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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 322及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s)

2、 you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 On Public Speaking I. Peoples frequent response to giving their first speech: feel 【 T1】 _ 【 T1】_ II. The speakers secret of g

3、iving speeches think public speaking is 【 T2】 _ as other forms of talk 【 T2】 _ take public speaking as a way to 【 T3】 _ his thoughts 【 T3】 _ know public speaking is easier than 【 T4】 _ 【 T4】 _ - reason: the speaker is free to decide on the 【 T5】 _ of his speech 【 T5】 _ III. Two key points to be a su

4、ccessful public speaker 【 T6】 _ with the subject matter 【 T6】 _ good preparation of the speech IV. Ways to 【 T7】 _ the audience s understanding 【 T7】 _ at the beginning: 【 T8】 _ the content beforehand 【 T8】 _ at the end: end the speech with 【 T9】 _ 【 T9】 _ V. Other key points to bear in mind make 【

5、T10】 _ with the audience 【 T10】 _ vary the 【 T11】 _ of delivery 【 T11】 _ stand up straight use the 【 T12】 _ in a right way 【 T12】 _ be 【 T13】 _ in speech and get your message to the point 【 T13】 _ - inaugural speech of Kennedy: one of the 【 T14】 _, best 【 T14】 _ remembered and most quoted - 【 T15】 _

6、: the core to the success of many successful people 【 T15】 _ 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9 【 T9】 10 【 T10】 11 【 T11】 12 【 T12】 13 【 T13】 14 【 T14】 15 【 T15】 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO par

7、ts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each

8、 question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. ( A) 75% of them. ( B) 40% of them. ( C) 35% of them. ( D) 17.5% of them. ( A) Less promotion space. ( B) Competitions in their current situation. ( C) Dissatisfaction with their income. ( D) Unsatisfactory colleagues.

9、( A) All year long. ( B) At the beginning of the year. ( C) At the end of the year. ( D) In the middle of the year. ( A) The housing sector. ( B) The tourism sector. ( C) The manufacturing sector. ( D) The service sector. ( A) Neither good nor bad. ( B) Bright. ( C) Disappointing. ( D) Gloomy. ( A)

10、Keep their paycheck and benefits. ( B) Do some soul searching. ( C) Ask for advice from their friends. ( D) Change the job immediately. ( A) Their paycheck. ( B) Their benefits. ( C) The work-life balance. ( D) The advancement prospect. ( A) One minute. ( B) Half a minute. ( C) 20 seconds. ( D) 10 s

11、econds. ( A) 145 resumes. ( B) 154 resumes. ( C) 245 resumes. ( D) 345 resumes. ( A) To provide some fine pictures. ( B) To keep it concrete and detailed. ( C) To use highlights and italics in format. ( D) To customize it for different employers. 专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 322答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In thi

12、s section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantica

13、lly acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 【听力原文】 Good morning. Today Id like to discuss with you about the secrets of good conversation: that is how to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere. When someone tells you that you hav

14、e to give a speech, your response may be “Ive got to do what?! “ But its important to remember that speeches are like anything else in life theres always a first time. People even those who are wonderful talkers in a conversational setting are often terrified over the prospect of giving their first

15、speech Some are scared about it no matter how many speeches they have given before. I suspect you may have the same experience or have seen others in similar situations. I give speeches many times a year to groups of every possible description. My secret is simply that I think of public speaking as

16、no different from any other form of talk. Its a way of sharing my thoughts with other people. You know, in one sense, its actually easier than social conversation because you are in complete control of where the talk is going. At the same time, you have to have something to say, of course. This lead

17、s us to the first key of being a successful public speaker talk about something you know about. The second key to being a good speaker is to follow the motto of the Boy Scouts: be well prepared. Never go to a speech without some prior work on it. If you are talking about a subject you know well, as

18、Ive just advised, prepared, preparing the speech itself should not be too difficult. If you let the audience know where you are going at the beginning, they will follow you more easily through the body of your speech. At the end of your speech, try to summarize your most important points in slightly

19、 different words from the ones you used in your opening. Here are some other key tips based on my own speaking experience and what Ive noticed in other good speakers. Look at your audience. Ive already said how important it is to make eye contact. First, be sure to look up from your text or notes. S

20、econd, dont talk to the wall in the back or to the window or to the side. Theyre not the audience. Each time you look up from your text, look at a different part of the audience, so the whole group feels theyre being addressed. Know the pacing and inflection you want to use in speech. Some speakers,

21、 if theyre reading from a complete text, underline the words they want to emphasize. If you are using an outline or notes, highlight ideas or phrases you should stress in your speech with a different coloured pen or something. This accomplishes two things: it guarantees that your emphasis will be wh

22、ere you intend it to be, and it assures your audience that you wont be speaking in a dull monotone that will put them to sleep, especially if youre talking after a heavy meal. Stand up straight. I dont mean that you have to assume a parade-ground posture, but stand in a comfortable, natural way, rat

23、her than hunching over the lectern. Hunching constricts your breathing, and it makes you look bad as well. If theres a microphone in front of you, adjust it to the right height, rather than forcing yourself to stoop during the speech. If you can, check this out before its your turn to speak. Talk no

24、rmally into the microphone. If you speak at a high volume into it, you will actually be harder to hear. And be careful to keep your mouth in range of the mike: dont weave around or turn away to answer a question from the side. Last but not least, a speaker has to keep in mind the value of brevity. I

25、ts not easy to be brief, especially on a topic you know a lot about. But in any kind of communication, its always worth taking the time to boil your message down to its essentials. That emphasis on brevity applies even more when you are delivering a speech. The show business expression “know when to

26、 get off“ comes into play again. And the best public speakers always know when. Some of the longest speeches ever inflicted on the American public have been the inaugural addresses of our presidents. However, one of the shortest inaugural addresses is also one of the best remembered and most often q

27、uoted. It was delivered on January 20th, 1960, by John F. Kennedy. Kennedy spoke for less than fifteen minutes. We can learn from these speakers, whose ability to talk effectively was central to their success, as is the case with so many successful people in every profession. Brevity is the first th

28、ing we can learn from them. If people like Kennedy are willing to keep it short to maximize their effectiveness as speakers, we should be smart enough to do the same thing. To sum up, Ive mentioned several key points in becoming a successful public speaker, such as good preparation, audience awarene

29、ss, brevity, etc. I hope youll find them very useful in making your speeches effective. Thank you. 【知识模块】 听力 1 【正确答案】 terrified scared 【试题解析】 讲座一开始便提及们对首次演讲的反应,其中明确指出人们 (甚至是那些会谈中的健谈者 )在他们首次做演讲之前也会感到恐惧 (are often terrified over the prospect of ),随后补充说有些之前做过很多演讲的人也还是会感到恐惧 (are scared)。因此,本题可填入 terrifi

30、ed或 scared。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 the same 【试题 解析】 本讲座的演讲者在谈及他做演讲的秘密时,说他就是简单地认为演讲和其他任何形式的交谈没什么不同 (no different from),即认为两者是一样的。提纲中用了肯定形式 is,结合空格后的 as,可判断答案应是 the same, the same as意为 “与 一样 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 share exchange communicate 【试题解析】 本讲座的演讲者提到演讲是他与其他人分享想法的一种方式 (a way of sharing my thoughts)。由

31、于空格前有不定式 to,故填入动词原形 share。本题还可填入 exchange或 communicate,分享想法本身就相当于在交换或交流彼此的想法。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 social conversation 【试题解析】 本讲座的演讲者提到,在某种意义上,演讲实际上比社交性交谈更容易 (easier than social conversation),因此空格处填入 social conversation。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 content essentials 【试题解析】 本讲座的演讲者提到演讲实际上比社交性交谈更容易,因为演讲者可完全掌控接下

32、来谈什么话题 (in a complete control of where the talk is going)。本题问及原因,可将讲座中提到的 where the talk is going总结、归纳为一个意思相近的词语,即 content或 essentials。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 familiarity 【试题解析】 讲座指出,成为一名成功演讲者的第一个秘诀 是谈你所知道的话题(talk about something you know about)。提纲中列出的第二个秘诀用了名词形式good preparation,为保持形式一致,此题也应概括为名词。 “谈论自己

33、知道的话题 ”实际上就是熟悉或了解所谈的话题, familiarity和 knowledge都适用,但由于空格后是 with,故答案应填 familiarity。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 promote facilitate 【试题解析】 讲座在介绍完成为成功演讲者的秘诀后,补充提 到应在演讲的开头和结尾如何做,以便听众跟上演讲者的思路,概括起来即介绍了辅助听众理解的方法,故空格处可填入或 facilitate或 promote。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 notify 【试题解析】 为了让观众更容易跟上演讲的内容,讲座提到应在开头部分让听众知悉演讲者的思路,概括起来

34、即告知演讲内容,可填入 notify。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 asummary 【试题解析】 为了让观众更容易跟上演讲的内容,讲座明确指出在演讲结尾处应试着总结要点 (try to summarize your most important points),且措辞要稍稍和演讲刚开始时所使用的词语不同。 with后面需接名词性成分,故此处应填summarize的名词形式 a summary。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 eye contact 【试题解析】 在提及演讲的其他技巧时,讲座给出的第一个建议是要看听众(Look at your audience),接着说和听

35、众有眼神接触 (eye contact)很重要。因此,此题答案应为 eye contact。 make eye contact with sb意为 “与某人做眼神交流 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 pace and inflection 【试题解析】 关于演讲其他技巧的第二个建议是知悉你想要的演讲语速和音调变化,建议不要一直用一种枯燥的语调,概括来说即应改变演讲语速和音调。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 microphone 【试题解析】 演讲其他技巧中的第三个建议是,如果使用扩音器,应调整到适宜的位置,因此空格处填入 microphone。 【知识模块】 听力 13

36、 【正确答案】 brief 【试题解析】 讲座提到的最后一个技巧是演讲者要牢记简短的重要性 (the value of brevity),即演讲要简洁明了。空格前的 be表明此题应填入 brevity的形容词形式 brief。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 shortest briefest 【试题解析】 讲座提到演讲要简短时,列举了美国总统肯尼迪的就职演说,指出肯尼迪在 1960年 1月 20日所做的演说是最简短、也是被记得最好、最常被引用的就职演说之 一。空格后用了形容词最高级 best remembered和 most quoted,故答案应是 shortest或 briefe

37、st。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 effective talking 【试题解析】 讲座提到,我们可以学习前面提到的那些演说者,有效交谈的能力(ability to talk effectively)是他们获取成功的关键,也是其他各行各业成功人士取得成功的关键。此空要求概括许多成功人士成功的关键,由前一个分点 inaugural speech of Kennedy可知,应填入名词性成分, ability to talk effectively超出了题目要求的填入三个词以内的限制,故应将其概括改为 effective talking。 【知识模块】 听力 SECTION B INT

38、ERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the

39、 pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. 16 【听力原文】 M: If you look at any list of New Years resolutions you wouldnt be surprised to see find a better job right at the

40、top. Vera Gibbons of Kiplingers Personal Finance magazine is here with some tips to help you get a better job or maybe take on a career change. Good morning, Vera. W: Thats right, good morning, nice to see you. M: Nice to see you too. Happy New Year. W: Same to you. M: Start the new year, start look

41、ing for a new job, whats amazing is how many people are actually thinking of doing that this year. W: Yes, one survey found that 75% of American workers plan to look for a new job this year. Theyre unhappy with the pay: theyre unhappy with the situation at their work: they want new challenges: there

42、s no room for advancement with their current employer, so a lot of people are going to be out there looking for work, and this is the time of year that we are more inclined to actually take the bull by the horns, take the initiative to go out there and find that job. M: That whole resolution thing.

43、W: Yes. M: Is there a good time to go about doing this? W: Well you know, the opportunities pop up all year long but, yes, the heaviest of hiring generally does take place at the beginning of the year, early, they fire at the end of the year, they hire in the new. They fire for Christmas, and then h

44、ire in the next year. M: So if you think about doing it, you really should get out there now. W: Get out there now and get the ball rolling, yes. M: What about the job market this year, what does it look like? W: It is softening a little bit, job growth is slowing down some, because of the contracti

45、on in housing and all of those sectors, but thats been offset a bit by the service sector. Those types of companies are hiring in the service industry. Were actually expecting 1.3 million jobs to be created this year. And one survey by Career Builder actually found 40 percent of employers will be hi

46、ring full-time employees this year. So its not a bad time, its not great, its OK. 1. How many American workers decide to look for a new job this year? 2. According to one survey, what makes people change their jobs? 3. When is a good time to change jobs? 4. What sector offsets a bit the slowing down

47、 job growth? 5. What does the job market prospect look like this year? 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查今年有多少美国人打算找新工作。访谈中,女士提到一个调查显示今年约有 75的美国人打算找新工作,因此选 A。 B中的 40是今年有招聘全职员工计划的雇主比例。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 访谈中女士提到,一项调查发现人们换工作的 原因包括:对收入不满,对工作环境不满、寻求新挑战、当前工作无晋升空间等。与此调查结果相符的是 C。 A中的晋升空间减少与女士所说的无晋升空间不尽相同; B

48、“当前工作环境下的竞争 ”不对; D“对同事不满意 ”录音未提及。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查换工作的好时机。访谈中主持人问女士是否有换工作的好时机。女士回答说全年都有工作机会,但是机会最多的时候是在新年伊始。故选B。 【知识模块】 听力 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 在回答男士关于今年职 场前景如何这一问题时,女士说由于房地产等产业的萎缩,职位增长放缓,好在有服务业稍作抵消,因此答案是服务业,选D。 A“房地产行业 ”、 B“旅游业 ”和 C“制造业 ”均与录音所述不符。 【知识模块】 听力 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查今年职

49、场前景如何。女士从各个行业机会的此消彼长、新增就业机会的具体数目、雇主对全职雇员的需求等角度作答,最后总结 So its not a bad time, its not great, its OK,可见她认为该年度的职场前景说不上好还是坏,总体上马 马虎虎,因此 A为正确答案。 【知识模块】 听力 21 【听力原文】 M: OK, so if youre ready to take the plunge, if you wanna get out there, you have some tips. No.1 is Do Some Soul Searching. W: Yes, I just think in order to get ou


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