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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 656及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Say No to Pirated Products. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前盗版的现象比较 严重; 2造成这种现象的原因及其危害; 3我们应该怎么做。 Useful words and e

2、xpressions: 盗 版: piracy(n.) 盗版产品: pirated products 知识产权: intellectual property rights 侵犯版权: infringe sb.s copyright; copyright infringement 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answ

3、er the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Here Th

4、ey Come Most of the immigrants came because they were hungryhungry for more bread and for better bread. America offered that. Europe was old; America was young. European soil had been farmed for many years; American soil was practically untouched. In Europe the land was in the hands of a few people,

5、 the upper classes; in America the land was available to all. In Europe it was difficult to get work; in America it was easy to get work. In Europe there were too many laborers looking for the few available jobs, so wages were low; in America there werent enough laborers to fill the available jobs,

6、so wages were high. A bigger and better loaf of bread, then, attracted most of the inpouring hordes of people to America. But many came for other reasons. One was religious persecution. If you were a Catholic in a Protestant country, or a Protestant in another kind of Protestant country, or a Jew in

7、 almost any country, you were oftentimes made very uncomfortable. You might have difficulty in getting a job, or you might be laughed at, or have stones thrown at you, or you might even be murderedjust for having the wrong ( that is, different) religion. You learned about America where your religion

8、 didnt make so much difference, where you could be what you pleased, where there was room for Catholic, Protestant, Jew. To America, then! Or perhaps you had the right religion but the wrong politics. Perhaps you thought a few people in your country had too much power, or that there should be no kin

9、gs, or that the poor people paid too much taxes, or that the masses of people should have more to say about governing the country. Then, often times, your government thought you were too radical and tried to get hold of you to put you into prison, where your ideas might not upset the people. You did

10、nt want to go to prison, so you had to leave the country to avoid being caught. Where to go under the circumstances? Some place where you could be a free man, where you werent clapped into jail for talking. Probably you turned to the place Joseph de scribed in his letter to his brother. “Michael, th

11、is is a glorious country; you have liberty to do as you will. You can read what you wish, and write what you like, and talk as you have a mind to, and no one arrests you.“ Off to America! For several hundred years America was advertised just as Lucky Strike cigarettes and Buick cars are advertised t

12、oday. The wonders of America were told in books, pamphlets, newspapers, pictures, postersand always this advice was given,“ Come to America.“ But why should anyone be interested in whether or not Patrick McCarthy or Hans Knobloch moved from his European home to America? There were two groups interes

13、ted at different times, but for the same reasonbusiness profits. In the very beginning, over three hundred years ago, trading companies were organized which got huge tracts of land in America for nothing or almost nothing. That land, however, was valueless until people lived on it, until crops were

14、produced, or animals killed for their furs. Then the trading company would step in, buy things from the settlers and sell things to company would step in, buy things from the settlers and sell things to them at a profits. The Dutch West India Company, the London Company, and several others were trad

15、ing companies that gave away land in America with the idea of eventually making money on cargoes from the colonists. They wanted profitsneeded immigrants to get them advertised and people came. In later years, from 1870 on, other groups interested in business profits tried to get people to come to A

16、merica. The Cunard line, the White Star line, the North German Lloyed, and several others earned money only when people used their ships. They therefore sent advertisements to all parts of the world to get people to travel to Americain their ships. They sent not only advertisements, but also agents

17、whose business it was to “hunt up emigrants.“ All the other reasons mentioned before were operating, and along came a man who promised to help you, gave you complete directions, aided you in all the little details that were necessary, sometimes even got you a passport, and finally led you to the rig

18、ht ship to America ! For one reason or another, then, people were attracted to America and came of their own free wilt. There were others who came not because they wanted to, but because they had to. In the early days when America was a colony of England, that country saw a chance to get rid of peop

19、le who seemed to be “undesirable“. Accordingly, hundreds of paupers and convicts were put on ships and sent to America. Some of the latter were real criminals, but many had been put in prison for small offenses such as poaching, or stealing a loaf of bread, or being in debt. However, they were not “

20、good citizens“ as far as English was concerned, so what better idea could that country have than to get rid of them? Off to America, whether they liked it or not! There were two groups of indentured servants. There were those who voluntarily sold themselves for a four-to-seven-year term just to get

21、their passage paid. There was another group, however, “who were carded here against their willhustled on board ships, borne across the sea and sold into bondage. The streets of London were full of Kidnappers“spirits,“ as they were ca/led; no workingman was safe; the very beggars were afraid to speak

22、 with anyone who mentioned the terrifying word America. Parents were torn from their homes, husbands from their wives, to disappear foreyer as if swallowed up in death. Children were bought from worthless fathers, orphans from their guardians, dependent or undesirable relatives from families weary o

23、f supporting them.“ Still another group of immigrants were brought against their will. When the early settlers found it practically impossible to make good slaves of the Indians they found here, because the red man was too proud to work under the lash, they turned to Africa, where Negroes could be o

24、btained. For most of the eighteenth century over twenty thousand slaves were transported every year. Negro slave trading became a very profitable business. Many great English fortunes were founded on the slave trade. The Gladstone family fortune is a fungous example As might be expected, the privati

25、ons suffered by the whites in the sea crossing were nothing when compared to the misery of the Negroes. Here is a sample account of conditions on the slave ships: “She had taken in, on the coast of Africa, 336 males, and 226 females, making in all 562, and had been out seventeen days, during which s

26、he had thrown overboard 55. The slaves were all enclosed under grated hatchways, between decks. The space was so low that they sat between each others legs, and stowed so close together that there was no possibility of their lying down, or at all changing their position, by night or day. Over the ha

27、tchway stood a ferocious-looking fellow, with twisted thongs in his hand, who was the slave-driver of the ships, and whenever he heard the slightest noise below, he shook the whips over them. But the circumstance which struck us most forcibly was, how it was possible for such a number of human being

28、s to exist, packed up and wedged together as tight as they could cram, in low cells, three feet high, the greater part of which, except that immediately under the grated hatchways was shut out from light or air, and this when the thermometer, exposed to the open sky, was standing in the shade, on ou

29、r deck at 89 degrees. It was not surprising that they should have endured much sickness and loss of life in their short pas sage. They had sailed from the coast of Africa on the 7th of May, and had been out but seventeen days, and they had thrown overboard no less than fifty-five, who had died of dy

30、sentery and other complaints, in that space of time, though they had left the coast in good health. Indeed, many of the survivors were seen lying about the decks in the last stage of emaciation, and in a state of filth and misery not to be looked at.“ And so they came, both the willing and the unwil

31、ling. 2 All people willingly came to America with the intention of achieving a better life. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 The trading companies used only advertisements to persuade people in all parts of the world to go to America. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Almost half of the Negro slaves died during the vo

32、yage because of the terrible conditions they had to endure. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 People who voluntarily worked as servants for several years in exchange for passage to America were called indentured servants. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 The beggars in London _ speak with anyone who talked about Ameri

33、ca. 7 The Gladstone family made a great fortune by _. 8 Many criminals in England were sent to _ because they were not “good citizens“. 9 _ were made uncomfortable in almost any European country. 10 We learn from the passage that conditions for the early whites traveling to America by ships were muc

34、h better than 11 There were _ groups of indentured servants. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be

35、spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) One student received a higher grade than he did. ( B) He will have to take a number of exams later. ( C) The test is more diff

36、icult than he expected. ( D) Several students in his class have received top*grade. ( A) Take a break. ( B) Go to work. ( C) Do the other problems. ( D) Keep trying. ( A) They are too many and she cant read them all. ( B) They are too boring to read. ( C) She feels too tired to read any hooks. ( D)

37、They are too heavy for her to carry. ( A) Clean air. ( B) Friendly folks. ( C) Freshness. ( D) Peaceful surroundings. ( A) He doesnt think it necessary to refuel the car. ( B) He can manage to get the gasoline they need. ( C) He hopes the woman will help him select a fuel. ( D) He thinks it is diffi

38、cult to get fuel for the car. ( A) They think cinemas are too far away from their home. ( B) They are disappointed with the films produced these days. ( C) They both dislike films about adventure stories. ( D) They both like the idea of going to the cinema at night. ( A) The application should be we

39、ll-written. ( B) The application should have been sent as soon as possible. ( C) The application will certainly bring him great profit. ( D) The application can help him get that good job. ( A) Its not important how he dances. ( B) Its too crowded to dance anyway. ( C) If hes careful, no one will no

40、tice. ( D) No one knows the steps to the dance. ( A) President. ( B) Senator. ( C) Secretary. ( D) Treasurer. ( A) In the afternoon. ( B) In the morning. ( C) During lunch. ( D) During dinner. ( A) Make posters. ( B) Write a speech. ( C) Answer questions. ( D) Study for chemistry. ( A) A close frien

41、d aided him. ( B) Competition contributes to his success. ( C) His wife was quite helpful. ( D) A famous designer lent him a hand. ( A) He can gain more popularity. ( B) He can get more attention now. ( C) He can make more money now. ( D) He can choose more or less now. ( A) Choose his own style to

42、model. ( B) Model any color, pattern and cut. ( C) Never change his style. ( D) Never cater to the audience. ( A) To become scouts. ( B) To set up an agency. ( C) To look for new models. ( D) To do print work. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each

43、passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) The large profit of gas. ( B) The lower price of gas. ( C) The search for environmentally-fr

44、iendly fuels. ( D) The easy long-distance transportation of gas. ( A) Gas is difficult to transport over long distances. ( B) The system of long-distance pipelines is not available. ( C) Gas is not so environmentally-friendly as other fuels. ( D) The potential profits are far from enormous. ( A) Gas

45、 can be used in liquid and gas form. ( B) It will provide gas through long pipelines. ( C) Gas is frozen into liquid and transported. ( D) It will bring huge profits to the researchers. ( A) It was a great comfort. ( B) It was a sign of danger. ( C) It was a call for help. ( D) It was a musical note

46、. ( A) They are leading in the game. ( B) The score is really close. ( C) The Dream Team is way behind. ( D) They win the game. ( A) Its made up of professional athletes. ( B) Its made up of college players. ( C) Its made up of both professional and college players. ( D) Its made up of young athlete

47、s. ( A) He was injured in a fight and had to leave the game. ( B) He fought with another player. ( C) He got in a fight with a fan and was thrown out of the game. ( D) He led his team to success. ( A) They drank a special beverage made from Japanese herbs. ( B) They had uncooked fish the night befor

48、e the game. ( C) They had a massage from head to foot to relax their muscles. ( D) Some players were injured before the game. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Whe

49、n the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 34 Chinese families are traditionally known for valuing the education of their children. Most parents are trying to【 B1】 _ their children the best education possible, regard


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