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1、国家公共英语三级(家与家人,环境)练习试卷 13及答案与解析 Part B Directions: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 0 G. F. Aland Many people regard Standard English as correct English. It is certainly the variety which is taught to foreign le

2、arners English and, in its written form, it represents the form which is found in most types of writing school textbooks, government documents, newspapers and literature. But Standard English is only one variety among the many varieties of English, though it has acquired a special position among the

3、se varieties because it is used as the medium of education in England. Because of the position of Standard English, it is often taken subconsciously as a norm in discussions of language acquisition, change and varieties. The effect of broadcasting has been to allow people to hear many different vari

4、eties of English from all over the world. Although this has not necessarily undermined the perceived status of Received Pronunciation, it perhaps has made it appear to speakers of the language that a high degree of variety exists and that many people, even quite distinguished ones, can use forms of

5、spoken English which differ from those of Received Pronunciation. D. M. Richard A standard language is a variety of a language that is socially and culturally predominant and is generally accepted as the most proper form of that language. Written Standard English is, with minor differences, primaril

6、y in spelling the same word. However, with reference to the spoken language, the term Standard English must be further qualified. The Standard English of New Zealand is by no means identical to the Standard English of Ireland. Indeed, even within a given country, what is considered standard may vary

7、 from area to area. Diversity among the regional dialects of England, particularly in pronunciation, is greater than in any other part of the world where English is spoken as a native language. English is also the only English-speaking nation with an official or quasi-official standard dialect, whic

8、h we can call Standard British English(SBE). This dialect is a social and educational, rather than regional dialect. It is superimposed upon regional dialects; in effect, many of its users are bidialectal to some extent, able to speak both SBE and a regional dialect. SBE is the English taught in the

9、 public (that is, private) schools of England and Wales. David Alpher The rapid development in public broadcasting after about 1920 led in England and abroad to the establishment of BBC English as an actual spoken standard. This standard, alternatively known as Received Pronunciation, is that of a s

10、ocial and educational elite. Robert Claiborne But when we are communicating with “outsiders“, and especially if we are communicating in writing, we will almost certainly do best with spoken Standard English. The reasons are very clear. To begin with, though most English speakers speak some nonstanda

11、rd dialect, they almost certainly understand the educated speech of their region and, if they re literate, written Standard English. (The latter, in fact, is acceptable currency almost anywhere in the English-speaking word.) The overwhelming majority of English language publications newspapers, maga

12、zines and books are written, apart from some dialogue passages, in Standard English. The directions and manuals that come with medicines, many foodstuffs, and the innumerable gadgets that enrich or complicate our lives are in Standard English. And the governmental and corporate bureaucrats that most

13、 of us have to correspond with from time to time deal in Standard, if often heavily jargonized English. In brief, Standard English is “better“ than other dialects because with it we can give information to and get information from, many more sources than with any other dialect. Gerald Knowles Standa

14、rd English was for a long time essentially a written form of the language, but it did influence the use of grammar and vocabulary in speech, and even pronunciation. In all parts of the country the UK, local forms and usages have been subject to displacement: as fashions have changed and new forms ha

15、ve been accepted in the standard language and have gradually spread to local dialects. The vast majority of English speakers today have a standardized variety of English. Agreement on matters of pronunciation seems to have developed in the nineteenth century, especially in the public schools of the

16、south of England. This has led to a widespread acceptance in England of one variety of pronunciation as a standard and this is the type that was adopted in the 1920s for broadcasting by the BBC. It is known as Received Pronunciation, or more commonly as RP. An RP speaker is somebody whose speech bel

17、ongs to England, but cannot be pinned down to any region of England. RP has had a powerful influence on all regional varieties, but relatively few people actually speak it. Now match each of the persons with the appropriate statement. Note: there are two extra statements. Statements A Although RP ha

18、s greatly influenced the regional dialects in UK, very few people actually speak it. B Standard English is more efficient in communicating with other people than other dialects. C A greater population speaks Standard English in UK. D The standard language varies from country to country. E An interna

19、tional standard language should be developed.F BBC is the standard of the British social elite.G Standard English has a special position because it acts as the medium of education. 1 G. F. Aland 2 M. Richard 3 David Alpher 4 Robert Claiborne 5 Gerald Knowles Part A 6 Wang Peng s friend Jack has move

20、d into his new house. So please write a congratulation letter to Jack on behalf of him. You should write about 100 words. 国家公共英语三级(家与家人,环境)练习试卷 13答案与解析 Part B Directions: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 【知识模块】

21、 家与家人,环境 1 【正确答案】 G 【知识模块】 家与家人,环境 2 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 家与家人,环境 3 【正确答案】 F 【知识模块】 家与家人,环境 4 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 家与家人,环境 5 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 家与家人,环境 Part A 6 【正确答案】 Dear Jack, Thank you for your announcement of your new house address. I am really happy to learn that you have moved to your own house finally, w

22、hich has just satisfied yourself. How lucky you will be able to live in such a good district in terms of its location and surroundings. I wish to have a chance to visit your new house in the near future. Since I know that you are crazy about oil painting. this morning I have been to an art gallery for a picture, which will be delivered to you in a day or two as a token of my congratulations. I hope you will like it. Best wishes to you. Yours sincerely, Wang Peng 【知识模块】 家与家人,环境


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