1、*USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-02 54 20 (February 2007)-Preparing Activity: USACE SupersedingUFGS-02 54 20 (October 2007)UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSReferences are in agreement with UMRL dated April 2010*SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTSDIVISION 02 - EXISTING CONDITIONSSECTION 02 54 20BIORE
2、MEDIATION OF SOILS USING LANDFARMING SYSTEMS02/10PART 1 GENERAL1.1 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT1.1.1 Bench-Scale Testing1.1.2 Field Demonstration1.1.3 Contaminated Soils Treatment Unit Price1.1.4 Oversize Materials from Contaminated Areas1.2 REFERENCES1.3 PROCESS DESCRIPTION1.4 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS1.4.1 L
3、andfarming Treatment Cell1.4.1.1 Treatment Cell Sizing1.4.1.2 Porous Drainage Layer1.4.1.3 Leachate Controls and Collection1.4.1.4 Geomembrane and Clay Liners1.4.2 Contact Water Management System and Design Storm1.4.2.1 Perimeter Berms1.4.2.2 Storage Volume1.4.2.3 Reuse, Treatment, and Disposal1.4.3
4、 Irrigation Equipment1.4.4 Weather Cover1.4.5 Stockpiles1.4.6 Other Work Area Surfaces1.4.7 Accuracy of Measurement Equipment1.5 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS1.5.1 Treatment Criteria and Criteria for Reuse of Treated Soil1.5.1.1 Treatment Criteria for Soil1.5.1.2 Criteria for Reuse of Treated Soil1.5.1.3
5、 Particle Size Criteria for Treated Soil1.5.2 Treatment Criteria for Contact Water1.5.3 Treatment Criteria for Other Waste1.6 LANDFARMING WORK PLAN1.7 OTHER SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS1.8 PREVIOUSLY CONDUCTED TREATABILITY STUDIES1.9 SUBMITTALS1.10 QUALIFICATIONSSECTION 02 54 20 Page 1Provided by IHSNot f
7、dment Test Report3.1.2 Bench-Scale Test3.1.3 Bench-Scale Test Report3.2 MOBILIZATION3.3 EMISSIONS AND DUST CONTROL3.4 FIELD DEMONSTRATION3.4.1 Sampling Locations3.4.2 Monitoring3.4.3 Field Demonstration Report3.5 SOIL PRE-PROCESSING3.6 OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND PROCESS MONITORING3.6.1 Containment I
8、nspection3.6.1 Tilling and Aeration3.6.2 Moisture Control3.6.2.1 Field Capacity3.6.2.2 Moisture Content3.6.2.3 Irrigation3.6.2.4 Contact Water Testing3.6.3 Nitrogen and Phosphorus Control3.6.4 Temperature Monitoring3.6.5 Soil pH3.6.6 Odor Control3.6.7 Microbial Activity3.6.7.1 Enumeration of Soil Ba
9、cteria3.6.7.2 Field Respiration Testing3.6.8 Sampling and Analysis for Contaminants of Concern3.6.8.1 Pre-Compliance Sampling Design3.6.8.2 Sampling Frequency for Pre-Compliance Testing3.6.8.3 Pre-Compliance Testing3.6.8.4 Confirmational Sampling Design3.6.8.5 Confirmation of Attainment of Treatment
10、 Criteria3.6.9 Post-Treatment Procedure3.6.10 Procedure for Non-Attainment of Treatment Criteria3.6.11 Post-Treatment Screening3.7 DISPOSAL3.8 DEMOBILIZATION- End of Section Table of Contents -SECTION 02 54 20 Page 2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
11、 from IHS-,-,-*USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA / NASA UFGS-02 54 20 (February 2007)-Preparing Activity: USACE SupersedingUFGS-02 54 20 (October 2007)UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSReferences are in agreement with UMRL dated April 2010*SECTION 02 54 20BIOREMEDIATION OF SOILS USING LANDFARMING SYSTEMS
12、02/10*NOTE: This guide specification covers the requirements for reduction of the concentrations of organic contaminants in soils by bioremediation using landfarming systems. Other terms that have been used in place of “landfarming“ include “land treatment“ and “prepared bed bioreactors“.Edit this g
13、uide specification for project specific requirements by adding, deleting, or revising text. For bracketed items, choose applicable items(s) or insert appropriate information.Remove information and requirements not required in respective project, whether or not brackets are present.Comments and sugge
14、stions on this guide specification are welcome and should be directed to the technical proponent of the specification. A listing of technical proponents, including their organization designation and telephone number, is on the Internet.Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted as a Criteria
15、Change Request (CCR).*PART 1 GENERAL*NOTE: Special requirements for handling RCRA wastes are not included in this guide specification. However, landfarming may be appropriate for treatment of some types of RCRA hazardous waste.An edited version of this Section may be used to solicit a request for pr
16、oposal (RFP). The RFP approach is often used as a selection tool, to distinguish between the qualifications of prospective Contractors.SECTION 02 54 20 Page 3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Recommended references for design and operat
17、ion of landfarming facilities include:1. Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils, Agronomy Monograph no. 37, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, 1999. This includes the following chapter titles: “Prepared Bed Bioreactors“, Sims, J. L., et al.,
18、 and “Landfarming of Petroleum Contaminated Soils“, Sims, R. C. and Sims, J. L.2. Bioremediation Using the Land Treatment Concept, EPA/600/R-93/164, Pope, D. F., and Matthews, J. E.3. Guidelines for Land Treating Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils, Journal of Soil Contamination, 3(3):299-318,
19、Huesemann, M. H., 1994.*1.1 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT*NOTE: These paragraphs should be edited based on whether the contract will use lump sum, or unit prices. If there is a separate Measurement and Payment Section, edited versions of these paragraphs should be inserted in that section.If the quantitie
20、s of contaminated soils are well defined, payment may be based upon a lump sum structure. However, it is usually more cost-effective to use a unit price structure when there is a significant degree of uncertainty in the amount of contaminated material. When specifying a unit price structure for trea
21、tment, separate items should be provided in the Contract Price Schedule to cover any other work required. Other work items include, but are not limited to: preparation of submittals, mobilization and demobilization, site preparation, construction of the treatment cell and run on/runoff controls, wat
22、er storage facilities, contact water treatment and disposal, sampling and testing, implementing health and safety requirements, and utilities. Inclusion of separate items in the Contract Price Schedule for the above work tasks should result in a lower unit price for treatment.*1.1.1 Bench-Scale Test
23、ing*NOTE: Lump sum pricing is recommended for this item. The lump sum should include the cost for testing for chemical data. However, bidders should also be required to provide a unit cost amount for testing for chemical data. This will provide a basis for payment for additional analytical costs, if
24、 it is determined that more testing will be SECTION 02 54 20 Page 4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-required.*Payment for bench-scale testing will be a lump sum price for completion of specified tests. The price shall include the cost
25、of labor, materials, equipment usage, utilities, and fuel for: preparation of the Bench-Scale Test Plan collecting samples, sample shipment, pre-processing, process monitoring (including testing for chemical data), disposal of treated material, ancillary waste treatment and disposal, preparation of
26、the Bench-Scale Test Report, and _. Costs for procurement and handling of amendments shall be included in the unit price for treatment.1.1.2 Field Demonstration*NOTE: Prior to planning the field demonstration, bench-scale testing should be performed to determine if the contaminants of concern are am
27、enable to landfarming in the site-specific soil matrix. The field demonstration may either be conducted prior to the construction of the full-scale facilities, or conducted using the full-scale facilities and equipment. Payment for the field demonstration should be covered by a separate lump sum ite
28、m, or by a unit price that is separate from the unit price for full-scale treatment. Because more intensive monitoring is usually required during the field demonstration, the unit price for the field demonstration will usually be higher than the unit price for full-scale treatment. Testing for chemi
29、cal data is not included as a component of the price in this paragraph. The contract price schedule should include separate, unit price items for testing for chemical data.If the results of the field demonstration indicate that an extended treatment period (or other special measures) will be require
30、d to meet cleanup goals, it may become necessary to modify the bid item that covers treatment pricing for full-scale operations.*Payment for the field demonstration will be by the contract unit price schedule for each cubic meter yard _ treated during the field demonstration a lump sum price for com
31、pletion of approved tests. The price shall include the cost of labor, materials, equipment usage, utilities, and fuel for: excavation, hauling, stockpiling, pre-processing, operation, maintenance and process monitoring (not including testing for chemical data), disposal of treated material, ancillar
32、y waste treatment and disposal, preparation of Field Demonstration Report, and _. Costs for procurement and handling of amendments shall be included in the unit price for treatment.1.1.3 Contaminated Soils Treatment Unit Price*NOTE: Testing for chemical data is not included in the unit price. The co
33、ntract price schedule should include separate, unit price items for testing for SECTION 02 54 20 Page 5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-chemical data.Unit price payment may either be based on weight or volume (in-place or ex-situ). Thi
34、s paragraph uses ex-situ volume as the default unit.If unit price payment will be based on weight, dry weight should be specified and requirements should be included for moisture content testing so that dry weight can be determined. However, surveys are usually required before and after excavation o
35、f contaminated material, so that excavation and backfilling can be paid for on the basis of in-place volume. Thus, in some cases, it may be advantageous to pay for processing and treatment of soils using in-place volume as the pricing unit. Payment may also be based on ex-situ volume, after the over
36、size materials have been separated from the soil. Because of the bulking which usually occurs during excavation of soil, ex-situ volume will usually be about 30 percent greater than the in-situ volume. If there is a substantial volume of oversize material, or if a substantial volume of excavated mat
37、erial will not require treatment, it may be advantageous to use ex-situ volume as the basis for payment.This paragraph should be coordinated with the treatment criteria and sampling requirements paragraphs so that it will be possible to distinguish between soil that passes, and does not pass, treatm
38、ent criteria.*Payment for treatment of contaminated soil shall be by the contract unit price schedule for each cubic meter yard _ based on ex-situ volume, after separation of oversize material _. This unit price shall include the cost of labor, materials, equipment usage, utilities, and fuel for: ex
39、cavation, hauling, stockpiling, pre-processing, operation, maintenance and process monitoring (not including testing for chemical data), disposal of treated material, ancillary waste treatment and disposal, preparation of operations reports, and _. Costs for procurement and handling of amendments sh
40、all be included in the unit price for treatment. After each lift of soil has been treated, the quantity of soil that does not meet treatment criteria shall be reported and subtracted from the quantity of soil comprising the lift, when determining payment for treatment. See paragraph Treatment Cell S
41、izing below, for a definition of “lift of soil“. Payment will not be made for soil that does not meet treatment criteria. If additional tests, or additional processing and testing, are necessary to show that material meets treatment criteria, the additional costs shall be borne by the Contractor.1.1
42、.4 Oversize Materials from Contaminated Areas*NOTE: This paragraph should be deleted if payment for treatment and disposal of oversize materials will be included as part of the unit price item for SECTION 02 54 20 Page 6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic
43、ense from IHS-,-,-treatment of contaminated soil. Payment for disposal of oversize materials may be by weight or volume, depending on the nature of the materials. Oversize materials may include brush, trees, roots, rocks, rubble, and construction debris.*Payment for and disposal treatment of oversize material separated from contaminated soil will be by the contract unit price schedule for each kilogram pound _. Soil, free water and other extraneous materials shall be separated from oversize materials prior to measuring quantities.1.2 REFERENCES*