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1、江苏省盐城市 09-10学年度高一下学期期中联考英语 单项选择 * How do you find your new classmate She is perfect!_. A I like her very much B I cant stand her any more C I hate her D I dont like the way she talks 答案: A Bill _ a couch potato and now he has a healthy lifestyle. A is B used to be C is used to being D is used to be

2、答案: B After many failures the most difficult _ is how to keep our strength up and fight again. A chance B change C challenge D challenger 答案: C Our life is becoming better and better, while in some countries there are still some people _ from hunger. A suffer B suffered C being suffered D suffering

3、答案: D I like to have some coffee and _ piece of bread in _ cafe where I usually go. A a; the B不填 ; the C a; 不填 D不填 ; a 答案: A Whats that terrible noise over there The workers _ the boxes from the back of the truck. A have carried B are carrying C carry D will carry 答案: B The jacket was _ from 50 doll

4、ars _ 33 dollars. A. volunteered; for B. switched; on C. complained; about D reduced; to 答案: D Their faces were filled _ fear when they saw the tiger. A of B in C by D with 答案: D The second-hand car Tom bought was very cheap. _ it was in excellent condition. A Even B Although C Besides D While 答案: C

5、 Im not sure whether John _ his parents has arrived. A as well B as well as C as usual D as soon as 答案: B Today some people get _ because they eat too much fat and sugar and dont take enough _. A fatter and fatter; exercise B fatter and fatter; exercises C thinner and thinner; exercise D thinner and

6、 thinner; exercises 答案: A It must be very _ to watch a close game between the two basketball teams. A excited B exciting C bored D boring 答案: B He spoke _ quickly _ I couldnt understand a word he was saying. A such; that B so; that C too; to D quite; that 答案: B The boy _ fifty yuan in repairing the

7、watch yesterday. A cost B spent C paid D took 答案: B Go home right now _ your parents will worry. A though B but C however D otherwise 答案: D 完型填空 第二节:完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16-35各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 I still remember the day I was driving to the supermarket I own. When

8、 I came out, I found a boy 16 my car with a brush. I went over and patted (拍 ) him 17 the shoulder, which surprised him very much. In no time he began to 18 at me, so I was sure he 19 some money. From the shoes he was wearing I could hardly imagine how 20 he was. So I offered him a $100 bill. To my

9、great surprise, he 21 to take it. When I was wondering what he was doing, he said, “I was waiting here for 4 hours, waiting for you. Your 22 is so beautiful and I like it, but I dont need that.” I knew he was mentioning the 23. As he had refused the money, I offered to drive him around the town. The

10、 boy became so 24 that he got into the car at once, “Would you please drive me 25 It is only about 3 miles.” What the boy wanted to do was to show off to his friends and his family. 26 I stopped, he jumped out and ran into an old building, telling me to wait there for some time. Very soon he came ou

11、t, saying to a little girl on his back, “Look at this beautiful car. I will buy you 27 some day.” I noticed his sister had a pale (苍白的 ) face. 28, her legs were too thin, and she was unable to 29. After that day I went to his home several times. And I got to know more about him and his 30. Poor as t

12、hey were, the boy 31 refused my money, and said, “I can 32 money by myself, thank you.” Soon I 33 my manager of the supermarket that a boy would go to 34 here the next day. No matter how poor we are, we would 35 give in (屈服 ) to ourselves. 16. A. repairing B. cleaning C. fixing D. hitting 17. A. ove

13、r B. off C. in D. on 18. A. shout B. cry C. smile D. throw 19. A. lost B. got C. received D. needed 20. A. rich B. poor C. handsome D. brave 21. A. begged B. agreed C. allowed D. refused 22. A. car B. shoes C. suitcase D. clothes 23. A. box B. wheel C. paper D. bill 24. A. unhappy B. scared C. excit

14、ed D. unfriendly 25. A. yard B. office C. school D. home 26. A. As soon as B. As long as C. As well as D. So far as 27. A. one B. it C. this D. that 28. A. So B. However C. Whats worse D. In general 29. A. run B. jump C. climb D. walk 30. A. brother B. family C. friend D. boss 31. A. no longer B. at

15、 last C. at first D. once again 32. A. spend B. save C. make D. borrow 33. A. told B. asked C. answered D. warned 34. A. shop B. work C. sleep D. buy 35. A. always B. often C. ever D. never 答案: 16-20 BDCDB 21-25 DADCD 26-30 AACDB 31-35 DCABD 阅读理解 第二部分:阅读理解(共 20小题 ; 每小题 2分 ,满分 40分) Around six weeks a

16、go, Kaileen came running into the house, just getting off the bus from school. She was all excited about a story about homeless pets because of Hurricane (飓风 ) Katrina and all that was going on to help them. She said that this information came from her animal newspaper (your KIND News). Kaileen has

17、a great love and compassion (同情心 ) for animals, so her excitement did not surprise me. Her next ideas, however, did. She said that we should go around right then to our neighbors and collect all their change to send to the animal shelters (保护所 ). I thought this was a school project, but in fact, it

18、was not. This was what Kaileen wanted to do on her own! Well, it warmed me all over. To see your child so willing to help others just lets you feel that maybe you had done something right in raising (养育 ) her. Anyway, I told her to make a card and send it out to our neighbors first. With the help of

19、 her older brother, Kaileen soon made a lovely card that asked our neighbors to help these pets by giving their spare change. She gave them a few days and a date she would come by to pick up any donations (捐赠 ). Well, I had to go out and buy a donation box. Kaileen collected $279.50! I just thought

20、you would like to know how KIND News had touched a little ones heart and given her the idea to show her compassion for animals. Thank you we really enjoy your paper. 36. The passage is probably taken from _. A. a report about a warm-hearted girl B. an advertisement for an animal shelter C. a thank-y

21、ou letter to a newspaper D. a donation program for homeless pets 37. What was the authors feeling about Kaileens idea A. Pleased and excited. B. Surprised and moved. C. Tired and sad. D. Worried and angry. 38. From the passage we learn that KIND News _. A. collects donations for homeless people B. s

22、ets up many shelters for homeless animals C. tells children how to keep pets healthy D. encourages children to help homeless pets 39. We can infer that the passage is written by Kaileens _. A. parent B. teacher C. brother D. neighbor 答案: 36-39 CBDA If youre planning on traveling, there are a few sim

23、ple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey. First of all, always check and double-check departure (行程 ) time. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once I arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and I tho

24、ught she had said that the plane left at 10:50. When I arrived at the airport, the clerk at the departure desk told me that my flight was closed. Therefore, I had to wait three hours for the next one and missed an important meeting. The second rule is to remember that even in this age of credit card

25、s, it is still important to have at least a little of the local currency (货币 ) with you when you arrive in a country. This can be necessary if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit. A few years ago I was sent to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I flew there from London via (经由 ) Dallas, with very li

26、ttle time to change planes in between. I arrived there at midnight and the bank at the airport was closed. The only way to get to my hotel was by taxi and because I had no dollars, I offered to pay in pounds instead. “Listen! I only take real money!” the driver said angrily. Luckily I was able to bo

27、rrow a few dollars from a clerk at the hotel, but it was very embarrassing (令人难堪的 ). The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave. I feel sorry for some of my workmates who travel in heavy suits and raincoats in May, when it is stil

28、l fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during the day. 40. According to the passage, its obvious that _. A. the author learns some rules of traveling from his own experience B. the author doesnt plan his trips or

29、journeys carefully C. Englishmen like to wear heavy suits wherever they travel D. the American taxi driver never travels to England 41. What should you make sure first before setting off A. When you will leave. B. Where you will go. C. How you will travel. D. Whom you will go with. 42. What does the

30、 underlined word “there” in Paragraph 3 refer to A. London. B. Manchester. C. Tulsa. D. Dallas. 43. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A. The author tells people to choose warm places as their travel destinations. B. You should remember to take credit cards when traveling. C. Yo

31、u should know more about the weather of the place youll visit. D. You should take enough change when you travel to another country. 答案: 40-43 AACC Sharon called about four times today. At least it shows shes trying to explain (解释 ) something to me. I feel a little better. December 3 This morning Sha

32、ron said she had only told one person and had no idea why everyone seemed to know. Yes, I am an adopted daughter (养女 ) and my name was changed. But she had promised to keep it secret for ever! December 5 I wish I had a friend I could really trust (信任 ) all of the time. I thought I found that friend,

33、 but I havent and its making me unhappy! Its wrong to tell her all about it. She won my trust, then lost it. December 7 I have a nice room and a big pool in my backyard and everything Ive ever wanted. My adoptive parents will give me all the material things Ive ever dreamed of. Yet all the money in

34、the world cant buy what I want now. I want Sharon to be my best friend again. December 10 Sharon just called. She said she thought it might help if we spent more time together. She worried that I would go to another school. She is the best friend Ive ever had. When Im with Sharon, I can be myself. I

35、 need Sharons friendship. I need it more than Ive ever known. December 16 I just had the most fantastic two days of my life! This was the best time Ive had for a long, long time. Yesterday, we walked five times around the park and today we ran slowly along the river for twenty minutes. I cant descri

36、be how much fun I had. We talked so much. Sharon, Sharon, no brick wall between us now. 44. What does the author mainly care about A. Why she was adopted. B. Why she went to another school. C. Her family life. D. Her friendship with Sharon. 45. Sharon lost the authors trust because she _. A. didnt k

37、eep the authors secret B. didnt like the author any more C. often played a joke on the author D. often refused to help the author 46. The underlined word “fantastic” in the last paragraph probably means “_”. A. funny B. wonderful C. sad D. lucky 47. What can we know about the author and Sharon from

38、the passage A. They were not friends any more. B. They became good friends again. C. They would go to another school together. D. They could hardly understand each other. 答案: 44-47 DABB Moving should be an exciting time youre off to a ne w home, maybe moving up to a larger home. But for many people,

39、 moving turns into a stressful experience. It doesnt have to be that way. Some planning and a little research can make your next move the best one ever. Organization is the key to a successful move, so lists are your friends. Write down all the details that you need, especially things that might be

40、lost during the move. Once you decide to move, start packing things immediately. You can find all the supplies you need, such as boxes, packing tape and more at truck rental outlets (租赁经销店 ) like Budget Truck Rental. The experts there can help you figure out how many and what types of boxes youll ne

41、ed. About a month before your moving date, reserve (预定 ) your moving truck. The company you choose makes a big difference. Budget Truck Rental has 30,000 trucks nationwide for you to choose. Take care of your mail. Stop by your local post office and write the new address where your mail should be se

42、nt. Youll also want to change the address on any magazine subscriptions (订购 ) or other services you receive by mail. Make sure you have a group of friends to help you move. If you still have some boxes to pack, your friends can help you put the boxes into the truck while you finish up. 48. The passa

43、ge is mainly written for those who _. A. help others move to a new home B. offer rental services to others C. prepare to move to a new home D. like outside activities 49. How many suggestions does the passage offer for your move A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 50. According to the passage, which

44、 of the following is necessary before the moving A. Plan your move well in advance. B. Make sure everything is clean. C. Pay your friends enough money. D. Buy lots of magazines on moving. 51. According to the passage, Budget Truck Rental is a company that _. A. offers some free services B. sends you

45、r magazines to your home C. provides jobs for the people who want to move D. helps to make your move easier 答案: 48-51 CCAD More than ever, kids today have given up reading for activities like watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Internet, but recently a new trend (趋势 ) has been catching

46、on that will hopefully change that. In fact, book clubs are becoming more popular among American kids. 11-year-old Kenya Debarros read about singer Lena Horne. “It was just amazing to see a black woman as the star and not just a mammy or a maid,” she says. But did all these kids come enthusiasticall

47、y (热情地 ) No, not exactly. “I like book club, uh, I dont know, but I am just trying it out. My mom didnt make me, but I just tried it out,” says 16-year-old Antonio Nash. And if theyll try it, the experts say, there are ways to get them to come back. Make it fun, serve pizza, serve chocolate cakes an

48、d have door prizes (门票对号奖 ). It also helps to connect books to the real world. They talk about things that are happening in the community, so they can relate whatever theyve read in the book to whats happening now. Here they have long talks about the books they have selected, which most kids dont get to do when theyre in school, and these kids say, in book clubs theyre learning to love books and love reading. “I feel like Im actually in the book and doing what the actual main character is doing,” says 13-year- -old Justin Woodard. 16-year-old Antonia McManus says reading gives her a


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