ASHRAE 90 1-2016 I-P INT 1-2017 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.pdf

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ASHRAE 90 1-2016 I-P INT 1-2017 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.pdf_第1页
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ASHRAE 90 1-2016 I-P INT 1-2017 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.pdf_第2页
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1、Page 1 of 2 2017 ASHRAE. All Rights reserved. INTERPRETATION IC 90.1-2016-1 OF ANSI/ASHRAE/IES STANDARD 90.1-2016 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings Date Approved: January 30, 2017 Request from: Alois Malik, Dectron Inc., 4001 Cte Vertu, Montral, QC H4R 1R5. Referenc

2、e: This request for interpretation refers to the requirements presented in ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, Table 6.8.1-14, Footnote a, regarding type of condenser. Background: Per AHRI Standard 910 (I-P)-2014 and Standard 911 (S-I)-2014 Section 3. Definitions: “3.2 Indoor Pool Dehumidifier. A ty

3、pe of air-cooled or water-cooled electrically operated, vapor compression refrigeration system; factory assembled as a single package or split system, which includes an indoor cooling/dehumidifying coil, an air reheat coil, compressor(s) and an air moving device. It may also include a Refrigerant He

4、at Recovery Unit, an auxiliary refrigerant condenser, Economizer, and an air-to-air heat recovery device. It shall provide the function of dehumidifying, air circulation, air reheating and may include the function of air-cooling, air-cleaning, pool water heating and air-to-air heat recovery.” The In

5、door Pool Dehumidifier shall include an air reheat coil. Air Reheat Coil is typically an air-cooled condenser. Table 6.8.1-14, Footnote a. states “Units without air-cooled condenser”. This can be misinterpreted as “Units without an Air Reheat Coil” such as Cool-only mechanical vapor-compression refr

6、igeration systems or the DOE definition of residential dehumidifier without an air reheat coil. In order to avoid the footnote a. misinterpretation for users of the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 this Interpretation shall clarify condenser type in footnote a. as per the AHRI Standard definition

7、of the Indoor Pool Dehumidifier. Interpretation: The type of condenser referred to in Table 6.8.1-14 footnote a. “Units without air-cooled condenser” refers to an auxiliary refrigerant condenser as per the AHRI Standard definition of the Indoor Pool Dehumidifier. Question: Is this interpretation cor

8、rect? Answer: No. Comment: Footnote “a” is intended to exclude single package indoor pool dehumidifiers (classifications SPI and SPI-PH per AHRI Standard 910) equipped with 100% remote rejection capabilities (i.e. external to the dehumidification process air stream) from the requirements of IC 90.1-

9、2016-1 Page 2 of 2 2017 ASHRAE. All Rights reserved. Table 6.8.1-14. 100% remote rejection can be achieved through several means including but not limited to auxiliary refrigerant condensers. The committee recognizes that the current wording of footnote “a”, which refers only to air cooled, is confusing and intends to issue an addendum in the near future to clarify this matter.


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