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1、2013届浙江省嘉兴市高三上学期基础测试英语试卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * - Could you walk me to the railway station -_.Ive got nothing to do anyway. A It depends B No problem C Forget it D Never mind 答案: B 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A看情况而定; B没有问题; C算了吧! D没有关系;句意: 你能和我步行去火车站吗? 没有问题。我反正也没有什么事情可做。根据 Ive got nothing to do anyway说明我吴事情可以做,陪对方去火车站没有问题

2、。故 B正确。 考点:考查交际用语 点评:交际用语的考查要根据上下文的串联。在平时也应该积累一些常考的交际用语的固定结构,本题要注意 AC 项。 The police officer was of not trying to prevent the crime from happening. A reminded B informed C accused D warned 答案: C 试题分析:动词短语辨析。 Remind sb of sth提醒某人某事; inform sb of sth通知某人某事; accuse sb of sth控告某人犯 罪; warn sb of sth警告某人某事

3、;句意:那个警官被控告渎职。根据句意说明 C正确。 考点:动词短语辨析 点评:本题考查了动词短语的辨析。 Remind sb of sth提醒某人某事; inform sb of sth通知某人某事; accuse sb of sth控告某人犯 罪; warn sb of sth警告某人某事; New lawyers often come across various cases they really dont know how to deal with in the beginning. A which B when C whom D where 答案: A 试题分析:考查定语从句。本定语

4、从句的先行词是 various cases,关系代词 which指代先行词,在句中作为动词短语 deal with的宾语。 When,where在句中做状语,whom的先行词必须是人。句意:新的律师总是会遇见各种在开始的时候他们不知道任何处理的案件。根据句意说明 A正确。 考 点:考查定语从句 点评:短语从句的解题关键是分析句子成分,如果句中缺少主语,宾语,表语,定语的时候,使用关系代词,如果定语从句很完整就使用关系副词。本题的定语从句中 deal with后面缺少宾语,所以使用关系代词。 - Whats up You didnt pick up the phone just now. - I

5、m sorry that I dancing with music on, but its done now. A practised B was practising C am practising D have practlised 答案: B 试题分析:考查时态。句意: 怎么了?刚才你为什么不接电话? 对不起。刚才我正在随着音乐在跳舞。现在已经跳完了。根据句意是指刚刚地方打电话的时候所发生的事情,故使用过去进行时表示在过去的一个时间点或者时间段里所发生的事情。故 B正确。 考点:考查时态 点评:过去进行时是指在过去的一个时间点或者时间段里所发生的事情。在解题的时候要和上下文的语境相结合。

6、 The question was at the meeting whether or not the company should employ more workers to increase production. A put forward B taken up C given out D passed on 答案: A 试题分析:动词短语辨析。 A 提出; B 占据,从事于,开始做; C 发出,分发,筋疲力尽; D传递;句意:这家公司是否应该雇佣更多的工人以提高产量这个问题在会议上被提了出来。根据句意说明 A正确。 考点:考查动词短语辨析 点评:动词的短语辨析在平时要加强识记和辨析,

7、要注意和句子上下文的串联也要当系一次多义的现象。 The story of the movie is a lot different from what I know g so I guess it is just based on the original novel. A logically B obviously C loosely D typically 答案: C 试题分析:副词辨析。 A逻辑上的; B明显地; C松散地,联系不紧密地; D典型地;句意:这个电影 里的故事和我知道的区别很大,所以我猜想它和原来的小说联系不紧密了。根据句意说明 C正确。 考点:考查副词词义辨析 点评:本

8、题考查了副词的词义辨析,要根据上下文的语境来判断使用合适的副词来与句子的意思相配。要注意副词的一些固定搭配和一词多义的现象。 The boy,_ with his school work every day. felt rather tired and wanted to have a whole day to relax. A occupying B having occupied C occupied D being occupied 答案: C 试题分析:考查形容词短语。 Be occupied with 忙于 ;本题使用了形容词短语 occupied with his school w

9、ork 来修饰主语 the boy就相当于 =who was occupied with. 。句意:那个男孩,整天忙着学校的作业。感觉很累,想有一天的时间来好好休息。故 C正确。 考点:考查形容词用法 点评:本题使用形容词短语对名词进行修饰限制,形容词短语 occupied with his school work 来修饰主语 the boy,该结构就相当于一个定语从句。 I wrote a letter to John for his help during my high school years. without which I the college entrance exam. A

10、would fail B would have failed C should fail D must have failed 答案: B 试题分析:考查虚拟语气。本题考查了含蓄的虚拟语气,该条件是通过介词without要不是 ;如果没有 来表现出来的。根据 wrote说明本句是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故使用 “情态动词 +have done”的结构来表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。故 B正确。 考点:考查虚拟语气 点评:本题考查了含蓄条件句,该条件通过介词 without(要不是 ,如果没有 ),且是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,使用 “情态动词 +have done”的形式。 - Are yo

11、u going abroad to further your study after graduation from college - I have been dreaming of it for years. A You bet! B How come C So what D Sounds great! 答案: A 试题分析:考查交际用语。 A当然,真的;的确; B怎么会? C那又怎么样? D听起来很好。句意: 大学毕业以后你会到国外继续你的学习吗? 当然了。那是我多年的梦想。根据 I have been dreaming of it for years.说明出国深造是我多年的梦想,那么我

12、当然是想这样做了。故 A正确。 考点:考查交际用语。 点 评:本题考查了交际用语,交际用语的考查要根据上下文的语境辨析使用,同时要注意一些常考的交际用语的搭配和使用区别。本题的四项都是高考常考内容。 Hardly _ out of the cave when there was a big bang and the entrance was blocked. A I did rush B I had rushed C did I rush D had I rushed 答案: D 试题分析:考查时态和倒装句。固定结构: hardlywhen 一 就 ; hardly几乎不,是一个半否定词,放在

13、句首的时候,后面要使用部分倒装的形式。根据there was说明 rush out of the cave是在 when 之前就发生的事情,故使用过去完成时的形式。 考点:考查时态和倒装句 点评:固定结构: hardlywhen 一 就 ; hardly几乎不,是一个半否定词,放在句首的时候,后面要使用部分倒装的形式。 When my new colleagues asked me about my child, I felt very as I was still a single woman. A awkward B desperate C stupid D curious 答案: A 试

14、题分析:形容词辨析。 A尴尬的; B绝望的; C愚蠢的; D好奇的;句意:当我的同事问我孩子的事情时,我感觉很尴尬,因为我还单身呢。根据句意说明A正确。 考点:形容词辨析 点评:本题考查了形容词的词义辨析,形容词的词义辨析要放在上下文的语境中进行,同时也要注意形容词的固定搭配和一词多义现象。 Once you submit the online form, your application shall be within a week and you will get a reply afterwards. A. preserved B. processed C. prepared D, pr

15、edicted 答案: B 试题分析:动词辨析。 A保存,保护; B审阅,审核; C准备了; D预测;句意:一旦你提交了表格,你的申请会在一个星期内得到审核,你很快会得到一个答复。根据句意说明 B正确。 考点:动词辨析 点评:本题考查了以 pre-开头的几个动词,在平时对于这些形式相近的动词要注意归纳总结和辨析。要注意一词多义的现象。 Where did you pick up news that the pop star, whose new song was quite a hit last year, would give concert A tbe;the B不填; the C the

16、;a D不填; a 答案: C 试题分析:考查冠词。第一空用 the特指 the news,后面有同位语从句 that the pop star, whose new song was quite a hit last year, would give concert.第二空泛指 a concert指一场音乐会。 考点:考查冠词 点评:冠词的考查集中在 the指特指, a/an表示泛指。同时也要注意构成的一些固定用法和不使用冠词的现象。 The boy joyfully ate up every single bit of the food on the table, his dog at h

17、im with its mouth watering. A. staring B.stared .to stare D. having stared 答案: A 试 题分析:考查独立主格结构。分词做状语的时候,当分词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致的时候,需要在分词前面把逻辑主语添上去,形成独立主格结构的形式,本题的 staring at 的逻辑主语是 his dog,而不是句子主语 the boy。因为stare at与 his dog构成主动关系,故使用现在分词的形式。故 A正确。 考点:考查独立主格结构 点评:分词做状语的时候,当分词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致的时候,需要在分词前面把逻辑主语添

18、上去,形成独立主格结构的形式。独立主格结构相当于一个状语从句,两者可以互换使用。 Do you have any idea it takes to successfully reach the top of Mount Everest A whether B how C which D what 答案: D 试题分析:考查同位语从句的连接词。本题的同位语从句 what it takes to successfully reach the top of Mount Everest作为名词 idea的同位语。该从句中的take后面缺少宾语,故使用连接代词 what。 Whether属于连接词,在句

19、中不充当 任何成分。 How属于连接副词,在句中做状语。 Which指特定范围之内的某一个。故 D正确。 考点:考查同位语从句的连接词 点评:在名词性从句中 Whether属于连接词,在句中不充当任何成分。 How属于连接副词,在句中做状语。 Which指特定范围之内的某一个。 What是连接代词可以在句中知道主语,宾语,表语等。 Graduation day is a very special day, Ill never forget for the rest of my life. A one B this C it D that 答案: A 试题分析:考查代词和同位语。本句中的 one

20、与前句的 a very special day构成同位关系,因为前面的 a very special day是表示泛指的,故后面的同位语也应该表示泛指。选项中 one指代可数名词单数形式,表示泛指; this/that特指; that指代可数名词单数,或者不可数名词,后面必须有定语修饰。 it 指代上文出现的同一事物,表示特指。句意:毕业的日子是一个很特殊的日子,是一个在余生中我永远不会忘记的日子。故 A正确。 考点:考查同位语 点评: one指代可数名词单数形 式,表示泛指; this/that特指; that 指代可数名词单数,或者不可数名词,后面必须有定语修饰。 it 指代上文出现的同一

21、事物,表示特指。 An increasing number of products made in China are good quality but much less expensive than those from abroad. A on B in C for D of 答案: D 试题分析:考查固定用法。固定结构: of+名词 =该名词组成的形容词。如 of importance=important重要的。本题的 of good quality表示质量好。故 D正确。 考点:考查固定结构 点评:固定结构: of+名词 =该名词组成的形容词。如 of importance=impo

22、rtant重要的。 lt seemed such a that people just stood by watching the old lady lying on the ground suffering pains. A mess B shame C disaster D fault 答案 : B 试题分析:名词辨析。 A混乱; B害羞,害羞的事情; C灾难; D过错,过失;本题的 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 that people just stood by watching the old lady lying on the ground suffering pains.句

23、意:人们只是站在那里看着那个老人躺在地上遭受痛苦,这真是一件让人害羞的事情。故 B正确。 考点:名词辨析 点评:名词的词义辨析要注意在上下文语境中进行搭配,同时要注意相关名词的一些固定结构。 You would be foolish to the offer. At that price, its dirt cheap. A. turn out B.turn off c.turn down D. turn over 答案: C 试题分析:动词短语辨析。 A结果是;原来是;证明是; B关闭; C调低,拒绝; D移交;句意:如果你拒绝那个报价真是太愚蠢了,以那个价格真是太便宜了。根据句意说明 C正

24、确。 考点:动词短语辨析 点评:本题考查了 turn的动词短语辨析,要注意 turn down调低,拒绝的一词多义的现象。在平时要注意积累和辨析 。 - Dont move. Turn around slowly and put your hands I can see them. - Relax, officer! Ijust reached into my pocket for my cell phone, A.before B.when C.until D,where 答案: D 试题分析:考查状语从句。本题的 where I can see them修饰动词短语 put your ha

25、nd。句意:不要动,原地慢慢转过来,把手放在我能看见的地方。 放松点,我只是伸手去拿手机。故 D正确。 考点:考查状语从句 点评:用状语从句来修饰动词或者动词短语,本题中的 where I can see them修饰动词短语 put your hands。 完型填空 One day my 5-year-old daughter, Mini, ran to the window crying: A Cabuliwallah(喀布尔商贩 )!A Cabuliwallah! In the street below was Rahmun,a Cabuliwallah passing slowly a

26、long. Mini called him 21 ,but when he looked at her she ran away scared. As time went by, they got to know each other and started to 22 together, laughing and talking all the way. Rahmun would give her grapes and strawberries,spending the Iittle money he had 23 her. The two often enjoyed jokng toget

27、her.Rahmun 24 say: Well, little one, when are you going to the father-in-laws house Mini did not understand this and was 25 . One morning,l saw Rahmun being led away by the police. There was some blood on his clothes .I 26 a neighbor had owed Rahmun money but denied it,and that in the course of the

28、27 Rahmun had struck him. On a charge of murderous attack, Rahmunwas 28 to prison. Time passed. Mini grew up and we were making arrangements,for her 29 .I was sitting in my study 30 someone entered. It was Rahmun, his face pale and dirty and I could 31 recognize him! He said all those years ago Mini

29、 -had reminded him of his own daughter in Kabul. It was his belief that Mini was 32 the same. He had once 33 Mini running to him calling 66 A Cabuliwallah! and pictured them laughing and talking together. The two were now reunited. But when he made 34 once more, Minis face turned red. They could not

30、 recover their old 35 .When Rahmun left, l gave him a bank note, 36 : Go back to your own daughter, and may the happiness of your meeting bring good 37 to my child! Having made this present,I had to 38 the electric lights and the music band I had intended for the wedding and the ladies in the house

31、were 39 .But to me the wedding was all the 40 for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his child. 【小题1】 A loudly B proudly C seriously D firmly A work out B run out C hang out D stand out A in B on C to D at A would B should C must D could A concerned B frightened C p

32、uzzled D ashamed A insisted B doubted C announced D heard A escape B quarrel C communication D bargain A punished B admitted C dropped D sentenced A wedding B birthday C graduation D promotion A while B after C unless D when A nearly B actually C hardly D simply A even B still C just D yet A caught

33、B imagined C avoided D kept A jokes B comments C suggestions D requests A belief B impression C friendship D energy A reading B writing C telling D saying A fortune B treasure C support D comfort A put off B give up C turn to D care about A moved B delighted C worried D disappointed A clearer B easi

34、er C brighter D quieter 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 C 【小题 16】 D 【小题 17】 A 【小题 18】 B 【小题 19】 D 【小题 20】 C 试题分析: 【小题 1】 A 副词辨析。 A大声地 B骄傲地 C严肃地 D坚定地;根据第一行crying说明 Mini是在大喊大叫。故 A正确。 【小题 2】 C

35、 动词短语。 A制定出 B用完 C闲逛 D突出,显眼;他们相互了解了,经常一起出去闲逛。 【小题 3】 B 考查固定结构。 Spend on sth在 上花费时间。 Rahmun经常花钱买一些小东西给我的女儿。 【小题 4】 A 情态动词用法。 Would过去常常;指 Rahmun经常问我的女儿什么时候出嫁 【小题 5】 C 上下文串联。根据上句的 did not understand说明女儿不理解他的意思而高级很困惑。 【小题 6】 D 动词辨析。 A坚持 B怀疑 C宣布 D听说;我听说有一个邻居欠Rahmun钱,却不承认。 【小题 7】 B 名词辨析。 A逃脱 B争吵 C交流 D讨价还价;

36、指在争吵中,Rahmun打了对方。 【小题 8】 D 动词辨析。 Sentence sb to 判处 罪行;本句是被动语态,Rahmun被判处入狱。 【小题 9】 A 上下文串联。根据下文 39空前的 for the wedding说明我们在准备女儿的婚礼。 【小题 10】 D 固定结构。 Be doing sth when 正在做某事在这时 ( 发生了意料之外的事情 );我们正在准备女儿的婚礼,在这时 Rahmun出现了。 【小题 11】 C 副词辨析。 A几乎 B实际上 C几乎不 D仅仅;他的脸很苍白很脏,我几乎不能认出他来。 【小题 12】 B 副词辨析。 A甚至 B仍然 C只是 D然而

37、; Rahmun认为我的女儿仍然是一样的。 【小题 13】 B 动词辨析。 A抓住 B想象 C避免 D保持;他曾经想象过女儿跑向他叫他 Cabuliwallah。 【小题 14】 A 名词辨析。 A玩笑 B评论 C建议 D请求;他们两个人重聚了,他又一次开起了玩笑。 【小题 15】 C 上下文串联。女儿很久没有见到他,还没有想起以前的友谊。 【小题 16】 D 动词辨析。 A读 B写 C告诉 D说;我给他一张支票,并对他说:回去找自己的女儿,也许能给我的女儿带来好运。 【小题 17】 A 名词辨析。 A运气 B珍宝 C支持 D安慰;我给他一张支票,并对他说:回去找自己的女儿,也许能给我的女儿带

38、来好运。 【小题 18】 B 动词短语辨析。 A推迟 B放弃 C求助,转向 D关心;因为我把女儿办婚礼的钱给了他,所以我没有钱来买 electric lights和请乐队来演出了。 【小题 19】 D 形容词辨析。我没有钱来买 electric lights和请乐队来演出了,那些参加婚礼的人很失望。 【小题 20】 C 形容词辨析。 A更清楚 B更早 C更棒,更精彩 D安静;对我来说虽然没有 electric lights没有乐队,但是这个婚礼更棒,是因为在远处,一个父亲又一次和他的孩子相遇了。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读 点评:本文讲述了我的一个邻居 Rahmun和我的女儿关系非常好,后来他入

39、狱了。在他出狱的时候我的女儿也要结婚了,我把女儿结婚的钱给了他,让他回去看望自己的孩子。答题前一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系。答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案:可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。 阅读理解 One morning in Philadelphia, the sun shone bright through all the thick jungles and the tall churches. John,

40、6, wearing the worn-out clothes, walked from afar, his dark small hands holding a piece of stolen bread. John stopped for a moment at the entrance to the sacred church and then left tightlyholding the bread, He was an orphan(弧儿 ), whose parents were killed in World War Illeaving him alonein the orph

41、anage for five years, Like many children in the orphanage, he had a lot of free time. Mostly no one took care of them, so they had to learn how to steal those they wanted. John believed the existence of God, so every Sunday morning in any case be would go to the cburch to have a look and listen to t

42、hose people singing inside or reciting the Bible.He felt only at this moment he was the child of God and so close to God. But he couldntenter because his clothes were so dirty. John himself knew it. John was quietly counting. This was his 45th Sunday at the entrance to the church. He stood on tiptoe

43、 for a while and walked away. As time passed, the pastor(牧 师 ) noticed John and learned from others that he was thesmall boy who liked stealing things in the orphanages. On the 46th Sunday, the sun was shining and John came still holding a piece of bread with his dark small hands. When he just stood

44、 there, the pastor came out. He felt like running away, but he was carried by the pastors friendly smile. The pastor walked up to his side, clearly seeing Johns small hands tremble. Are you John John didnt answer, but looked at the pastor and nodded. Do you believe in God the pastor petted John on h

45、is head stained with dust. Yes,l do! This time John told him loudly. So you believe in yourself John looked at the pastor, without a word. The pastor went on saying, At the first sight of you, I find youre different from other kids because you have a good heart. His face tunung red, John said timidl

46、y, In fact, Im a thief. With that, he loweredhis head. The pastor didnt speak, but held Johns dark small hands, slowly opened them andput them against his wrinkled face. Ah: Just at the same time, John shouted and was about to take out his dark smallhands. Yet the pastor tightly held his small hands

47、 and spread them out in the sun. Do you see, John What Youre cupping the sunshine in your hands. John blankly looked at his hands: when did they become so beautiful In Gods eyes, all cluldren are the same. When they are willing to spread out their hands to greet the sun, the sun will naturally shine

48、 on them. And you have two things more than they do. First is courage and the second is kindness. With that, the pastor led him into the church. It was the first time that John went into this sacred place, and at this moment he didnt feel inferior, but the unspeakable warmth. On that morning embracing the sunshine, John found himself again, along with the confidence, satisfaction, happiness, dreams he had never had. Twenty years have passed. Now the boy who ever tightly held the bread with his


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