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1、2012-2013学年广东江门福泉奥林匹克学校初二上期期中考试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 配对阅读,阅读 I栏中几个人物的信息,并从 II栏中选出适合他们的选项,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。 I 【小题 1】 Amy comes from America and she likes Beijing Opera. She wants to go to the theater to see Beijing Opera. 【小题 2】 Tina is in No.3 Middle School. Basketball is her favorite sport. She wants to f

2、ind someone to play basketball with her after school. 【小题 3】 Li Hong hardly does any sports so she is weak. She wants to become strong and healthy. 【小题 4】 Andrew is going to Beijing for vacation. He is looking for someone who can be his tour guide on the Internet. 【小题 5】 Yang Ming likes animals and

3、he wants to go to the zoo this weekend. II A Emily is in No.3 Middle School and she likes basketball very much. She plays basketball every day after school. B If you like seeing Beijing Opera, you can go to Anhua Theater. It is a big theater. You can enjoy Beijing Opera there. C You can get a lot of

4、 information on the Internet. But remember, surfing the Internet too long is bad for your health. D If you want to become strong and healthy, you should do sports. Its a good idea to join a sports club. E. There are many kinds of animals in Beijing Zoo. If you like animals, you can go there. F. Zhan

5、g Hua is good at swimming. He swims twice a week. He is very strong and athletic. You can learn to swim from him. G. Wang Jiang was born in Beijing and he is familiar with Beijing. He wants to work as a tour guide during the summer vacation. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 G 【小题 5】 E 试题分析 : 【小

6、题 1】细节理解题, 根据文中语句 “You can enjoy Beijing Opera there.”理解可知。 Amy 喜欢京剧,故选 B。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “She plays basketball every day after school.”理解可知。 Emily喜欢打篮球,正适合 Tina的要求,故选 A。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Its a good idea to join a sports club.”理解可知。 Li Hong想变得强壮,应该参加体育俱乐部,故选 D。 【小题 4】细节理解 题,根据文中语句 “Wang Jiang

7、 was born in Beijing and he is familiar with Beijing. He wants to work as a tour guide during the summer vacation.”理解可知。 Wang Jiang符合 Andrew的要求,故选 G。 【小题 5】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “There are many kinds of animals in Beijing Zoo. If you like animals, you can go there.”理解可知。此处非常适合 Yang Ming的要求,故选 E。 考点:信息匹对 点评:此

8、题重点考查信息配对,要完成题目,需要对两个语句的信息进行仔细研读比较,找出共同之处进行匹配。难度不大,关键是要细心,认真。 Tom, an 11-year-old boy, was ill. He had got a cough, and his mother was worried and took him to see a doctor. The doctor looked over Tom carefully and said, “Tom, nothing serious.” Then he gave him some medicine. These are the words on t

9、he instruction of the cough medicine. Instruction(说明 ) Take three times a day after meals. Dose (剂量 ): Grown-ups: 2 spoon(汤匙 ) each time Children (8-14 years old): one spoon (4-7 years old): 1/2 spoon Not fit for children below the age of 4. Notes: 1.Store in a cold place. 2.Use before Oct., 2006. A

10、dd: No. 10 Nanjing Road, Shanghai 【小题 5】 From this instruction we know Tom can go on using the medicine after Oct., 2006. 答案: 【小题 1】 T 【小题 2】 F 【小题 3】 T 【小题 4】 F 【小题 5】 F 试题分析 : 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Take three times a day after meals.和 Children (8-14 years old): one spoon”理解可知, Tom一天要吃 3汤匙药,故此句是正确的。

11、【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Take three times a day after meals.”理解可知,药必须饭后吃,故此句是错误的。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Store in a cold place.”理解可知,此药要放在冷得地方,故此句是正确的。 【小题 4】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Not fit for children below the age of 4.”理解可知, 4岁以下的儿童不能吃这种药,故此句是错误的。 【小题 5】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Use before Oct., 2006.”理解可知,此药在2006年 10月到期,以后不

12、能在食用,故此句是错误的。 考点:用药说明的阅读, 点评:此文重点介绍了 Tom生病以后,医生给他开了一副药,用药说明。所涉及的题目都是一些细节理解题。对于细节理解题,只要学生认真阅读,就能很容易的知道问题的答案:。 单项选择 * Where is Maria I saw her _basketball just now. A played B to play C playing D plays 答案: C 试题分析 :此题重点考查固定 短语 see sb doing sth表示看到某人正在做某事。此句的含义是刚刚看她正在打篮球。故选 C。 考点:固定短语的基本用法。 点评:动词 see有两个

13、固定句型结构, see sb do sth和 see sb doing sth。前者表示看到某人做过某事,后者表示看到某人正在做某事。固定短语不仅要记准其构成还要区分相近短语的区别。 Humans cant live _ air. I agree with you. A without B with C in D for 答案: A 试题分析 :根据语境可知此句的含义表示没有水人类无法生存。表示否定意义的介词只有 without,故选 A。 考点:介词的基本用法。 点评:介词 with表示拥有,具有的意思,其反义词是 without表示没有。 Shall we go to the park _

14、 A Yes, we shall. B Good idea. C Id love. D No, we shant. 答案: B 试题分析 :shall we+动词原形表示建议。 考点:固定答语。 点评:解答此题首先要理解各选项含义,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语。 Everyone knows China is getting _. A strong and strong B more strong and strong C stronger and stronger D strongest and strongest 答案: C 试题分析 :此句的含义是人人都知道中国变得越来越强大,形容词的两

15、个比较级用and连接,表示 “越来越 ”strong 的比较级是 stronger,故选 c. 考点:形容词的比较级 点评:形容词的两个比较级用 and连接,表示 “越来越 ” 。做题时应注意题干的意思。 Our football team is _ win next year. A sure of B sure about C sure that D sure to 答案: D 试题分析 :根据语境可知此句的含义是,明年我们的球队肯定能赢。 Be sure to do sth表示确信做某事,故选 D。 考点:固定短语 点评: sure的基本用法: 1. 用作形容词 1)常用于 be sure

16、 of, be sure to do, be sure that 结构中。 注: be sure of 与 be sure to do的区别: be sure of 和 be sure that一样,主语是人,主语感到 “有把握;确信 ”; be sure to do的主语可以是人,也可以是物,表示说话人推测 “一定;必然会 ”。 2)make sure of/ make sure about /make sure that /make sure to do 有“弄清楚;查明 ”之意。 2. 用作副词,主要用 于口语,此时的 “Sure.”相当于 “Of course.” 与 “Certain

17、ly.”。 Would you like to climb mountains with me this Sunday Id love to. But I_ play table tennis between Class Three and our class. A am going B am going to C am D going to 答案: B 试题分析 :由题干中的 this Sunday可知,表示将来 的动作。故用将来时。 Be going to do sth表示计划或打算做某事,故选 B。 考点: be going to do sth 点评: be going to 是一种固定

18、结构,它后面要接动词原形,用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有时也可以表示推测将要或肯定会发生的动作,有 “准备;打算 ”的意思。含有 be going to 结构的句子中往往有表示将来的时间状语。 She likes _ articles about films a lot. A seeing B watching C looking D reading 答案: D 试题分析 :根据谓语动词 like可知其后要跟动名词或动词的不定式,根据四个选择项的提示可知表示看,根据语句的含义是看的书,故选 D。 read表示阅读之意。 考点:四看的区别 点评: look see watch read的区

19、别 look, see, watch, read,这四个词都有 “看 ”的意思,但是 “看 ”法不同: look指集中注意力地看,是有意的,强调 “看 ”的动作。单独使用时,用来引起对方的注意;如果跟宾语,要和 at连用。 see强调 “看 ”的结果,意为 “看见、看到 ”。 watch强调 “专注地看 ”,有欣赏的意味,常用于看电视、看球赛等。 read指 “看 ”时实指 “阅读 ”,常用于看书、看报等。 Do you like swimming Yes, swimming is a good way _ fit. A keep B to keep C keeping D keeps 答案:

20、 B 试题分析 :根据语境可知此句的含义是游泳是减肥的方式。固定短语 a way to do sth表示做某事的好方法故选 B。 考点:固定短语 点评: way的用法很多,常用的固定句型结 构有 a way to do sth或 a way of doing sth表示做某事的方式或方法; on ones way to+地点表示去 的路。固定用法 on my way home表示在回家的路上。 _ up late at night is bad for your health. A Stay B Staying C stays D Stayed 答案: B 试题分析 :此句的含义表示晚上熬夜对

21、身体有害。根据语境可知作主语要用动词的非谓语形式,由四个选择项提示可知只能选择动名词短语,故选 B。 考点:动名词短语作主语。 点评:动词的非谓语形式包括动词不定式,动名词和过去分词。其中动词的不定式和动名词可以做句子的主语,并且谓语动词要用单数形式。 _ do you clean the classroom Three times a day. A How long B How often C How soon D How many 答案: B 试题分析 :根据答语 three times a day可知询问的是频率,故用 how often来提问,故选 B。 考点: how短语 点评:以

22、how引导 的短语很多并且是考查的重点,常用的有: how often”多长时间一次 ”对在某一特定的时间内进行的动作次数进行提问,其答语一般为 “never sometimes usually”等频率副词。 how long“多长时间一次 ”是询问动作持续的时间,答语通常是表示时间的状语( two weeks等)前面一般跟介词 for;有时也可以表示长度。 how far “多远 ” 一般指的是一地到另一地的距离 how many 和 how much 均可表示 “多少 ”how many 修饰可数名词的复数形式,而 how much 修饰不 可数名词,还可以用来询问价格。 He prefe

23、rs _ to _. A swim, to skate B swims, skating C swimming, skating D to swim, to skate 答案: C 试题分析 :根据语境可知此句的含义是他宁愿去游泳也不愿去滑冰。此句涉及的动词短语是 preferto. 根据语法知识可知 prefer和 to 的后面要跟动词的 ing形式或名词故选 C 考点:固定短语 prefer to 点评:动词的特殊用法,比如有些动词后面可跟动词的不定式,有的跟动词的 ing的形式。也有些动词后面即可跟动词不定式,也可跟动词的 ing形式。这些单词一定要分清,不要混淆。此句中的 to 是介词

24、而不是动词不定式符号。 Would you mind _ the window for me I feel a little cold. A opening B closing C to close D to open 答案: B 试题分析 :根据语句 I feel a little cold.可知,我想把窗户关上。 Would you mind表示介意吗,其后跟动词的 ing形式,故选 B。 考点:固定句型结构 点评:固定句型结构 would you mind doing sth表示做某事你介意吗?其后常跟动词的 ing的形式。 这是中考常考的内容之一,应提醒学生加强记忆,尤其是动词的形式。

25、 The students enjoy _ English songs after class. A practice to sing B practicing singing C to practice singing D to practice to sing 答案: B 试题分析 :根据语境可知此句的含义是学生们喜欢在课下练习唱英语歌曲。 Enjoy和practice都是实义动词,其后常跟动词的 ing的形式,故选 B。 考点:动词短语的固定搭配 点评:动词的特殊用法,比如有些动词后面可跟动词的不定式,有的跟动词的 ing的形式。也有些动词后面即可跟动词不定式,也可跟动词的 ing形式。

26、这些单词一定要分清,不要混淆。 Must I come at four oclock Oh, no, you _. A dont B mustnt C dont have to D cant 答案: C 试题分析 :以 must引导的一般疑问句的否定性回答常用 neednt和 dont have to,故选C。 考点: must的特殊用法。 点评:英语中的习惯用法或特殊用法一定要牢记。 I broke the window. You _ play football near the window. A should B. shouldnt C. had better D. must 答案: B

27、 试题分析 :根据上文 I broke the window可知我做错事了,故对方给的建议应该是不应该在窗户附近踢足球, A表示应该做某事, C表示最好做某事, D表示必须做某事都不符合题意,故选 B。 考点:情态动词。 点评:在平时对情态动词的学习时,应该注意情态动词的用法,特别是一些特殊用法,如 need, must的等。尤其是表示建议的情态动词。 He spent a week _ the novel. A to read B in reading C on reading D for reading 答案: B 试题分析 :根据语境可知此题的含义是他花费了一周的时间读了这本小说,因谓语

28、动词是 spend,其句型结构为 spend in doing sth,故选 B。 考点:固定句型结构 spend some time doing sth 点评: cost, spend, pay, take四个花费的区别; cost的主语是物常用句型结构是 sth cost some money; spend的主语是人,常用的句型结构是 sb spend some time/money in doing sth; pay的 主语是人,常用句型结构是 sb pay something some money; take的主语是 it,常用句型结构是 it takes sb some time t

29、o do sth, There is a _ tree in our school. A 20 meters tall B 20-meters-tall C 20-meter-tall D 20 meter tall 答案: C 试题分析 :根据语境和选择项的提示可知此句的含义是在我们学校里有棵 20米高的树。根据语法知识可知选择 C。 考点 :合成形容词的基本构成。 点评:合成形容词的基本构成,数词 +名词 (+形容词 );合成形容词中的名词 (year, hour, metre, month等 )必须用单数形式。 Are you free now I have _ to tell you.

30、 A new anything B new something C anything new D something new 答案: D 试题分析 :根据语境和选择项的提示可知此句的含义是我有些新鲜事物想要告诉你,其中涉及到不定代词的基本用法,根据语法知识可知形容词修饰不定代词时要放在不定代词的后面,故选择 D。 考点:不定代词的基本用法。 点评:不定代词 something和 anything的区别。前者放在肯定句中,后者放在否定句或疑问句中。形容词来修饰不定代词的时候要放在不定代词的后面。 There _ an exciting party at Mr. Wangs this evenin

31、g. A will be B will have C are going to be D is going to have 答案: A 试题分析 :根据语境可知此句的含义是今晚,将在王老师家里举行个有趣的聚会。在英语中,常把 this evening当成将来的时间状语,故此句要用将来时。因 there be结构的将来时要用 there will be或 there is going to be故选 A。 考点: there be结构的将来时的构成。 点评: there be结构的一般将来时的基本构成, there is going to be+名词或 there will be+名词。切记不能

32、出现 there will have或 there are going to be这种句式结构。 Youd better _ too much meat. You are much too fat. A not eat B eat C not to eat D dont eat 答案: A 试题分析 :根据语句 You are much too fat.的含义可知你太胖了,最好不要吃太多的肉,表示否定意义。 Had better表示最好做某事其否定形式是 had better not do sth故选 A。 考点: had better的基本用法。 点评: had better是固定短语,其后

33、常跟动词的原形也就是不带 to 的动词不定式,其否定形式是在动词原形的前面直接加 not即可。 完型填空 Many people like animals and keep one or more as petsdogs, cats and some kinds of birds. If you keep a dog or a cat as a pet, you must know how to look after it. A grown-up(成年 ) dog needs two meals a day, not more. And it can eat meat, fish, rice

34、and some other things. Dogs like large bones(骨头 ), but dont give them chicken bones. Remember to give them much clean water. A dog should have a clean, dry box for sleeping. Washing it once a week is good for its health. If it is ill, take it to a doctor. A healthy dog will bring you more pleasure.

35、Be careful when you have chosen a cat. It has two meals a day with some meat or fish. Cats drink a little milk every day. Sometimes give them vegetables to eat. Dont forget that they need clean water to drink. Take good care of your pets. They will be your good friends. Maybe they can give you some

36、help when you need. 【小题 1】 Many people keep _ as pets. A pandas B elephants C chickens D cats 【小题 2】 What do dogs like eating A All the bones. B Big bones. C Chicken bones. D Small bones. 【小题 3】 A healthy dog can _ you happy. A make B give C take D bring 【小题 4】 Cats usually drink _. A orange B milk

37、C water D milk and water 【小题 5】 Will pets be peoples friends A No, I dont think so. B Yes, but only a little. C Yes, they will. D No, they wont. 答案: 试题分析 : 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Many people like animals and keep one or more as petsdogs, cats and some kinds of birds.” 理解可知,人们经常把狗,猫或 一些小鸟作为宠物,故选 D。 【小题

38、2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Dogs like large bones(骨头 ), but dont give them chicken bones.”理解可知,狗喜欢吃大骨头,故选 B。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “A healthy dog will bring you more pleasure.”理解可知,一只健康的狗可以给我们带来许多快乐,故选 A。 【小题 4】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Cats drink a little milk every day. Dont forget that they need clean water to drink.”理解可知,

39、猫不仅要喝牛奶还要喝水,故选 D。 【小题 5】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Take good care of your pets. They will be your good friends.”理解可知,人和宠物可以成为好朋友,故选 C。 考点:说明文的阅读 点评:此文主要告诉人们怎样照顾自己的宠物。以及宠物给我们带来的欢乐和帮助。答题前一定要读懂全文,然后带着问题再读全文,找出相关语句,分析比较,完成阅读。 The Greens lived in a small town. Mr. Green worked in a factory. Mrs. Green didnt go out to

40、 work. She cooked meals and did some _46_ at home all day. Their child Bob studied in a middle school far from their_47_. And he took a bus to school every day. Mrs. Green _48_ get up very early in the morning to cook breakfast for the family. One morning, Mrs. Green didnt feel well, _49_ she told h

41、er son to get something to eat himself. The boy didnt find any food in the fridge and went to school without breakfast. After Bob left home, Mrs. Green felt very _50_about that. She got up and cooked _51_delicious for her son. Then she went to the bus stop and took a bus to her sons school. It was h

42、er first time to go to her sons school. After thirty minutes, she _52_ the bus. “I cant find the _53_ to my sons school. What shall I do ” she asked a man at the side of the road for help. “It doesnt matter. Lie down in the middle of the _54_and the policemen will take you there,” the man answered.

43、“I dont think so. The doctors will come _55_the policemen,” said Mrs. Green. 【小题1】 A shopping B cleaning C reading D writing 【小题2】 A office B room C family D home 【小题3】 A shall B may C had to D can 【小题4】 A when B so C but D or 【小题5】 A angry B sorry C happy D excited 【小题6】 A something B anything C ev

44、erything D nothing 【小题7】 A got on B took off C put away D got off 【小题8】 A way B money C traffic D stop 【小题9】 A school B park C road D shop 【小题10】 A because B instead C because of D instead of 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 A 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 D 试题分析 : 【小题 1】

45、此题考查对语句的正确理解, Mrs Green没有工作,所以在家做些家务,故选 B表示打扫卫生。 【小题 2】此题考查对语句的正确理解,此句的含义是 Bob的学校离他家很远,故选D。 【小题 3】此题考查固定短语 have to表示必须,不得不的意思。因描述的是过去时,故选 C。 【小题 4】此题考查连词,因前后句表示因果关系,故选 B。表示今天格林夫人生病了,因此不能给儿子做早饭了。 【小题 5】此题考查形容词,根据语句可知 Bob没有吃饭就上学了,所以格林夫人感到非常的过意不去,故选 B。 sorry。 【小题 6】此题考查不定代词,根据语境可知格林夫人为儿子又做了些好吃的东西,故选 A。

46、 【小题 7】此题考查动词短语, 30分 钟之后,格林夫人下了汽车,故选 D。 【小题 8】此题考查名词,根据语境可知格林夫人不知道去学校的路,故选 A。 【小题 9】此题考查名词,根据语境可知这个人让格林夫人躺在公路中间,故选 C。 【小题 10】此题考查介词短语,根据语境可知格林夫人认为,我躺在公路中间,来的不是警察,而是医生故选 D。 考点:故事阅读。 点评:本文讲述了一个故事,格林夫人为儿子送饭所引发的一个小故事。答题前一定要读懂全文,弄清文章的主要内容。答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到 最后再来完成,因为有时答案:可

47、以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。 阅读理解 Mascots for the Olympic Games 20th 23rd 26th 1972 1984 1996 Munich (慕尼黑 ) Los Angeles Atlanta Germany America America Europe North America North America 27th 29th 2000 2008 Sydney Beijing Australia China Oceania Asia 【小题 1】 From the above, we know the Olympic Games is held(被举行 ) every _ years. A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 【小题 2】 The Beijing Olympic Games has 2 more mascots than those for _Olympic Games. A Sydney B Los Angeles C Atlanta D Munich 【小题 3】 The 20th Olympic Games was held in _. A North America B Europe C Oceania D Asia 【小题 4】 The


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