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1、大学英语四级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on how to keep healthy. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180

2、words. Section A ( A) Look after the dog. ( B) Not look after the dog. ( C) Look after the dog if she is paid. ( D) Find someone to look after the dog. ( A) She is cheerful. ( B) She has nothing. ( C) She feels bored. ( D) She is special. ( A) The exams will be held on Thursday. ( B) There could be

3、a power out on Thursday. ( C) The exams will be postponed if there is power failure. ( D) The exams wont be postponed unless there is power failure. ( A) The concert was really a time-wasting one. ( B) The concert tickets could be booked online. ( C) There were not enough chairs for people to sit on

4、. ( D) There were too many people lining up for the tickets. ( A) The man likes the coat but not the color. ( B) The man likes the coat, particularly the color. ( C) The man doesnt like the coat except for its color. ( D) The man doesnt like the coat, especially its color. ( A) Find a bike shop that

5、s open all hours. ( B) Find a place to watch a midnight show. ( C) Go to a grocery store to buy some food. ( D) Go to a place to eat thats open all hours. ( A) The test will probably cover the notes. ( B) The test will probably not cover the notes. ( C) The course will need notes for the second part

6、. ( D) The course doesnt need notes for the second part. ( A) Colleagues. ( B) Classmates. ( C) Teacher and student. ( D) Employer and employee. ( A) He can not understand the article. ( B) The computer screen is hurting his eyes. ( C) He can not finish the documents in time. ( D) Something goes wro

7、ng with his computer. ( A) How to operate the computer. ( B) How to have a break after work. ( C) How to choose the right glasses. ( D) How to avoid eye problems before computer. ( A) Getting dry eyes. ( B) Feeling painful in eyes. ( C) Blinking more than usual. ( D) Not being able to open the eyes.

8、 ( A) See a doctor. ( B) Take a break. ( C) Read the article. ( D) Use some eye-drops. ( A) At a newspaper. ( B) In the government. ( C) In a construction firm. ( D) In a private company. ( A) Self-employed work is very demanding. ( B) She prefers working for the government. ( C) Her husband likes h

9、er to work for a firm. ( D) Self-employed work is sometimes insecure. ( A) She needs money to start a family. ( B) She has a preference for private company. ( C) She is not qualified with the government. ( D) Shes more likely to get promotion in a private company. Section B ( A) To spend his holiday

10、. ( B) To meet his girlfriend. ( C) To visit the Andersons. ( D) To work as an engineer. ( A) He was interviewed by a newspaper. ( B) He disappeared from the spot quickly. ( C) He went to the hospital in the ambulance. ( D) He asked his girlfriend for his dry clothes. ( A) The first day when he was

11、in New York. ( B) The day when he was leaving for home. ( C) The same day when he was interviewed. ( D) A couple of days after the girl was rescued. ( A) It fails to consider right-handed people. ( B) It woks better with men than with women. ( C) It is different for mens clothing and womens. ( D) It

12、 has been followed by the industry for over 400 years. ( A) They were mostly dressed by servants. ( B) They drew their swords from the left. ( C) They tended to wear clothes without buttons. ( D) They were interested in the historical matters. ( A) Customs are hard to change. ( B) Modern women dress

13、 themselves. ( C) Manufacturers should follow standards. ( D) Adopting mens style is improper for women. ( A) Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons. ( B) The relatives and enemies of hoatzins. ( C) Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon. ( D) The appearance and living habits of hoatzins. ( A) They l

14、ive on river banks. ( B) They eat a lot like a cow. ( C) They have claws on the wings. ( D) They look like young cuckoos. ( A) They could fly long distances. ( B) They had four wings like hoatzins. ( C) They had claws to help them climb. ( D) They had a head with long feathers on the top. ( A) To fi

15、nd more food. ( B) To produce their young. ( C) To keep themselves warm. ( D) To protect themselves better. Section C 26 The idea behind the “rule of law“ is that impartial laws, not human beings with their【 B1】 _and arbitrary tastes and judgments, should govern the formal aspects of social【 B2】 _.

16、“We live under a rule of law, not of men,“ American teachers tell their students. The students accept the idea. They believe that “no man is above the law,“ that laws apply【 B3】 _to all people, regardless of their wealth, personal connections, or stations in life. Their faith in the rule of law expl

17、ains the【 B4】 _many Americans held, and many foreigners could not understand: the President Nixon should be removed from office as a result of his behavior【 B5】 _what was called the “Watergate Scandal“. Nixon had broken the law and therefore should be punished, Americans believed, even if he was the

18、 president. The belief in the rule of law goes beyond the【 B6】 _of politics to the other areas of life that are governed by formal rules and【 B7】 _. Getting a job with a government agency or getting a government grant for a research project, fulfills following published requirements. Personal connec

19、tions【 B8】 _matter under the rule of law. This is not to say that personal contacts, wealth, and social influence do not matter where laws and rules are【 B9】 _. They may. What is said above describes the ideal to which Americans subscribe. In reality, connections can sometimes help a person get a go

20、vernment job. Rich people can sometimes go unpunished for illegal behavior that poor people would【 B10】 _be punished for. But in general the rule of law prevails, and Americans are proud that it does. 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 Section

21、A 36 Gender equality, is a well-defined by-product of human development. It always【 C1】 _to how to focus attention on women empowerment. Meanwhile women empowerment confronts challenges【 C2】 _in translating the responsibilities to gender equality into action. Gender discrimination is the prime【 C3】

22、_of endemic(地方性的 )poverty leading to skyrocketing HIV prevalence. With a【 C4】_to making gender equality a reality as a core commitment, women empowerment has to be the stepping stone to sustainable development. HIV/AIDS epidemic is【 C5】 _in Africa and mounting all over the world mostly due to gender

23、 discrimination, stigmatization(偏见 )and unsafe sex practice. To make the spread of epidemic flagged(室衰退 ), widening gender gaps must be【 C6】_. Nowadays young women and girls are at a much higher risk than men. According to the findings of surveys and case studies conducted in Africa, adolescent girl

24、s are 5-6 times more likely to be【 C7】 _by HIV virus than boys. According to the social development specialist and AIDS researcher Mohammad Khairul Alam, “It should be realized that there is no alternative to develop and enhance life skills of【 C8】 _girls and women to cope with epidemic. They may be

25、 assisted on the【 C9】 _levels to become engaged in grooming their confidence and organized. At the same time, their voices should be allowed to be heard loud and clear. Thus the collective effort of women is born with the sense or purpose that they will be stirred up to share perceptions improving t

26、heir【 C10】 _to reproductive health related information and services.“ A)combated I)conservative B)access J)breaking C)competitively K)vulnerable D)raging L)source E)happens M)infected F)abandoned N)view G)inclines O)various H)constantly 37 【 C1】 38 【 C2】 39 【 C3】 40 【 C4】 41 【 C5】 42 【 C6】 43 【 C7】

27、44 【 C8】 45 【 C9】 46 【 C10】 Section B 46 The Role of Parents in Promoting Language Development A)From infancy to early childhood, one undeniable change takes place children learn to talk. In cultures around the world, young childrens rapid language development represents a language explosion, with w

28、ords and sentences bursting forth. By age 6, the average child has a vocabulary of over 10,000 words because during these early years children learn words at the rapid rate of 10 to 20 new words per day through a process called fast mapping. Furthermore, even though different languages have differen

29、t subject, verb, and object placement, young childrens word placement matches the grammatical structure of their native language from the time they first string two words together. B)Moreover, young children demonstrate an understanding of verb tense in their language. An example of preschoolers kno

30、wledge of verb tense is demonstrated in the following. The young child who says “I played with Sally today“ comprehends that ed is added to a verb to represent past tense. When that same child says “Sally and I goed to the park“, the child is still demonstrating a basic understanding of past tense.

31、In the second example, the child uses over regularization, whereby a standard rule of past tense is applied to the English language, which has many exceptions to the standard rules. C)The remarkable advances in language development during the preschool years are further exemplified in young children

32、s social speech. Preschool children are extraordinarily good at producing social adaptive behavior in their verbal communication. For example, 4-year-old children speak differently to 2 olds when they see themselves in a teaching role and when they are attempting to engage a younger child in informa

33、l play. Additionally, young childrens speech reflects the social skills of turn taking and topic maintenance. D)There is no question that the preschool stage of development is an impressive time of language development. The extraordinary growth of vocabulary that occurs during the preschool years is

34、 matched by an impressive understanding of basic grammar and socially adaptive language. There are, nevertheless, variations in language development and these variations can be traced to parent-child interactions. First of all, preschoolers need to hear new words in order to learn them. It is, hence

35、, beneficial for young children when their parents continually engage them in verbal dialogues and respond to their questions and other verbal comments. Young childrens language development(especially vocabulary expansion)is further promoted when adults label new things for them. E)Finally, whereas

36、the language development that occurs during the preschool stage is impressive, young childrens pronunciation takes a little longer to perfect. It is important that parents do not attempt to correct their young childrens pronunciation because that approach actually hampers(妨碍 )their preschoolers lang

37、uage development. Instead of calling attention to their youngsters mispronunciation, parents should respond to their preschoolers speech as if they had pronounced the words correctly. In their responses to their young childrens mispronunciations, however, it is important for parents to repeat back t

38、he words correctly, thereby modeling the correct pronunciation. How Young Children Understand Speech F)Even though young childrens speech reflects their social understanding of turn taking, topic maintenance, and social adaptation, they are somewhat limited in comprehending the speech of others. Fir

39、st, the preoperational thought of young children prevents them from understanding the concept of reversibility(可逆性 ), which shows up in their failure to accurately comprehend reverse-order sentences. An example of this misunderstanding can be detected in the statement whereby the parent says to the

40、child, “You can have a cookie after you wash your hands.“ Because young children understand the sequence of action in the order that it is presented, the child believes the parent is actually saying, “You can have a cookie, then you should wash your hands.“ Not only does the child think that cookie

41、eating comes before hand washing in this instance, the child is less likely to have paid attention to the second half of the sentence. The failure to attend to the second stated action in the sentence is due to preschoolers egocentric(自我中心的 )tendency to focus on one thing at a time. G)Still another

42、limitation of childrens linguistic understanding stems from their inability to comprehend metaphors that one word or phrase can mean different things when used in different contexts. Their inability to grasp metaphors means that young children are quite literal in their understanding and use of spee

43、ch. As a case in point, if a father tells a preschool child on the phone that he will be home in a little while but that he is “tied up right now,“ the child believes the father is literally tied up. The concerned child might turn to the mother and ask, “How is Daddy going to get untied.“ H)The chil

44、ds lack of understanding that words might mean different things in different contexts means their language understanding is very context bound. An illustration of this language limitation is apparent in the situation where a parent has taken the child into the deep end of the swimming pool and the c

45、hild learns from that experience that deep means over ones head. When that same parent says to the young child the following week that it is okay to step in puddles(水坑 )after a rain while wearing rain boots, but not to step into deep puddles, the child will feel free to step into any puddle that is

46、not over the childs head. Still another restriction of young children is their lack of ability to understand complex, multiaction sentences. For instance, a young child would have trouble making sense of the following request: “Tommy, pick up your toys, go wash your hands, and put on your jacket.“ T

47、he parent who uses a sentence such as that expects the child to attend to several different requests, which is very difficult for the egocentric young child. What This Means for Professionals I)First, parents should be certain that they speak clearly, and face-to-face, with their young children so t

48、hat their children have the opportunity to watch the formation of their words and clearly hear how sentences are formed and words are pronounced. Second, it is better to use short, concrete sentences, state one request or idea at a time, and give the child an opportunity to think about and process e

49、ach request separately. Third, it is important for parents not to use metaphors when talking to their preschool children, who rely on literal comprehension. Fourth, parents need to understand that even though a child has learned the meaning of a word, the child might not understand the usage of that word in a different context. Therefore, parents should be very patient with their young children and not assume that they are misbehaving when they have n


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