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1、大学英语六级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 54及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled The Value of University Life. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. Section A ( A) Go to the lab. ( B) Do exper

2、iments. ( C) Have dinner. ( D) Go to work. ( A) He works all night and sleeps in the daytime. ( B) He will get promotion soon. ( C) His working hour is much more satisfying now. ( D) He will have a 3-day-holiday. ( A) He does not want to be interrupted when making decision. ( B) He will be the chair

3、man of the committee for sure. ( C) He is not elected to the committee. ( D) He can make all the decisions himself. ( A) The man just changed his work. ( B) The man just came back from journey. ( C) The man wants to leave his work. ( D) The man enjoys working very much. ( A) She is 12 years old. ( B

4、) She lives in the United States. ( C) She is an American. ( D) She has an American accent. ( A) The man is eating too much today. ( B) The mans mind is occupied by his thesis. ( C) The thesis due date has come to an end. ( D) The thesis due date is within 2 month. ( A) His vacation is fabulous. ( B

5、) His vacation is totally a mess. ( C) He enjoys going to Maine. ( D) The weather in Maine is unpredictable. ( A) Outside the shop. ( B) At the bookstore. ( C) At the art museum. ( D) In the street. ( A) Taker up her first job at school. ( B) Spend her summer holiday. ( C) Study for her Masters degr

6、ee. ( D) Study as an exchange student. ( A) The university regards chemistry as unimportant. ( B) The Chemistry department is under-funded. ( C) There is not enough space in the Chemistry department. ( D) The Chemistry department has overspent their budget this year. ( A) They are not devoted to the

7、ir work. ( B) They dont take their students seriously. ( C) They are unsatisfied with the equipment. ( D) They signed contracts on behalf of the school. ( A) It is as good as the previous ones. ( B) It is more incredible than the previous ones. ( C) It is funnier than the previous ones. ( D) It is w

8、orse than the previous ones. ( A) Fantastic settings. ( B) Special effects. ( C) Mysterious costumes. ( D) The theme song. ( A) It was a little bit weak. ( B) It was as strong as the previous one. ( C) It was funny and meaningful. ( D) It was a little bit boring. ( A) The man is still expecting the

9、next episode. ( B) The man will reschedule his time to watch the movie. ( C) The next episode will be released next year. ( D) The next episode will be much better than this one. Section B ( A) They worked for long time and nearly had no leisure. ( B) They usually had to work 8 hours each day. ( C)

10、They worked very hard but earned little. ( D) They had to support a large family. ( A) How to deal with stress at work. ( B) How to take care of the aged people. ( C) How to use the leisure time wisely. ( D) How to improve their living conditions. ( A) More money and less work. ( B) Freedom and good

11、 relationship. ( C) Respect and confidence. ( D) Fresh energy and active interest. ( A) It dates back to more than 1800 years ago. ( B) It is liked by men and women of all ages. ( C) It usually gains favor among older men. ( D) It has the same popularity as pipe smoking. ( A) The cost of growing tob

12、acco increased. ( B) Many people began to give up smoking. ( C) The government banned smoking and cigarette. ( D) The taxes on cigarettes increased greatly. ( A) Go to the designated areas. ( B) Ask for the conductors permission. ( C) Share with other passengers. ( D) Have something else instead of

13、cigarettes. ( A) It shows the components of each cigarette. ( B) It warns us that smoking is dangerous to health. ( C) It tells people the side effects of smoking cigarettes. ( D) It reminds people not to smoke in public places. ( A) I love you. ( B) Ill be there. ( C) Maybe youre right. ( D) Theres

14、 no charge. ( A) Ask people to leave London for safety. ( B) Take care of the wound and disabled. ( C) Stay in the country with her family. ( D) Find a safe place for the nation. ( A) There would be no argument in the world. ( B) More people would like to get married. ( C) There would be no need to

15、have courts. ( D) The marriage mediators would be out of work. Section C 26 Play is the principle business of childhood, and more and more in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs【 B1】 _and the right

16、 material for play, and the main【 B2】 _of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and【 B3】 _play. To succeed in this they must be good toys, which children will play with often, and will come back to again and again. Therefore it is important to choose toys for different stages o

17、f a childs development. Recent years research on infant development has shown the standard a child【 B4】_reach, within the range of his【 B5】 _abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life. So a babys ability to profit from the right play materials should not be【 B6】 _. A baby,

18、 who is encouraged and stimulated, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up【 B7】 _. The next stage, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for【 B8】 _, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own partic

19、ular ability. Until the age of seven or eight, play and work mean much the same to child. But once reading has been mastered, then books and school become the main source of learning. Toys are still interesting and valuable, they【 B9】 _new hobbies, but their significance has changed to a child of ni

20、ne or ten years, toys and games mean, as to adults,【 B10】 _and fun. 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 Section A 36 No one word demonstrated the shift in corporations attention in the mid-1990s from processes to people more vividly than the sin

21、gle word “talent“. Behind the word lies the idea that more and more corporate【 C1】 _is going to be created by knowledge and by so-called “knowledge workers“. Manual【 C2】 _is worth less; knowledge is worth more. This has【 C3】 _shifted the balance of power in the recruitment process. Companies used to

22、 be relaxed about finding enough【 C4】 _people to run their operations. What they could not find they would train, was the usual attitude. That might take some time, but in a world where people sought jobs for life time was in the companys favour. But talent is not patient, and it is not【 C5】 _. Many

23、 companies found themselves training employees only for them to go on and sell their acquired skills to their【 C6】 _. So now they look for talent that is ready-made. In their eagerness to please this talent, companies have gone to【 C7】 _lengths to appear especially attractive. They have, for instanc

24、e, devoted a great deal of effort to the design of their websites, often the first port of call these days for bright young potential recruits. They have in many cases【 C8】 _their HR departments, in part so that they can【 C9】 _their remuneration(报酬 )packages more finely for the individuals that they

25、 really require. And they have altered their approach to issues such as governance and environmental responsibility because they know that many of the talented people they are seeking want to work for【 C10】 _and responsible employers. A)subordinates B)tailor C)significantly D)vigorous E)rivals F)rec

26、onstructed G)subjectively H)qualified I)reconciled J)ethical K)labour L)considerable M)compromise N)faithful O)value 37 【 C1】 38 【 C2】 39 【 C3】 40 【 C4】 41 【 C5】 42 【 C6】 43 【 C7】 44 【 C8】 45 【 C9】 46 【 C10】 Section B 46 Join the “Sleep Challenge“ ADid you get enough sleep last night? Probably not.

27、“We are a nation of sleep-deprived women,“ says Cindi Leive, editor-in-chief of Glamour magazine. While everyone in college burns the candle at both ends, Leive says womens sleep problems only get worse with the arrival of kids and careers. After a while, she says, you begin to think that its selfis

28、h to put your own need for sleep ahead of all of your familys needs and all the items on your to-do list. Its a self-defeating strategy because when youre tired, you cant accomplish as much as you can when youre rested. You never win. BLeive and Arianna Huffington are out to change that dynamic thro

29、ugh Sleep Challenge 2010, a joint venture between Glamour and The Huffington Post that began at the beginning of the year and will continue through the end of the month. Both women are blogging on their sites about their own experiences and including lots of helpful tips for readers who want to join

30、 in. Leive said she and Huffington came up with the idea when they met last summer on a panel about women and power at Maria Shrivers Womens Conference in California. They agreed that fatigue was the one complaint all women shared no matter where they stood on the corporate ladder. Leive suggested t

31、hat the two challenge each other to see who could do the best job of improving their sleep. CIt was “half in joke,“ Leive says, but the idea began to seem better and better the more they thought about it. Studies show that adults who dont get enough sleep increase their risk of heart disease and moo

32、d disorders. Theyre more likely to get into car accidents. Their concentration and thinking is impaired. And theyre even more likely to gain weight. “I was shocked when I started reading the research to find the links between sleep and virtually every other health problem,“ Leive says. “I know that

33、I could reduce my risk of a million different diseases by eating better and exercising, but sometimes those things are hard. Sleeps easy.“ DWell, maybe not so easy, according to the blog posts. Its clear that “challenge“ is the right word for their effort. In one of her first posts, Huffington wrote

34、 about how she was tempted to stay up late talking to her daughter, who was home from college. “She, of course, can sleep all morning if she wants,“ Huffington wrote. “I have to be up at 6:30.“ Huffington tried to resolve the situation by having a “chat-filled dinner,“ going to a movie with her daug

35、hter, and then going to a coffee house for a caffeine-free “nightcap.“ EFor Leive, one of her most difficult moments so far was getting out of bed on the weekend close to her weekday wake-up time. “Going to bed at 11 p.m. this Saturday night and then getting up at 6:30 a.m. the next morning made me

36、feel a little like a third-grader,“ Leive wrote. “Plus, I felt irrationally annoyed at my husband, who got to lie in bed until 9.“ But, she admits, she felt “awesome“ after getting the extra rest. FRecent nights have been less successful. Huffington, who lives in Los Angeles, wrote that she “fell of

37、f the wagon“ on day 11 when two friends from Washington were in town. “Everyone was having such a great time no one wanted it to end including me,“ she wrote. “My compatriot(同胞 )Zorba the Greek suddenly popped into my head, reminding me that life is about living each moment fully. You cant let anyth

38、ing, Zorba whispered in my ear, even something as positive as the sleep challenge, get in the way of fully embracing the moment. So I surrendered to my inner Zorba.“ Huffington says she paid for staying up until 2:30 a.m. by being exhausted the next afternoon. GLeive had a bad night as well. After a

39、 later-than-usual dinner with friends, she tried to get a full nights rest but woke up in the middle of the night and found herself“mentally scrolling(翻滚 )through my to-do list.“ She couldnt get back to sleep as she worried about unfinished tasks. One problem on that night, she said, might have been

40、 the glass of wine she had at dinner. Alcohol can disrupt sleep if you drink it too close to bedtime. HEven with this less-than-perfect performance, theres no question that Leive and Huffington are publicizing a major health issue for women. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, women

41、s sleep tends to be lighter and more easily disturbed than mens. Women are also more likely to wake up saying they dont feel rested even after theyve had a full night of sleep. Young working mothers have a particularly difficult time getting the rest they need. IInsomnia(失眠 )may seem like an inevita

42、ble side effect of modern life, but it can also be a sign that something else is wrong. “You should take it seriously if it has been going on for two to three weeks,“ says Dr. Mary Susan Esther, a sleep doctor. “If youre really struggling, then you need to see a physician.“ Sleep problems could be t

43、riggered by a mood disorder like depression. Other possible causes include medication you might be taking, hormonal changes, or just bad sleep habits. JIf theres nothing physically wrong, Esther offers four tips to get your sleep back on track. 1. Have a standard wake-up time. KYou cant always contr

44、ol the hour that you actually fall asleep, but you can make yourself get up at the same time every day. If you stick to that schedule, eventually you should find yourself falling asleep more easily. Thats something both Leive and Huffington have been doing. And that also means that you have to get u

45、p early on weekends as well, as Leive did so painfully. Esther says your weekend wake-up time should be no more than an hour later than your regular wake-up time. “The most common night to have problems sleeping is Sunday night because youre worried about Monday and you slept in on Sunday,“ Esther s

46、ays. 2. Make sure you have downtime before bed. LYour body needs a signal that its almost time for sleep. Most parents do this with their kids by giving them a bath, then reading them a story a regular bedtime routine. Adults need this as well, so shut off computers and TVs at least an hour before y

47、ou want to be asleep. Lowering the lights In the house helps as well; this signals your brain that its the end of the day. 3. Avoid caffeine after noon. MYes, its hard especially with a Starbucks on every corner. But it takes many hours for the caffeine to work through your system and if you have a

48、cup of coffee or tea at dinner, it will interfere with your ability to get to sleep. That also applies to soft drinks that contain caffeine and even chocolate. 4. Make sleep a priority. NYou need to schedule sleep time just like everything else. Its not of little significance. It all sounds simple,

49、but as Leive and Huffington have found, reforming long-held sleep habits takes real effort. Leive admits shes a little uncertain about what will happen when the month-long challenge ends. “I am sure I will have a relapse(故态复萌 )when theres a string of nights where I want to be up until 2 in the morning,“ she says. But, she adds, “I hope some of it will stick.“ 47 It takes real effort to avoid a re


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