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1、专业英语八级(社会类听力填空)模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-l

2、ecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Low-aged Overseas Students Low-aged overseas study has become a major concern by the media and par

3、ents of the students, and reports on it are both in a negative and positive tone. First, what is “low-aged studying abroad“ ? Generally, it refers to those who continue to pursue their study before they graduated from (1)_. There are two kinds of opinions. Those opposing opinions are as follows. Fir

4、stly, Chinese children are not independent enough both in study and life. Once they were sent abroad, they would be out of control. Thus, parents should (2)_ their choices before sending their children abroad. Secondly, many young overseas students come from rich or bureaucratic families. They are n

5、ot (3)_. Some of them are even regarded as “oversea rubbish“ . Thirdly, most of the young overseas students are the only children in their family and are extremely (4)_. They often expose a lot of bad habits and have conflicts with other students. At last, the (5)_of those students is often too low

6、to follow the classes taught in English. However, overseas study also possesses a lot of advantages. Firstly, these students practical language abilities will be better than domestic students. Secondly, selecting courses in foreign high schools is more (6)_, while domestic high schools usually only

7、offer required courses and attach more importance to the learning of (7)_knowledge. If your child really gets into trouble in domestic high school, let him go to foreign high schools! Thirdly, the domestic study is (8)_. If your child usually studies well but performs bad in the exam, the evaluating

8、 methods adopted by foreign high schools are obviously more suitable for him. In addition, if your child wants to get a postgraduate or doctor degree, its wise to choose to study at a foreign high school. This will (9)_their further study in the other state. Finally, overseas study can improve child

9、rens (10)_in their daily life. In conclusion, overseas study is beneficial for the future development of the child with strong wish to study and excellent academic performance. 10 Online Shopping Nowadays, Internet shopping is becoming a powerful alternative to traditional storefront shopping, due t

10、o its obvious advantages over the latter. Roughly, you can enjoy four major benefits if you shop online: 1.(1)_. Changing lifestyles and lack of time make it more difficult for consumers to shop at physical stores. But Internet operates every minute, and shoppers can buy goods on the Internet anytim

11、e. Whats more, they can even make purchases (2)_. 2.A powerful research instrument. For certain products, such as videos,CDs and DVDs, shoppers are not only able to browse through a larger selection on the websites, but also conveniently obtain (3)_ that are not available in traditional stores. Besi

12、des, shoppers who shop online do not necessarily purchase online, but offline sometimes, and vice versa. Actually,online shopping is (4)_to the traditional shopping, and makes customers accelerate their purchase decision. 3.Low search costs and (5)_. Online shoppers need not travel to physical store

13、s but locate vendors online, whereas the traditional shopping is in nature (6)_ and incomplete in providing information. 4.The advantages of better price information and lower prices (7)_a lot of shoppers to shop online. Shoppers are able to find lower prices using the Internet. One reason for lower

14、 prices on the Internet is that shoppers can buy (8)_from a manufacturers or wholesalers website. Typical examples are companies like Dell Computer and Amazon. com, who (9)_retail intermediaries to lower the price as compared to most physical retail storefronts. The other is online stores are cost-s

15、aving:they (10) _the costs of running a physical store, like the rent, wages, etc.,and pass this on to shoppers. In conclusion, online shopping is highly recommended for all consumers. 20 Job-hopping Nowadays, the one-company individual no longer exists, and the attitude towards job-hopping is (1)_f

16、rom the one a decade ago. The once negative image of job-hopping is considered as ambitious. However, too frequent job-changes could cause (2)_in finding a new job, for you could be labeled as unstable, disloyal, or unable to work as part of a team. If you really want to change your job, the followi

17、ng aspects might be helpful. Firstly, look for the best time for a switch. Make it (3)_:move out to move up. In order to achieve so, youd better think and plan carefully and research the company thoroughly:background, culture, its financial performance, etc. Next, (4)_smartly the reasons for your ch

18、anging a job. Highlight positive ones to eliminate negative effects. Some more positive reasons are: I follow the best and the brightest; I follow the money, but money is not the only reason; I want to (5)_, because I am aggressive in my career, and want to be valued;I follow my spouse, which is qui

19、te (6)_to employers, but show that your career matters too. The key is to make clear your (7)_in and contributions to each company. Finally, keep these tips in mind. 1.Avoid frequent (8)_. Think carefully and figure out what you like and really want to do before you switch. 2.Dont burn bridges. Keep

20、 (9)_with your boss and former colleagues when you leave, even if you dislike them. 3.Leave a positive lasting impression, which will (10)_your image in your industry. Job-hopping is quite common these days, but you have to act cautiously and think thoroughly before you move. 专业英语八级(社会类听力填空)模拟试卷 4答案

21、与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture

22、 is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Low-aged Overseas Students Recently, the question of low-aged overseas study has become the major concern by the me

23、dia and parents of the students. Frequently there are reports on low-aged overseas students, both in negative tone and in positive tone. And at the age of rational studying abroad, such discussion concerning the age of overseas students is beneficial. Today, Id like to talk about the question and sh

24、are my opinions with you. First, lets define what is “low-aged studying abroad“. In accordance with relevant regulations of Ministry of Education, students cannot go abroad to study before completion of their Nine-Year Compulsory Education. In this sense, the low-aged overseas students actually refe

25、r to those students who have completed their junior high school education yet havent graduated from their senior high school and will continue to complete their senior secondary education abroad. For those who go abroad to further their study as college students after their graduation from senior hi

26、gh school, we wont count them in numbers as the “low-aged overseas students“ because they are basically above the age of 18 and have become adults. In regard with the question of “low-age studying abroad“, generally there are two kinds of opinions as approval and disapproval. For those who hold oppo

27、sing opinions, they give out their reasons as the following: Firstly, Chinese children lack the study ability and the ability of taking care of themselves in daily life. Therefore, when they were sent abroad without supervision under their parents, they will be completely “out of control“. Thus unde

28、r such condition, whether studying abroad can lead a road to success is a big concern. Secondly, among the young overseas students, many come from rich families or bureaucratic families. These students are not diligent, nor have the satisfying scores. Language is still a big problem for them. They a

29、re quick at learning what they shouldnt learn but slow at what they should. A small part of them are even regarded as “oversea rubbish“, and influenced those diligent and ambitious students. Thirdly, most of the young overseas students are singleton the only children in their family. So they are “ex

30、tremely spoiled by their parents“. So when living in a foreign homestay family or dealing with foreign students, they often expose a lot of bad habits and often have conflicts with other students. Finally, those students have originally a general level at English study when at home. When they study

31、abroad and are taught in English, can they follow the teachers and adjust themselves to the new circumstances? The views are reasonable somehow. However, its unfair to take one-sided opinions. Next, lets take a look at the advantages of foreign high schools compared with domestic high schools: First

32、, language is certainly an advantage. Its known that the younger the child is, the stronger the ability for simulating language is. Childs English level will be equal to the level of domestic undergraduates majoring in English through two or three years senior secondary education, and his practical

33、application is much better. Second, its more flexible to select courses in foreign high schools. Their teaching pattern depends on the students conditions and teachers encourage students to think independently and exert creativities; domestic high schools pay more attention to preciseness and solidn

34、ess for the basic knowledge. One child will possibly have different developments in both atmospheres. For example, some children are not interested in physics and chemistry, and the low scores lead them to detest these subjects, but now they have to study them. If your child really gets into trouble

35、 in domestic high school due to bad performance in some subjects, its a wise choice for going to foreign high schools. Because in foreign high schools he or she can select courses according to the majors in the university that he will enter and the direction that his future job is related, he or she

36、 will be mobilized to get high marks easily, thus can go to a famous college to further his or her study. Third, because the resources for domestic education are relatively insufficient, the students can enter college only through passing the unique way College Entrance Exam. It brings great pressur

37、e to the students. If your child usually studies well, but often performs bad in the exam because of nervousness, in such case, the system for continuously evaluating usual achievements that adopted by foreign high schools is obviously helpful to provide a fair evaluation to the students. Fourth, if

38、 your child later wants to get a postgraduate or doctoral degree, its beneficial for him or her to choose study at a foreign high school then go to a foreign university. This provides the child with facility to continuously receive higher education in other states after completion of foreign undergr

39、aduate programs, which would be more easily to be admitted than the undergraduates at home. At last, your child enhances his ability of independent living, which is helpful for them to adapt to society in the future. Some parents may be worried that their children can do nothing at home, how he can

40、settle down by himself? To be honest, nowadays students in high schools seldom have strong ability in settling down. Hundreds of students going abroad through me are absolutely not better in settling living affairs than their peers, but we will take a new look to them after their going abroad for so

41、me time. They often visit me during winter holidays; it feels to me that they become polite, and respect others views and feelings than before. Theres no doubt studying abroad is valuable to the study, job prospect, development of character for the child. In conclusion, its beneficial for the future

42、 development for the child with strong wish to study and with more excellent academic performance to go to a foreign high school than stay in a domestic high school. 【知识模块】 社会类 1 【正确答案】 senior high school 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于直接 拷贝型。可以从讲座原文中 yet havent graduated from their senior high school and will con

43、tinue to complete their senior secondary education abroad得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 2 【正确答案】 be worried about be concerned about think over consider 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于转换角度型。根据原文信息 Thus under such condition, whether studying abroad can lead a road to success is a big concern即可得出答案。但需使之在语义语法上都切合题意:题目中的主语为 parents

44、,与原文不一样。 【知识模块】 社会类 3 【正确答案】 of high quality excellent students elite students diligent or qualified 【试题解析】 本题为归纳题。讲座原文中 提到这些学生不够聪明,没有令人满意的成绩;语言水平对他们来说是个问题;他们很快学会不该学的东西,但是对于该学的就进展缓慢。根据题意可归纳得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 4 【正确答案】 spoiled 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于直接拷贝型。考生可根据原文信息 So they are“extremely spoiled by their parent

45、s”得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 5 【正确答案】 English proficiency English level 【试题解析】 本题为推断题。原文中作者质疑这些学生能否跟上全英文授课的老师、适应新环境。据此可以推断得出本题答案:英语水平低。 【知识模块】 社会类 6 【正确答案】 flexible 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。考生可根据原文信息 Second, its more flexible to select courses in foreign high schools得出本题答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 7 【正确答案】 precise and solid 【试题解析】 本

46、 题为细节题,属于转换词性型。可根据原文信息中 domestic high schools pay more attention to preciseness and solidness for the basic knowledge得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 8 【正确答案】 (far)too competitive (far)too cruel 【试题解析】 本题为推断题。原文中提到国内教育资源相对不足,学生只能通过唯一的高考进入大学学习,这带给学生巨大的压力。据此可推断得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 9 【正确答案】 facilitate promote 【试题解析】 本题为细节

47、题,属于转换词性型。从原文信息 This provides the child with facility to continuously receive higher education in other states 可以得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【正确答案】 independence 【试题解析】 本题为要点题,但需根据题意转换词性。可根据原文信息 At last,your child enhances his ability of independent living 得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【听力原文】 Online Shopping The adven

48、t of the Internet as a shopping medium has enabled shoppers to gain shopping benefits such as convenience and time-saving, better information, and price savings. This lecture aims to provide a better understanding of the benefits of Internet shopping by identifying and discussing the advantages of I

49、nternet shopping over traditional storefront shopping. I roughly classify the advantages into the following four points, namely, 1)convenience and time-saving, 2)powerful research instrument, 3)lower search costs and better product selection, and 4)better price information and lower prices. Lets begin with the first onexon


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