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1、2012-2013学年江苏江都大桥中学七年级下期期末考试英语卷(带解析) 单项选择 * “Im going to take my driving test tomorrow,” “_ _” A Thank you B Good luck C Cheers D Come on 答案: B 试题分析 :Thank you谢谢你 ; Good luck祝你好运 ;Cheers干杯 ;Come on来吧 .根据上文 ,明天我要参加驾考了 ,结合语境可知选 B,最符合语境 , 考点:情景交际 点评:情景交际的考查是英语考试的重点,做此类题型首先要理解各个选项中句子的含义,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语。回

2、答时一般要遵从以下几个原则:礼貌原则,利他原则和英语文化习惯。平时应注意积累各种习惯用语,了解英美文化的区别,尤其注意不能以中式思维思考英语问题。平时应加强英语阅读,增强语感,多了解一些英语文化方面的知识。 Where are Maria and Kangkang They _ England. A have been to B are away C have gone to D had been in 答案: D 试题分析:句意 :玛利亚和康康在哪儿? 他们已经去了英国。在完成时态中has been to 是已经去过某处,并且已经回来了。 has gone to 是已经去了某处,但是到目前为

3、止还没有回来。 has been in 是已经在某处,并且现在还在那里,而且有可能要延续下去。 结合语境可知选 D。 考点:完成时态及动词用法 点评:英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。完 成时态中的动词有瞬间动词和持续性动词之分,瞬间动词的过去分词强调的是动作的完成,持续性动词强调的是动作的持续性。现在完成时态中表示一段时间的时间状语不能和瞬间动词连用,持续性动词不能和表示瞬间时间的时间状语连用,需注意区分。 My pen is _. A. a red B. red C. Re

4、d 答案: B 试题分析: red可用作名词和形容词 ,作为名词时 ,值得是某种颜色的名称 .作为形容词时指的是某事物品的颜色特点 .句意 :我的钢笔是红色的 .英语一般名词在句子中间首字母不大写 ,选 B. 考点:词性辨析 点评:英语单词的一个特点就是一词多义,一词多性,即一个单词可以有多个不同词性的用法。因此我们首先要详细了解这些单词作为不同词性的含义及用法,尤其注意其比较特殊的用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案:。 Workers cant be made _ for twelve hours a day. A work B to work C working D worked 答案: B

5、试题分析:句意 :一天不能让工人工作十二个小时 .make后接不带 to 的不定式做宾语补足语 ,当变为被动语态时 ,省略的不定式不好要加上 ,故选 B. 考点:被动语态 点评:此类题型主要是确定句子主语与谓语动词的关系。如果是主动关系则用主动语态,反之如果是动宾关系,则用被动语态。注意一些接不带 to 的不定式做宾语补足语的动词用作被动语态时,不定式符号 to 要加上。 The young girl stood there _ without saying anything. A quite B quiet C quitely D quietly 答案: D 试题分析: quite副词 ,很

6、 ,相当 ,完全 ; quiet形容词 ,安静的 ;quitely副词 ,相当地 ;quietly副词 ,安静地 .句意 :这个小女孩一句话不说的安静地站在那儿 .结合语境可知选 D,副词做状语 . 考点:形容词副词辨析 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,答题前首先要了解其一词多义,一词多性的特点,尤其要注意同一单词作为形容词和副词时,含义和用法的不同,然后结合上下文语境选择合适答案:。形容词和副词的区别主要是在句子中作为句子成分的不同,虽然都可以放在动词后面,但是形容词是放在系动词后面做表语,副词放在实意动词后面做状语。形容词作为修饰词只能用作定语,修饰名词 。而副词除了修饰动词意外,

7、还可以修饰副词。 I cant understand you. Can you speak more_ A clear B clearly C quickly D easy 答案: B 试题分析: clear 形容词 ,清楚的 ;clearly副词 ,清晰地 ,明显地 ;quickly副词 ,快速地 ;easy形容词 ,容易的 .句意 :我不明白你的话 .你能说得更清楚点吗 结合语境可知选 B. 考点:形容词副词辨析 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,答题前首先要了解其一词多义,一词多性的特点,尤其要注意同一单词作为形容词和副词时,含义和用法的不同,然后结合上下文语境选择合适答案:。形容

8、词和副词的区别主要是在句子中作为句子成分的不同,虽然都可以放在动词后面,但是形容词是放在系动词后面做表语,副词放在实意动词后面做状语。形容词作为修饰词只能用作定语,修饰名词。而副词除了修饰动词意外,还可以修饰副词。 Its _ to play on the road. Youd better play in a _ place. A safe, dangerous B safety, danger C safe, danger D dangerous, safe 答案: D 试题分析: safe名词 ,保险箱 .形容词 ,安全的 ,可靠的 ; safety名词 ,安全 ,保险 ;danger名

9、词 ,危险 ,威胁 ;dangerous,危险的 .句意 :在公路上玩很危险 .你最好在一个安全的地方玩 .结合语境可知选 D. 考点:词义辨析 点评:该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案:。 _of them has a dictionary and _one of them can look up words in the dictionary A Each,every B Every ,each C Each,each D Ev

10、ery,every 答案: A 试题分析: each与 every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但 each更强调个人或个别, every更强调全体或全部。 each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的 “每个 ”; every是指许多人或事物的 “全体 ”,与 all的意思相近。句意 :他们每个人都有一本词典 ,并且他们每个人都能在词典里面查单词 .结合语境可知前一空强调个人 ,后一空强调全部 ,故选 A. 考点:词义辨析 点评:该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特 殊

11、用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案:。 My mom always tells me that _/n / is difficult. A nothing B nobody C none D something 答案: A 试题分析: nothing什么也没有; nobody没有人; none一个也没有; something某些东西。句意 :妈妈总是告诉我没有什么困难的。结合语境及语音提示,可知选 A。 考点:语音基础知识 点评:本题主要考察学生对于单词发音的掌握情况。答好此类题型的关键是需要平时注意积累,在正确读准每个单词发音的基础上,掌握一定的语音知识。因为英语中的外来词很多,所以部分单词发音

12、往往用读音规则无法解释,对这一部分单词只能单独记住。另外此类题型也可以借助于单词在句子中的含义来进行判断。 We play _ basketball after class. A a B an C the D / 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我们在课后打篮球。 Play后在接球类运动时,不加冠词,故选 D。 考点:冠词 点评:冠词是一种虚词,一般用于名词前面表示特指或者泛指某一个。冠词的应用都用一定规则,熟记这些规则是解题的关键。不定冠词用在名词前,表示泛指任何一个。定冠词用在名词前表示特指某一个。在专有名词及表示泛指的复数名词前一般不要冠词,叫做零冠词。需注意的是不定冠词的用法是看词首音素,

13、不是看首字母,如: useful首字母是元音,但是词首音素时辅音,故不定冠词用 a; hour首字母是辅音,但是词首音素是元音,故用冠词 an。 -Dont worry.My mother will look after your baby _. -Thanks a lot. A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough 答案: C 试题分析: careful形容词,仔细的; carefully副词,仔细地; enough做副词修饰形容词副词时,一般放在被修饰词的后面。句意:不要担心。我们的母亲会足够细心地照顾你的孩子。结合语境

14、可知选 C, 考点:形容词副词辨析 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,答题前首先要了解其一词多义,一词多性的特点,尤其要注意同一单词作 为形容词和副词时,含义和用法的不同,然后结合上下文语境选择合适答案:。形容词和副词的区别主要是在句子中作为句子成分的不同,虽然都可以放在动词后面,但是形容词是放在系动词后面做表语,副词放在实意动词后面做状语。形容词作为修饰词只能用作定语,修饰名词。而副词除了修饰动词意外,还可以修饰副词。 -Could you please move over a little and make some _ for me -Sure, please. A place B

15、 seat C room D ground 答案: C 试题分析: place地方 ,住所 ;seat座位 ,所在地 ;room房间 ,空间 ;ground地面 ,土地 ,句意 ;你能动一点 ,给我让出点空间吗 当然了,请吧。结合语境可知选 C。 考点:词义辨析 点评:该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案:。 Cheng Long and Li Lianjie have much _. And they often play simi

16、lar roles in the movies. A in general B in style C in common D in shape 答案: C 试题分析: in general总之 ,一般而言 ;in style流行的 ,时髦的 ;in common共同的 ,共有的 ;in shape在外型上 ,处于良好状态 .句意 :成龙和李连杰有许多相同之处 .并且他们在电影中经常扮演相似的角色 .结合语境可知选 C. 考点:短语辨析 点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及 用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境选择合适答案:。 There is _ sheep e

17、ating grass there. A a little B little C a few D few 答案: A 试题分析: few很少,表示否定含义,修饰可数名词复数; a few几个,表达肯定含义,修饰可数名词复数; little 小的 ,很少,表达否定含义,修饰不可数名词;a little一点,表达肯定含义,修饰不可数名词。句意:那儿有一只小绵羊正在吃草 ,结合语境可知本句中 little做定语修饰 sheep,故选 A。 考点:形容词辨析 点评:词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识,了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,注意的就是一词多义现象及修饰对象的不同,然后结合上下文语境选择合

18、适答案:。 What language does the woman speak She speaks . She s from Australia. A Japanese B Chinese C French D English 答案: D 试题分析: Japanese日语 ;Chinese中文 ,汉语 ;French法语 ;English英语 ,句意 ;这个女人说什么语言 根据下文 ,她来自澳大利亚 ,可知她说英语 ,故选 D. 考点:词义辨析 点评:该题型是属于英语考试的基础题型,是必考内容。英语单词同汉语一样具有一词多义,一词多性的特点。解答此类问题首先要理解每个选项的基本含义,并注意

19、交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案:。 完型填空 What do you do at weekends Some people like to _1_ at home, but others like to go for a walk _2_ have a picnic. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the _3_. At weekends he always _4_ the same thing. On Saturday he _5_ his car and on _6_ he takes his fam

20、ily to a nearby village. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a _7_ one, but theres always _8_ to do. The children help with the animals and give them their _9_, Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all _10_ and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal. 【小题1A play B

21、 live C stay D like 】 A and B or C but D so A day B time C autumn D week A does B makes C borrows D has A watches B drives C sells D washes A Monday B Sunday C Saturday D Wednesday A small B big C hard D short A much B little C fast D far A clothes B places C food D water A clean B late C hungry D k

22、ind 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 C 试题分析:这篇短文中作者主要介绍了自己的朋友杰克的周末活动 . 【小题 1】动词辨析。 A.玩耍,演奏; B.居住,生活; C. 停留,暂住; D.喜欢。联系下文描述,可知此处指的是,一些人喜欢呆在家里面。故选 C。 【小题 2】连词辨析。 A.和,然后; B. 或者,否则; C. 但是; D.因此。联系上下文,可知前后两个动作是选择关系,故选 B。 【小题 3】名词辨析。 A.一天,白天; B.

23、时间,时刻; C.秋天,秋季; D.周,星期。联系下文,可知此处指的是在一周当中。故选 D。 【小题 4】联系下文 the same things.可知此处指的是他总是做相同的事情 ,故选A. 【小题 5】联系下文 ,可知只能是洗车或者开车 ,结合语境可知本句描述的是客观性动作 ,故用一般现在时态 ,选 D,洗车。 【小题 6】联系前文 on Saturday,可知此处指 的是在星期日 ,故选 B,星期日 . 【小题 7】联系下文 ,可知此处指的是这个农场不大 ,故选 B,大的 . 【小题 8】结合语境可知此处指的是但是总有大量的事情要做 .故选 A,许多 ,大量 . 【小题 9】联系前文 ,

24、可知此处指的是孩子们给动物们食物 ,故选 C,食物 . 【小题 10】联系下文描述 ,可知此处指的是他们都饿了 ,故选 C,饿的 . 考点:有关周末活动的记述文 点评:这篇短文内容比较简单,理解不难。各小题与上下文联系比较紧密,答题中一定要注意联系上下文。答完后多读几遍,看看是否符合逻辑,适当修改。个别小题可以当作单独的词义辨析题来做,先区分词义,结合语境选出最能使语句通顺的答案:。 阅读理解 Dear Reader, Imagine an 11-year old girl whose days are often spent washing clothes, looking after a

25、baby, working hard in the field. Imagine a little girl who knows there will not be enough food for dinner, who cant fill her stomach with water because its polluted, and who has watched life slip away from her father, little brother and sister because the family is too poor to see a doctor. Is it ha

26、rd to believe For Maria Pastora, these are the real life. Maria would gladly walk miles to school, but her mother, now alone, needs her badly at home. If Maria grows up without any schooling, what will be her future But for just 52 pennies a day, you can sponsor a child like Maria. Through “Save the

27、 Children”, you can help Marias mother get the tools and ways she needs to turn their poor food into a good dinner and the money she needs to buy clothes and school things for Maria. To help Maria most, your money is put together with that of other sponsors, so hard-working people can help themselve

28、s. Build a school, a hospitalbring in clean water. This is what “Save the Children” has been about since 1932. For you there are many rewards. Have the chance to write to or hear from your sponsored child. Receive photos or progress reports. Know you are reaching out to another person. Not with a ha

29、ndout(施舍物 ), but a “handup”. Thats how “Save the Children” works. But without you, it cant work. Please take a moment now to fill in and post the form below to help a child like Maria and her village. It can make such a difference in her life and yours. 【小题 1】 We can most probably read the letter in

30、 _. A somebodys diary B a newspaper C a progress report D a storybook 【小题 2】 From the passage, we can infer (推断) that _ A Maria is an 11-year-old girl. B Marias family is very poor. C Maria has to do a lot of hard work. D Maria is hoping to get schooling. 【小题 3】 What is “Save the Children” A An orga

31、nization to help poor children go to school. B An office of the government to collect money. C A program shown at theatres to help the poor. D A group who works for children in poor places. 【小题 4】 The underlined word “sponsor” means “_” in Chinese. A回报 B资助 C感恩 D抢救 【小题 5】 What does the last sentence

32、in the letter mean A If Maria goes to school, you will be rewarded. B What you give is more than what you take. C Both Marias life and yours will change a lot. D Marie and you can help each other at school. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 试题分析:这是封信来自一个贫困儿童的发展报告。告诉我们世界上还有很多生活贫困的儿童及他们

33、的家庭,号召我们伸出援助之手,这样会让你我的生活有很大的不同。 【小题 1】根据最后一段 Receive photos or progress reports. 及上文描述,可知本文主要介绍了一些贫困孩子及他们的家庭的生活状况,号召我们伸出援助之手。故选 C。 【小题 2】根据短文第四段描述,可知玛利亚家的生活非常贫困,故选 B。 【小题 3】根据短文后三段描述,可知这是一个救助贫困地区的孩子们的一个慈善组织。故选 D。 【小题 4】联系前一句, But for just 52 pennies a day,每天只要 52便士,可知此处指的是,你就能资助一个像玛利亚一样的孩子。故选 B。 【小题

34、 5】根据短文描述,可知只要我们都能伸出援助之手,向玛利亚这样的贫困孩子的生活就会改变很多,我们的生活也将因之有很大的不同。故选 C。 考点:关于一个发展报告的应用文阅读 点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明, 学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案:。 Art of sushi (寿司 ) making Bei Restaurant at the Opposite House Festive buffet (自助餐 ) CBD restaurant at Grand Millennium

35、offers the last sushi preparation class by Max Levy, a New Orleans-born New Yorker, who learned the art of sushi making from masters in Japan. Classes are at 11:30 a.m. on Dec 2 or 5. Cost is 388 yuan per person, including materials and use of materials. 010-6410-5230 Beijing offers a festive buffet

36、, featuring (以 为特色 ) roast turkey, until Dec 30. Turkey will be matched with stuffing (填料 ), bread and fruit cakes, and buffet selections (选择 ). 010-6530-9383 New Year dinner party Beijing Minzu Hotel prepares a dinner party on New Year Eve. There will be song-and-dance performances, with famous Fre

37、nch wines and exciting prizes to win. Cost is 1,680-2,580 yuan per person. 6-10 p.m., Jan 22, 1/F, Coffee Mill, Four Seasons Restaurant, 2/F Jin Xiu Palace, and 11/F East Hall and West Hall. 010-6601-4466 New Year shopping Get a gift idea at The Peninsula Beijing, where there are many offerings, or

38、shop at The Peninsula Arcade, for fashion, jewelry (珠宝 ), leather and other gifts. Or try online shopping at . The Peninsula Boutique is open daily from 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. 010-8516-2888 【小题 1】 Many people are attracted (吸引 ) to Bei Restaurant for its _. A fruit cakes B song-and-dance performances C j

39、ewelry and leather D art of sushi making 【小题 2】 If you want to buy some gifts for your friends, youd better go to _. A Beijing Minzu Hotel B Grand Millennium Beijing C The Peninsula Beijing D Bei Restaurant 【小题 3】 If you are sure to order delicious Turkey by Dec. 30, you can phone _. A 010-8516-2888

40、 B 010-6601-4466 C 010-6530-9383 D 010-6410-5230 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 试题分析:本题主要考察了四则有关四家饭店的海报,海报中主要介绍了这几家饭店的服务特色,招牌菜,营业时间及联系方式等内容。 【小题 1】根据第一则海报描述,可知这家饭店的特色是寿司制作,故选 D。 【小题 2】根据第四则海报 Get a gift idea at The Peninsula Beijing, where there are many offerings, or shop at The Peninsula Arcade, f

41、or fashion, jewelry (珠宝 ), leather and other gifts.描述,可知给朋友买礼物,最好去王府井半岛饭店。故选 C。 【小题 3】根据第二则海报 featuring ( 以 为特色 ) roast turkey, until Dec 30. Turkey will be matched with stuffing (填料 ), 010 -6530-9383描述,可知要预定火鸡肉要拨打这个 010-6530-9383电话,故选 C。 考点:布告类应用文阅读 点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当 依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成

42、阅读。 Mr Green is an Englishman. He teaches English well His English classes are very interesting. He likes us and we like him, too. Mr Green has two children-Mike and Nancy. Mike is eight and his sister Nancy is five. Mike goes to school but Nancy doesnt. Mr Green likes to wear a T-shirt and a pair o

43、f jeans. Football is his favorite sport. After school we often have a basketball match. Sometimes Mr Green watches and joins us. He plays basketball just for us. 【小题 1】 Mr Green is _. A a Chinese teacher B an English teacher C a Japanese teacher D an English teacher 【小题 2】 How many sons does Mr Gree

44、n have A Only one B Two C Three D Not any 【小题 3】 Nancy doesnt go to school because _. A she looks beautiful B she is seven C she is only five D she doesnt like school 【小题 4】 _ is Mr Greens favorite sport. A Basketball B Football C running D Volleyball 【小题 5】 The story is about _. A Mr Greens son B M

45、r Green C Mike and Nancy D a basketball 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了格林先生的工作生活及家庭情况。 【小题 1】根据第一段 Mr Green is an Englishman. He teaches English well His English描述,可知他是一个英语老师。故选 D。 【小题 2】根据第二段 Mr Green has two children-Mike and Nancy.描述,可知他有两个孩子。麦克一般用作男孩名字,南希一般用作女孩名字,

46、可知他有一个儿子,故选 A。 【小题 3】根据第二段 and his sister Nancy is five.描述,可知南希是因为年龄不够才没有上学。故选 C。 【小题 4】根据第二段 Mr Green Football is his favorite sport. 描述,可知格林先生最喜欢的运动是足球。故选 B。 【小题 5】这篇短文主要介绍了格林先生的工作生活及家庭情况,故选 B。 考点:生活类说明文阅读 点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案:。

47、 Jackie Chan was born on April 7, 1954, in Hong Kong, China. His parents left mainland China for Hong Kong a short time before he was born. His parents named him “Chan Kong-sang”, which means “born in Hong Kong”. They wanted to celebrate a safe trip to Hong Kong. At first, Jackies family lived in th

48、e French Embassy(大使馆 ).His father was a cook, and his mother was a housekeeper. When Jackie was seven years old, his family moved to Australia. His father got a job in the American Embassy. Later, back in Hong Kong, Jackies father sent him to the China Drama Academy. Jackie studied and worked 19 hours a day. The students practiced Kong Fu and lear


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