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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Preserving Culture in the Face of Globalization. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1什么是文化遗产 (两个方面:文物古迹和文学艺术 )? 2我国文化遗产在全球化影响下所

2、受到的不利影响。 3怎样保护文化遗产 ? 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the informa

3、tion given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 Get Paid for Teaching in China I am a foreigner living in Chengdu, and I have been teaching English for over three years now.

4、Anyone who doesnt know LISTEN UP! I was getting 3,000 yuan per month when I first arrived and didnt know Jack about contracts. I thought I was getting a pretty good deal. Most first year teachers think this way. Now, I get no less than 5,500 yuan per month for a 12 hour work week plus all the other

5、benefits(ex-air travel 10,000 yuan per year). Dont let their griping and complaining about how much foreigners get paid versus what they get paid dissuade you from getting paid. Feel free to e-mail me and ask for my “Bargaining Points“ as well as a sample contract from the school I am now working at

6、. The “Bargaining Points“ is written in MS Word Format so I can attach it and send it to you, or you can simply ask me to copy them to a reply they include all the things you should watch out for (like the fact that no contract I ever heard of includes a “Personal Income Tax Benefit“ where the schoo

7、l pays for taxes on income over 4,000 yuan per month. Get caught with your pants down on this one and just smile, as wide as you can while you bend over.) The only way the system will change is if everyone (meaning all foreigners) starts demanding the same thing and starts saying “no“ to the ridicul

8、ously low offers out there. The best scenario for anyone wanting to work in China is to get the most money you can for the least hours, whatever that might turn out to be, and then to farm yourself out hourly to other schools. If you dont do it yourself, the schools will find a way to do it for you

9、and in a way that they get the majority of the profits. I was doing this for 125 yuan per hour when I found out that here in Chengdu, 175 yuan per hour is the norm. Start at 200 and let them bargain you down to 175. In all, my situation has turned out to be very profitable. I live in a 225 sq meter

10、apartment and pay all my own bills while living off campus. Last month I made 12,300 yuan working for three different schools and doing part-time tutoring work. Part of it was due to my availability to other schools on an hourly basis because of the low hours of my original contract. This level of i

11、nvolvement also requires a more experienced individual who really knows their city and has made some few relationships to be able to make it work out properly to his/her own advantage without gaining the ire(愤怒 ,) of the wrong people. It is a little risky at first, but once things are done properly

12、in the Chinese way it is rather simpler than it seems. MOST IMPORTANT IS TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION! HELPING OTHERS HELPS YOURSELF! If you have ANY questions at ANY time, feel free to e-mail meId be all too happy to help. As I said, just e-mail me and ask for “A copy of the MS Word documents which co

13、ntain the Negotiating Points and the most recent contract“ which I signed to begin the spring semester of 2006. Please note, when you read this, that the lines in BOLD text were the changes I made to the original contract. Sometimes I overwrote what they had, other times I added. Other sections were

14、 entirely my own additions resulting in the contract lengthening somewhat. In all, there are still some things I feel like I should have added-like getting paid vacations for foreign holidays(paid leave for Christmas and Thanksgiving for example)-but will have to remember to add those later in the n

15、ext contract. These are not mentioned in my original Negotiating Points, but then again, living in China and not getting paid leave for those two holidays is not THAT is a deal anyway. One last piece of advice Being able to make such changes usually requires a face-to-face, so dont expect too much i

16、f youre bargaining over the internet or the phone. So, that said, you can sign whatever contract you want, but make sure it has a clause that allows you to resign with two weeks or even one month of notice. When you get here, shop a- round! You have a contract, so relax and start getting tough with

17、schools once youre here. Youll be surprised at what you can find late in the game. Basically it works out like this. Schools need teachers, so you sign with one just to get yourself over here and then once you are here you try to find a more desperate school that is willing to pay more to put a fore

18、ign face in the classroom.(This is very easy because there really arent enough teachers to go around but schools don t really know who will and won t be here until the semester starts, once the semester starts and they have no foreign teachers they are FAR more flexible with their contracts.) You no

19、w have two options: 1) Put in your notice and leave for the other school OR 2) Inform the school of your intention to leave if they “cant“ (wont is more like it) match the other offer. If you leave, make sure you leave politely explaining it is just in your best interest, but that youd be willing to

20、 “fill in“ until they can find another teacher. Your “fill-in“ per hour rate is anything from 125 200 yuan per hour depending on how much they think of you. Theyll scramble to find another foreigner if you can recommend another foreigner who youve “educated“ about contracts ail the better. If that f

21、oreigner happens to be as educated as you and demands more money to change schools, the whole system WILL begin to change. Most of all, say “No“ quickly to low offers, explaining to them that you are saying no because their offer is so low. The more schools start to hear the word “no“ and the reason

22、 “offer is too low to start with“ then theyll be more motivated to either change the original offer, or get more flexible. Believe me, they will find the money if they really want the teacher so make sure youre getting paid. 2 The passage mainly deals with how foreign teachers should try to get more

23、 paid when they intend to work for a school. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Now, the foreign teacher gets no less than 5,500 yuan per month for a 12 hour work week plus all the other benefits because the authority has realized that the first offer was too low. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 The experience of the

24、foreign teacher in Chengdu reminds us of a Chinese saying “a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit“. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 One of the secrets of the foreigners success can be described as “Do in Rome as Romans do“. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 The main measure the foreign teacher takes to get paid is _

25、. 7 Besides his basic salary of about 5500 yuan, the foreign teacher also gets _. 8 The foreign teacher plans to add to his new contract that he should get _. 9 Why the foreign teacher succeeded in getting paid was due to the situation in which the number of foreign teachers _ of so many desperate s

26、chools. 10 In paragraph 10 the phrase “fill in“ is closest in meaning to “_“. 11 Through reading this article, we can conclude that the author is a(n) _ person. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one o

27、r more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) She must learn to understa

28、nd Michaels humor better. ( B) She enjoys Michaels humor a great deal. ( C) She doesnt appreciate Michaels humor. ( D) She thinks Michael is not funny enough. ( A) A movie ( B) A lecture. ( C) A play. ( D) A speech. ( A) He thinks he can put off the job. ( B) He thinks he can do it successfully. ( C

29、) He is not certain if he can accomplish it. ( D) He is not sure if he can do it independently. ( A) The islands are very different from the North. ( B) The islands are a great distance from the North. ( C) The islands are similar to the North. ( D) The islands make her cry for the North. ( A) In a

30、doctors office. ( B) In a professors office. ( C) In a lawyers office. ( D) In a businessmans office. ( A) He doesnt write well enough. ( B) He hasnt got any professional experience. ( C) He is not a professional writer. ( D) He didnt perform well in the interview. ( A) He is a plumber. ( B) He is a

31、 dentist. ( C) He is a gas station attendant ( D) He is an engineer. ( A) He thinks that they are of inferior quality. ( B) He thinks that they are a bargain. ( C) He thinks that they are overpriced. ( D) He thinks that they can be purchased at a cheaper price elsewhere. ( A) The topic of the conver

32、sation. ( B) Terrible revenge. ( C) Execute death to murder. ( D) An unbelievable guilty. ( A) Better than other punishment. ( B) Humanism. ( C) Benefit society. ( D) Can root off guilty. ( A) The woman agrees of this punishment. ( B) There has been capital punishment in 10 years. ( C) The man doesn

33、t think death is really guilty. ( D) The woman doesnt think its a good deterrent at all. ( A) He is a scientist. ( B) He is a sociologist. ( C) He is an officer. ( D) He is a boss. ( A) Jobless. ( B) Wrong idea about the work they do. ( C) Choose their careers under the influence of these false imag

34、es. ( D) Void certain careers. ( A) A survey. ( B) A simple technique. ( C) A statement. ( D) An example. ( A) Twelve children. ( B) Every pair of statements includes a positive one and an opposite one. ( C) Investment. ( D) Impressions and their prejudices. Section B Directions: In this section, yo

35、u will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Hawaii is cooler now. ( B) The vegetables h

36、ave become accustomed to the weather in Hawaii. ( C) They are cheated to believe that they are growing in cool climate. ( D) They are transgenic vegetables. ( A) To transport water to higher place. ( B) To transport vegetables quickly. ( C) To bring nutrients to the soil. ( D) To adjust the soil tem

37、perature. ( A) Uses of cold sea water. ( B) Irrigating desert areas. ( C) Techniques for preserving the environment. ( D) Techniques of cultivating plants. ( A) New Fashion in Thailand. ( B) How to Use Air-conditioner Wisely. ( C) A New Way to Save Energy. ( D) Air-conditioner in Thailand. ( A) To w

38、ear jackets to work. ( B) Nut to use air-conditioners. ( C) To wear shirt sleeves. ( D) To take all measures to conserve energy. ( A) Wearing jackets is not a custom of Thailand. ( B) Wearing shirt sleeves has become a fashion in Thailand. ( C) People usually wear jackets to work in Thailand. ( D) T

39、he government has encountered an energy crisis. ( A) He thought that he would either find a good job or he would be a thief. ( B) He said that he would become rich by way of robbing the bank. ( C) He said that he could rob the rich of their money. ( D) He might be rich if he worked harder. ( A) Beca

40、use he had a letter of thanks. ( B) Because he feared that he might be killed ff he refused. ( C) Because he gave him a demand note. ( D) Because he showed him a cheque payable at sight. ( A) The raid had been photographed by hidden cameras. ( B) Some watchman had seen the raid. ( C) The bank teller

41、 proved that Joe was the robber. ( D) Some monitors had been installed nearby. ( A) Funny. ( B) Clever. ( C) Brave. ( D) Stupid. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.

42、When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have j

43、ust heard or write down the 37 Jazz began in the early 20th century as a kind of music of black Americans. It was (36)_ for singing, for dancing, and for entertainment and atmosphere at parties or social (37)_. Jazz has continued to develop and has produced some of the United States leading singers,

44、 instrumentalists, and (38)_. Today, its (39)_ by many to be Americas art music. It has also (40)_ almost every other kind of music in America, Europe, and even the (41)_. Jazz represents a (42)_ of musical elements from Africa and from Europe. Jazz uses some European ideas of (43)_ and melody, but

45、the rhythms are more African in origin. And Jazz is polyrhythmic, (44)_. The most important feature of Jazz is improvisation. (45)_. Jazz musicians have learned to improvise so well that they can make up excellent melodies as they play. A good Jazz player seldom plays anything the same way twice. (4

46、6)_. Section A Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. 48 Some sentences are taken out from passages. This kind of complex meaning e

47、xpressed in written language soon becomes a fish nut of water. The complexity of spoken language is more like that of a dance; it is not static and dense but mobile and intricate. Much more meaning is expressed by grammar than by vocabulary. As a consequence, the sentence structure is highly complex

48、, reaching degrees of complexity that are rarely attained in writing. Writing, as recognized by most people, is genuinely formal and readily tangible, but spoken language has merits of its own. It is usually more economic in face-to-face communication, and it allows the omission of much contextual o

49、r commonsense information. This permits oral language to be more simplistic and flexible than written language. What is difficult or even impossible to achieve in written language can sometimes be achieved in oral language in a convenient way that does not demand extra efforts. On the other hand, speech can be more difficult to manage in linguistic studies due to such factors that make it rea


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