术 考点:单词填空。 Travelling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic devel

4、ops fast, so travelling to different places has become much faster than before. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip The following information may be useful to you.Before leaving Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses. T

5、ake some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems. Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip. Prepare proper food. Before you prepare the food, the first thing you need to think a

6、bout is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They dont go bad quickly. The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables. While travelling Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fr

7、uit. Have enough time to take a rest during your trip. Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle. Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. If you need to keep cold food

8、cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge. Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold. How to keep 【小题 1】 during a trip Before leaving Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses . 【小题 2】 some necessary medicine with you

9、. Exercise for weeks or months before you leave. prepare proper food. Take bread, biscuits and some fruit for a 【小题 3】 trip or bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables for a nearer one. While 【小题4】 Dont eat dirty food or bad fruit. Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.

10、 Drink 【小题 5】 water and always clean the cover. Keep food in good condition. Remember to keep hot food hot and cold food cold. 答案:【小题 1】 healthy 【小题 2】 Take 【小题 3】 Long 【小题 4】 travelling 【小题 5】 bottled 试题分析:本文告诉我们旅途中怎样才能保证安全:随身携带些必要的药品;长途旅行带面包、饼干和水果;喝瓶装水等内容。做到以上几点,你才会有一个健康舒适的旅行。 【小题 1】句意:旅途中怎样保证安全。据

11、 But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip 可知答案:。 【小题 2】句意 :随身携带些必要的药品。据 Take some necessary medicine with you.可知答案: 【小题 3】句意:长途旅行带面包、饼干和水果。据 If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. 可知答案:。 【小题 4】句意:当旅行的时候。据 While travelling Be sure not to eat di

12、rty food or bad fruit. 可知答案: 。 【小题 5】句意:喝瓶装水。据 so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.可知答案: 考点:任务型阅读。 单项选择 * It is a pity that his son was born _ a weak heart. A in B from C at D with 答案: D 试题分析:句意 :他的儿子生来就心脏弱是一个遗憾。 be born with.是一个固定句式,生来就有 .,据句意,故选 D。 考点:考查介词。 -Its very ni

13、ce of you to carry the box for me. -_ A Id love to B Yes, of course C My pleasure D Sounds great 答案: C 试题分析:句意 :为我扛这个箱子你真好。愿意为你效劳。 A Id love to我愿意做 ., B Yes, of course当然, C My pleasure愿意为你效劳, D Sounds great听起来很棒。据句 意,故选 C。 考点:考查交际用语。 The colour of this book is similar to _ of mine. A it B one C that

14、 D this 答案: C 试题分析:句意 :这本书的颜色和我的是相似的。 be similar to是固定短语,和 .类似, that代替前文提到的 the colour,其他项不符合题意。据句意,故选C。 考点:考查代词。 It is not wise _ teenagers to be crazy about stars. It is more important _ them to learn more about Chinese culture. A for; for B of; for C of; of D for; of 答案: B 试题分析:句意 : 对于青少年来说,对明星的狂

15、热是不明智的。对他们来说学习更多的中国文化更重要。 of teenagers中强调青少年是不明智的; for them to learn more about Chinese culture中强调 to learn more about Chinese culture是重要的。据句意,故选 B。 考点:考查介词。 It is wrong of a student _ his homework by himself. Copying makes one lazy. A to do B dont do C not do D not to do 答案: D 试题分析:句意 :一个学生不自己做家庭作业

16、是错误的。抄袭使人懒惰。这里应该用动词不定式的否定式 not to do.,是句子的真正主语。据句意,故选 D。 考点:考查非谓 语动词。 I like using QQ to make _ easier for friends to contact with each other. A it B that C this D them 答案: A 试题分析:句意 :我喜欢用 QQ使朋友彼此沟通更容易。 It做形式宾语,其他项不符合题意。据句意,故选 A。 考点:考查代词。 She was very us for informing her of her sons safe return. A

17、grateful to B grateful for C grateful D grateful with 答案: A 试题分析:句意 :她非常感激我们通知她她的儿子安全归来。 be grateful to. 是固定词组,感激 ,据句意,故选 A。 考点:考查固定短语。 Your advice sounds for me to take. A well enough B enough well C good enough D wonderfully enough 答案: C 试题分析:句意 :你的建议听起来足够好,我能采纳。 Sound是系动词,后跟形容词, enough要放在形容词的后面。据

18、句意,故选 C。 考点:考查固定用法。 The houses in this village are built of stones and bricks. A most B almost C mostly D nearly 答案: C 试题分析:句意 :村子里的房子大部分是由石头和砖建成的。 Mostly大多数,是副词,修饰 are built。据句意,故选 C。 考点:考查副词。 Mum, I want to have some milk. There is none . What about orange juice A have B leaving C left D leaves 答案

19、: C 试题分析:句意 :妈妈,我想喝一些牛奶。一点儿也没有剩下。橘子汁怎么样?left做定语修饰不定代词 none。据句意,故选 C。 考点:考查非谓语动词。 完型填空 Jim is interested in reading. One day, he wants to borrow a book from the . He goes there Jack. They cant see assistants there, only some robots standing there. Then Jim says to one of , “Hey, give me a book.” But

20、the robot work. “Whats wrong the robot ” he asks Jack. Jack tells him, “When you want something from somebody, you must please first.” So Jim says, “Please me a book, Mr. Robot.” Then the robot brings him the book. But again, Jim cant take the book out of the robots hands. Jack says, “You must say T

21、hank you before you take the book.” Jim says “Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Robot.” Then he gets the book he wants from the robots hands. 【小题1】 A office B shop C library D hospital A to B with C from D at A a B some C the D any A a robot B robots C the robots D robot A isnt B dont C not D doesnt A at

22、 B with C to D about A to borrow B borrows C borrowing D to borrowing A to say B say C says D saying A give B gives C to give D giving A But B And C So D Or 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 C 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是一天,吉姆想从图书馆借一本书,他在那里没有看到图书管理员。吉姆对机器人管

23、理员说话不太礼貌,那个机器人没有回答他。当他第二次讲话礼貌的时候,机器人管理员很快地按照他说的做了。 【小题 1】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:一天,他想从图书馆借一本书。 A. office办公室, B. shop商店, C. library图书馆, D. hospital医院。据句意,故选 C。 【小题 2】考查介词及语境的理解。句意:他和杰克去那儿。 A. to向, B. with和, C. from从, D. at在。据句意 ,故选 B。 【小题 3】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:他们在那里没有看到图书管理员。A. a一个, B. some一些, C. the这个, D. any一些,

24、assistants是复数形式,且any用于否定句中,故选 D。 【小题 4】考查固定用法及语境的理解。句意:然后吉姆对一个机器人说。 one of+the+名词复数,据句意,故选 C。 【小题 5】考查固定用法及语境的理解。句意:但是那个机器人没有回答。 the robot是单数第三人称,据句意,故选 D。 【小题 6】考查固定句式及语境的理解。句意:机器人出了什么问 题? Whats wrong with ? 怎么了?是固定句式,据句意,故选 B。 【小题 7】考查非谓语动词及语境的理解。句意:当你向某人借东西时。 want to do.想要做 .,据句意,故选 A。 【小题 8】考查固定

25、用法及语境的理解。句意:你必须首先说 “请 ”。情态动词must后跟动词原形。故选 B。 【小题 9】考查祈使句及语境的理解。句意:请给我一本书,机器人先生。祈使句以动词原形开头。故选 A。 【小题 10】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:因此吉姆说: “噢,非常谢谢你,机器人先生。 ” A. But但是, B. And并且, C. So因此, D. Or或者。据句意,故选 C。 考点:科普类短文。 阅读理解 We each have a memory(记忆力) . Thats why we can still remember things after a long time. Some peop

26、le have very good memories and they can easily learn many things in a short time, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns

27、 his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it

28、is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the students have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises. 【小题 1】 Some people can easily learn many things in a short time because A they al

29、ways sleep very well B they often eat good food C they read a lot of books D they have very good memories 【小题 2】 Everybody learns his mother language . A at the age of six B when he is a small child C after he goes to school D when he can read and write 【小题 3】 Before a child can speak, he must . A r

30、ead and write B make sentences C hear and remember the sounds D think hard 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 试题分析:本文告诉我们一些人能在短时间内容易学习很多东西是因为他们有好的记忆力。好的记忆力有助于我们学习语言,通过锻炼我们的记忆力也会越来越好。 【小题 1】细节理解题。一些人能在短时间内容易学习很多东西是因为他们有好的记忆力。 根据文章中 Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things

31、in a short time. 故选 D。 【小题 2】细节理解题。当他小的时候,每个人都学习他的母语。根据文章Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. 故选 B。 【小题 3】细节理解题。一个孩子能说 话之前,他必须听到和记住声音。根据短文 He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. 故选 C。 考点:科普类短文阅读。 Living in a foreign country can be exciting, but it

32、can also be confusing (令人迷惑的 ).A group of Americans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences. They decided that miscommunications were always possible, even over something as simple as “yes” and “no”. On her first day in Micronesia, an island in the Pacific, Lisa th

33、ought people werent paying any attention to her. The day was hot. She went into a store and asked,“Do you have cold drinks ”The woman there didnt say anything. Lisa repeated the question. Still the woman said nothing. She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her eyebrows (眉毛

34、 ), which in Micronesia means“yes”. Jan remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria, a country in Europe. She went to a restaurant that was known for its cabbage. She asked the waiter, “Do you have cabbage today ” He nodded his head. Jan waited, but the cabbage never came. In that country, a nod me

35、ans “no”. Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India. After explaining something in class, he asked his students if they understood. They answered with many different nods and shakes of the head. He thought some students had not understood, so he explained again. When he asked again, they di

36、d the same thing. He soon found out that his students did understand. In India, people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean “yes” or “no”. 【小题 1】 These Americans teaching English in othe

37、r countries found that they _. A should go abroad for vacations B needed to learn foreign languages C should often discuss their experiences D had problems with communications 【小题 2】 People in Micronesia show “yes” by _. A nodding heads B raising eyebrows C shaking heads D saying “no” 【小题 3】 Tom mis

38、understood his class at first because_. A he did not know much about Indian culture B he didnt explain everything clearly enough C some students didnt understand his questions D he didnt know where the students came from 【小题 4】 The passage is mainly about_. A body language in foreign restaurants B c

39、lass discussion in Indian schools C miscommunication in different cultures D English teaching in other countries 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 试题分析:本文告诉我们不同文化间的理解错误现象,并举了几个真实可信的实例。在密克罗尼西亚通过扬起眉毛表示 “是 ”, 汤姆起先不明白他的学生的意思也是因为他对印度了解不多的理解错误。 【小题 1】细节理解题。在其它国家教英语的美国人发现他们在交流方面有问题。根据短文 A group of Ame

40、ricans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences. They decided that miscommunications were always possible, even over something as simple as “yes” and “no”.可知 D。 【小题 2】细节理解题。在密克罗尼西亚通过扬起眉毛表示 “是 ”。根据 She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her

41、 eyebrows, which in Micronesia means“yes”。故选 B。 【小题 3】判断推理题。 汤姆起先不明白他的学生的意思因为他对印度了解不多。根据 对汤姆的解释不同地区的学生有不同的表达 yes的方式,起先汤姆不懂最后终于明白其中原因可推测出答案:,故选 A。 【小题 4】主旨大意题。这篇短文主要是关于在不同文化中的理解错误。根据全文内容可知答案:。故选 C。 考点:社会文化类短文阅读。 Mikes plan for next week Marys plan for next week Monday Study group meeting 3:00 p.m. Go

42、 to the cinema with Alice 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Basketball match 4:30 p.m. See a doctor 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Go to see some friends 2:00 p.m. Study for an exam -evening Thursday Art class 7:30-8:30 p.m. Concert 8:30 p.m. Friday volunteer work at student center 2:00-4:00 p.m. Help Uncle Smith in the rest

43、aurant -afternoon Saturday Shopping 10:00 a.m. Art class 7:00-8:00 p.m. Sunday Basketball team party 8:00 p.m. Supper with Ann 7:30 p.m. 【小题 1】 Mary is going to the cinema at seven on _. A. Monday evening B. Wednesday evening C. Friday evening D Sunday evening 【小题 2】 On Wednesday afternoon Mike is g

44、oing to _ A enjoy the concert B see some friends C see a doctor D have an art class 【小题 3】 From Mikes and Marys plans we know that they both like_. A shopping B concerts C art D music 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 试题分析:本文给我们提供了迈克和玛丽的下周计划。计划事件的时间、名称在表格中作了详细呈现。我们要根据题目要求仔细寻找答案:。 【小题 1】细节理解题。玛丽要在周一晚上 7:

45、 00去看电影。根据文章中Monday: Go to the cinema with Alice 7:00 p.m.故选 A。 【小题 2】细节理解题。星期三下午迈克要去看一些朋友。根据文章中Wednesday: Go to see some friends 2:00 p.m. 故选 B。 【小题 3】推理判断题。从迈克与玛丽的计划我们知道他们都喜欢艺术课。 根据短文 Art class 7:30-8:30 p.m. Art class 7:00-8:00 p.m. 故选 C。 考点:表格类短文阅读。 书面表达 根据以下要点,写一篇短文向你的同学介绍世界特殊奥运会( the Special O

46、lympics World Games)。要求语句通顺,不少于 80字。 要点: 1.特奥会每两年举办一次。 2007年上海举办了第 12届夏季特奥会。 2.特奥会运动项目很多,例如:篮球、足球、游泳等。 3.特奥会的参加的对象以及这一次活动的意义。 答案: Do you know the Special Olympics It is held every two years. In 2007, Shanghai held the twelfth summer Special Olympics.The Special Olympics has many sports events, such

47、as basketball, football and swimming. These athletes are usually disabled people. The results of their competition are not important. When we see them working hard at the Special Olympics, their confidence touches us deeply. Their spirit has brought us great encouragement. They are really the most l

48、ovely person. What about your idea 单词拼写 根据提示或句意写出所缺单词。 【小题 1】 He is _(自信 ) enough to pass the exam. 【小 题 2】 We can _ (支持 ) the poor children by donating books to them. 【小题 3】 I wasnt _ (期望 ) you to help me. 【小题 4】 It was an unhappy but _ (必要 ) thing to do. 【小题 5】 You need to receive two days _(培训) before you work as a teacher here. 答案:【小题 1】 confident 【小题 2】 support 【小题 3】 expecting


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