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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 55及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should d

2、ecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) 6:30. ( B) 7:00. ( C) 7:15. ( D) 7:30. ( A) A shop assistant. ( B) A secretary. ( C) A company manager. ( D) A waitress. ( A) Stella should go home immediately. ( B) Stella should not worry about her family. ( C) Stella should writ

3、e home more frequently. ( D) Stella should phone her family. ( A) At the supermarket. ( B) In the restaurant. ( C) In the mans home. ( D) In the womans home. ( A) Jane wants to speak to somebody. ( B) Jane will leave a message. ( C) Somebody wants to see Jane. ( D) Jane can not answer the call right

4、 now. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

5、 choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Ten yuan and ninety fen. ( B) Twenty yuan and ninety fen. ( C) Twenty-one yuan and fifty fen. ( D) Ten yuan and fifty fen. ( A) Lawyer and client. ( B) Student and teacher. ( C) Shop assistant and customer. ( D) Manager and em

6、ployee. ( A) A man. ( B) A woman. ( C) A boy. ( D) A girl. ( A) Because he hasnt a phone. ( B) Because hes leaving the city right now. ( C) Because hes calling from a friends. ( D) Because his wife is terribly sick. ( A) Call John at the office. ( B) Call John at his club. ( C) Call John at his frie

7、nds. ( D) Call John at a restaurant. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it wi

8、th a word or a short phrase. 11 Why do more middle-aged adults have to take care of their aging parents? Because people are living _. 12 Whats the scenery in Switzerland like? Here you have some of the finest and _ scenery. 13 What could you meet in Switzerland? You could meet _, hotels and the frie

9、ndliest people. 14 What outdoor sporting activities may you seek? Such as walking, _. 15 What can you enjoy in the evening? We can enjoy _. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or word

10、s from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 By the end of this month, we surely _ a satisfactory solution to the problem. ( A) will be finding ( B) will have found ( C) are finding ( D) have found 17 Only when in danger_ human beings. ( A) will attack most snakes ( B) will most snakes attack ( C

11、) snakes will most attack ( D) most snakes will attack 18 The grain output of this year is much higher than _ of last year. ( A) that ( B) such ( C) which ( D) what 19 Each of us was interested in the way in _ he illustrated his idea. ( A) what ( B) that ( C) which ( D) how 20 He suggested_somewhere

12、 for a short holiday. ( A) us to go ( B) our going ( C) us going ( D) we will go 21 _, we went swimming in the river. ( A) The day was very hot ( B) Being a very hot day ( C) The day being very hot ( D) It was a very hot day 22 He said that he had _ to do with the crime, so he should not be imprison

13、ed. ( A) nothing ( B) anything ( C) something ( D) everything 23 No one except Kenny and Ann _ to New York before. ( A) have been ( B) are going ( C) has been ( D) is going 24 Have you finished your homework? Lesson One is _ than Lesson Three. ( A) more easier ( B) very easier ( C) more easy ( D) mu

14、ch easier 25 His oral English was so poor that he fond it impossible to make himself _. ( A) understand ( B) understood ( C) to understand ( D) understanding Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the bra

15、ckets. 26 Nowadays quite a few young people would rather buy the _ (cost) consumer goods. 27 It took him two hours to find the _ (solve). 28 In recent years, oil_ (substitute) for certain natural materials. 29 We appreciate _ (work) with him, because he has a good sense of humor. 30 Tile government

16、must encourage tile _ (establish) of new industry. 31 I got to the station, only_ (find)the train was pulling out. 32 This suit is rather dirty now. Its some time since it_ (wash). 33 After careful_ (consider) , the committee agreed on the proposal. 34 The May Day Holiday_(be) over, we must now get

17、down to work. 35 Parents _ (regard)as being responsible for the behavior of their children. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Yo

18、u should make the correct choice. 36 Lately a lot about the affects of smoking and second-hand smoke has been reported almost weekly in the news and its getting very good coverage (报道范围 ). But we still have parents smoking in front of new-born babies and all the way through their kids lives. For me

19、personally, my mother and all my grandparents smoked. So no matter where I went I would inhale(吸入肺部 ) it. For the past year Ive been trying to avoid my own MOTHER when she starts smoking.I feel angry because Ive realized how much she is damaging everyone elses health in the house, especially her gra

20、ndkids. Now this is happening all over the world. What are parents thinking? They are ignoring the warning signs. Are they just to be selfish and dont care about their kids health and other peoples? Why should I move out of the area because of their bad habit? Shouldnt they have to go outside the ro

21、om and do it? What Im saying is, SMOKING SHOULD BE BANNED AROUND CHILDREN! and it should be an offense to expose children to second-hand cigarette smoke. When the adult smokes his/her life with children growing up near them, when they die, the children are left with the harm caused by the parent and

22、 potentially a bad later life with disease and worse health. 36 How often has the affects of smoking and second-hand smoke been reported in the newspaper? ( A) Once a week. ( B) Twice a week. ( C) Once a month. ( D) Twice a mouth. 37 How did the author feel about her mother smoking? ( A) Angry. ( B)

23、 Sad. ( C) Happy. ( D) Bored. 38 The author thinks _. ( A) she should move out of the area where people smoke ( B) the smokers should go outside the room when they want to smoke ( C) his mother has realized the danger of smoking ( D) all the people have bad habits 39 The meaning of “BANNED“ in “SMOK

24、ING SHOULD BE BANNED AROUND CHILDREN“ is _. ( A) limited ( B) encouraged ( C) prohibited ( D) permitted 40 The main idea of this passage is _. ( A) parents shouldnt smoke ( B) children should avoid smoking ( C) the affects of smoking and second-hand smoke is harmful ( D) my mother and grandparents s

25、moked heavily Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 Many deaths from home fires are the result of burns and panic, but most are caused by deadly smoke and gases. These fatal fires are often caused by such careless

26、acts as throwing away a lighted match or cigarette, allowing rubbish to pile up, overloading electrical wires, or misuse of heating and cooking equipment. Few families go to bed at night without first checking to make sure that the doors and windows are locked, but they overlook a very basic fire sa

27、fety rule. This rule states that people should sleep with their bedroom doors closed. Nighttime fires are most serious because the family is asleep and the discovery of fire is usually too late. A closed bedroom door gives extra protection by delaying the gases and fire, thus giving the family a few

28、 minutes to escape. At the first sight of fire in a home, it is necessary for everyone to get out of the house, especially children and elderly persons who may need help. Not everyone flees(逃跑 ) quickly from a burning home. Children often panic and hide in closets or under beds. Being prepared or kn

29、owing what to do in case fire breaks out can mean the difference between life and death. All members of the family should know certain basic steps. Everyone should know an escape route and second route from each room in the house. Very young children and old persons should receive careful thought wh

30、en mapping out(制订 ) family escape plans. Both groups will need special help in escaping from home fires. A family should deter mine a way in which any members can sound an alarm. It is likely that fire may block hallways and prevent a person from reaching other bedrooms. Family members should be tau

31、ght not to waste time getting dressed or collecting valuable possessions. Speed is necessary in escaping from fire. 41 Most deaths from fire are caused by _. ( A) burns ( B) fright ( C) deadly smoke and gases ( D) panic 42 Few families go to bed at night without first checking _. ( A) a lighted matc

32、h ( B) doors and windows ( C) the temperature ( D) cooking equipment 43 During a fire children often _. ( A) panic ( B) jump from windows ( C) cry ( D) know certain steps 44 The most serious fires happen during _. ( A) the afternoon ( B) the morning ( C) the evening ( D) the night 45 The article adv

33、ises readers _. ( A) not to collect valuable possession if a fire breaks out ( B) not to call the fire department for small fires ( C) not to run away at once ( D) not to buy a house with closets Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outlin

34、e in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 Made with wild sementri chosanthis(食品名 ) growing in the remote mountains at the south bank of Taihu Lake, the product has fragrant and agreeable taste. It is a new tourist food

35、 and is also an ideal gift for friends. Trade name: Trichosanthes Kirilowii Seeds(吊瓜子 ) Ingredients: Trichosanthes Kirilowii Seeds, salt, natural flavoring HWSZ: SSZ No. 126293 Standard Code: Q/IQNS09-2003 Production date: at the seal Shelf life: 120 days Storage: Keep it at the cool and dry place,

36、away from the direct sunlight or moisture. Better to keep it in a refrigerator. Packer: Shanghai Hulin Food Co. Ltd. Linan Subsidiary Address: No. 12, Block 8, Wanle Garden, Jincheng Town, Linan City, Hangzhou Tel: 0571-68765467 General agency: Shanghai Hulin Food Co. Ltd. Address: No. 136, Xundao S

37、treet, Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel: 021-63676569 Fax: 021-63676569 Postcode: 202320 Web address: http: www.a- E-mail: salesa- The “Standard Code“ of the product is【 46】 . At the【 47】 you can find the production date. You can keep the product【 48】 the direct sunshine. The product is packed in【 49】 .

38、 The phone number of the general agency is【 50】 . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51

39、 Aunit price Bpro forma invoice Cterms of payment Ddeposit/subscription Especifications Farbitral body Gnull and void Hvalidity Idue/expiry date Jrestraint of trade Krights and responsibility Llegal obligations Mbreach of the contract Nin dispute 51. ( )贸易管制 ( )付款条件 52. ( )有争议 ( )无效 53. ( )到期日 ( )权利

40、与责任 54. ( )单价 ( )规格 /技术标准 55. ( )保证金 ( )违约 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 Sharing Economic Losses Through Insurance Each minute of the day or night, everyone faces a po

41、ssible financial loss. Savings provide one way to take care of financial losses. But savings are not the answer to large losses. The best way to guard against large financial losses is through insurance. The purpose of insurance is to provide protection against financial losses at a reasonable cost.

42、 This is possible only when the cost of insurance is shared by many people who face a similar risk. But not all of them are likely to have actual losses at the same time. You Buy Insurance from Insurance Companies Almost 4,800 companies in the United States are in the business of providing insurance

43、 protection. These businesses are called insurance companies. Because most insurance companies operate on a large scale, they provide a way for large numbers of people to share their losses. Many Kinds of Risks Can Be Insured Insurance can provide protection against almost any kind of loss. However,

44、 the kinds of insurance protection that most people buy can be divided into four broad groups: property insurance, liability insurance, life insurance, and health insurance. 56 Whats the best way to guard against large financial losses? The best way to guard against large financial losses is _. 57 W

45、hy does insurance exist? It is to _. 58 How many companies in the US are in the business of insurance? Almost _. 59 What are insurance companies? Insurance companies are the businesses _. 60 What are the kinds of insurance that most people buy? They are _. 61 Students who fly halfway across the worl

46、d to study in another country get used to the new time zone after a few days. ( A)到另一个国家去的学生飞越了半个世界,在经历一段时间之后就习惯了新的时区了。 ( B)到另一个国家去留学的学生飞越了半个世界,在经历一段时间之后就会习惯了新的时间了。 ( C)飞过半个地球到另 一个国家求学的学子,几天后就能适应新的时区。 ( D)学生飞过半个地球去留学,几天后就能适应了。 62 Id just as soon you didnt take those important papers with you. ( A)我很

47、快意识到你没随身携带那些重要文件。 ( B)我宁愿你没有拿那些重要文件。 ( C)我刚想到你没有拿那些重要文件。 ( D)我倒希望你别随身携带那些重要文件。 63 We have little chance to discuss problem with the teacher concerned or to do more than glance at the books being used. ( A)我们没有多少机会同有关老师讨论问题,或者不仅仅是对正在使用的书看一下。 ( B)我们几乎没有机会同有关老师讨论问题,对于正在使用的书最多也只能扫视一下。 ( C)我们有些机会就老师关心的问题

48、进行讨论,对于正在使用的书也看的比较多。 ( D)我们没什么机会就关心的问题与老师讨论,对于正在使用的书有机会粗看一下。 64 I have given you my advice, whether or not you act on it is up to you. ( A)我已经给你我的建议,你是否采纳建议,要看它对你的作用了。 ( B)我已经把我的意见告诉你了,至于你是否按照做,那就看你的了。 ( C)我已经给你我的建议,你是否按建议去做,是你的责任。 ( D)我的建议是:你自己决定是否去做那件事。 65 Women also are more active in sports now because of two changes. First, in the early twentieth century, women began to compete regularly in the Olympics. Also, the number of events for women in the Olympics has been growing quite steadily. In mor


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