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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 264及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter of Complaints. In your letter of complaints you should include the things mentioned below. Write no less than 120 words. 写一封投诉信,向有关部门 反映情况,详细告知事情的来龙去脉,以求得帮助。投诉信应包括以下几部分: 1) 投宿者的姓名、单位名称、地

2、址、联系电话; 2) 被投诉者的名称、通讯地址; 3) 投诉的事实与理由; 4)具体赔偿要求; 5) 与事实有关的证明材料,如门票、凭证、发票等。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark:

3、 Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Child Abuse Definition of Child Abuse Child abuse is also called cruelty

4、to children, which is the purposeful infliction (施加 ) of pain and suffering on children through physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment. Prior to the 1970s, the term child abuse normally referred only to physical mistreatment. But since then its application has expanded to include physical viole

5、nce; unjustifiable verbal abuse; the failure to supply proper shelter, nourishment, medical treatment, or emotional support; sexual misbehaviors; and the use of children in illegal fields. Current Situation of Child Abuse Surveys in North America and Europe indicate that between 10 and 30 percent of

6、 young girls are subjected to exploitation or abuse as widely defined above. Estimates of abuse or neglect by parents or guardians range from about 1 out of every 100 children to more than 1 in 7, and figures are far higher if emotional abuse and neglect are included. Although widely prevalent, chil

7、d abuse is often overlooked by family, friends, and health professionals. Prejudice, anxiety, and shamenot lack of informationseem to be the major reasons for the failure to recognize the private acts of violence. Child abuse can have serious future consequences for its victims, including delays in

8、physical growth, damaged language abilities, and problems in personality development, learning, and behavior. Causes of Child Abuse Cruelty to children has several major causes. Abusive behavior of parents can be viewed as responses to stressful situations and feelings of powerlessness. As such, the

9、y show the abnormal efforts of adults to master situations that are out of their control and to regain a psychological balance through the force on defenseless children. Studies have shown that a large part of parents who abuse their children were themselves physically or emotionally mistreated duri

10、ng their childhood. Typically over disciplined and deprived of parental love in their childhood, these parents repeat the pattern with their own children, often in the belief that they are rightfully exercising their parental right to punish a child. Legal Issues of Child Abuse The legal definition

11、of child abuse differs between societies and has changed greatly over time. For example, some European countries prohibit the use of physical violence to execute discipline, but others permit moderate forms of power infliction. Despite these differences, the abusive treatment of children, however it

12、 is defined, is widely forbidden by criminal laws. One of the earliest national laws to protect children from cruel treatment was adopted in Great Britain in 1884, when the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was organized. Similar organizations subsequently were created in ot

13、her countries. In the United States in 1875, New York became the first state to establish laws to protect children. Its laws served as a model for other states, all of which developed laws defining child abuse a criminal offense. Social Efforts in Combating Child Abuse Since the 1970s, conservative

14、and feminists(女权主义 ) groups, for different reasons, have sought measures to combat child abuse. Although earlier campaigns against child abuse had emphasized the threat caused by strangers, feminists stressed the greater danger brought by male intimates, such as fathers, stepfathers, uncles, and bro

15、thers. Because abuse by male relatives is rarely reported, child- welfare supporters called for new laws that would allow greater intervention (干涉 ) by outside professionals. During the 1970s and 1980s; most states adopted some form of reporting procedure, by which doctors, teachers, and social work

16、ers were required to report any cases that might show suspected child abuse. The courts also change their procedures to grant more protection to victims. For example, judges and lawyers were encouraged to ask questions in a way that did not puzzle or frighten children. Dangers of Overreaction to Chi

17、ld Abuse By the mid 1980s, child abuse was considered a leading social problem in the United States and other Western countries. The extent of the problem seemed to be increasing, and many claims were made about the serious situation of child abuse. In part this was the result of new methods used by

18、 social workers and psychotherapists (精神治疗医师 ) to interview children suspected of being abused. Interviews conducted with these methods often suggested that the child had been mistreated, so many of the children who reported abuse through the new methods were inventing die stories. As critics later

19、pointed out, the methods-which involved repeatedly asking leading and suggestive questions and rewarding children for giving the “right“ answersencouraged children to tell false stories of abuse or to believe, contrary to fact, that abuse had taken place. One significant series of cases involving su

20、ch reports were the trials beginning in 1984 of Virginia McMartin, founder of the McMartin Preschool in Manhattan Beach, California, and others on dozens of cases of child abuse. Most of the charges, which were based on reports of abuse collected in interviews with hundreds of students, were finally

21、 dropped for lack of evidence. In 1990, the last case resulting from the affair ended in a mistrial (无效审判 ), Even so, the careers of the McMartin family, as well as their reputations, were mined. Recent developments During the early 1990s, charges of child abuse had to face serious criticism, which

22、caused a reverse to the child-protection movement. Following a number of well-publicized cases of child sexual abuse and murder in the early 1990s, many U.S. states passed laws, which provided for the lengthy detention (拘留 ) of sex offenders, especially those who had aimed at children. They passed o

23、ther laws, including variations of Megans law, which required that local schools, day-care facilities, and residents be informed by police of sex offenders in their communities. The laws were widely imitated in Europe. Nevertheless, reports of child abuse in developed countries grew sharply in the 1

24、990s. Japan, for example, recorded a ten-fold increase in the period 19902000. Opinions about the scale and nature of child abuse have changed greatly since the 1960s, and the notion that children are widely subject to abuse and exploitation has become firmly fixed in the public ideas. Child abuse h

25、as also become a major topic of study in academy; themes of abuse are now common in the social and behavioral sciences, as well as in such diverse subjects as literature, social theory, and cultural and womens studies. The increasing interest in child abuse, child protection, and childrens rights wa

26、s one of the most significant social developments of the late 20th century. 2 Nowadays if parents havent provided proper medical treatment to their children, they are kind of abusing them. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 When people estimate the scale of child abuse, emotional abuse and neglect are always i

27、gnored. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Those who are abused in childhood will probably have language problems in future. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Some parents abuse their children because they have been treated in an extremely kind way during their childhood. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 The earliest national la

28、w to protect children from abuse is instituted in Great Britain. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 Feminists believe that children are more likely to be abused by the men who have a dose relationship with them. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 In mid 80s, some American children tended to make stories of being abused f

29、or fun. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 The courts encourage judges and lawyers to use language which will not _. 10 Trials of Virginia McMartin have ruined the _ of her family. 11 Japan has recorded a ten-fold increase of child abuse during _ years. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 sh

30、ort conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A

31、, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Ten oclock ( B) Nine thirty. ( C) Nine oclock. ( D) Five oclock. ( A) At a lawyers office. ( B) At a library. ( C) At a post office. ( D) At an airport. ( A) The man tends to repeat himself a lot. ( B) The room was fixed at the mans request. (

32、C) She also finds it easier to work there now. ( D) The man talks about working instead of doing it. ( A) Bill doesnt take good care of knives. ( B) This matter doesnt concern Bill. ( C) He wants to find a better tool. ( D) He wants Bill to fix the knife. ( A) There is going to be a wedding. ( B) Th

33、e people should learn that dance better. ( C) Big dances are the most fun. ( D) They need to print more invitations. ( A) He will no longer ask for their help. ( B) He will regret not accepting their help. ( C) He still needs their help. ( D) He has to manage without their help. ( A) She is not feel

34、ing very well. ( B) She is very ill. ( C) She is annoyed with the doctor. ( D) She is badly hurt. ( A) Things to wear. ( B) The warm weather. ( C) Best material for making clothes. ( D) A bright shirt. ( A) She wanted to buy a car. ( B) She wanted to joke with the bank. ( C) The bank is the cheapest

35、 place in New York to park her car. ( D) She will go to Europe on business. ( A) 15.00. ( B) 15.40. ( C) 50.00. ( D) 50.14. ( A) She can return the loan on time. ( B) She possessed a costly car. ( C) She borrowed a lot of money. ( D) She is a multimillionaire. ( A) He sold traffic-counting system to

36、 local governments. ( B) He dropped out of his law course at Harvard University. ( C) He founded his own company-Microsoft Software company. ( D) He devised an operating system for IBM. ( A) Windows. ( B) A specialized software. ( C) MS-DOS. ( D) Not mentioned. ( A) At the age of 31. ( B) At the age

37、 of 36. ( C) At the age of 20. ( D) In 1986. ( A) The area of the house is about 400 sq. ft. ( B) The house is in San Francisco. ( C) The price of the house is about US 500,000. ( D) The house is under the name of the man. ( A) They should show both the good and bad sides of the house. ( B) The man

38、should take as many pictures as possible. ( C) They are better to be taken by professionals. ( D) All of them should show the best aspects of the house. ( A) Over US 100,000. ( B) Over US 200,000. ( C) About US 10,000. ( D) About US 50,000. ( A) He found Dr. Garys office when he was driving. ( B) A

39、friend told him about Dr. Garys office. ( C) He found Dr. Garys number in the phone book. ( D) He was Dr. Garys friend. ( A) Wednesday at 4:00 P.M. ( B) Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. ( C) Thursday at 8:15 A.M. ( D) Thursday at 7:30 A.M. ( A) Because his hands were seriously hurt. ( B) Because his knees were

40、seriously hurt. ( C) Because his foot was seriously hurt. ( D) Because his ankle was seriously hurt. ( A) The man should put some ice on his injury. ( B) The man should remove the paint can. ( C) The man should see the doctor right away. ( D) The man should wait patiently. Section B Directions: In t

41、his section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) One. ( B) Few. ( C) Several.

42、 ( D) Many. ( A) By their sense of sight. ( B) By their sense of hearing. ( C) By their sense of touch. ( D) By their sense of smell. ( A) One year. ( B) Five years. ( C) Seven years. ( D) Ten years. ( A) Ants tap plant lice till a drop of honey comes out. ( B) Ants take care of plant lice. ( C) Ant

43、s get their food from plant. ( D) Ants get honey from bees. ( A) It should be made of metal. ( B) It should be durable, distinct, divisible and portable. ( C) It had been 2,000 years old. ( D) It should be made of high-quality materials. ( A) Something made of either metal or paper. ( B) Pieces of m

44、etal. ( C) Printed notepaper. ( D) Something useful for starving travelers. ( A) The fact that even his money was of the local kind. ( B) The fact that he had no coins or notes. ( C) The fact that he did not know the local rate of exchange. ( D) The fact that even he had plenty of coins and notes. (

45、 A) In Tibet. ( B) In the Maldives Islands. ( C) In certain parts of Africa. ( D) In many African countries. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is

46、read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write d

47、own the 40 There were three different kinds of【 B1】 _guides. One kind, a tourist【 B2】 _, might meet tourists at the airport. He might also help them get hotel【 B3】 _or help them【 B4】 _what they will be able to see or do. The assistant must therefore know about local events, where【 B5】 _hotels are, a

48、nd the prices of everything. The second kind of guide takes tourists on tours of the city and【 B6】 _areas. This kind of guide meets tourists in【 B7】 _, takes them on buses to see the local sights and places of interest, and tells them about local history and【 B8】 _. The third kind of guide takes gro

49、ups of people on buses to faraway cities or even to different countries.【 B9】 _.Usually only single men serve as guides for these tours.【 B10】 _. And they must be able to assist tourists with their heavy luggage.【 B11】 _. 41 【 B1】 42 【 B2】 43 【 B3】 44 【 B4】 45 【 B5】 46 【 B6】 47 【 B7】 48 【 B8】 49 【 B9】 50 【 B10】 51 【 B11】 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each


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