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1、中国人民大学考博英语模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 A Monitor/TIPP poll last month found that young people and seniors held similar views when asked to_ the importance of US military action to remove Saddam Hussein from power in the next months. ( A) advocate ( B) foresee ( C) supervise ( D) gauge

2、2 The newspaper reported on the initiative of the organization to establish a private company to professionally_prisoners due to be released from prison. ( A) habilitate ( B) rehabilitate ( C) preclude ( D) prelude 3 If all the viruses on the planet were to disappears global catastrophe would_,and t

3、he natural ecosystems of the earth would collapse in a spectacular crash under burgeoning populations of insects. ( A) varnish ( B) disperse ( C) contaminate ( D) ensue 4 The solution was simple:gas the building with a hallucinogen and put the terrorists to sleep before they could_the bombs in the b

4、uilding. And it worked. ( A) detonate ( B) dismantle ( C) demolish ( D) desert 5 Ms. Rice,with customary class,simply expressed hope that this episode wouldnt_the charity in spite of the previous scandals. ( A) taint ( B) enhance ( C) sprain ( D) sponsor 6 These examples show that openness and the a

5、bility to change brings couples a giant step closer to the marital harmony they_. ( A) request ( B) negotiate ( C) crave ( D) detest 7 First launched in April this year,Net My Singapore also includes efforts that_training,development, and the exploration of new technologies based on. ( A) obliterate

6、 ( B) sequester ( C) encompass ( D) terminate 8 Anxiety is believed to_diabetes by raising levels of the stress hormone Cortisol which regulates insulin and blood-sugar levels. ( A) impede ( B) exacerbate ( C) inherit ( D) facilitate 9 Last week,the US bishops adopted rules to take priests who_minor

7、s out of any ministerial activities. ( A) administer ( B) generate ( C) implicate ( D) molest 10 There is little reason to believe that the United States will_from its stated goal of regime change in Iraq. ( A) back down ( B) blow off ( C) pop up ( D) step up 11 Cox Radio,one of the nations largest

8、radio chains,plans to_its ties with independent record promoters to distance itself from a payola-like practice that runs rampant in the music business. ( A) consolidate ( B) tout ( C) sever ( D) splash 12 The European Commission issued a_decision on Oct. 29 permitting an alliance between United Air

9、lines,Deutsche Lufthansa and Scandinavian Airlines System that allows them to coordinate prices, schedules and routes in the transatlantic market. It turned out to be well received. ( A) automatic ( B) landmark ( C) obsolete ( D) outgrown 13 Now illegal copies of music CDs_losses of about $ 300 mill

10、ion in sales annually and $ 65 million lost government tax revenue. ( A) conflict ( B) inflict ( C) compromise ( D) defer 14 It is the first of several agreements United States hopes to reach as it attempts to reduce, labor costs by $ 5.8 billion and_bankruptcy. ( A) dispel ( B) revert ( C) transfer

11、 ( D) avert 15 The United Nations Security Council established the ICTR in 1995 to try the alleged perpetrators of the 1994_in Rwanda that claimed the lives of more than 800,000 people. ( A) genocide ( B) immigration ( C) discrimination ( D) election 16 If you work for a major corporation,or are con

12、tracted at one,sooner or later,you may be called upon to create or maintain an internal website. Here are the_of intranets. ( A) ins and outs ( B) in a pinch ( C) in a cleft stick ( D) in a breeze 17 You are exposed to obtrusive ads that_seemingly from nowhere even when you are disconnected from the

13、 Net,and your personal information gathered and sent off without you being aware of it. ( A) size up ( B) dwindle away ( C) conjure up ( D) pop up 18 As a psychotherapist with many patients in their 20 s, I can_the fact that not only do most of them not have any health insurance,but they also do not

14、 expect it as a condition of living in this country. ( A) attest to ( B) contribute to ( C) modify ( D) interdict 19 If you develop a reputation for being able to keep secrets others will_towards you with useful news and gossip. ( A) feel constrained ( B) feel excluded ( C) propel ( D) gravitate 20

15、Early signs of_seen in the herbal medicine study are extremely encouraging and based upon these data,we are now planning a registration program. ( A) faculty ( B) reception ( C) deterioration ( D) efficacy 21 A year has_and there Is no sign of the situation getting any better. ( A) emerged ( B) encl

16、osed ( C) clasped ( D) expired 22 As a result of their frequent litters,rabbits have the reputation of being_. ( A) ruthless ( B) prolific ( C) practical ( D) rational 23 Because of the bombing that killed six people,Washington has been urging the spokesman to_ terrorism more severely. ( A) charge (

17、 B) censor ( C) blame ( D) denounce 24 During an international crisis,many_messages will generally emanate from the president s office. ( A) confidential ( B) abstruse ( C) appalling ( D) compelling 25 Giordano Bruno strongly supported Copernicuss idea that the earth was not the center of the univer

18、se. Bruno was rewarded by being burned at the stake for this and other_ideas. ( A) faithful ( B) heretical ( C) bibliographical ( D) hysterical 26 He cannot see anything without his glasses,so he made a_of remembering to get them fixed before he went to work. ( A) chore ( B) success ( C) point ( D)

19、mess 27 He offered her a trip to Australia but she_him_flat. ( A) broke down ( B) turneddown ( C) strippedof ( D) cut-off 28 His health deteriorated rapidly due to insufficient nutrition and_medical care. ( A) satisfactory ( B) unfit ( C) incomplete ( D) inadequate 29 His production techniques are e

20、laborate and near legendary,but even if they could be_,it wouldnt be the same for any other people. ( A) resembled ( B) approximated ( C) duplicated ( D) undertaken 30 Howard Johnson_a better brand of ice cream and a new way to sell it. ( A) came up with ( B) came to ( C) came across ( D) came off 3

21、1 I spent the whole day yesterday rearranging my books_their subjects and frequency of use. ( A) as regards ( B) as against ( C) as of ( D) as from 32 In charge of an army of seven-thousand men,he_the oriental city for nine months and finally defeated it. ( A) intruded ( B) haunted ( C) besieged ( D

22、) possessed 33 Today well discuss proposals_the improvement of quality. All other proposals will be left to the next meeting. ( A) similar to ( B) relevant to ( C) familiar with ( D) regarded as 34 Its strange that Peter_his uncle in every way. ( A) takes on ( B) takes to ( C) takes after ( D) takes

23、 down 35 Lawyer have a terrible habit of using Latin and industry_to mystify people and themselves more valuable. ( A) inflections ( B) dialects ( C) accent ( D) jargon 36 Lets not_over such a trifle! ( A) fall out ( B) fall through ( C) fall to ( D) fall behind 37 The question of salary increase wi

24、ll_at the next general meeting. ( A) come off ( B) come up ( C) come to ( D) come through 38 He was a brilliant musician as a boy,but he never_his early promise. ( A) completed ( B) performed ( C) concluded ( D) fulfilled 39 The gloves were really too small, and it was only by_hem that I can get the

25、m on. ( A) stretching ( B) spreading ( C) extending ( D) squeezing 40 Shares on the stock market have_as a result of a worldwide economic downturn. ( A) turned ( B) changed ( C) floated ( D) fluctuated 二、 Reading Comprehension 40 Love cant conquer all. So, before couples tie the knot, they should kn

26、ow what theyre getting into. The taboo against couples living together before marriage is decreasing, and more and more people are saying“I do“ after theyve spent months, or even years, living together. As much as a person loves another, he or she never really knows what happens behind closed doors

27、unless he or she is standing on the other side. While some people view living together before marriage as immoral, couples are actually expanding the boundaries of their relationship by moving in together. For example, the division of, household responsibilities can be a major issue for newlyweds. B

28、y living together, couples can solve imbalances in the distribution of those responsibilities before someone realizes he or she has married a lazy bum. This may seem like a small point, but how many womenand menare out there who never thought they would be the only ones cooking, washing dishes, vacu

29、uming, hopping, scrubbing, disinfecting, cleaning laundry, dusting, etc. ? One of the largest problems in marriages is the “m“ word: money. If couples live together before marriage, they learn one anothers saving and spending styles. By baring expenses, people learn not only how each person controls

30、 the purse strings but how to discuss finance matters with each other. Its important for couples to figure out budget priorities before they are married, and this is difficult to do unless a person has been sharing expenses with his or her partner. If couples dont have their financial sues in order,

31、 they are bound to surface; causing trouble in the marriage. Its also difficult to know someone intimately without living with him or her. A special bond forms between people who share their living space, their personal longings, and their lives together. Some things you just dont know until youve l

32、ived with someone. While some people believe living together before marriage is inappropriate, like most everything else in this country, it is a choice that everyone should respect. Living together can be a positive experience that will later reinforce a marriage, but it can also be something that

33、ends a relationship. But if a relationship is going to end, its better people discover the hard truth before they marry. Even though two people love each other and enjoy spending time together, the real question is, “Can you live together?“ People might want to find out before they make the serious

34、decision to marry. 41 “Tie the knot“ in the first line of the first paragraph means_. ( A) getting acquainted with each other ( B) dating each other ( C) living together before marriage ( D) getting married 42 According to the author, through living together_. ( A) a couple can reinforce their love

35、( B) a couple can learn who is better at doing the housework ( C) a couple can save some money for their marriage ( D) a couple can know each other intimately 43 To some people, living together before marriage is unacceptable because_. ( A) it is immoral and inappropriate ( B) it may end a relations

36、hip more quickly ( C) it is a shame to the couples parents ( D) it will cause many social problems 44 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( A) Living together before marriage is now more acceptable than before. ( B) Little household chores can cause trouble in ones marriage.

37、 ( C) Love is the guarantee of a happy marriage. ( D) Newly-weds often has many life imbalances to face. 45 An important point the author made in this passage is_. ( A) living together before marriage is significant; every couple should try it ( B) living together before marriage is a choice that sh

38、ould be respected ( C) living together is the best way to bridge the gaps between a couple ( D) living together is a symbol of the modem form of civilization 45 Is language,like food,a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of life can be starved and damaged? Judging from the dr

39、astic experiment of Frederick II in the thirteenth century, it may be. Hoping to discover what language a child would speak if he heard no mother tongue,he told the nurses to keep silent. All the infants died before the first year. But clearly there was more than lack of language here. What was miss

40、ing was good mothering. Without good mothering,in the first year of life especially,the capacity to survive is seriously affected. Today no such severe lack exists as that ordered by Frederick. Nevertheless, some children are still backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mot

41、her is insensitive to the signals of the infant,whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly. If these sensitive periods are neglected,the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and the language might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time

42、, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed. Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age,but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be a high IQ. At twelve weeks a baby smiles and mak

43、es vowel-like sounds,at twelve months he can speak simple words and understand simple commands,at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of three to fifty words. At three he knows about 1,000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four he knows his language differs from that of his parents in st

44、yle rather than grammar. Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity of speaking. What is special about mans brain,compared with that of the capacity,is the complex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of,say,a toy-bear with the sound pattern “toy-bear“. A

45、nd even more incredible is the young brains ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him,to analyze,to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways. But speech has to be induced and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, where the

46、mother recognizes the signals in the childs babbling,grasping and smiling,and responds to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dull the interaction because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity to the childs non-verbal signals is essential to th

47、e growth and development of language. 46 What is the purpose of the drastic experiment of Frederick II in the thirteenth century? ( A) To prove that a baby couldnt live without his mother. ( B) To discover what language a child would speak without hearing any human speech. ( C) To find out what role

48、 careful nursing would play in teaching a child to speak. ( D) To prove that a child would be damaged without learning a language. 47 Today some children are backward in speaking because_. ( A) they are incapable of learning langrage rapidly ( B) they are faced with so much language at once ( C) the

49、ir mothers respond inadequately to their attempts to speak ( D) their brain is not programmed to learn language rapidly 48 If a child starts to speak later than other normal children,he will_in the future. ( A) have a high IQ ( B) be insensitive to verbal signals ( C) be less intelligent ( D) not necessarily be backward 49 Compared with the brain of the monkey, humans brain is a complex system which ena


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