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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 475及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Research shows that everyone dreams quite frequently every night. We usually remember just the last dream

3、 that we had before【 1】 . When we are dreaming, our【 2】 are moving. If a person is prevented from dreaming but allowed to sleep, he or she becomes very up set. So we need to dream. Why do we dream? one explanation is that when the mind doesnt have to think about every day matters it is free to think

4、 about the deeper concerns. It doesnt have to be【 3】 and sensible. We have to represent out anxieties, fears and hopes through【 4】 . Freud believed that the conscious mind tries to control and cover up the enormous feeling, and that the unconscious feelings that we try to cover up are largely【 5】 .

5、The unconscious mind had to【 6】 its feeling to express its wishes. Jung was interested in world of religions and in【 7】 and spiritual ideas. He believed that our personalities are divided into three parts, the conscious, the unconscious, and the “【 8】unconscious“, and that everyone has another, insi

6、de person in himself or herself, cared “anima“. Womens animus is【 9】 forceful and decisive. Language of dreams. Usually the only person who can really find the meaning behind a dream is the person who had the dream. But there are several common symbols we share with others. When you dreamed of flyin

7、g, perhaps you have an【 10】 complex, or you are trying to escape from your problems. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

8、 Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 According to Samantha Heller, people tend to eat milk chocolate because ( A) it is less bitter than dark chocolate. (

9、B) it is more healthy than dark chocolate. ( C) it has special flavor with many nutrients. ( D) it is less expensive than dark chocolate. 12 Samantha Heller suggests that to get benefits from chocolate, you may ( A) take nutrients out of chocolate. ( B) make cocoa powder on your own. ( C) make hot c

10、hocolate by yourself. ( D) consult an expert on chocolate, 13 According to the interview, chemicals contained in green tea actually help ( A) refresh ones memory. ( B) combat some diseases. ( C) revive ones spirits. ( D) improve ones physique. 14 Ginger can be used to deal with all of the following

11、diseases or symptoms EXCEPT ( A) arthritis. ( B) morning sickness. ( C) nausea. ( D) flu. 15 According to Samantha Heller, people should eat a product from other animals ( A) every two days. ( B) every other day. ( C) together with fruits. ( D) in small amounts. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions:

12、In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that _. ( A) building West Bank barrier is legal ( B) building We

13、st Bank barrier is illegal ( C) building West Bank barrier is reasonable ( D) building West Bank barrier is welcomed 17 Why is Israel determined to accelerate building the barrier? ( A) to seize more land ( B) to save time ( C) to set a world record ( D) to attain security and reduce conflicts 18 In

14、 17th-century New England, almost everyone believed in witches. Struggling to survive in a vast and sometimes unforgiving land, Americas earliest European settlers understood themselves to be surrounded by an inscrutable universe filled with invisible spirits, both benevolent and evil, that affected

15、 their lives. They often attributed a sudden illness, a household disaster or a financial setback to a witchs curse. The belief in witchcraft was, at bottom, an attempt to make sense of the unknown. While witchcraft was often feared, it was punished only infrequently. In the first 70 years of the Ne

16、w England settlement, about 100 people were formally charged with being witches; fewer than two dozen were convicted and fewer still were executed. Then came 1692. In January of that year, two young girls living in the household of the Reverend Samuel Parris of Salem Village began experiencing stran

17、ge fits. The doctor identified witchcraft as the cause. After weeks of questioning, the girls named Tituba, Parriss female Indian slave, and two local women as the witches who were tormenting them. Judging by previous incidents, one would have expected the episode to end there. But it didnt. Other y

18、oung Salem women began to suffer fits as well. Before the crisis ended, 19 people formally accused others of afflicting them, 54 residents of Essex County confessed to being witches and nearly 150 people were charged with consorting with the devil. What led to this? Traditionally, historians have ar

19、gued that the witchcraft crisis resulted from factionalism in Salem Village, deliberate faking, or possibly the ingestion of hallucinogens by the afflicted. I believe another force was at work. The events in Salem were precipitated by a conflict with the Indians on the northeastern frontier, the mos

20、t significant surge of violence in the region in nearly 40 years. In two little-known wars, fought largely in Maine from 1675 to 1678 and from 1688 to 1699, English settlers suffered devastating losses at the hands of Wabanaki Indians and their French allies. The key afflicted accusers in the Salem

21、crisis were frontier refugees whose families had been wiped out in the wars. These tormented young women said they saw the devil in the shape of an Indian. In testimony, they accused the witchesreputed ringleaderthe Reverend George Burroughs, formerly pastor of Salem Villageof bewitching the soldier

22、s dispatched to fight the Wabanakis. While Tituba, one of the first people accused of witchcraft, has traditionally been portrayed as a black or mulatto woman from Barbados, all the evidence points to her being an American Indian. To the Puritan settlers, who believed themselves to be Gods chosen pe

23、ople, witchcraft explained why they were losing the war so badly. Their Indian enemies had the devil on their side. In late summer, some prominent New Englanders began to criticize the witch prosecutions. In response to the dissent, Governor Sir William Phips of Massachusetts dissolved in October th

24、e special court he had established to handle the trials. But before he stopped the legal process, 14 women and 5 men had been hanged. Another man was crushed to death by stones for refusing to enter a plea. The war with the Indians continued for six more years, though sporadically. Slowly, northern

25、New Englanders began to feel more secure. And they soon regretted the events of 1692. Within five years, one judge and 12 jurors formally apologized as the colony declared a day of fasting and prayer to atone for the injustices that had been committed. In 1711, the state compensated the families of

26、the victims. And last year, more than three centuries after the settlers reacted to an external threat by lashing out irrationally, the convicted were cleared by name in a Massachusetts statute. Its a story worth rememberingand not just on Halloween. 18 Which of the following does NOT describe peopl

27、es understanding of universe and witchcraft? ( A) Existent. ( B) Mysterious. ( C) Scared. ( D) Fiendish. 19 The author adds that the witchcraft crisis of 1692 also arose from ( A) the clash between European settlers and the Indians. ( B) disagreements among European settlers in Salem. ( C) the delus

28、ion of the sick in Salem. ( D) the pretension of the sick in Salem. 20 “.one would have expected the episode to end there“ in the fourth paragraph means that ( A) things might not go from bad to worse. ( B) the doctor tried to cure fits. ( C) more people suffered from fits. ( D) the situation was fu

29、rther aggravated. 21 It can be inferred from the passage that ( A) Puritan settlers witnessed the witchcraft of American Indians. ( B) frontier refugees couldnt admit their own defeat. ( C) the early European settlers lacked the sense of security. ( D) hundreds of American Indians died of the witchc

30、raft accusation. 22 A suitable title for the passage would be ( A) The Significance of Salems Witch Trials. ( B) European Settlers and American Indians. ( C) The Reflection on the Details of Salems Witch Trials. ( D) Campaigning on the Indian Frontier. 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directio

31、ns: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 23 It is estimated that there are about 800,000 people called Smith in_. ( A) England and Scotland ( B) Wales and Scotland ( C) England and Wales ( D) Southern England and Northern Ireland 24 _is th

32、e largest single source of imports for the U.S ( A) Brazil ( B) Canada ( C) Britain ( D) China 25 Experts say that Asian-Americans mainly owe their success to the Asian tradition of_. ( A) education ( B) hard work ( C) family ( D) all of the above 26 “General officer, editorial article, gold medal“

33、are often shortened as “general, editorial and gold“ respectively. In these cases, there is a_ behind this sort of semantic change. ( A) foreign influence ( B) social cause ( C) linguistic cause ( D) psychological cause 27 _studies the relationship between brain and language. ( A) Psycholinguistics

34、( B) Sociolinguistics ( C) Neurolinguistics ( D) Semantics 28 Paradise Lost is the masterpiece of_. ( A) William Shakespeare ( B) Robert Burns ( C) John Milton ( D) William Blake 29 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was written by_. ( A) William Wordsworth ( B) Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( C) George Gord

35、on Byron ( D) Percy Bys she Shelley 31 Which of the following is NOT of British origin? ( A) Charles Darwin ( B) Florence Nightingale ( C) Barbra Streizand ( D) Hitchcock 32 Which of the following words is NOT the hyponym of the word “furniture“ ? ( A) Wardrobe. ( B) Carnation. ( C) Desk. ( D) Dress

36、er. 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING it is an integral part of the entire writing process itself. It is an ongoing opportunity to discover, remember, reshape, or 【 M10】 _. refine your ideas. 33 【 M1】 34 【 M2】 35 【 M3】 36 【 M4】 37 【 M5】 38 【 M6】 39 【 M7】 40 【 M8】 41 【 M9】 42 【 M10】 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLIS

37、H Directions: Translate the following text into English. 43 乡下老家前面的空地,租给人家种桃花心木的树苗。树苗种下来后,植树人总是隔几天才来浇 水。他来的天数并没有规则,有时三天,有时五天,有时十几天来一次。浇水的量也不一定,有时浇 得多,有时浇得少。桃花心木有时就莫名地枯萎了,所以,他来的时候总会带几株树苗补种。我起先 以为他太懒,隔那么久才为树浇水。但是,懒的人焦么会知道有几棵树枯萎了呢 ?他说: “种树是百 年基业,所以树木自己要学会在土地里找水源。我浇水 只是模仿老天下雨,老天下雨是算不准。如 果无法在这种不确定中汲水生长,树

38、苗很自然就枯萎了。但是,只要在不确定中找到水源,拼命扎根 的树,长成百年的大树就不成问题了。 ” SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 44 Weve come a long way with computers already. The interactive childrens toy called a Furby has ten times the processing power of the Apollo command module, and there

39、 are now so many microchips in an automobile that Chrysler like to joke that they only bother to put wheels on their cars to stop the computers dragging along the highway. In simple terms, the eighties were shaped by cheap microprocessors and the nineties by cheap lasers; the symbol of the eighties

40、was the IC, and the symbol of the nineties is the web. The next decade? Well, thats going to be shaped by very low-cost, very high-performance sensors. Were basically going to attach eyes, ears and sensory organs to our computers and ask them to observe and manipulate the physical world on our behal

41、f. Processors and sensors are going to be everywhere: helping McDonalds to keep your French fries consistent the whole world around by embedding networked sensors in their frying machines; telling Coca-Cola when a vending machine is broken or empty; and helping diabetics with subcutaneous microdeliv

42、ery systems for insulin which deliver medication on a precise schedule. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 45 Undoubtedly, our world has changed a lot with the development of science and technology. Some people think that technology

43、 has made the world a better place to live. Do you agree or disagree with this? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view on the following topic: Has Technology Made The World a Better Place To Live? In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the s

44、econd part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks 专业英语八级模拟试卷 475答案与解析


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