1、MIGR-52243C (ME) 17 1990 t3UmRsmm MILrR-52243B( (ME) 12 Sepb.ument or by letter. Ehghxdng Center, ATIN: STRBEqE, Fo Belvoir, VA 22060-5606 WC N/A FSC 5420 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-52243C(ME) -. MIb,l05 - Sanpling Pmcdxes
2、and Tables for Imion by A“. MIL-129 - king for Shipmt and Storage. MIGSTD-130 - Identification Marking of US Military property. (Mess othexwise indicated, copies of fed- and military specifications, standards, and handbooks are available fm the Sh&udization wts order Desk, wrilding 4D, 700 Fkbbins A
3、venue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2.2 Non-Govemment rxlblications. The follawing document (S)- form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the docxrments whi& are DOD ad- are thce listed in the issue of the DODISS cited in the solicitatio
4、n. Unless othmise specified, the issues of documentS not listed in the DODISS are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2) . AMERICAN SOClElY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (As?M) A229 - Steel Wire, oil- for Mechanical Springs. A713 - Steel Wire, HigkCarbon Spring, for Heat-Treated
5、 ccanponents (Application for copies shmld be addressed to the American Society for Test- and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.) (Non-Gavenrment standards and other publications are nomally available from the organizations that prepare or distribute the docxrments. These doc=ument
6、s also my be available in or through libraries or other informational services.) 2.3 order of recederm. III the event of a conflict between the text of this doCument and the referem=es cited herein, the text of this doCument takes precedence. Nothing in this doc=ument, hmer, fllpersedes applicable l
7、aws and regulations unless a specific exenption has been obtained. 3.1 Descrivkion. The bridge retainer shall be as shown on figure 1 and as specified herein. 3.2 First article. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection (see 6.3 in accordance with
8、4.3). 3.3 Materials. Material Ml be as specified herein and on figure 1. mterials not specified shall be selected by the Contractor and shall be subject to all provisions of this specification. copies of analyses and test reports for all materials shall be available for inspection. chemical 2 Provid
9、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIIrR-52243C(MFJ ccoppositian and meclfianical properties of heat-treated materials shall be verified by chemical analysis and me&anical tests (see 3.3.1) 3.3.1 Recavered materials. For the of this XqlhIWnt,
10、recynrered materials are those mterials which havcollected fm solid waste and reprocessed to becane a sourc3e of raw materials, as distinguishes fram vimgin raw mterials. The .-, pieces and parts incorporatea in the bridge pin retainer may be newly fabricated from recuve.ze&materials to- the maximum
11、 extent practicable, provided the bridge pin retainer pmduced meets all other ccPrpOnentS, pieces and parts shall. not be hwrated in the bridge pin retainer. of this specification. Used, relxlilt or mnanufactured 3.4 Length. The length of the bridge pin retainer shall be as Shawn in figure 1, as spe
12、cified (see 6.2). 3.6.1 Metal fabrication. Metal used in fabrication shall be free from kinks and sharp bends. Ihe straightening of material shall be done by methcds that will not cause injury to the material. All bends shall be made with controlled means to insure uniformity of size and shape ard s
13、hall be made to a radius which will not cause cracking at the extnzxe auter- fibers. Escternal surfaces shall be free of burrs, sharp edges, and corners, accept when sharp es or 4.1 Resmmibilitv for inmecticm. Unless otbise specifid in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible fo
14、r the perfonname of all inspedion (examinations ard tests) as specified herein. Esccept as atherwise specified in the contract or pmhase order, the contractor may use his own or any crther facilities suitable for the performnce of the inspection specified hexein, unless aisapprovea by the Gavenrment
15、. The Gavenrmerrt reserves the right to perfom any of the inspections set forth inthespecificationinspectionsamdeemedtoensure supplies and sewices conform to prescribed -ts. 4.1.1 Remordbilitv for cmmliame. itaw met all reqlljrements of sections 3 and 5. he inspection set forth in this spkification
16、shall beccm a part of the cmtractorls overall irrspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection zqhmmts in the specification shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all pmducts or sugplies dmitted to the Guv- for aaoeptance cmy with all requiremerrt
17、s of the contract. Sanpling mpection, as part of mnufacturiq crperations, is an acceptable practi to asaertain confonmn to Wts, haever, this does not aizthorize sukmission of 3axrwn defective material, either 3: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro
18、m IHS-,-,-MIL-R-522LI3C 54 m 9777706 0450535 3 m MILrR-52243C(ME) indicated or actual, mr does it &nit the Gwenrment to aaceptanoe of defective material. . 4.1.2 ccamxment ard material -ion. Ihe cantractor is respnsible for insuring that ccPnpOnentS and materials used are mnufactured, examined, and
19、tested in aocom with ref- specificaticns and standards as applicable. 4.2 Classification of inscKction. Inspection shall be classified as follakls: a. First article inspection (see 4.3) . b. Wity ConformaTlce hspection (see 4.4). c. Inspection of packaging (see 4.6) 4.3 First article -ion. 4.3.1 Exa
20、mination. me first article bridge pin retainer shall be examined for the defects specified in 4.5.1. Presence of one or more defects shall be cause for rejection. 4.4 mitv conformance hmection. 4.4 1 -1inq. sampling for examinatia shall be in aocom with SCP105. A lat shall be accepted if O defects a
21、re found and rejected if 1 or mm defects are fcmxl. 4.4.2 Examination. Sanples selected in accoxdance with 4.4.1 -1 be examinad as specified in 4.5.1. 4.5 -ion raxdure. 4.5.1 Examination. !Ille bridge pin retainer shall be as specified herein for the fo1lawi.q defects: MOR 101. Nonconfoxmance to the
22、 dimensions shown on figure 1. 102. Material mt as specified. 103. Used, st, or remanufactured capmentsr pieces, or parts 104. Heat treatmnt of bridge pin retainer not as specified. 105. Elridge pin retainer nut coated as specified. 106. Wrkmamhip nat as specified. im=Orporated in the bridge retaine
23、r pin. mE 201. Identification marking incorrect, missing, or not as specified. 4.6 Inmeckion of rackau-. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIliR-52243C (MF,) 4.6.1 itv confornmce ion of rack. of rduck. Furpose of inspection,
24、 a capleted pack prepared for shipnt shall be midered a unit of P-. -1inq. Sarrplw for examination shall be in am- with MIIi-STD-105. A lot shall be accepted if O defects are found and rejected if 1 or more defects are faund. 4.6*1.3 EsQminatian. sangles selected in aaaordance with s
25、hall be examined for the following defects. 107. oontainers nat as specified for level A, B, or C. Each incorrect 108. &tainers of unlike Size packed tagether for level A, B, or C. 109. (2uantities packcl toge- exceed the limitations specified for 110. strapping not as specified for level A. 111. &Q
26、rlcin missirq, illeyible, hm, or incaplete for level A, ccartainer shall be amsidered me defect. level A, B, or C. B, or C. 5.1 packing. Packhg shall be level A, B, or C as specified (see 6.2) 5.1.1 M A. The retainers of like size shall be packed togethex in a close fitting box conforming to pPp-B60
27、1, CJV- type, style opti031dlr in acwrdancre with the to the box specification. t3xappi.q shall confom to QQ-S-781, class 1, tyPe I or IV, finish B, size as applicable. 5.1.2 Level B. lhe retainers of like size shall be packed together as specified in 5.1.1 exicept the box shall be domestic type. As
28、 an almte, the retainers of like size my be packed toqethF?r in a close-fitting f- . box aonformitltj to PPFI3-636, WC, style CSSC. 9he gross weight or size of the fiberboard box shall nut the limitations of the box specification. BOX 1osureandofeitherorfiberbOardboxshdlbein accordan with the to the
29、 applicable box specification. 5.1.3 Level C The mtainers of like size shall be packed tcgeths-as specified for level B except the box shall confonu to PPFEH36, .class dcanestic. 5.2 &Qrkinq, In addition to any special marking specified in the contract or punhase order (see 6 2) I mrking shall be in
30、 accordance with MIGsr129. . .- 5 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-52243C 54 m 777770b 0450537 7 m MIGR-52243C (ME) 6.1 Intended use. The bridge pin retainers are interde-for use in securing bridge pins in fixed.and floating mi
31、litary bridges. 6.2 Amisition remirementS. Aoquisition documentS should specify the follming: a. Title, nmker,. and date of the specification. . b. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required,. , the specific issue of inaiViaual documentS referenced (see 2. l. 1 and 2.2). c. T&
32、frame required for Submission of the first article model (see d. LRngth of bridge ph retainer required (see 3.4) . e. =vel of packiq required (see 5.1) . . f Any special marking required (see 5.2) . 6.3). 6.3 First article. The first article should consist of one or more units. The contracting offic
33、er should include Wific instructions in acquisition doannents.regming arrangemnts-for mtions, appraval -of the first article test results and disposition of the first articles. Invitation for bids should pmvide that the Government reserves the right to waive the requirement for samples for first art
34、icle inspection to those biddem offering a product which has been previously acquired or tested by the Gavenrment, and that bidders offering such. products,. who wish to rely on such proctuction or test, must furnish evidence with the bid that prior Govenrment appraval is presently appropriate for t
35、he pending contra&. Bidders should not submit alternate bids unless specifically reqyested to do. so .in the solicitation. Any change. or deviations of production bridge pin retainers fm the approved first article during production will-be. subject to approval by the contmcting officer. Approval of
36、the first article will not relieve the contractor of his obligations to furnish bridge pin retainers conforming to this specification. . 6.4 ,Chames from wevious issue. . Maqinal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes. with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness
37、of .the changes. 6.5 Subi& t&m (key word). listing. . - Bridge Fixed bridges Retain& bridge pins Floating bridges 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-project N. 54204360 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-52243C (ME) I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-