2012年人教版英语初一下Wheres the post office练习卷与答案.doc

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1、2012年人教版英语初一下 Wheres the post office练习卷与答案 单项选择 * Im hungry. Me too. Lets find a _ to eat some food. A library B bank C restaurant D post office 答案: C I hope you have a great trip to Hong Kong. _. A OK B Good C Thank you D Thats right 答案: C People can only go straight when they see the _ sign. 答案: A

2、 11 江津中考 There _ only one doctor in the hospital today. A is B has C have D are 答案: A When can you _ America A arrive in B arrive at C arrive D get 答案: A The _ of the movie is very scary. A begin B begins C beginning D to begin 答案: C This quiet park is a good place _. A study B studys C studying D t

3、o study 答案: D 11 宜宾中考 John is standing _ Gina and Jim. A at B during C between D in 答案: C _ to the restaurant is a 5-star hotel. A Next B Across C Between D Front 答案: A Go down Park Street and the bank is _ your right. A on B in C at D of 答案: A 完型填空 My name is David. I 1 in a big city with my parent

4、s. My home is on the sixth 2 of a tall building(建筑物 ). Its a beautiful building. It 3 14 floors. Its on a 4 street. There are a lot of cars and people there. And the street is very 5 , so I dont like it. But there are a lot of 6 to have fun. We can 7 games in the park. And we can take a 8 in the gar

5、den. Sometimes I read books in the 9 . Its really quiet. I enjoy reading there. Do you like our neighborhood If you like, 10 to my home. Its on Green Street. 【小题1】 A take B live C have D go A street B park C floor D house A is B have C are D has A busy B new C old D quiet A clean B dirty C big D goo

6、d A gardens B parks C places D restaurants A make B take C do D play A walk B car C bus D bike A bank B restaurant C library D hotel A welcome B go C live D walk 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 A 【小题 1】句意: “我和父母居住在一个大城市里。 ”live in“居住在 ” 。

7、【小题 2】 on the sixth floor“在第六层楼 ”。此处 floor意为 “(建筑物的 )楼层 ”。 【小题 3】主语为第三人称单数 it,谓语动词用 have的第三人称单数形式 has。 【小题 4】根据下句 “那里有很多车辆和行人。 ”可知这是一条繁忙的街道,故选 A。 【小题 5】由下句 “我不喜欢它 ”可知此处应是个贬义词,只有 B项符合。 【小题 6】根据下文内容可知应是很多不同的 “地方 ”而不仅仅是一个地方。 【小题 7】 play games“玩游戏 ”,固定用法。 【小题 8】 take a walk意为 “散步 ”,符合语境。 【小题 9】适合读书并且 “安

8、静 ”的地方应该是在图书馆。 【小题 10】 “如果你喜欢,欢迎到我家来。 ”welcome to. . . “欢迎到 ” 。 阅读理解 根据地图和短文内容回答问题。 Look at the map of our neighborhood. The bank is next to my house. The school is next to the bank. There are a lot of teachers and they help me learn about many subjects. They are very friendly to me. If I want to re

9、ad books or surf the Internet(网上冲浪 ), I can go to the library. Its on No. 3 Street. When I get sick(生病 ), the doctors(医生 ) can give me a hand. Where is the hospital(医院 ) Can you find it Its on No. 2 Street. There is also a big supermarket in our neighborhood. I can buy a lot of things from there. It

10、s across from the bank and my house. But the post office is far from my home. If I want to post a letter, I have to go along First Avenue and turn right at the turning. Go along No. 1 Street and turn right again, and the post office is on my left. Its a good place to have fun Welcome to my neighborh

11、ood 【小题 1】 Where is the bank _ 【小题 2】 Is there a park next to the house _ 【小题 3】 How do you get to the post office from the house _ 【小题 4】 Where is the hospital _ 【小题 5】 What can you do in the library _ 答案: 【小题 1】 Its next to the school. /Its between the school and my house. / Its across from the su

12、permarket. 【小题 2】 No, there isnt. 【小题 3】 Go along First Avenue and turn right at the turning. Go along No. 1 Street and turn right again, and the post office is on my left. 【小题 4】 Its on No. 2 Street. 【小题 5】 I can read books and surf the Internet. 书面表达 假如你是一名交警,来自美国的 Mr. King向你询问希尔顿宾馆的位置。请看下面的地图,然后完

13、成下面的对话。不少于 50词。 K: Excuse me._ _ P: Sure. _ _ _ _ _ K: Thank you very much. P: Youre welcome. 答案: K: Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to Hilton Hotel? P: Sure. Go straight and then turn left. Then go down Zhongma Street. You go through Beijing Street, Nanshan Street and then turn right on

14、 Bridge Street. Go down Bridge Street and turn left. And you can see it on your left. K: Thank you very much. P: Youre welcome. 这题要求写 Mr. King向交警询问希尔顿宾馆的位置,对话中要有:问路的方式:Could you please tell me the way to. 指路的方式: Go straight and then turn left. Then go down Zhongma Street. 最后还要有礼貌用语。 单词拼写 根据句意及首字母和图片

15、提示完成单词 (5分 ) 【小题 1】 I like to study in the l _. 【小题 2】 There is a big s_ on Center Street. 【小题 3】 Where is the pay p_ 【小题 4】 Lets go to the r_. 【小题 5】 Is there a clean h_near here 答案: 【小题 1】 library uan 【小题 2】 supermarket 【小题 3】 phone 【小题 4】 restaurant 【小题 5】 hotel 【小题 1】从图画内容和句子看出是在图书馆,填 library。 【

16、小题 2】从图画内容看出是超市: supermarket 【小题 3】从图画内容看出是电话, pay phone“付费电话 ” 【小题 4】从图画内容看出是 restaurant “饭店 ” 【小题 5】从图画内容看出是 hotel“旅店 ”。 补充句子 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。 A. Please ask that woman. B. Which bus should I take C. I dont know. D. Is it far from here E. Can I take a bus to get there F. Dont thank goodness. G

17、. Youre welcome. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 E 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 G 【小题 1】问句是问路的,根据后面的 Im new here可知选 C。(我不知道) 【小题 2】接着上面的句子,我不知道,去问那个妇女,选 A。 【小题 3】根据答语: Yes, you can.可知问句是以 Can I开头,选 E。 【小题 4】根据答语: You can take a No. 2 Bus. 问题是问:我该乘哪路车?选 B 【小题 5】 Youre welcome. 是回答 Thank you.选 G。 翻译 完成句子 (10分 ) 【小题 1

18、】在银行的对面有一家旅馆。 _ _ a hotel _ _ the bank. 【小题 2】让我们到公园散步吧。 Lets _ _ _ in the park. 【小题 3】你可以在花园里玩得很开心。 You can _ _ in the garden. 【小题 4】你知道去超市的路吗? Do you know _ _ _ the supermarket 【小题 5】沿着解放大街走,它就在你的前边。 _ _ Jiefang Street. Its _ _ _ you. 答案: 【小题 1】 There is; across from 【小题 2】 take a walk 【小题 3】 have

19、 fun/enjoy yourself 【小题 4】 the way to 【小题 5】 Go/Walk down/along; in front of 【小题 1】 “什么地方有 ”, 用 There be句型,主语是 a hotel,所以用 is;对面用 across from。 【小题 2】固定词组: take a walk“散步 ”。 【小题 3】固定词组:玩得很开心: have fun/enjoy yourself 【小题 4】固定词组:去超市的路 the way to 【小题 5】固定词组:沿着 . 走 Go/Walk down/along; 在 . 前边 in front of

20、选词填空 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 (5分 ) live, near, welcome, turn, dirt 【小题 5】 _ to our Pine District. 答案: 【小题 1】 turn 【小题 2】 dirty 【小题 3】 living 【小题 4】 near 【小题 5】 Welcome 【小题 1】 turn left“向左转 ” 【小题 2】从文章的 There are too many people on it.街上有很多人,说明是街上很忙很脏。填 dirty。 【小题 3】 enjoy doing“喜欢做 ”, 填 living,句意是:你喜欢生活在安静的街道上吗? 【小题 4】考查介词的用法, near your home“在你家附近 ”。 【小题 5】 Welcome to “ 欢迎到 ” 。


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