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1、2011-2012学年江苏省张家港市九年级上学期期中考试英语卷 单项选择 * .Put it down, Tom. You mustnt read _ letter. A else anyones B anyones else C anyone elses D anyone else 答案: B Mum, may I have some cakes Sorry, theres _ left in the box. Ill go and buy some for you tonight. A nothing B no one C no D none 答案: A This pair of jean

2、s looks nice_ Sandy because she looks very nice_ blue. A on; in B in; on C for; on D to; in 答案: A Lucys colour _ blue because she likes to be the leader, so it _ red. A cant be; must be B cant be; mustnt be C should be; must be D must be; cant be 答案: A Mary hasnt paid for the school things , has she

3、 _. Her mother will pay for her . A Yes , she has B No , she hasnt C Yes , she did D No, she didnt 答案: B Nobody _ to go into the laboratory without permission (允许 ). A allows B is allowed C promises D is promised 答案: B This computer is old, but it is _ to me because it was a present from my dearest

4、grandpa. A great important B of little importance C of very important D of great importance 答案: D The tourists are_by the_scenes of China A amazed amazed B amazing amazing C amazing amazed D amazed amazing 答案: D The colours of his clothes are different from_of yours A one B ones C that D those 答案: D

5、 So far this year we_a fall in house prices by 5 and 10 percent A saw B see C had seen D have seen 答案: D Too much homework can make us _ or sad. A to feel stress B feel stress C to feel stressed D feel stressed 答案: D Which sentence is wrong A We dont think it necessary to give students tests every w

6、eek. B We dont have to worry about not having enough to eat now. C My father has left school for over twenty years. D He was heard singing a pop song when I passed his room. 答案: C prefer her some presents her some money. A to buying; to giving B to buy; to give C buy; give D buying; to giving 答案: D

7、Im _ to eat a horse now! Really But I dont have _ for you. Its a great pity. A enough hungry; food enough B hungry enough; enough food C hungrily enough; food enough D enough hungry; enough food 答案: B Could you please tell me our tickets A where do we show B where we do show C where we to show D whe

8、re to show 答案: D Do you mind the door A my opening B me to open C mine opening D to open 答案: A Daniel is one of those students who _ always willing to help others . A is B are C was D were 答案: B -Do you know _ back tomorrow - -Sorry, I dont know. When he _ back, Ill tell you. A when does he come, co

9、mes B when he comes, will come C when he will come, comes D when will he come, will come 答案: C His brother is only six years old. He has difficulty the story books. A read B reads C to reads D reading 答案: D Its very kind_you to help me with my English 一 Not at a11 I think it is important_us to help

10、each other A of, of B for, of C of, for D for, for 答案: C 完型填空 The bullet (子弹头 ) train D106 from Changsha to Shanghai has a short stop in Quzhou for only one minute. Named 21 the letter D, the new trains run at speeds of 200 to 250 kilometers one hour. This is much 22 than Z-type and T-type trains. F

11、or example, it 23 take people 12 hours to travel from Shanghai to Beijing. But now it only 24 10. The most interesting part of the bullet trains is the revolving (旋转的 ) seats. People can adjust (调整 ) their seats as they like, so that it is 25 for you to talk with others around you face to face. The

12、new trains run 26 big cities. They 27 the long trips much faster and more comfortable. However, many passengers still wont choose the bullet trains 28 some reasons. The ticket 29 of the bullet trains are much higher. For example, a hard seat ticket from Beijing to Jinan is only 90 yuan for T-type tr

13、ains. But on the bullet trains all the seats are 30 . And they cost 153 to 184 yuan. On the other hand, the bullet trains dont stop at small stations. 【小题1】 A with B begin C at D after A fast B faster C quickly D slower A would B will C used to D was used to A cost B takes C need D spends A difficul

14、t B hard C easily D easy A between B among C along D around A get B let C make D allow A because B for C since D with A prices B speeds C costs D seats A hard B big C expensive D soft 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 D 【 21】选 D.name after: “

15、以 命名 ”,如: The boy was named after his uncle. 这个小男孩是仿照他的叔叔而起的名字。 【 22】选 B.faster:两者相比用比较级 “这种高速列车比直快、特快列车快得多 ”。 【 23】选 C.used to:“used to do 过去常常做某事 ”; 【 24】选 B.takes:It takes sb. sometime to do sth.是固定句 型。 “从上海到北京,过去常常要 12个小时,而现在仅需 10个小时。 ” 【 25】选 D.easy:旋转座椅方便旅客交谈。 【 26】选 A.between:高速列车穿梭于大城市间。两者间用

16、 between. 【 27】选 C.make: let:主动词,如 :Let me do it(让我来 ); make:被动词 ,如 :make it easy(使它变的简单 )。 【 28】选 B.for: “for”有 because of的意思。 【 29】选 A.prices:该处是指票价。 【 30】选 D.soft:软座 阅读理解 We often forget that people in other countries eat different things from us In some countries for example, rice is a staple fo

17、od(主食 ) In others, such as Britain and America, bread made from wheat is the most important food In many African countries a kind of corn called maize(玉米 )is the most important food Most countries have dishes that were first created there In China such dishes as sweet and sour pork, sharks fin soup,

18、 and flied rice are very common In Thailand and India people eat 111any different curries They like their food hot and spicy In England, a favorite dish is roast beef The Italians eat pasta, which is a kind of noodle made from wheat French food is very famous everywhere It is often very rich In rece

19、nt years fast foodsometimes calledjunk foodhas becom e very popular all over the world. It was invented in the USA, and the first fast food was the hamburger Interestingly, a hamburger does not actually contain ham Its made from ground beef There are restaurants and takeout places selling hamburgers

20、 in most cities of the world The most international food, however, is Chinese There probably isnt a city anywhere that does not have at least one Chinese restaurant This is because there are so many different dishes from so many different parts of China that there is something for everyone, whatever

21、 their favorite kind of food 11 Where is sharks fin soup a common dish A Britain B The USA C China D India 12 What kind of dishes are often hot and spicy A Soups B Curries C Hamburgers D Pastas 13 Where was junk food invented A Thailand B The USA C Italy D India 14 What was the first fast food A Gro

22、und beef B Noodles C Ham D Hamburgers 15 Why do many cities have Chinese restaurants A Because Chinese food has something for everyone B Because Chinese food is very cheap, C Because Chinese food is everyones favorite D Because there are so many different kinds of Chinese restaurants 答案: 【小题 11】 C 【

23、小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 A My father woke up early one summer morning when I was fourteen and announced, “Get up, youre going with me to cut the grass in the garden.” The idea that my father thought I was old enough to help him in his business made me feel proud and excited. From sunup t

24、o sundown, my father, my younger brother and I worked in the large garden. By the end of the day I was too tired to say a word but I felt happy. This was my first time to help my father in his business. I got $6 for my work that day. One day my father found some leaves I had missed and pulled me asi

25、de. “Take away these leaves!” he said. “And dont make me have to tell you to do it again.” The message was clear. Today I value the importance of doing job well the first time. I will never fail to impress (留下印象 ) the person Im working for. After two years, my father told me and my brother that he f

26、elt we were old enough to cut the grass by ourselves. Every Saturday during my last two years of high school, we set off early in the morning with the same wish we had gained while working under our father. Looking after the garden was neither exciting nor high paying, but that didnt matter. It taug

27、ht me that any job was a good job and whatever I was paid was more than I had before. A newspaper reporter once asked me how someone could possibly live with hard work and low pay. “If youre only thinking about hard work and money, you probably dont want to do better than you are doing,” I answered.

28、 In every job, from cutting the grass to washing dishes, Ive learned much. Ive learned something that helps me in my next job. If you work hard enough, you can learn from any job you do. 7. The writer _ from working in the garden. A. learned to work hard to get money B. found he could be well paid C

29、. felt he could impress others by working hard D. learned any job was good though he might be paid less 8. When the writer finished high school, maybe he was _ years old. A. fourteen B. eighteen C. twenty D. twenty-two 9. The writers father was _. A. very strict but helpful B. lazy and easy to get a

30、ngry C. careful and enjoyed working in the garden D. funny and hard-working 10. Which is the most important to the writer according to the passage A. Finishing work as quickly as possible. B. Asking no money for your work. C. Keeping learning from any job you have. D. Keeping on looking for differen

31、t jobs. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C It began with a red paper clip and ended with a house. Kyle MacDonald, a 26-year-old Canadian, got a three-bedroom house through 14 trades (交换 ) that started with a single red paper clip. Encouraged by Kyles successful experience, now more and more you

32、ng people around the world are starting their own trading activities. They set up websites where people can trade things they dont usually use with other people. A website called Peerflix allows people to trade their used DVDs. These traders usually prefer face-to-face trading, which means they dont

33、 have to worry about who is going to pay for the delivery (递送 ). Last year, a young girl in Beijing decided to follow the example of Kyle. She started with a paper clip and hoped to get a house in the end. After several trades she now has a piano which is more than 10,000 yuan. But she may still hav

34、e a long way to go. You may be puzzled about why people are doing this. In fact, everyone in the trade activities gets things that are useful to them. Just as Kyle said, “Whats more important to a man dying of thirst in the desert one million dollars or a glass of water ” Kyles words probably show w

35、hy these trades are poplar among young people. 4. Where can people trade things they do not usually use according to the passage A. On the Internet. B. In Beijing. C. In Canada. D. In the desert. 5. Why are trading activities popular among young people A. Because they can make a lot of money by trad

36、ing with other people. B. Because the traders can get things that are useful to them. C. Because young people love trading activities. D. Because many young people want to get a house. 6. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage A. If you begin with a paper clip, you will f

37、inally get a house by trading. B. A young girl in Beijing got a house through trading. C. A glass of water is more important than one million dollars. D. Many traders like face-to-face trading because they dont have to pay for the delivery. 答 案: 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 D David came from a poor fami

38、ly. When he finished his high school, however, he was given a wonderful present. “Some of my friends got new clothes and a rich boy even got a new car,” he remembered, “My dad reached into his trousers pocket and took something out. I held out my hand, and his present dropped into it a nickel (五分镍币

39、).” Dad said to me, “Buy a newspaper with that. Read every word of it. Then turn to the classified section (分类栏目 ) and get yourself a job. Get into the world. Its all yours now.” I always thought that was a great joke my father had played on me until a few years later when I was in the army, sitting

40、 in a foxhole (战壕 ), and thinking about my family and my life. It was then that I realized that my friends had got only new cars, or only new clothes. My father had given me the whole world. What a great present! 1. When David left school, he received _ as a present. A. a new car B. new clothes C. a

41、 newspaper D. hardly anything 2. What did David become a few years later A. A college student. B. A rich person. C. A soldier. D. A newspaper reporter. 3. The title of the passage may be _. A. How to be a Soldier B. How to find a Job C. A Great Joke D. A Great Present 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D

42、【小题 1】根据 I held out my hand, and his present dropped into it a nickel ( 五分镍币 ).”描述可知几乎没得到什么礼物,故选 D。 【小题 1】根据 a few years later when I was in the army,可知他成为了一名战士,故选 C。 【小题 1】根据短文最后一句话 My father had given me the whole world. What a great present!及上文描述可知选 D。 书面表达 假设你叫王圆,是第二中 学的一名初三学生 ,你现在遇到了一个困难,不知如何解决

43、,你要写信告诉刘老师,他是你们学校的青少年工作者,你希望他给你提供一些意见。字数在 80词以上。信的要点如下: 1.你有很多兴趣爱好,但你经常很忙,找不到足够的时间来做想做的事。 2.你不能在学习和兴趣爱好两方面获得平衡。 3.所以你感到很有压力,压力的来源有: 老师给你的压力:家庭作业 父母给你的压力:对你要求严格,想你得高分。 自己给自己的压力是 (如:想要成为班上最优秀的学生) 4. 你想通过多穿白色的衣服来减少压力,但不是非常有用。 5. 你希望 刘老师尽快回信,给你提供意见和帮助。 Dear Mr Liu, I am a Grade 9 student of No. 2 Second

44、ary School. I have a problem, but I dont know 答案:略 句型转换 缺词填空,其中 13-15是根据上下文语境根据首字母填单词( 15分) 1.More information can be _(可获得的 ) on the Internet. 2.We all think his _ (行为 ) is very strange. We must stop him from doing so. 3.This gift is so expensive that I cant _(接受 ) it. 4.Thank you very much for giv

45、ing me so many useful_(建议 ) 5.I have_(答复 )to my penfriends letter 6 Mr Wang is busy_(解释 )everything to us 7 He often_(吵架 )with his parents in the past 8 _(原谅 )others for their mistakes is a good virtue 9 Lily told me that she_(宁愿 )to listen to music to relax herself 10.Do you know who _ (发现 ) Americ

46、a 11.The old man is different from others. He doesnt act _ ( 正常 ). 12.Peter has had his bicycle _(修理 ). 13.Did you know that colours can i _ our moods 14.Who has p_my bedroorn pink My father. 15 Lin Tao is very clever, but he never shows off He is m_ 答案: available 2. behaviour 3. accept 4.suggestion

47、s 5. replied 6.explaining 7. quarrelling 8.Forgiving 9.preferred 10.discovered 11.normally 12.repaired 13.influence 14.painted 15.modest 1.考查单词拼写。 “可获得的 ”是 available,是形容词,作 be的表语。故填available。 2.his后用名词,意为 “他的 .”, “行为 ”的名词形式是 behaviour。故填behaviour。 3.“接受 ”是 accept; receive是 “收到 ”。情态动词后用动词原形。故填 accept。 4.Suggestion是可数名词; advice不可数。故填 suggestions。 5.have done sth.“已经做了某事 ”; “答复 ”是 reply。故填 replied。 6.考查固定句型。 be busy doing/with sth.“忙于做某事 ”; explain要用 ing形式。故填 explaining。 7.often提示用一般现在时。主语是 he,故用 quarrels。 8.


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