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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 917及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a paper entitled Should Net Bars Be Closed. Net bars are causing various social problems and recently some net bars have been shut down in your city. There has been a discussion on the issue in a

2、 newspaper. Write a letter in the name of Li Ming to the newspaper. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. Describe the present situation of net bars, 2. Analyze the advantagesand disadvantages of net bars, 3. Give your opinion on the issue. 二、 Part II Reading Comp

3、rehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the

4、 statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 One of the Greatest Performing Artists of All Time When she appeared on the screen without makeup, cosmetic sales in the United States declined. When she played a nun, co

5、nvent enrollments increased. A fan walked a sheep all the way from Sweden to Rome as a gift for her. Letters were delivered to her addressed simply “Ingrid Bergman London.“ One of the most glamorous women of our time, Ingrid was never anything but her supremely simple self: a stage -struck girl, who

6、 loved to gobble ice cream and walk in the min. She wanted to play every part, take every trip, give every party, drink every glass of champagne that life could offer. “I never regretted anything I did,“ she once said “just the things I didnt do.“ Ingrid lived successively in some of the worlds most

7、 interesting cities Stockholm, Hollywood, Rome, Paris and Lon don and played starring roles on stage, screen and television in five languages. She made 47 films and won three Oscars and an Emmy. She had a ferocious dedication to her work. “If you took acting away from me,“ she once claimed, “Id stop

8、 breathing.“ When Ernest Hemingway told her she would have to cut off her hair for the role of Mafia in For Whom the Bell Tolls, she shot back, “To get that part, Id cut my head off!“ She would rehearse tirelessly until any hour of the night, begging to repeat a scene long after the director was sat

9、isfied. Once she even proposed that she live on the set until the filming was over. At the peak of her stardom, Ingrid insisted on taking screen tests and turned down offers to play the most important parts but accepted offers to play minor parts that were unusual or difficult. She fought for roles

10、like the young bride on the edge of madness in Gaslight and the mousy Swedish missionary in Murder on the Orient Express(both brought her Academy Awards). Working as an actress who would replace Ingrid during her illness or injury meant never getting the chance to work. She broke her foot at the beg

11、inning of the American run of The Constant Wife and played the next five weeks in a wheel chair. No matter how ill she might be, she would say with a grin, “Dr. Stage will cure me“ and there she always was when the curtain rose. From her earliest childhood in Stockholm, Ingrid never had a moments do

12、ubt about where she was going. At 14 she scribbled in her diary her dreams of starring in a movie opposite Swedens most popular actor and five years later she was doing just that. Her luck was as phenomenal as her talent. In New York City, a Swedish couple praised a film of hers to their son, an ele

13、vator operator in the apartment building where one of film producer David Selznics young talent scouts lived. Six months later, Ingrid was on her way to Hollywood. One charming role followed another: the lonely piano teacher in Intermezzo; the passionate psychiatrist in Spellbound, the baseball-play

14、ing nun in The Bells of St. Marys. Within a few years, she was one of Americans most popular film stars and a top draw at the worlds box office. Then, one night in 1948, Ingrid went to see Open City, a realistic movie of wartime Rome produced and directed by Roberto Rossellini. Drawn to Roazellinis

15、stormy genius “I think I fell in love with Roberto the moment I saw the film,“ Ingrid confided to me later, she impulsively wrote and offered to make a movie with him. Ingrid flew to Rome and stayed for seven years. Still married to Petter Lindstrom, she bore Rossellini a child, causing public outra

16、ge. And Ingrid was reviled on the floor of the U.S. Senate as unworthy to “set foot on American soil again.“ Transformed overnight into box-office poison, Ingrid found her Hollywood career in ruins. The films she made with Rossellini were largely failures and so, in the end, was their marriage. In 1

17、956 the clouds finally broke when Ingrid played the fictional surviving daughter of the last Czar of Russia in Anastasia. Her fascinating performance won her an Oscar. Subsequently, Sen. Charles H. Percy read into the Congressional Record a nations apologetic tribute to her:“ One of the worlds lovel

18、iest, most talented women was made the victim of a bitter attack in this Chamber twenty-two years ago. To the American public she will always hold a place in our hearts as one of the greatest performing artists of our time. Miss Bergman is not only welcome in America, we are deeply honored by her vi

19、sits here.“ Ingrids performances, like her life, seemed to flow with utter candor from her innermost nature. “When she went on stage,“ her onetime co-star Joss Ackland said, “it was as natural as a housewife walking into her kitchen“. But she also concerned herself with serious matters. In 1958, Ing

20、rid had made a film called The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, the story of a British missionary who rescued hundreds of Chinese children during World War II and founded an orphanage in Taiwan. Some years later, Ingrid made a trip to the orphanage. Moved by the plight of the children, she poured lavish

21、doses of that Bergman energy into raising funds in Europe and America for the orphanage. Not even the cancer that struck Ingrid in 1973 could stifle her spirit or sap her energy. As long as there, were some good times to be had or some work to be done, she faced each day with heartbreaking courage.

22、For a long time, even those of us who were close to her had no idea how sick she really was. “When we were working, she wanted us to share only her joys,“ Wendy Hiller recalled,“ never her misery.“ Against all odds, she was determined to take on the role of the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir

23、 in a grueling four-hour television biography. “Time is shortening.“ she admitted. “But every day that I challenge this cancer and survive is a victory for me.“ Ingrid barged into the project with all her old energy. She traveled around Israel and interviewed those who had known Golda Meir intimatel

24、y. She spent hours studying old newsreels to master Goldas mannerisms. During the filming, Ingrid was in constant pain from her arm, which had to be put in torturous traction every night. When the long, final close-up came around, a tearful Ingrid knew it was the last time she would face her beloved

25、 camera. Her stunning portrayal won her a 1982 Emmy. Ingrid never once gave up the dignity of hope. Only days before her death, she was considering new parts. She gave me a last present of a ticket to the Edinburgh International Festival and, I wept to discover, had arranged a place for herself as w

26、ellthough we both knew it was a trip she would never make. She died on August 29, 1982, her 67th birthday but not before she had one last sip of champagne. For many film-goers Ingrid will always be alive with Gary Cooper in the snowy Spanish mountains or with Cary Grant in spy-filled Rio. But perhap

27、s the role that most vividly conjures up her haunting face is that of Ilsa Lurid in Cusablanca. There, forever, is Ingrid standing by the piano, murmuring, “Sam, play it once for old times sake“; smiling wistfully at Humphrey Bogarts toast “Heres looking at you, kid“; making her anguished farewell o

28、n that foggy airfield. 2 The main purpose of this article is to highly praise Ingrid for her dedication to her career. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Ingrid owed her whole career to that elevator boy. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Ingrid Bergmans romance with Roberto Rossellini led to her being driven out of the

29、 United States. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 During playing the role of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, Ingrid Bergman was suffering from a deadly cancer. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Ingrid Bergman took leading roles in many films, such as Spellbound, The Bells of St. Marys, Open City, and etc. ( A) Y ( B

30、) N ( C) NG 7 Ingrid spent her childhood in Sweden. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 Ingrid played the part of Ilsa Lund in Casablanca which made her go over the most difficult situation of her career. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 Ingrid Bergman was highly praised as _ by a U.S. congressman. 10 Ingrid never spare

31、d _ before formal performance even at the peak of her career. 11 Ingrid didnt attend, but there was still a seat arranged for her. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked

32、 about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He was offered a movie ticket. ( B) He received a traffi

33、c ticket. ( C) He worked very carefully. ( D) He drove carelessly. ( A) They had a misunderstanding four years ago. ( B) They really like each other very much. ( C) Theyve been angry with each other for a long time. ( D) Theyve never learned how to express their feelings. ( A) Run in town. ( B) Jog

34、more carefully. ( C) Buy shoes from a catalog. ( D) Find an easier place to exercise. ( A) He needs a long-sleeved shirt. ( B) It doesnt fit him very well. ( C) He hasnt had time to try it on yet. ( D) He is not sure he likes the style. ( A) Buy some stamps. ( B) Wait for the postman. ( C) Mail the

35、letter himself. ( D) Deliver a package to the postman. ( A) He likes the black and white sweater. ( B) He doesnt like either sweater. ( C) He likes the white dress. ( D) He likes both of the sweater. ( A) Buy something for the picnic. ( B) Go for a ride around town. ( C) Go shopping with the man. (

36、D) Have a picnic. ( A) In a kitchen. ( B) In a market. ( C) In a garden. ( D) At a picnic. ( A) To attend a business convention in town. ( B) To meet his clients. ( C) To see his friend. ( D) To prepare for an interview of a new job. ( A) It is boring to do different kinds of exercise. ( B) It is qu

37、ite necessary for the sake of health. ( C) It is totally confused to choose the right one. ( D) It is hard to follow the experts suggestion. ( A) Because his arms are too fat. ( B) Because his muscles are not firm enough. ( C) Because it is an ideal way to keep physically fit. ( D) Because the advic

38、e is put forward by the experts. ( A) To practice more arm exercises. ( B) To make up for the shortage of leg exercises. ( C) To involve more parts of the body into the exercises. ( D) To lose weight before taking arm exercises or leg exercises. ( A) Walking far on foot. ( B) Cycling with special bi

39、cycles. ( C) Taking Yoga courses. ( D) Long-distance running. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the b

40、est answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Helicopters have only been worked on by man since 1940. ( B) Chinese children were the first to achieve flight in helicopters. ( C) Helicopters were considered more dangerous than the early airplanes. ( D) Some people thought they would bec

41、ome widely used by average individuals. ( A) They are used for rescue work. ( B) They are taking the place of highflying jets. ( C) They have been widely used for various purposes. ( D) They are now used exclusively for commercial projects. ( A) For high speed transportation. ( B) For extremely high

42、 altitude flights. ( C) For overseas passenger transportation. ( D) For urgent mission to places inaccessible to other kinds of craft. ( A) The advantages of traditional surveying methods. ( B) Using satellites to communicate with mountain climbers. ( C) Obtaining new information about a mountain. (

43、 D) Controlling satellites from the top of a mountain. ( A) To indicate how climbers communicated. ( B) To show that climbers enjoyed many comforts. ( C) To show that modern telephones work at high altitudes. ( D) To emphasize how small some equipment had become. ( A) Detailed maps from previous stu

44、dies. ( B) Recent advances in technology. ( C) Plenty of funding for the study. ( D) Experience carrying heavy loads up mountains. ( A) To carry information that would help determine elevation. ( B) To provide accurate weather reports. ( C) To relay information from scientists around the world. ( D)

45、 To indicate which route the mountain climbers should take. ( A) Because she wrote about village life in her best works. ( B) Because she was the first one to use local dialect for her characters in her works. ( C) Because she wrote about the customs of the villages with a bit imagination. ( D) Beca

46、use her settings were often described actually and in detail. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to f

47、ill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 33 From Monday until Friday, most peopl

48、e are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and on 【 B1】 _ they are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies; others 【 B2】 _ in sports. It depends on 【 B3】_ interests. There are many different ways to spend our 【 B4】 _ time. Almost everyone has some kinds

49、 of 【 B5】 _. It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model airplane. Some hobbies are very 【 B6】 _, but others dont cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money, while others are 【 B7】 _ only to their owners. I know a man who has a 【 B8】 _ collection worth several thousand dollars. 【 B9】 _. On the other hand, my youngest sister collects matchboxes. She has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they are worth any money. 【 B10】 _


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