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1、在职申硕(同等学力)英语模拟试卷 26及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a sing

2、le bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1 A: Lets stop here. Weve driven enough for a whole day. B: _ ( A) OK. Why dont you check the map to see where we are. ( B) OK, but we need to drive a little farther. ( C) All right, but I dont think we have trouble finding a mo

3、tel. ( D) All right. It might be hard to find a good place to stay here. 2 A: Could you change these pounds for dollars, please? B: _ ( A) Yes. Do you know the exchange rate? ( B) Yes. It doesnt matter. ( C) Do you want smaller bills or larger ones? ( D) Do you want any other service? 3 A: How about

4、 going to see Maria tonight? B: _ ( A) Come on! It would do you good to get out. ( B) OK, but I want to go to bed early tonight. ( C) Not tonight. Maybe another time. ( D) I really dont feel like it tonight. 4 A: Are there any seats left for the opera on Saturday night? B: _ ( A) We still have a few

5、 in the rear. ( B) Maybe there are only cheap ones left. ( C) Nothing else is available. ( D) The show is almost over. 5 A: Do you happen to know whats on after the news? B: _ ( A) Ive got a feeling there is a magazine. ( B) I dont mind what it is. ( C) Im not interested in it. ( D) If I remember co

6、rrectly, there is a quiz show. Section B Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking th

7、e corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 6 Man: I hate to attend the history class. Woman: You make it sound like prison. Whats wrong with it? Man: It seems like the teacher never tells us what we really need to know. Question: Why doe

8、s the man hate to go to his history class? ( A) He hates the teacher of history. ( B) The class is like a prison. ( C) The teacher always talks something irrelevant. ( D) The teacher is very strict with his students. 7 Woman: If I had a lot of money for travel, Id want to get away in style. Man: Wha

9、t does that mean? Woman: Id fly first class, have a rental car arranged for me, and live in a four-star hotel. Question: How would the woman travel if she had a lot of money? ( A) In a plain style. ( B) In a luxury style. ( C) In a self-service style. ( D) In a popular style. 8 Man: I have received

10、a letter from Harry this afternoon. He said he wants to know if he can get a job in your office for the summer. Woman: I rather think it would be better for him to get a job somewhere else to learn to stand on his own feet instead of depending on his family to help him. Question: What is the probabl

11、e relationship between Harry and the man? ( A) Friends. ( B) Relatives. ( C) A real estate agent and a client. ( D) A boss and an employee. 9 Woman: Why are you so keen on this newspaper? Man: Its really the top one among those offering inside stories. Question: Why does the man like the newspaper?

12、( A) Because it tells the truth most of the time. ( B) Because it provides some background information. ( C) Because it is the top one on the list of newspapers. ( D) Because it is an inside newspaper. 10 Woman: John, did you play any music instrument when you were young? Man: You bet I did. I was t

13、he chairman of the guitar club in high school. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He played guitar poorly in high school. ( B) He still plays guitar very often now. ( C) He played guitar very well in high school. ( D) He didnt like playing any music instrument. Section A Directions: In this sect

14、ion there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 11 Along with

15、 aging, the function of tissues and organs gradually degenerate, causing disease. ( A) disrupt ( B) deter ( C) deteriorate ( D) descend 12 In the course of harsh training, the athletes are frequently told to hold out until they win the championship. ( A) stand firm ( B) stay awake ( C) speak loud (

16、D) shut up 13 Shopping malls customarily experience some slack periods for sales, especially so in summer. ( A) successive ( B) lasting ( C) prosperous ( D) dull 14 Many of these young kids have to go through with their assignment before being allowed out. ( A) endure ( B) finish ( C) demonstrate (

17、D) allocate 15 These students are so busy with their lessons that they go to big department stores once in a while. ( A) in no time ( B) now and then ( C) then and there ( D) all at once 16 Although I felt suspicious at first, I have come to believe what she said that day. ( A) first of all ( B) in

18、the beginning ( C) for a beginner ( D) for the first time 17 This work is expected to fulfill a need that lawyers have felt for many years. ( A) satisfy ( B) accomplish ( C) fill ( D) realize 18 The military move was to integrate the West German divisions into the Atlantic defense system. ( A) compl

19、ete ( B) exclude ( C) entail ( D) incorporate 19 The netizens tangled heatedly over the accusations of some foreign media against China. ( A) combated ( B) executed ( C) argued ( D) conceived 20 If you become reconciled to your lot, you will never dig out your potential and will remain what you are.

20、 ( A) submit ( B) respond ( C) correspond ( D) stick Section B Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the

21、square brackets on your rnachine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 21 To save some money, I had my former classmate _ me _ for a few nights. ( A) put. . . up ( B) take. . . up ( C) pick. . . up ( D) keep. . . up 22 The tunnels should be strengthened because of their _ to an attack that could result in mass casu

22、alties. ( A) punctuality ( B) simuhaneity ( C) vulnerability ( D) reliability 23 Animals intelligence is determined by the size of the brain _ the size of the body. ( A) in response to ( B) in proportion to ( C) in regard to ( D) in order to 24 Terrorists rarely give any warnings, so what counts is

23、_ and quick response. ( A) postulations ( B) precautions ( C) promotions ( D) presentations 25 The first-year students at college normally _ in age from 17 to 20 years old. ( A) vary ( B) differ ( C) range ( D) alternate 26 Eager to see these celebrities, she _ accepted the invitation to the party.

24、( A) reluctantly ( B) readily ( C) recklessly ( D) radically 27 Not wanting to embarrass the new secretary, he _ many words unsaid. ( A) left ( B) kept ( C) remained ( D) preserved 28 Complete _ to an organization does not always mean self-sacrifice and a simple mind. ( A) novehy ( B) royalty ( C) l

25、oyalty ( D) hospitality 29 The authorities are investigating the _ abuses of housing benefits disclosed online. ( A) alleged ( B) involved ( C) imagined ( D) cancelled 30 Different _ of linguistics have led to the popularity of different teaching methods. ( A) classes ( B) schools ( C) grades ( D) c

26、urricula 一、 Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brac

27、kets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 30 Its not just your imagination. In cities from coast to coast, the use of Spanish is booming, and is proliferating in ways no other language has before in the U. S. history-other than English of course. Its this sort of environment that is a cause for con

28、cern for many. Mauro Mujica heads a group called “U. S. English,“ which lobbies for official English laws across the country. Hes concerned that with so many Spanish speakers entering the country, the U. S. will become a nation split by language, much like Canada. “Now were beginning to divide ourse

29、lves, to split along linguistic lines. Were beginning to see pockets of people who speak other languages and no English whatsoever. “ His fear is hardly universal. Gregory Rodriguez is a fellow with the New America Foundation, a non-partisan think-tank based in Washington, D. C. He calls Mujicas arg

30、uments “ridiculous. “ “This process of immigrant enclaves (少数民族聚集地 ) and linguistic enclaves is an age-old American process. Weve all heard the quotes from Benjamin Franklin about his concerns that German- Americans would never assimilate. These concerns are as old as the American republic. “ Rodrig

31、uez argues that the current boom in the use of Spanish is due ahnost entirely to new immigrants, and that their children will, at least for the most part, learn English. He points to 1990 census data, which indicates that by the third generation, two-thirds of all Hispanic children speak English exc

32、lusively. Whether that number is going up or down will be difficult to determine since the Census Bureau didnt track that information in its most recent census. But there may be at least one piece of anecdotal evidence. Spanish-language movie theaters once flourished in the Los Angeles area. There w

33、ere dozens of these theaters just fifteen years ago. Today there are only seven. “There is a myth that somehow immigrants come to the most powerful nation in the world simply to resist its cultural embrace,“ says Rodriguez. “But it is a myth. “ Immigrant enclaves are, of course, common throughout Am

34、erican History. German and Polish enclaves were common throughout the Midwest. The Italians flourished in New York. But those languages largely faded from use in the U. S. Few are predicting that will happen with Spanish. Its here to stay, although we wont know its ultimate impact for generations. 3

35、1 The group “ U. S. English“ believes that the spread of Spanish _. ( A) adds color to the muhicultural society ( B) poses enough threat to national unity ( C) creates more jobs for the immigrants ( D) causes trouble with regard to equality 32 Which of the following best describes Gregory Rodriguezs

36、 reaction to the increasing use of Spanish? ( A) Worried. ( B) Calm. ( C) Indifferent. ( D) Surprised. 33 The problems caused by immigrants speaking their mother tongues _. ( A) are only a recent phenomenon ( B) vary with different immigrant groups ( C) dated back to the founding of the nation ( D)

37、started with the modern immigration system 34 Spanish movie theaters are mentioned to show that _. ( A) Spanish movies are not popular in the U. S. ( B) Spanish-speaking people have lost interest in movie theaters ( C) the number of the Spanish-speaking people is on the decline ( D) Spanish language

38、 will continue to spread in the United States 35 It is implied in the passage that _. ( A) it is too early to decide on the impact of the use of Spanish ( B) Spanish may fade from use in the U. S. , like other languages ( C) Spanish-speaking immigrants are more active in society ( D) the spread of S

39、panish is similar to that of other languages 36 The best title for the passage is “ _“. ( A) Make English Our Official Language ( B) Immigrants and Their Languages ( C) Communication Problem with Immigrants ( D) The Spanish Language in the U. S. 36 While the college campus may be the perfect forum i

40、n which to exhibit your taste for the latest in fashion style, the interview is not the place to do so. With very few unusual exceptions, sandals and sweatshirts are out. Oxfords and business suits are still in. Even though many companies have relaxed the internal company dress code, interviews stil

41、l follow the conservative standard. Dont buck the trend. Unfortunately, most college grads are underprepared with proper interview dress. They feel they can “ get by“ with what is already in their wardrobe. Usually not. Remember that stylish is not conservative. You should be doing the talking, not

42、your clothes. This is not to say that you need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. Go for quality over quantity. One or two well-chosen business suits will serve you all the way to the first day on the job and beyond. Then, when you are making some money, you can begin to round out your wardrobe

43、. For now, no one will fault you for wearing the same sharp outfit each time you interview. If you are still not sure how to dress for the interview, call them and ask! But this is one time when you do not want to call the Hiring Managerinstead, ask to be put through to Human Resources. Sure, you ru

44、n the risk of someone in HR thinking you are a social idiot, but thats a lot better than having the Hiring Manager distracted by inappropriate interview dress. While many work environments have shifted to business casual as the work standard, business suits are still the interview standard. When in

45、doubt, it is almost always better to err on the side of conservatism. One final note on interview dress: while it goes without saying that your interview elothes should be neat and clean, very few interviewees give the same time and attention to their shoes. Shoes? Yes, shoes. I am aware of at least

46、 one Corporate Recruiter who forms first impressions based solely on shoes. He subjectively judges that those who pay attention to details like their shoes are also likely to be diligent in their work life. And it is not just that persons opinion. So it is not enough to be elean, pressed, and ironed

47、. Make sure your shoes are conservative, clean, and polished. 37 In paragraph 1, “Dont buck the trend. “ probably means “_“. ( A) Dont lead the trend ( B) Dont resist the trend ( C) Dont follow the trend ( D) Dont go against the trend 38 It is suggested in the passage that for interviews and future

48、jobs, _. ( A) the present clothes of most college graduates are good enough ( B) it is necessary for college graduates to buy everything new ( C) the requirements for proper dress vary greatly in different company ( D) it is necessary to prepare some high-quality business suits to begin with 39 Wear

49、ing the same suit for each interview _. ( A) may not do harm to your image ( B) may not be accepted by most people ( C) will cost you your job opportunity ( D) will affect the interviewers judgment 40 For more information on interview dress, its better for you to call _. ( A) the receptionist ( B) human resources ( C) the service center ( D) the hiring manager 41 The author suggests that the attention paid to shoes _. ( A)


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