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1、2011届江苏省如皋市实验中学初三上学期期末考试英语卷 单项选择 * -Could you tell me _ -About two months. A when are you leaving for Shanghai B how often you go to the school library C how many tickets have you booked D how long you have been at this school 答案: D Find _, and leave as quickly as possible if a fire breaks out in a

2、shop. 答案: D The students had fun on their school trip last week. A have a good time B enjoyed oneself C enjoyed themselves D had good time 答案: C I usually hung out with my friends after school last year. A did some shopping B walked around C went for a drive D played sports 答案: B Do you often help y

3、our mother do chores at home A do housework B do homework C do the dishes D do the laundry 答案: A Kate won her first gold medal at the age of 7 . A when it was 7 B when she was 7 C at 7 D when I was 7 答案: B Mrs. King helped me take care of my daughter when I was away. A look up B look out C look afte

4、r D look like 答案: C Teachers should _ better _ their students. A communicate; with B communicate; to C to communicate; with D communicated; by 答案: A He borrowed some books _ the school library last week. A to B from C of D with 答案: B His home is _ his school. So he walks to school. A close B close t

5、o C far from D the near 答案: B Jack is _boy in my class. A taller B the taller C as tall as D the tallest 答案: D What _ your brother _ last weekend He visited his friends. A are /doing B is /doing C does /do D did / do 答案: D Do you know _this time yesterday A what she is cooking B what is she cooking

6、C what she was cooking D what was she cooking 答案: C _you _he is able to ski, but I am. A Both, and B Not only, but also C Either, or D Neither, nor 答案: D -I feel tired and sleepy. -Why not stop _ A to relax B relaxing C resting D to work 答案: A Its _ to teach a man fishing than to give him fish. A mo

7、re B better C good D best 答案: B -Dear me! What a wonderful computer! -My grandpa bought it for my sister and me. Its _. A mine B hers C theirs D ours 答案: D -Sorry, I cant work out this problem. -Try again, please. Its only _ difficult. A a bit B a lot C very D much too 答案: A It was a long journey, b

8、ut _of them four felt boring. A neither B both C none D all 答案: C Mike _the bookshop. I have to wait for him. A went to B was in C has been to D has gone to 答案: D Lian Zhan, the Chairman of the KMT, enjoyed the scenery of the Huangpu River _ the night of May 1st. A at B in C on D over 答案: C -Oh, Mrs

9、. King, your dress looks nice. Is it new -No, I _it since two years ago. A had B bought C have had D have bought 答案: C The pears in my basket are smaller than _in Jims. A it B that C ones D those 答案: D My watch is broken. I want to know how to make it _. A work B to work C walking D to walk 答案: A Everyone except Bill and Jim _there when the meeting began. A was B is C are D were 答案: A The idea to eat in KFC _ wonderful. A tastes B sounds C smells D feels 答案: B Town Cinema _ the most comfortable seats. A is B has C are D have 答案: B


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