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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 317及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct an

2、swer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) You can find it yourself. ( B) Go on until you reach the end. ( C) By car please. ( D) Id like to buy some DVDs. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After ea

3、ch dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) In a restaurant. ( B) In a hotel. ( C) In a plane. ( D) In a hospital. Section C Directions

4、: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The thir

5、d reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 3 Humans are social (11) . They like to live and work in groups, and therefore, they form couples and families, villages and cities, work groups, teams, and other (12) . Language is the “cement“ that holds these social groups to

6、gether. Through language we c Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 8 That is the young woman _ wallet was stolen last night. ( A) of

7、 whom ( B) which ( C) whose ( D) her 9 Some people get used _ and it is hard for them to stop. ( A) to smoke ( B) to smoking ( C) smoking ( D) for smoking 10 He gained his _ by painting _ of famous writers. ( A) wealth; work ( B) wealths; works ( C) wealths; work ( D) wealth; works 11 I was delighte

8、d to hear you _ that. ( A) to say ( B) said ( C) to have said ( D) say 12 Ive worked with children before, so I know what _ in my new job. ( A) expected ( B) to expect ( C) to be expecting ( D) expects 13 We Chinese are all_ the successful holding of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. ( A) pride ( B

9、) proud of ( C) proud in ( D) pride of 14 Its no use _ with him. You might as well argue with a stone wall. ( A) arguing ( B) in arguing ( C) of arguing ( D) to argue 15 I dont think these books are _ for young children. ( A) suitable ( B) reasonable ( C) capable ( D) probable 16 The new model of th

10、e car was put into production in 2007, _ helped to provide another 1400 jobs. ( A) that ( B) when ( C) what ( D) which 17 In his opinion, success in life mainly _ on how we get along with other people. ( A) keeps ( B) depends ( C) insists ( D) spends Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete sta

11、tements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 18 We thought that he is a (journal)_, but he actually is a writer. 19 The experience made him (realize) _ that many people have more ability than they think they have. 20 (fortune)_ I did not succeed

12、 in my first lecture. 21 We can take boat to New York, as an (alter) _ we can fly. 22 As soon as I (get) _ home, it started to rain heavily. 23 Tell me (truth) _ what you think if you want me to help you. 24 Ive never seen so (fun) _ a student like him, whose presentation can make almost everybody i

13、n the room laugh. 25 The secretary worked late into the night, (prepare) _ a long speech for the president. 26 Hardly had we get home when it (begin) _ to snow. 27 As soon as the result (come) _ out, Ill let you know. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions

14、or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 28 Why dont birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years. Now t

15、heyre beginning to fill in the blanks. Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide th 28 The reason why birds dont get lost on long flights _. ( A) have been known to scientists for years ( B) have only recently been discovered ( C) are known by everyone ( D) will probably r

16、emain a mystery 29 During daylight hours, birds _. ( A) fly aimlessly ( B) rely on landmarks ( C) use sun for guidance ( D) are more likely to get lost 30 By “his outdoor cousins“ the author means _. ( A) other experimenters ( B) the other doves of the same brood ( C) doves under the natural sky ( D

17、) other birds in general 31 The experiment with the dove indicated that _. ( A) birds have to be taught to navigate ( B) a bird that has been caged will not fly long distances ( C) some birds cannot fly at night ( D) some birds seem to follow the stars when they fly at night 32 In total darkness, do

18、ves _. ( A) use landmarks ( B) dont know which way to fly ( C) fly back home ( D) wait for the stars to appear Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 33 The cuisine of Mexico can be dated back to 700 B.C., when the are

19、a was populated by Indians whose staple food was corn. In the centuries to follow, the regions farmers developed other important crops as well, including beans and chilies. In 1519, the Spanish arrived. Though they turned Mexico into a colony, these Spanish also introduced important new foods like w

20、heat, pork, beef and dairy products. Visiting to an authentic(正宗的 ) Mexican restaurant is a good way to discover the richness of Mexican cuisine. To begin, you may order some tasty appetizers like cheese quesadillas. For the next course, you cant miss a chicken chimichanga, which has a delicious, mi

21、ld flavor. Another choice is a beef enchilada. Covered with spicy tomato sauce and topped with cheese, it will set your taste buds dancing. To complete your Mexican meal, try a scoop of fried ice cream. Besides cooling you down, it will leave you wondering how the cook managed to deep fry the ice cr

22、eam without melting it. 33 _is the best title for this article. ( A) The Most Popular Dishes in Mexican Cuisine ( B) A Guide to Preparing Mexican Cuisine ( C) The Puzzling History of Mexican Cuisine ( D) An Introduction to Mexican Cuisine 34 In ancient times,_was the most important food for Indians

23、of the area that is now Mexico. ( A) chicken ( B) beef ( C) beans ( D) corn 35 During the 16th century, what happened in the area that is now Mexico? ( A) The native people lost their independence. ( B) The Spanish adopted the local cuisine. ( C) The farmers began to raise other crops. ( D) The Indi

24、ans began to trade with Spain. 36 According to the passage,_has a spicy flavor. ( A) chicken chimichanga ( B) cheese quesadillas ( C) beef enchilada ( D) beef 37 According to the passage, fried ice cream has NOT the function of_. ( A) cooling you down ( B) reminding you of how the cook managed to de

25、ep fry the ice cream without melting it ( C) setting your taste buds dancing ( D) symbolizing the completion of your Mexican meal Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your an

26、swers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 38 At present, there are more and more ways of going on holiday. In my opinion, there are two types of holiday-makers Holiday-makers of the first type always go to seaside towns or mountain resorts when they go on holiday. Their only aim is to r

27、elax. Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 43 A corner B halfway line C goal D center for

28、ward E penalty F net G right winger H crossbar I goalkeeper J linesman K goal area L center circle M traditional line-up N right half O center forward P touchline Q left back R strikers 51. ( )守门员 ( )中线 52. ( )角球 ( ) 传统阵式 53. ( )点球 ( )中锋 54. ( )中圈 ( )球门网 55. ( )右翼 ( )巡边员 Task 5 Directions: The follo

29、wing is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 48 No. 1 Notice All the students of the Department of Foreign Languages are requested to meet in the First Hall on Friday (May 7) at 2:00 p.m. to hear a report on Moder

30、n American Education to be given by the visiting American Professor, Mr. Adam Black. The Department Office May 4, 2006 No. 2 Notice Teachers Reading Group Meeting Thursday, Sept. 14, 8 p.m. General Conference Room, Greer School “How to Handle with Hyperactive Child“ Billie Smith will present new inf

31、ormation to help you cope with this important problem. Sep. 12, 2006 48 What are the students asked to do? They are asked to _. 49 What will they learn? They will learn about _. 50 Where will Mr. Adam Black give the report? At _. 51 What will the teachers do on Thursday? They will _. 52 Why will Bil

32、lie Smith give the presentation? He will help them to solve the problem of _. 53 Im leaving tomorrow, but I havent packed my suitcases yet. ( A)直到我打算明天走时, 我才发现我的手提箱还没有塞满。 ( B)我准备明天出发,但是我发现我的手提箱还没有塞满。 ( C)直到我打算明天走时, 我才发现我的手提箱还没有收拾好。 ( D)我准备明天出发,但是我还没有收拾好箱子。 54 It is understood that this product is hi

33、ghly praised on the markets both at home and abroad for its fair price and good quality. ( A)因为 该产品质量好,价格低,所以在国内外的市场上受到欢迎。 ( B)人们明白,该产品由于质量好且价格合理,所以在国内外的销路都不错。 ( C)据悉,该产品物美价廉,深受国内外顾客的赞誉。 ( D)人们理解为何该产品虽然质量好,但国内外市场的价格却很低。 55 What they have in common is that they have a high object in life ( A)他们的共同点是他

34、们在生活中都有很高贵的物品。 ( B)他们的共同之处是他们的生活目标很高。 ( C)他们的共同之处 在于他们有一个很高的生活期望值。 ( D)他们共同拥有的是生活中置于很高地位的东西。 56 Many traffic accidents have happened here, but nobody can account for them. ( A)这里发生过许多交通事故,但是没有人亲眼目睹这些事故。 ( B)这里发生过许多交通事故,但是没有人能说明这些事故的原因。 ( C)这里发生过许多交通事故,但是没有人能对这些事故讲得清楚。 ( D)这里不曾发生过交通事故,但是没有人能追究这些事故。 5

35、7 Welcome to Pairs, the capital of French. You will discover the main sites of Pairs in a new relaxed manner. The round tour lasts about 2 hours and a quarter. The tour tickets are valid(有效 ) for 2 days after you buy on the bus. You may break your tour at any stop and continue as you like. The ticke

36、ts are 21 euros(欧元 ) for adults and 10 euros for children. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information. 58 请按照下列资料写一份个人简历:姓名:张雪梅;邮编: 200042;地址:上海市南京路 31

37、7号;联系电话: 75488856;求职方向:人力资源部经理。 工作经历: 1990 1991年 在上海城市酒店任市场部经理秘书。 1991年 至今 在上海城市酒店任总经理行政助理。 学历: 1990年 7月在光华大学获文学学士学位;专业:英语 证明人:李明教授;邮编: 900084;地址:燕京光华大学外语系;电话 :(090)3249876 大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 317答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There

38、are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. 1 【听力原文】 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the video shop? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本

39、题测试考生对问路句型 “Excuse me, can you tell me the way to.”的理解和应答能力。 问题是 “请问怎样去音像店 ?”要求回答的是具体的地点方位,B“一直走到路的尽头。 ”是最合适的回答。 Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dial

40、ogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. 2 【听力原文】 M: Room service? I would like to order lunch please. W: No problem, sir. May I have your name and loom number please? Q: Where do you thin

41、k the woman is working? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查的是地点。题目询问 “你认为女士在哪里工作 ?”关键单词是 room service(客房服务部 ),这是旅馆业的常用语,再结合女士在回应时要求对方提供房间号,从而可以确定接电话的女士应该是宾馆客房服务部的职员,所以正确答案为选项 B(在旅馆 )。 Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The

42、passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 3 【听力原文】 Humans are social animals. T

43、hey like to live and work in groups, and therefore, they form couples and families, villages and cities, work groups, team, and other organizations. Language is the “cement“ that holds these social .groups together. Through language we can share ideas and experiences. Our brain thinks in symbols-wor

44、ds and sentences-as well as in the images that we receive from our senses. Thus we can mm experiences into symbols and communicate with other people through the use of language. Language enables people to pass ideas from group to group and from generation to generation. 3 【正确答案】 animals 4 【正确答案】 org

45、anizations 5 【正确答案】 share 6 【正确答案】 receive 7 【正确答案】 pass Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 正是 那个年轻女人的钱包昨晚被偷了。定语

46、从句中,先行词是人,关系代词作定语,所以用 whose。 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 一些人习惯吸烟,对他们来说戒烟很难。 get used to doing意为 “习惯于做 (某事 )“。 10 【正确答案】 D 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 听你这么说,我很高兴。 hear为感官动词, you后的补语应用省略to的不定式形式。 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 我以前跟孩子一起工作,所以我知道我新工作中还需要什么。本题考查考生对动 词不定式的使用。由于谓语动词 know后接的是复合宾语,此处 to expect是做 what的补语,补充说明知道的内容。所以要用 to d

47、o,选 B。 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查固定搭配。以 而自豪: be proud of,故选 B。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 It is no use后加 doing的形式,意思是 “ 是没用的 ”。例如 It is no use crying over spilt milk. (牛奶已泼,哭也没用。 )所以正确答案为 A选项。 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 该题考查近义词辨析,考点是形容词的词义。 A suitable;适合的,适当的。 B reasonable:有道理的,合情合理的。 C capable:有能力的,合格的。 D probable:很有

48、可能的,可能发生的。而且 Be suitable for:适合,适于。根据题意,答案应该为 A。 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考查非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句有两种使用情况,一种是只对所修饰的词作进一步的说明;另一种是所用关系代词指代前面整个句子。本 题属第二种, which指代前面整个句子。翻译时,可译为并列句。例如 He broadcasts all kinds of programs, which change from month to month (他广播各种各样的节目,这些节目逐月更新。 )D为正确答案。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查动词短语辨析。 depends为不及物动词,需要与介词on/upon搭配,意为 “依赖;取决于 ”。分析句子结构可知,句子的主语为 “生活的成功 ”,宾语为 “我们如何与他人相处 ”,填入 depends符 合句意,因此确定 B)为本题的答案。 Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the w


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