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1、2012年人教版高中英语必修五 Unit5练习卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * He was running hard to catch up with the rest of his team when he fell over his own feet. When he struggled up, he felt his left ankle _, and found his left hand _ and his nose _. A spraining; swelling; bleeding B sprained; swollen; bled C spraining; swelling;

2、 bled D sprained; swollen; bleeding 答案: D 试题分析:考查 feel和 find的用法, sprain意思 “扭伤 ”, swollen意思 “肿的 ”,bleed意思 “流血 ”, feel sth done/adj和 find sth done/doing,表示出于某种状态,句子意思 “当他竞争时,他的左脚脖子扭伤了,发现他的左手肿了,鼻子正在流血 ”,所以选 D 考点:考查 feel和 find的用法 点评:注意固定句型 catch up with意思 “赶上 ”, fell over ones own feet意思 “落后 ”,句子用了两个时间

3、when引导的状语从句。 People exposed to radiation are more _ to suffer from certain forms of cancer, which can be _ but cant be _at present A more likely; treated; cured B more probable; treated; cured C more possible; cured; treated D more likely; cured; treated 答案: A 试题分析:考查固定词组和单词意思, more more likely意思 “更

4、有可能 ”,句子意思 “被暴露于辐射的人更有可能患有某种癌症,这些能治疗但目前不能治愈 ”, 所以选 A 考点:考查固定词组和单词意思 点评:句子 People exposed to radiation ,过去分词 exposed修饰前面的名词People,表示被暴露于,注意 cure和 treat的区别: treat普通用词,指接受并治愈病人; cure主要指治愈疾病。句子 which can be ,是关系代词 which引导的非限制性定语从句。 The football match was really _. No one was sure which side _ until the

5、last moment. A firm; would win B exciting; was winning C tight; would win D close; was about to win 答案: C 试题分析:考查单词意思, firm意思 “坚固的 ”, exciting意思 “兴奋的 ”, tight意思 “紧凑的 ”, close意思 “亲近的 ”,句子意思 “足球赛安排的很紧凑,没有人知道哪一个边会赢直到最后一分钟 ”,所以选 C 考点:考查单词意思 点评:注意 will do sth和 be about to do sth的区别, will do sth表示没有计划做某事,

6、 be about to do sth表示有计划做某事;句子 No one was sure which side使用了不完全倒装,把助动词提前。 An appropriate amount of temporary pressure can _ a kind of motivation to do something well, but once it becomes constant or permanent, psychological problems are likely to _. A act as; rise B play as; appear C work as; raise

7、D serve as; arise 答案: 试题分析:考查固定词组和单词意思, act as 意思 “起 作用 ”,rise 意思 “上升 ”, play as意思 “把 演成 ”, appear意思 “出现 ”, work as意思 “任 职 ”, raise意思 “上升 ”, serve as意思 “充当 ”, arise意思 “出现 ”,句子意思 “适当数量的暂时压力能充当做好事情的一种动机,但是它一旦变成永恒的或永久的,心理问题很可能出现 ”,所以选 D 考点:考查固定词组和单词意思 点评:注意 rise意思 “上升 ”和 raise意思 “上升 ”的区别: raise及物动词,常用词

8、,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时做引申用; rise普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。 psychological problems意思 “心理问题 ”, 固定词组 be likely to do sth意思 “可能做某事 ”。 I have experienced quite a number of cases _ I really wanted to help but could not find anything to _. A when; put on my hands B that; put my hands on C where; put my hands on D in

9、 that; put on my hands 答案: C 试题分析:考查从句,当先行词是 case时,引导词用 where,句子意思 “我已经经历了好多事在那我想帮忙但是发现手里什么都没有 ”,所以选 C 考点:考查从句 点评:注意 a number of既可以修饰不可数名词又可以修饰可数名词,意思 “许多 ”,当先行词是 case、 situation等 词时,引导词用 where。固定词组 put my hands on意思 “放在手上 ”。注意 find的用法, find sth done/adj表示发现某物出于某种状态。 In my dream I felt it hard to br

10、eath as if somebody _ from the distance A were choking B was choking me C had choked D would choke 答案: A 试题分析:考查虚拟,因为句子里有 as if意思 “好像 ”,它后面的句子用虚拟,句子意思 “在我的梦里我感觉很难呼吸好像将要窒息 ”,所以选 A 考点:考查虚拟 点评:注意固定词组 In my dream意思 “在我的梦里 ”,固定句型 sb felt it+ adj +to do sth ,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是 to do不定式。 as if意思 “好像 ”,它后面的句子用虚

11、拟。 People like to live a life full of _ and there are _ of life styles available for people to choose in the modern world. A a variety; a variety B varieties; varieties C a variety; varieties D variety; varieties 答案: 试题分析:考查单词意思, a variety意思 “种种 ”, varieties意思 “变化 ”, variety意思 “多样化 ”,句子意思 “在当今社会人们喜欢

12、充满多样化的生活和有各种各样的生活方式让人们去选择 ”,所以选 D 考点:考查单词意思 点评:注意 a variety of意思 “多样的 ”, full of意思 “充满 ”,过去分词 full of做life的后置定语,表示充满多样化的生活。 life styles意思 “生活方式 ”。注意there be句型。 Everybody on the spot was deeply touched by the bravery of the young girl who took off her only blouse, _ the burns and _ the mouth-to-mouth

13、 method to save the man who was in a coma(昏迷 ) because of a bad electric shock. A wrapped; took advantage of B dressed; applied C did up; used D packed up; made use of 答案: 试题分析:考查单词意思, wrapped 意思 “包裹 ”, took advantage of 意思 “利用 ”,dressed意思 “给某人穿衣 ”, applied意思 “适用 ”, used意思 “用 ”, packed up意思“打包 ”, ma

14、de use of意思 “利用 ”, did up意思 “整修 ”,句子意思 “在场的每一人都被那个脱掉仅有的衬衣给烧伤的穿上,适用人工呼吸的方法救那个因电击而昏迷的男人的女孩感动了 ”,所以选 考点:考查单词意思 点评:句子用了两个定语从句,都是关系代词 who引导的,翻译此句时要注意定语从句。 Everybody on the spot意思 “在场的每一个人 ”, was deeply touched by意思 “被什么深深地感动了 ”。 because of意思 “因为 ”,后跟 名词;而 because后跟句子。 More and more teaching _ are being d

15、eveloped across the globe, which are sure to _to make classroom teaching more lively and interesting. A aids; help B assistance; help C aids; assist D helps; aid 答案: 试题分析:考查单词意思, aids意思 “目标 ”, help意思 “帮助 ”, assist 意思 “帮助 ”, assistanc意思 “帮助 ”,句子意思 “世界各地越来越多的教学目标正在被发展,这能确保使课堂教学跟有趣和充满活力的 ”,所以选 考点:考查单词意

16、思 点评:固定词组 More and more意思 “越来越多 ”, help和 assist区别: assist强调在提供帮助时,以受助者为主,所给的帮助起第二位或从属作用; help最普通用词,指一般性的或迫切需要帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神、或其它方面的帮助。句子 which are sure to是 which引导的非限制性定语从句。 I think it _ that one have a good command of English if one wants to be engaged in international trade. A useful B a must C

17、 essential D vital 答案: C 试题分析:考查单词意思, useful意思 “有用的 ”, essential意思 “必要的 ”, vital意思 “至关重要的 ”,句子意思 “我认为如果一个人想要从事国际贸易对英语有很高的要求是很必要的 ”,所以选 C 考点:考查单词意思 点评:注意固定句型 be engaged in意思 “从事于 ”, have a good command of意思“对 有很高的要求 ”,句子 I think it , it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是 that one have a good command of English if one wants

18、 to be engaged in international trade.注意 if的用法。 The situation in the Middle East is so _ that we have to be _ when dealing with the hostage issue. A complex; cautious B difficult; anxious C mixed; careful D mild; eager 答案: A 试题分析:考查单词意思, complex意思 “复杂的 ”cautious意思 “小心的 ”,difficult意思 “难的 ”, eager意思 “

19、渴望 的 ”, mixed意思 “混合的 ”, careful意思“小心的 ”, mild意思 “温柔的 ”, anxious意思 “担心的 ”,句子意思 “中东的形势如此复杂以至于我们处理人质问题的时候不得不小心 ”,所以选 A 考点:考查单词意思 点评:注意 sothat 的用法, so+adj/adv+that ; such a/an+adj+that 。当先行词是 situation,引导词用 where,固定句型 deal with意思 “处理 ”, the hostage issue意思 “人质问题 ”,句子 when dealing with the hostage issue,

20、是 when引导的时间状语从句。注意 have to和 must的区别, have to表示因外因而不得不;must表示因内因而不得不。 _ of hope still remains for the young girl whose cruel step father poured a pan of boiling water over her head as she _ to remove the basin on the stove which was too hot for a bruised bare hand. A A light; denied B A ray; turned d

21、own C A little; rejected D A ray; refused 答案: D 试题分析:考查固定词组, A ray of意思 “一线 ”, A little of意思 “一点 ”,句子意思 “一线希望尚存对于那个从她的头上到了一锅开水与此同时她拒绝移动对她烧伤的手太热的炉子上的盆的女孩 ”,所以选 D 考点:考查固定词组 点评:句子 the young girl whose cruel step father 是 whose引导的定语从句,which was too hot for a bruised bare hand.是 which引导的定语从句;固定句型 a pan o

22、f意思 “一锅 ”, A ray of意思 “一线 ”, on the stove意思 “在炉子 ”。 When the police broke into the room, they were terrified at the scene: a middle-aged man lying on the floor, with a cupboard _him, his feet and hands _ tight with electric wires, his throat _ open and a pair of scissors _ deep in the chest. A cover

23、ed; tied; cut; cut B covering; tying; cutting; cutting C covering; tied; cut; cutting D covered; were tied; cut; cutting 答案: C 试题分析:考查 with复合结构,句子意思 “当警察闯进房间里,它们被场景吓坏了:一个正在捆在地上的中年男人,把他装在柜橱里,他的脚和手用电线紧紧地捆着,他的嗓子切开了和一把深深地插进胸前的剪刀 ”,所以选 C 考点:考查 with复合结构 点评: with复合结构, with+宾语 +宾补(分词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语、名词),表示主

24、谓关系,用现在分词,表示动宾关系,用过去分词;动作未发生或将要发生用不定式。注意固定词组 break into意思 “闯进 ”, be terrified at意思 “对 吓坏了 ”,句子 When the police broke into the room是When引导的时间状语从句,句子 middle-aged man lying on the floor,现在分词lying修饰前面的名词 man,表示正在躺在地上的中年男人。 I am afraid that your request to speak at the ceremony is not quite _, because we

25、 have already had everybody _ _. A in place; speak; in place B in place; to speak; in place C out of place; speaking; in place D in place; to speak; in the place 答案: B 试题:考查固定句型和 have的用法, in place意思 “适当的;准备就绪 ”,句子意思 “我恐怕你在典礼上讲话的要求不适当的,因为我们已经让每个人演讲都准备好了 ”,所以选 B 考点:考查固定句型和 have的用法 点评:注意 have的用法, have+

26、n+to do表示使 不为自己做 , have+n+do表示使 为自己做 ,have+n+done 表示把 被 , 用法容易混淆,需加强记忆。 Whenever I get a blister somewhere on my body, I usually _ it over and over until it breaks; let out the watery liquid inside and leave it dry by itself. -It works sometimes but it might get infected easily. The normal _ for it

27、should be-Oh I dont know. A press; cure B squeeze; treatment C impress; cure D polish; treatment 答案: B 试题分析:考查单词意思, press意思 “按 ”, cure意思 “治愈 ”, squeeze意思“挤 ”, treatment意思 “处理 ”, impress意思 “给 印象 ”, polish意思 “擦亮 ”,句子意思 “无论何时我全身起满水泡,我总反复的挤它知道它破,把水挤出来,有时可以,但是它很容易感染,最普通的处理方法是 ” ,所以选 B 考点:考查单词意思 点评:注意 Whe

28、never的用法,意思 “无论何时 ”,引导时间状语从句,固定词组over and over意思 “反复 ”,注意 cure和 treat的区别: treat普通用词,指接受并治愈病人; cure主要指治愈疾病。 The skin is the largest organ of your body _of three layers; _are essential to _your body against diseases, poisons and the suns harmful rays or radiations. A consisting; they; protecting B con

29、sisting; which; protecting C made up of; they; protect D consisted; they; protecting 答案: A 试题分析:考查 consisting 和 consisted的用法, consisting of意思 “由 组成 ”,相当于一个介词短语, consisted of表示被动, made up of意思 “构成 ”, be essential to固定词组,意思 “对 必要的 ”, to是介词,后跟名词和动名词和名词性短语,所以选 A 考点:考查 consisting 和 consisted的用法 点评:遇到此类题要

30、小心审题, consisting of修饰前面的名词 your body,意思“由三层组成的 身体 ”。 _ there was no bandage available, she tore off her sleeve and tied it around his wrist a little above the bleeding point _ him from losing too much blood. A For; to save B Because; saving C Since; save D As; to save 答案: D 试题分析:考查单词意思, For意思 “为了 ”,

31、 Because意思 “因为 ”, Since意思“自从 ”, As意思 “因为 ”,固定词组 save from意思 “使免受 ”,句子意思 “因为那没有绷带可用,她撕掉她的袖子绑在手腕流血的地方以免流血过多 ”,所以选 D 考点:考查单词意思 点评:注意固定句型 tear off意思 “撕掉 ”, 句子 the bleeding point 的 bleeding动名词做名词 point的修饰语,意思 “流血的 ”,不定式表示目的。 Medicine bottles should be clearly labeled and _in places _ are out of childrens

32、 reach. A kept them; where B kept; which C kept them; that D kept; where 答案: B 试题分析:考查固定词组和定语从句, keep in place意思 “固定住 ”, which在从句中做主语,句子意思 “药瓶应该被清楚的标记和被固定住,放在小孩够不到的地方 ”,所以选 B 考点:考查固定词组和定语从句 点评:注意句型 should be done意思 “应该被 ” ,句子 places which are out of childrens reach.是关系代词 which引导的定语从句。 It is several

33、years since he _ ill and his illness _ great damage to his health. A fell; has done B fell; does C was; had done D felt; has done 答案: A 试题分析:考查固定句型和时态, fall ill意思 “生病 ”,句子有时间状语 It is several years,时态用完成式,句子意思 “自从他生病已经好几年了,他的病已经给他的身体造成很大的伤害 ”,所以选 A 考点:考查固定句型和时态 点评:做时态题时,要注意时间状语。固定词组 fell ill 意思 “生病 ”

34、,注意 since的用法。 A cut in the tissue is easy to heal but a(an) _ to the heart, if possible, takes a long time to do so. A injury B damage C hurt D wound 答案: D 试题分析:考查单词意思, injury意思 “伤害 ”, damage意思 “毁坏 ”, hurt意思“伤害 ”, wound意思 “伤口 ”,句子意思 “组织里的一个刀口很容易恢复,但是心脏的伤口需要花费很长时间才能恢复 ”,所以选 D 考点:考查单词意思 点评:注意固定句型 take

35、 a long time to do sth意思 “花费很长时间做某事 ”, be easy to do sth意思 “很容易做某事 ”。 Water is vital _every living thing _, without which the world would be a dead place. A to keeping; alive B to keep; living C to keeping; lively D to keep; alive 答案: A 试题分析:考查固定用法, be vital to意思 “对 极端重要 ”, alive意思 “活着的 ”, lively意思

36、“活泼的 ”, keep sth doing/adj表示处于某种状态,句子 意思 “水对于每一个活的东西保持生命极端重要,没有这些世界将成为一个死了的地方 ”,所以选 A 考点:考查固定用法 be vital to意思 “对 极端重要 ”,句子 without which the world would be a dead place.是个关系代词 which引导的宾语从句。 点评:注意固定句型 In case of emergency, whether knowing how to apply first aid or not really _ in matters concerning w

37、ounds like swollen wrists, broken arms, burns, cuts, and so on. A makes difference B makes a difference C makes differences D makes different 答案: B 试题分析:考查固定词组, make difference意思 “有不同 ”, make different意思“将某物与某物区分 ”, makes a difference意思 “有影响 ”,句子意思 “万一有紧急情况,是否知道怎样提供急救对于关系像红肿手腕、骨折、烧伤、刀口等创伤有很大影响 ”,所以选

38、 B 考点:考查固定词组 点评:注意固定句型 In case of意思 “万一 ”,句子 whether knowing how to apply first aid or not really ,是 whether引导的主语从句,主语从句中又含有 how引导的宾语从句。动名词 concerning做名词 matters后置定语。 The housewife got her hands and arms _ while trying to pour the boiling water from the kettle into the thermos; she _ some healing oi

39、ntment to her burn but the pain was still unbearable A burned; put B burnt; used C burnt; dressed D burnt; applied 答案: 试题分析:考查单词意思, burnt意思 “烧伤的 ”, put意 思 “放 ”, used意思 “使用 ”,dressed意思 “穿 ”, applied意思 “使用 ”,句子意思 “当她把开水从水壶倒进暖水瓶的时候,她的手和胳膊烧伤了,她适用了康复软膏,但是疼痛难以忍受 ”,所以选 D 考点:考查单词意思 点评:注意固定词组 apply to意思 “适用

40、”, from sth into sth意思 “从某个东西倒进某个东西 ”,句子 while trying to pour the boiling 是 while引导的时间状语从句。注意 while和 when的区别, while后跟短暂性动词和延续性动词,而 when只跟短暂性动词。 From the _ shown in the dead body, he _to death by a certain poisonous chemical, but I cant tell exactly which. A symptoms; must have been poisoned B signs;

41、 should have been poisoned C symbols; could have been poisoned D appearances; may have been poisoned 答案: A 试题分析:考查推测, symptoms意思 “症状 ”, signs意思 “记号 ”, symbols 意思“象征 ”, appearances意思 “外表 ”, must have done表示肯定推测 should have done表示本应该做某事而没做 could/may have done表示没把握的推测,所以选 A 考点:考查推测 点评:注意句子 From the sym

42、ptoms shown in the dead body, 过去分词 shown做名词 symptoms后置定语,表示被显示的症状。推测是经常考试内容,要加强记忆。 _ confidence in yourself is the biggest barrier _ greater progress in your work. A Lacking of; to making B Lack of; to make C Lack of; to making D The lack of; to make 答案: C 试题分析:考查固定句型, Lack of意思 “缺乏 ”, be barrier to

43、意思 “是 障碍 ”,句子意思 “缺乏自信心是在工作上取得较大进步的最大障碍 ”,所以选 C 考点:考查固定句型 点评: Lack of意思 “缺乏 ”,名词词性, Lack of+n= Lacking+n, confidence in yourself意思 “自信心 ”, be barrier to意思 “是 障碍 ”, to是介词,后跟名词或动名词,固定句型要靠平时多积累。 完型填空 Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled how she

44、became a percussion soloist (打击乐器独奏演员 ) in spite of her disability. “Early on I decided not to allow the 26 of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began 27 piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion (酷爱 ) for music grew.

45、 But I also began to gradually lose my 28 .Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the 29 and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never 30 me.” “My 31 was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at that time. To perform, I 32 to hear music differently

46、from others. I play in my stocking feet and can 33 the pitch of a note (音调高低 ) by the vibrations (振动 ) I feel through my body and through my 34 .My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every 35 that I have.” “I was 36 to be assessed as a musician, not as a deaf musician, and I applied t

47、o the famous Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had 37 this before and some teachers 38 my admission. Based on my performance, I was 39 admitted and went on to 40 with the academys highest honours.” “After that, I established myself as the first fulltime solo percussionist. I 41 and arranged a lot of musical compositions since 42 had been written specially for solo percussionists.” “I have been a soloist for over ten years. 43 the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didnt 44 that my passion couldnt be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselve


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