ABS GARBAGE MANAGEMENT MANUAL-2012 Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships - Annex V of MARPOL 73 78 (Revision 5).pdf

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ABS GARBAGE MANAGEMENT MANUAL-2012 Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships - Annex V of MARPOL 73 78 (Revision 5).pdf_第5页
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1、ABS Garbage Management Manual Introduction Revision 5, December 2012ABS Garbage Management Manual Every ship of 100 gross tonnage and above, and every ship certified to carry 15 persons or more, and fixed or floating platforms shall carry a garbage management plan. Additionally, every ship of 400 gr

2、oss tonnage and above, and every ship certified to carry 15 persons or more engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of another party to MARPOL and every fixed or floating platform shall carry a Garbage Record Book. Also, every ship of 12 meters or more in length over

3、all and fixed or floating platforms shall display placards to notify the crew and passengers of the ships disposal requirements. The garbage management plan shall provide written procedures for minimizing, collecting, storing, processing and disposing of ship-generated garbage, including the use of

4、the equipment on board. It shall also designate the person or persons in charge of carrying out the plan. Such a plan shall be in accordance with the guidelines developed by the organization and written in the working language of the crew. There shall also be a Garbage Record Book for recording each

5、 discharge into the sea or a reception facility or completed incineration. What is the intent of the Garbage Management Manual? To provide a systematic approach to the enforcement and control of garbage in the marine environment. How will that be accomplished? By requiring shipboard management plans

6、 for crews to follow which provide written procedures for minimizing, collecting, storing, processing and disposing of ship-generated garbage, including the use of equipment on board, in accordance with Regulation 102 of Annex V MARPOL 73/78. Do I need to comply? Every ship of 100 tons gross tonnage

7、 and above, and every ship which is certified to carry 15 persons or more, and fixed or floating platforms must comply by developing and implementing a garbage management system as specified in a Garbage Management Manual. Is there a waiver on compliance with the Garbage Record Book requirement? Yes

8、, if the Administration agrees for: 1 any ship engaged on voyages of one hour or less in duration which is certified to carry 15 persons or more; or 2 Fixed or floating platforms ABS Garbage Management Manual Introduction Revision 5, December 2012 Does there have to be an onboard person in charge of

9、 carrying out the garbage management plan? Yes. The company has to appoint a designated person or persons on board with the responsibility for carrying out the garbage management plan. The choice will depend on ship type and trade. Are crew responsibilities and procedures to be identified? Yes. All

10、aspects of handling and storing of garbage by crew should be identified in the appropriate operating procedures and manual. Is it possible to use shipboard equipment for processing garbage? Yes. Depending on ship type, area of operation and size of crew, ships may be equipped with incinerators, comp

11、actors, comminuters or other devices for garbage processing. Does my garbage management plan have to be approved or certified? No. but there must be a garbage management plan for the crew to follow in accordance with the guidelines for the implementation of Annex V MARPOL 73/78. It shall provide wri

12、tten procedures for minimizing, collecting, storing, processing and disposing of garbage, including the use of equipment on board. It shall also designate the person or persons in charge of carrying out the plan. There shall also be a record book for recording each discharge into the sea, to a recep

13、tion facility or a completed incineration. Do garbage records have to be kept? Yes. Each discharge into the sea or to a reception facility, or completed incineration, shall be recorded in the Garbage Record Book and signed for on the date of the incineration or discharge by the officer in charge. Is

14、 training required? Yes. Training should include instruction on the definitions of garbage as well as the applicable requirements for handling and disposal. Can port State inspections be carried out? Yes. The competent authority of the Government of a Party to the Convention may inspect the Garbage

15、Record Book onboard any ship to which regulation ten applies while the ship is in its ports or offshore terminals, and may make a copy of any entry in that book, and may require the master of the ship to certify that the copy is a true copy of such an entry. GARBAGE MANAGEMENT MANUAL Regulations for

16、 the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 M.V./S.S. Prepared by ABS GARBAGE MANAGEMENT MANUAL, Revision 5, December 2012 1INTRODUCTION The intent of this document is to provide shipowners/operators with general information on the requirements for complying with regul

17、ation 10 of Annex V. Compliance with the provisions of Annex V will require careful planning by the owner/operator and proper execution by shipboard personnel. When developing the most appropriate procedures for handling and storing garbage. Factors to take into account include type and size of the

18、ship, the area of operation (e.g. distance from nearest land), shipboard garbage processing equipment and storage space, crew size, duration of the voyage and regulations and reception facilities at ports of call. 2 ABS GARBAGE MANAGEMENT MANUAL, Revision 5, December 2012APPLICABILITY REGULATORY REQ

19、UIREMENTS Amendments to Annex V of MARPOL 73/78. Placards, garbage management plans and garbage recordkeeping. (1) Every ship of 12 meters or more in length overall and fixed or floating platforms shall display placards which notify the crew and passengers of the discharge requirements of regulation

20、s 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this Annex, as applicable. The placards shall be written in the working language of the ships crew and, for ships engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties to the Convention, shall also be in English, French or Spanish. (2) Every shi

21、p of 100 gross tonnage and above, and every ship which is certified to carry 15 or more persons, and fixed or floating platforms shall carry a Garbage Management Plan which the crew shall follow. This plan shall provide written procedures for minimizing, collecting, storing, processing and disposing

22、 of ship-generated garbage, including the use of the equipment on board. It shall also designate the person or persons in charge of carrying out the plan. Such a plan shall be in accordance with the guidelines developed by the Organization and written in the working language of the crew. (3) Every s

23、hip of 400 gross tonnage and above and every ship which is certified to carry 15 or more persons engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of another Party to the Convention and every fixed and floating platform shall be provided with a Garbage Record Book. The Garbage

24、 Record Book, whether as a part of the ships official log book or otherwise, shall be in the form specified in the appendix to this Annex: Each discharge into the sea, to a reception facility or completed incineration, shall be promptly recorded in the Garbage Record Book and signed for on the date

25、of the discharge or incineration by the officer in charge. Each completed page of the Garbage Record Book shall be signed by the master of the ship. The entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be at least in English, French or Spanish. Where the entries are also made in an official language of the

26、State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, these entries shall prevail in case of a dispute or discrepancy. The entry for each discharge or incineration shall include date and time, position of the ship, category of the garbage and the estimated amount discharged or incinerated; ABS GARBAGE MANAG

27、EMENT MANUAL, Revision 5, December 2012 3 The Garbage Record Book shall be kept on board the ship or the fixed or floating platform, and in such a place as to be readily available for inspection at all reasonable times. This document shall be preserved for a period of two years from the date of the

28、last entry made in it; In the event of any discharge or accidental loss referred to in regulation 7 of this Annex an entry shall be made in the Garbage Record Book, or in the case of any ship of less than 400 gross tonnage, an entry shall be made in the ships official log book, of the location, circ

29、umstances of, and the reasons for the discharge or loss, details of the items discharged or lost and the reasonable precautions taken to prevent or minimize such discharge or accidental loss. (4) The Administration may waive the requirements for Garbage Record Books for: Any ship engaged on voyages

30、of one hour or less in duration which is certified to carry 15 persons or more; or Fixed or floating. (5) The competent authority of the Government of a Party to the Convention may inspect the Garbage Record Books or ships official log book on board any ship to which this regulation applies while th

31、e ship is in its ports or offshore terminals and may make a copy of any entry in those books, and may require the master of the ship to certify that the copy is a true copy of such an entry. Any copy so made, which has been certified by the master of the ship as a true copy of an entry in the ships

32、Garbage Record Book or ships official log book, shall be admissible in any judicial proceedings as evidence of the facts stated in the entry. The inspection of a Garbage Record Book or ships official log book and the taking of a certified copy by the competent authority under this paragraph shall be

33、 performed as expeditiously as possible without causing the ship to be unduly delayed. (6) The accidental loss or discharge of fishing gear as provided for in regulations 7.1.3 and 7.1.4 which poses a significant threat to the marine environment or navigation shall be reported to the State whose fla

34、g the ship is entitled to fly, and, where the loss or discharge occurs within waters subject to the jurisdiction of a coastal State, also to that coastal State. COMPLIANCE DATES On 15 July 2011, IMO adopted, by resolution MEPC.201(62), amendments to the annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the

35、International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973. Regulation 10 to Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 entered into force effective 1 January 2013. As such, a revised Garbage Management Plan on every ship will need to be brought into compliance with MEPC.201(62) A ships garbage manageme

36、nt plan should contain a list of the particular ships equipment and arrangements for the handling of ship-generated garbage, and may contain extracts from and/or references to existing company instructions. 4 ABS GARBAGE MANAGEMENT MANUAL, Revision 5, December 2012PROVISIONING PRACTICES Although dis

37、charge at sea, (except in special areas) of a wide range of ship- generated garbage is permitted outside specified distances from the nearest land, it is recommended that whenever practicable ships use, as a primary means, port reception facilities. To minimize the generation of waste, provisioning

38、practices should be reviewed with ships suppliers in order to determine the optimum packaging for the products. Options include: Reusable packaging and use of containers. Disposable cups, utensils, dishes, towels and rags and other convenience items should be limited and replaced by washable items w

39、hen possible. Where practical options exist, provisions packaged in or made of materials other than disposable plastic should be selected to replenish ships supplies unless a reusable plastic alternative is available. Stowage systems and methods that reuse coverings, dunnage, shoring, lining and pac

40、king materials. Dunnage, lining and packaging materials generated in port during cargo activities should be disposed of at the port reception facilities as discharge into the sea is not permitted. ABS GARBAGE MANAGEMENT MANUAL, Revision 5, December 2012 5DESIGNATED PERSON IN CHARGE (Environmental Co

41、ntrol Officer) As required in Regulation 10 (2), a designated person on board shall be in charge of carrying out the Garbage Management Plan. Such a decision by a company will be determined by the ship type and trade. For ships other than passenger ships, a senior deck or engineer officer would be m

42、ost appropriate. For passenger ships, more than one head of a department may be selected but with a coordinated effort to ensure compliance. The onboard responsibility for carrying out the garbage management plan is: (COMPANY TO IDENTIFY DESIGNATED CREW MEMBER or MEMBERS) Support to the designated p

43、erson can be provided by departmental staff. Such support is necessary in the collection, separation and processing of garbage to ensure that the onboard procedures are carried out in accordance with the Garbage Management Plan. Support staff representatives from deck, engine, catering or other job

44、responsibilities are: (COMPANY TO IDENTIFY DESIGNATED SUPPORT STAFF) From a regulatory perspective, the designated person in charge shall ensure that the procedures within the plan are implemented, which includes: Display placards in the appropriate language are positioned to notify the crew and pas

45、sengers of the disposal requirements prescribed in regulations 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Annex V for garbage disposal within and outside special areas. The prescribed entries for each discharge operation or completed incineration are made in the Garbage Record Book. 6 ABS GARBAGE MANAGEMENT MANUAL, Revision

46、5, December 2012DEFINITIONS In developing a Garbage Management Plan, it is important to recognize the following definitions: Animal carcasses means the bodies of any animals that are carried on board as cargo and that die or are euthanized during the voyage. Cargo residues means the remnants of any

47、cargo which are not covered by other Annexes to the present Convention and which remain on the deck or in holds following loading or unloading, including loading and unloading excess or spillage, whether in wet or dry condition or entrained in wash water but does not include cargo dust remaining on

48、the deck after sweeping or dust on the external surfaces of the ship. Cooking oil means any type of edible oil or animal fat used or intended to be used for the preparation or cooking of food, but does not include the food itself that is prepared using these oils. Dishwater means the residue from th

49、e manual or automatic washing of dishes and cooking utensils which have been pre-cleaned to the extent that any food particles adhering to them would not normally interfere with the operation of automatic dishwashers. Domestic waste means all types of food wastes not covered by other Annexes that are generated in the accommodation spaces on board the ship. Domestic waste does not include grey water. Food wastes are any spoiled or unspoiled food substances and include fruits, vegetables, dairy products, poultry, meat products


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