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1、20092010 学年江苏省宿迁市初一下学期期末考试英语卷 其他 Ive got some information for everyone going to America next month. As you know, youll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about 30 in cash (现金 ) and about 200 in travelers cheques (支票 ). Then when you arrive

2、at the airport youll be met by our host (主人 ) family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. Ive told them to look out for the red shirts. Youll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, its very important that you take the school letter. Whil

3、e you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent (代理人 ). Ill give you her office phone number now: Its 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, thats B-E-L-C-H-E-R. Shes in the office from 9-5 every day. OK! Thats everything. Have a good trip. 根据短文内容填写下表,每空词数不限: GOING TO

4、AMERICA Money-cash: 30 traveler cheques: 【小题 1】 Wear: 【小题 2】 Take: 【小题 3】 Office phone number: 【小题 4】 Ask for: 【小题 5】 答案: 【小题 1】 200 【小题 2】 a red shirt 【小题 3】 four photos and school letter 【小题 4】 580-4436 【小题 5】 Mrs. Belcher 1. 根据 about 200 in travelers cheques (支票 )可知旅行支票是 200。 2. 根据 You must remem

5、ber to wear a red shirt可知是穿红色的衬衣,故为 a red shirt。 3. 根据 Youll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, its very important that you take the school letter可知要带 4张相片和学校的信,故答案:为: four photos and school letter。 4. 根据 office phone number now: Its 580-4436可知是 580-4436。 5. 根据 the perso

6、n to ask for is Mrs. Belcher可知是 Mrs. Belcher。 Barack Obama, the US President-elect, is busy choosing members of his cabinet. His daughters, Sasha and Malia, are busy, too. They are making difficult decisions about different dog breeds (品种 ). “The girls asked when we got in this race that whether win

7、 or lose, we get a dog,” said Michelle Obama. “So we will be welcoming a four-legged friend to our house.” No matter what type of puppy Sasha and Malia pick, it will be a part of a long story of White House pets. Everything from snakes to bears has lived at the White House with the president and his

8、 family. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th president, kept a pet raccoon (浣熊 ). Warren Harding had turkeys. William Howard Taft parked his cow in the White House garage too. John Quincy Adams, the sixth president, had a pet alligator (鳄鱼 ). But he wasnt the only White House resident to have one. Herbert Hoo

9、vers son had two pet alligators, and they were sometimes allowed to roam (闲逛 ) around the White House. Bears have also been popular with American presidents. While Thomas Jefferson kept two grizzlies (灰熊 ) in a cage, Theodore Roosevelt had a black bear. Roosevelts interest in bears later led to the

10、creation of the toy teddy bear. Roosevelt and his six children loved animals, and they filled the White House with them. They had dogs, cats, squirrels (松鼠 ), raccoons, rabbits, guinea pigs, a badger (獾 ), a rat, a parrot, and a green snake. 根据上面短文的内容填空 1. _ and _ have difficulty in choosing differe

11、nt kinds of dogs. 2. The four-legged friend refers to _ according to Michelle Obamas _. 3. _ Adams, Herbert Hoovers son liked keeping alligators _ his pets 4. The _ of the toy teddy bear _ from Roosevelts interest in bears. 5. Roosevelt is the _ of six _. 答案: 1. Sasha, Malia 2. a dog, words 3. Like,

12、 as 4. creation, came 5. father, children 1.根据第一段 His daughters, Sasha and Malia, are busy, too. They are making difficult decisions about different dog breeds (品种 ).可知填 : Sasha, Malia 2. 根据 “The girls asked when we got in this race that whether win or lose, we get a dog,” said Michelle Obama. “So w

13、e will be welcoming a four-legged friend to our house.”描述 ,可知填 :a dog, words 3. 根据 John Quincy Adams, the sixth president, had a pet alligator (鳄鱼 ). But he wasnt the only White House resident to have one. Herbert Hoovers son had two pet alligators, 可知前文指像亚当斯 ,郝伯特 ,胡佛一样 ,下文指作为宠物 ,故填 :Like, as 4.根据 o

14、osevelts interest in bears later led to the creation of the toy teddy bear.可知答 : creation, came 5.根据 Roosevelt and his six children可知填 : father, children 根据句子意思,从方框中选择恰当的词或短语填空。 faster, do a space walk, similar to, breathing heavily, familiar with, entering, any more, hobbies 7. Its important for us

15、 junior students to spent some time on our _. 答案: 1. faster, 2. do a space walk 3. similar to 4. breathing heavily 5. entering 6. any more 7. hobbies 1.本句的含义为运动明星刘翔在美国跑得甚至比他手术之后还要快,故本句空格处填快的比较级形式 faster 2. 本句的含义为翟志刚是第一个做太空行走的第一个中国人,故本句空格处填做太空行走的短语 do a space walk。 3. 本句的含义为汉语单词山寨现在被使用于描述与名牌相似的产品,故本句

16、空格处填相似于的短语 similar to。 4.本句的含义为他正在沉重地呼吸,本句为进行结构,故本 句空格处填 breathing heavily。 5.本句的含义为在她进入电影业之前,她把大部分的努力投入到芭蕾舞训练中,介词后使用动名词,故本句空格处填进入的动名词形式 entering。 6. 本句的含义为我担心她不再想给我写信了, not any more 表示不再的含义,故本句空格处填 any more。 7. 本句的含义为对于我们中学生而言把时间花费在我们的爱好上是重要的,故本句空格处填爱好的复数形式 hobbies。 Growing up on her own WORLD No 2

17、 tennis player Jelena Jankovic from Serbia (塞尔维亚 ) has won her second title of the year. She became champion of the China Open on September 28. Jankovic first practiced tennis when she was nine years old. After six months Jankovic played her first match. It was the national championship for kids up

18、to 10 years old. She came to the semi-finals (半决赛 ). When she was 11, she won a national championship for girls up to 12 years old. In order to continue her career, Jelena left Serbia and went to the United States. At that time, she didnt speak any English. And her family did not come with her. It w

19、as a hard time. “I did not know what I needed to do when I was going to school. I could not do my homework. When you have a difficulty, there is nobody to help you. So, you learn it the hard way,” Jelena said. However, it was a good learning experience for Jelena. “It makes me more independent (独立的

20、) and stronger as a person. I know how to do everything by myself so I dont have to depend on (依赖 ) my parents or somebody else to do it for me,” she said. In the US, Jelena received better conditions for practice and development of her game. In 2000, she became a professional (职业选手 ) and has been s

21、hining on the tennis court ever since. 根据上面短文的内容回答问题 1. Where is Jelena Jankovic from 2. What is Jelena Jankovics job 3. Why did she leave for the United States 4. When did she become a professional 5. What do you think of her hard time in the United States 答案: 1. Serbia. 2. A tennis player. 3. Beca

22、use she wanted to continue her career. / 答案: 合理就给分 4. In 2000 5. It was a good learning experience for her. / It made her more independent and stronger. / 答案:合理就给分 补全对话:用适当的句子补全对话 ,使对话意思完整,每空一句。 (10分 ) A: Hello, may I speak to Ivan, please B: Yes.【小题 1】 _. A: Hello, Ivan! This is Bill speaking Its S

23、unday tomorrow. What are you going to do B:【小题 2】 . Do you have any ideas A: There is a fashion show in Huanghe Park tomorrow【小题 3】 _ B: Good idea. 【小题 4】 A: Lets meet outside the school gate at half past eight in the morning. B: How shall we go there A: 【小题 5】 . B: Sorry, my bike is broken Lets go

24、by bus, OK A: All right. See you! B: See you! 答案: 【小题 1】 This is Ivan (speaking). 【小题 2】 Nothing much. 【小题 3】 Shall we go and have a look 【小题 4】 When and where shall we meet 【小题 5】 By bike. 【小题 1】本题为打电话用语,介绍我是谁可用 this isspeaking ,故本句空格处可填 This is Ivan (speaking). 【小题 2】上句的含义为你打算做什么,所以本句的含义为没有什么事可做,故

25、本句空格处可填 Nothing much. 【小题 3】上句的含义为明天在黄河公园有一个时装秀,所以本句的含义为我们去看一下好吗,故本句空格处填 Shall we go and have a look 【小题 4】下句表示我们见面的时间和地点,所以本句的含义为我们何时何地见面,故本句空格处填 When and where shall we meet 【小题 5】下句的含义为我的自行车坏了,所以本句的含义为我骑自行车去公园,故本句空格处填通过自行车的短语 By bike.。 单项选择 * The music _ nice. I often _ it. A listen to / sound B

26、hears / listen to C listens to / listen to D sounds / listen to 答案: D When were you born I was born _ November 6th, 1996. A. in B. on C. at 答案: B My flat is near the river. I often stand in the balcony and_ the ships in the river. A look out of B look out at C look out from D look for at 答案: B -What

27、 are you doing at the moment -I am _ my turn to borrow books. A waiting B staying C waiting for D keeping 答案: C -How much do I need to _ you for this book -Twenty yuan. A spend B pay C cost D take 答案: B This kind of clothes looks cool _. A for you B to you C on you D in you 答案: C _, is there a bus s

28、top near here A Hello B sorry C OK D Excuse me 答案: D -Which floor do you live _ -The first floor. I live _ Room 112. A in / on B on / on C on / in D in / in 答案: C Whats the weather like today A Its Sunday. B Its Sunny. C Its July 31st. D Its exciting. 答案: B Its not easy for us_ English well. A study

29、 B to study C studying D studies 答案: B -Would you like _ fruit -Thank you, but Id like some water. A any more B more some C more any D some more 答案: D I seldom eat sweet snacks because there _ too much sugar in them. A are B is C have D has 答案: B Is there a discount _ computers in your shop I plan t

30、o buy _. A for / a B on / one C with / a D of / one 答案: B I _have breakfast at 7:00. But _ its 7:20. Im having my breakfast. A usually / often B often / usually C sometimes / often D usually / now 答案: D Can you tell me _ A what to keep fit B how to keep fit C keeping fit D to keep fit 答案: B Id like

31、to buy a shirt _. A likes you B to like yours C like yours D likes yours 答案: C _ it is very noisy in the big cities, many people _ love living there. A. Although, still B. But, still C. Although, but still 答案: A Can you share me the information about Gong Li _ you got from the Internet A. who B. tha

32、t C. what 答案: B _ I listen to the story, _ I like it. A. The less, the more B. The more, the less C. The more, the fewer 答案: B Could you look after my dog while I am away _. A. No, thanks. B. With pleasure C. Its a pleasure 答案: B Who _ running, Jim or Jack A. is good at B. is better at C. is the bes

33、t 答案: B I have his address, so I did not have any _ his house. A. difficulty finding out B. difficulty finding C. difficulty looking for 答案: B I _ that the earth moves around the sun. A. often doubt B. never doubt C. sometimes doubt 答案: B You can say Im feeling blue when you are feeling _. A. happy

34、B. sad C. frightened 答案: B Peter is imaginative enough to _ new ideas. A. run up with B. meet up with C. come up with 答案: C _ you cant decide _ to go or not, just stay at home and sleep all day. A. Whether, if B. If, whether C. If, weather 答案: B I read it aloud _ clearly. A. so that I can hear you B

35、. in order to be heard C. to hear 答案: B Which one of the following is NOT RIGHT A. He listened carefully in every class. As a result, he got full marks in the exam. B. He listened so carefully in every class that he got full marks in the exam. C. He got full marks in the exam. As a result, he listen

36、ed carefully in every class. 答案: C 完型填空 People live in different houses. You may know a wooden house or a paper house. But do you know a(n) 36 house In 2008, the first ice house in North America opens its 37 to welcome some visitors. The floors, windows and walls are all made of ice. It has ten bedr

37、ooms 38 twenty people can stay there each night. Visitors to the house 39 in ice beds, sit on ice chairs and eat from ice plates. Well, the toilets are not made of ice, of course. Its usually below zero so it is very 40 inside the house. However, do the visitors just sit there to 41 warm No, visitor

38、s have to 42 special clothes. These can make 43 feel warm until morning. Workers 44 about four weeks designing the ice house. Visitors can only stay in this ice house in winter. It isnt 45 in hot summer. Because this house is so special, it is becoming popular with young people. 【小A toy B water C ic

39、e D candle 题1】 【小题2】 A window B door C shop D book 【小题3】 A but B because C if D and 【小题4】 A cook B lie C stand D change 【小题5】 A cold B hot C bright D dark 【小题6】 A say B shine C keep D call 【小题7】 A make B wear C dress D hope 【小题8】 A them B you C it D us 【小题9】 A need B cost C pay D spend 【小A early B c

40、lean C closed D open 题10】 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 D 本篇文章主要是介绍北美的第一所冰房子,它不同于木房子或纸房子。这座房子于 2008年向游客开放,游客可以 “冰 ”床上睡觉,坐在 “冰 ”椅子上,用 “冰 ”碟子吃饭等,这座房子只能在冬天向游客开放。由于房子很特别,所以很受年轻人欢迎。做好这篇完型填空必须先从整体上理解课文的主要内容,抓住 “冰 ”房子的特点,同时要联系上下文才能做出正确的选择。具体分析如下

41、: 36题:答案:是 C。 从下文可以推断出文章是讲 ice house, 并不是 wooden house 和 paper house. 37题:答案:是 B。从下文 welcome some visitors 推断出是房子开始营业去欢迎旅客。 38题:答案 :是 D。这里考察的是两个句子的关系,从两个句子的意思看应该是并列关系,用 and。 39题:答案:是 B。从意义上和搭配上考虑,作者要表达 “躺在床上,坐在凳子上 ”,应该是用 lie in beds , sit on the chairs这样的搭配。 40题:答案:是 A。从前面的 below zero 和全篇文章都是 ice ho

42、use 推断出是cold。 41题:答案:是 C。本题可以用排除方法从语法上排除错误的答案:,四个选项中只有 keep后面可以跟形容词搭配。同时,根据文章知道是 “保暖 ”的意思,选择 keep warm. 42题:答案:是 B。这道题是考查穿衣服,与下文 “clothes”的搭配, dress 不与具体的衣服搭配。一般 dress 是 dress oneself, dress sb.而 wear 可以跟具体的衣服、帽子搭配。 43题:答案:是 A。这道题是考查代词,因此要联系上下文看看是指代前面的人还是物,从上文可知,这里的代词是指代前面提到的 visitors,因此应该用them. 44题

43、:答案:是 D。 这里考察四个动词的搭配,从下文的 designing可以判断是选 spend. 45题:答案:是 D。联系上文,前面讲到 you can only stay in the ice house in winter,说明夏天是不开放的。 M: What about your history class this afternoon, Millie W: We were supposed to have a history class, but Mr Johnson was ill 36 . So we had a geography class instead. M: Your

44、mother and I will go 37 on Saturday. Will you join us W: Id like to, but I have to take an exam on Sunday. I think Id better 38 at home and study. By the way, will you go climbing in the mountains M: Yes, why W: I know its summer 39 it can get quite cold in the mountains even in June, so bring a coa

45、t with you. Youll need 40 in the early morning. M: OK, we will. 【小题 1】 A in hospital B in a hospital C in a school D at school 【小题 2】 A climbing B climbs C climbed D walking 【小题 3】 A to stay B stay C not stay D not to stay 【小题 4】 A and B but C so D or 【小题 5】 A it B that C one D ones 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题

46、 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】考查固定短语和冠词。 in hospital“生病住院 ”。根据句意可知,约翰逊老师病了。故选 A。 【小题 1】考查固定搭配。 go climbing“去爬山 ”。故选 A。 【小题 1】考查固定句型。 Had better do sth.“最好做某事 ”。故选 B。 【小题 1】考查连接词的用法。 but“但是 ”,表转折。故选 B。 【小题 1】考查代词的用法。 It特指上文提到的事物; that指代不可数名词;one指代可数名词,泛指一个。 “早上(冷),你会需要它。 ”故选 A。 阅读理解 Many peo

47、ple take trains for their trips in China, because the train is fast and cheap. But there are many problems when people take trains. Its not easy to take trains when it is a festival. Lots of people hope someone can solve (解决 ) the problems. Then, the CRH (和谐号列车 ) trains come out. The first CRH train from Beijing to Tianjin runs in August, 2008. CRH1 and CRH2 can go up to 200 km/h, and CRH3 can run 300 km/h. Taking CRH trains is more expensive than taking a traditional train, but cheaper than taking a plane. Some


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