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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 704及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Audience of Writing Audience is a very important concept for writing. You need to analyze your audience i

3、n terms of the following aspects ; I. Your social relations to your audience Through writing,you are making social (1)_ with other members of the society. II. Their (2)_of your subject This analysis is particularly valuable in (3)_ writing. III. Their (4)_to the subject and your position in the writ

4、ing This analysis is extremely important in (5)_ writing. 1) To those who agree, (6)_the importance of your position. 2) To those who are neutral or undecided, address their (7)_as directly and fully as possible. 3) To those who disagree, try to find out why they disagree. There may be two reasons f

5、or their disagreement: lack of information personal,political or (8)_reasons For the former,give them relevant information as (9)_as possible. For the latter,you need to show your (10)_ of them and address them accordingly. SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONC

6、E ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 According to the conversation what is Dr. Gus purpo

7、se? ( A) To have a talk with exhibitor. ( B) To purchase a lab. ( C) To discuss the possibility of negotiation with the Universal Computers Ltd. ( D) To inquire more information about the scientific apparatus. 12 They have been concerned with the following terms EXCEPT_. ( A) millions of instruction

8、s per second ( B) discount ( C) remote connection ( D) management committee 13 From the conversation we know if we buy more products from the Universal Computers Ltd., _. ( A) we can earn more mone ( B) we can benefit more ( C) they will give us more service ( D) they will move their main building t

9、o China 14 When can exhibitor expect to get an answer? ( A) Within a month or two. ( B) By Tuesday. ( C) Very soon. ( D) Immediately. 15 From the conversation we can deduce that_. ( A) they have a good beginning of trading ( B) they are eager to know each other ( C) they want to shake hands in Beiji

10、ng ( D) they hate the barriers between them SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Why do other Europea

11、n countries criticize Ireland? ( A) They worry that the Irish Republics budget plan will undermine the stability of European Unions. ( B) EU countries fear that Irish Republics finance plan will cause inflation. ( C) Other countries will have to cut taxes. ( D) Other EU countries must increase gover

12、nment spending, too. 17 What is TRUE about the Irish Republics economy? ( A) It was the most successful among the EU countries. ( B) It has increased 8% in the last five years. ( C) The unemployment rate has reached its lowest level for 5 years. ( D) The commodity prices have decreased greatly in th

13、e country. 17 1 Consider these results from a study released last week by the Manhattan Institute, a New York-based think tank: Two-thirds of suburban and urban 12th-graders have had sex; 43 percent of suburban 12th-graders and 39 percent of urban 12th-graders have had sex during “one-night stands.“

14、 74 percent of suburban 12th-graders and 71 percent of urban 12th-graders have tried alcohol more than two or three times. Just over 40 percent of 12th graders in urban and suburban schools have used illegal drugs. 20 percent of urban 12th grade girls have been pregnant; 14 percent of suburban 12th-

15、grade girls have. 2 The study was conducted via student surveys, and the data were collected from the same group of adolescents in three waves from 1995 to 2002. The study, which surveyed an estimate of 20,000 students, was sponsored by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development an

16、d other federal agencies. The studys authors, Jay Greene and Greg Forster, concluded that students in suburban high schools consume alcohol, smoke cigarettes and partake in as much illegal drug use as students in urban schools, and sometimes even more than their city counterparts. Students in suburb

17、an schools also had about the same levels of sexual behavior as their urban counterparts. The authors suggest that folks who have been fleeing the city hoping to find a “wholesome“ life may just come up wanting. 3 Greene, a senior fellow at the institute, told me that he was surprised that the study

18、 showed there isnt too much of a difference between urban and suburban high schoolers. 4 Surprised? Thats because we continue to idealize the more affluent suburbs and demonize the poorer sections of the city. For decades, “city“ has been a euphemism for black and poor and decadent, and “suburbs“ sy

19、nonymous with white and wealthy and puritanical. But, of course, neither has ever been totally true. Yet, were often still surprised when a group of well-to-do kids do something stupid and not so surprised when poor kids do. 5 Henry Binford, an associate professor of history at Northwestern Universi

20、ty, said theres a long history of idealizing suburban life that goes back to the 19th century. “Part of the appeal for people moving out was for them to get away from the dirt and crime, poor services and the hurly-burly of the downtown,“ he said. “Many imagined that the suburbs would be havens. The

21、y thought suburban life was healthier and more moral than city living. But the suburbs were never pure or safe or without difficulty as people thought they would be.“ Its fantasy duking it out with reality. 6 Why the similarities despite the differences in ZIP codes and, often, opportunities? For st

22、artersand this is a no-braineradolescents will be adolescents no matter where they live. They have to contend with similar peer pressures regarding sex, drugs and alcohol. Other pervasive influences, including various media messages, transcend suburban-urban boundaries. 7 Young people tend to have a

23、 high propensity for doing stupid things and getting themselves into sticky situations. How ZIP codes play a role is that some wealthier kids parents can afford to get them unstuck far better than others. Most of us recognize that there is no hermetically sealed place to rear youngsters. But some pe

24、ople still think so, says Greene, a graduate of New Trier High School on the North Shore. “A lot of the flight to the suburbs is still related to the perception that certain social ills are so concentrated in the city,“ Greene said. That perception is reinforced by television shows and movies about

25、city life; by the news. Its so ingrained that we tend not to question it. We take it for granted. 8 One of the things that attracted me to this study was not so much the similaritiesthe “findings“ that kids will be kids wherever they livebut the continued shock about them. The bottom line is that if

26、 parents and teens give up their responsibilities or are disengaged, no matter the reason, then these rates will continue to rise across the board. 9 There simply is no escape hatch. 18 Statistics used in the first paragraph are intended to _. ( A) compare the behavior of urban and suburban kids in

27、terms of some social problems ( B) highlight the gravity of some social problems involving kids ( C) show the authors well-informedness ( D) draw attention to the seriousness of problems with suburban kids 19 Which of the following is NOT true of the study as mentioned in Para. 2? ( A) The study is

28、based on a small sampling. ( B) Some students participated in the study. ( C) The result of the study is somewhat surprising. ( D) The study is probably well funded. 20 According to the passage, people may idealize the suburban life for all the reasons below EXCEPT that _. ( A) it is safer ( B) it i

29、s cleaner ( C) it is cheaper ( D) it is purer 21 It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that _. ( A) the findings of the study did not appeal to the author ( B) the finds of the study continued to shock the author ( C) parents were responsible for the rise of the problems ( D) the problems

30、with kids can never be reduced 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 22 As the backbone of the North American continent, _is known as the Continental Divide and separates the major river sy

31、stem of the United States. ( A) Rocky Mountains ( B) Appalachian Mountains ( C) Ben Nevis ( D) The Pennines 23 “_“ is the term used for the first ten amendments to the Constitution. ( A) The Articles of Confederation ( B) The Bill of Rights ( C) Checks and Balances ( D) The Human Rights Bill 24 Doct

32、or Faustus is the masterpiece by_. ( A) Christopher Marlowe ( B) Thomas More ( C) Benjamin Jonson ( D) William Shakespeare 25 _control most of the wealth and the politics of the United States of America. ( A) The WASPS ( B) The Blacks ( C) The Indians ( D) The Hispanics 26 How often did the Head of

33、Government of the Commonwealth usually meet for exchange of ideas? ( A) Every year. ( B) Every four years. ( C) Every two years. ( D) Every three years. 27 Tony Blair may interview in the _ with officials coming from foreign countries. ( A) Capitol ( B) Buckingham Palace ( C) Kremlin ( D) Winter Pal

34、ace 28 From semantic point of view, the difference between“ politician“ and“ statesman“ is _ in that the former is derogatory while the latter is favorable. ( A) denotation ( B) connotation ( C) concrete ( D) abstract 29 All of the following statements about G.B.Shaw are true EXCEPT_. ( A) he was an

35、 influential member in the Fabian Society. ( B) he vehemently rejected the traditions of realism in his dramatic creation. ( C) he didnt believe the credo of “art for arts sake“. ( D) he wrote plays as a way to discuss social problems. 30 _is not a novel about American Negro life. ( A) Uncle Toms Ca

36、bin ( B) Native Son ( C) Invisible Man ( D) Lolita 31 The statement “There is more politeness in womens language.“ is a view of _. ( A) pragmatics ( B) historical linguistics ( C) sociolinguistics ( D) psycholinguistics 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING 1. Your social relations to your audience; 2. Your audie

37、nces knowledge about your subject; 3. Your audiences attitudes or viewpoints to the subject and your position in the writing. Lets discuss them one by one. Now,first point,analyze your audience in terms of your social relations.) ; Whenever you write,you are interacting with other members of the soc

38、iety. Are you writing to a friend of yours? To the director of your business firm? To the admission office of an American college? In each situation,you have a different social relationship with your audience and this relationship has a definite impact on the shape of your writing. No one in his or

39、her right mind would write a letter of application to the dean of the graduate school as if the dean was one of his or her buddies. The second point, analyze your audience in terms of their knowledge of the subject you are writing about. This analysis is valuable particularly in informative and expl

40、anatory writing. Suppose you are writing a paper comparing the Mid-autumn Festival and Thanksgiving. How much knowledge would you assume your American readers already have about the Chinese holiday and how much about their own? Obviously, very little about the former and a whole lot about the latter

41、. In such a paper, you need to take care not to bore your readers to death by telling them what they already know while leaving them tantalizingly unsatisfied about what they are so eager to learn. The emphasis here should be to show the striking differences and subtle parallels rather than to give

42、exhaustively detailed information on each holiday. Now, the third point, analyze your audience in terms of their attitudes or viewpoints to the subject and your position in the writing. This analysis is vitally important in writing persuasive or argumentative essays, which is much more complex and c

43、hallenging. In a persuasive essay you present reasons and arguments to convince your readers that they should accept a belief or to take a position or a specific action. For persuasive or argumentative writings, you can classify audiences into three groups : those who agree,those who are neutral or

44、undecided,and those who disagree. If you are addressing an audience who already shares your view about developing and maintaining a mature and constructive relationship between China and the United States in the 21st century.all you need to do is restate why such a relationship is in the vital inter

45、ests of both countries and of the whole world. When writing to audiences who are neutral or undecided, you have the most to do and can hope to achieve a lot. Say you want to propose that a new financial aid system be established to help those bright students in rural and less prosperous areas of the

46、 country. You are concerned that with todays new tuition policy and practice, those students will be priced out of a chance for the high education they deserve so much. Some people may be undecided because they have some doubts and concerns; Where does the money needed for such an aid come from? Wha

47、t are the specific standards whereby to award scholarships? Are there more fair and efficient alternative solutions? (7) Once you find out why your audiences are undecided. you need to address their doubts and concerns as directly and fully as possible. You have a fairly good chance of winning them

48、over when their questions are answered satisfactorily. And audiences who disagree are the most difficult to write to. Different people disagree with you for different reasons. Some of them may have already given the issue a thought and have already made a choice; therefore, it is extremely difficult

49、 to change their minds. Others who disagree may not have had the time to think it over seriously. There are two main possible reasons why your audiences may disagree with you;l) because they dont have the “facts “or because they look at the same “facts“ differently ;2) because they are influenced by their personal opinion, prejudice, and political or religious beliefs. Once you have found why they disagree, you can decide what is the


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