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1、托业(听力)模拟试卷 95及答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、应答问题 三、简短对话 41 Who most likely is the woman? ( A) A dental technician ( B) A pharmacy staff member ( C) A hospital administrator ( D) A clinic receptionist 42 When did the man move to the city? ( A) One day ago ( B) Two weeks ago ( C) One month ago (

2、 D) Six months ago 43 What will the man probably do next? ( A) Fill in a document ( B) See the doctor ( C) Reserve a seat ( D) Write a prescription 44 What information does the man need from the woman? ( A) An e-mail address ( B) A production schedule ( C) Research findings ( D) Discussion topics 45

3、 What will the man most likely do tomorrow? ( A) Send a completed report ( B) Visit a branch office ( C) Meet with the CEO ( D) Request another survey 46 Why has the woman not yet completed the task? ( A) She has nobody to assist her. ( B) She has not received all the data. ( C) She needs to conduct

4、 more research. ( D) She was away on business. 47 What are the speakers mainly discussing? ( A) A new hospital staff member ( B) A journal subscription ( C) A sales presentation ( D) An upcoming medical event 48 What did the woman do six weeks ago? ( A) She concluded a medical study. ( B) She attend

5、ed a convention. ( C) She attended a lecture series. ( D) She published her research. 49 Why is the man unable to attend the event? ( A) He has to review a proposal. ( B) He needs to proofread a report. ( C) He has to complete a project. ( D) He needs to write an article. 50 Why did Mr. Rudolph e-ma

6、il the woman? ( A) To request her to go on a business trip ( B) To reschedule a departure ( C) To order some supplies ( D) To postpone an appointment 51 What are the speakers supposed to do tomorrow afternoon? ( A) Buy some supplies ( B) Visit a manufacturing plant ( C) Give a product presentation (

7、 D) Host a training session 52 What does the man say he will do? ( A) Pay for tickets ( B) Contact an agency ( C) Talk to a presenter ( D) Send Mr. Rudolph an e-mail 53 What most likely was the purpose of the womans trip? ( A) To take a vacation ( B) To inspect a branch ( C) To find more clients ( D

8、) To attend a sales event 54 What will the company probably do in January? ( A) Open an South American branch office ( B) Send staff abroad ( C) Conduct a sales seminar ( D) Organize a trade fair 55 What will the woman most likely do next? ( A) Make a phone call ( B) Book a plane ticket ( C) Speak t

9、o some clients ( D) Submit some documents 56 What are the speakers discussing? ( A) Ordering additional machines ( B) Setting up a conference room ( C) Arranging some equipment ( D) Renovating an office space 57 What problem does the woman mention? ( A) The room is too crowded. ( B) The machinery ha

10、s not arrived. ( C) There are people in the way. ( D) There are no electrical outlets nearby. 58 Why does the man suggest using the break room? ( A) It has sufficient space. ( B) It is not being used. ( C) It was recently renovated. ( D) It has enough seats. 59 What does the company want to do? ( A)

11、 Increase manufacturing rates ( B) Replace an older plant ( C) Lower production expenses ( D) Expand its market base 60 Why does the man think the factory is a good idea? ( A) There is cheaper labor in the area. ( B) It will cost less to ship products. ( C) It will help decrease tax payments. ( D) T

12、here are plenty of raw materials nearby. 61 According to the woman, what will be challenging about overseeing the new facility? ( A) Supervising a large staff ( B) Finding qualified workers ( C) Dealing with foreign clients ( D) Attracting business investors 62 What are the speakers talking about? (

13、 A) Preparations for a visitor ( B) Booking hotel accommodation ( C) Requests from a client ( D) Organizing a welcoming party 63 How long will Ms. Wade have to wait for the driver? ( A) For five minutes ( B) For ten minutes ( C) For half an hour ( D) For an hour 64 Why will Ellen contact the hotel?

14、( A) To inquire about vacancies ( B) To make a special request ( C) To cancel a booking ( D) To confirm some dates 65 Why is the man pleased? ( A) The woman did an exceptional job. ( B) The woman was given a promotion. ( C) The annual meeting was a success. ( D) The holidays are soon approaching. 66

15、 What does the man request the woman do? ( A) Apply for a new position ( B) Provide her contact information ( C) Cook for a company event ( D) Attend a shareholders meeting 67 What does the woman say about her work schedule? ( A) She works regular hours. ( B) It includes a lot of weekend functions.

16、( C) She cannot change it. ( D) It is fully booked for December. 68 What is the conversation mainly about? ( A) A delivery schedule at a shipping firm ( B) Ongoing work at a construction site ( C) A problem with an equipment manufacturer ( D) Recent price increases of building materials 69 What prob

17、lem does the woman mention? ( A) A worker has taken the day off. ( B) A piece of equipment is malfunctioning. ( C) An order has not yet been prepared. ( D) A building blueprint is inaccurate. 70 What does the man want to remind the drivers to do? ( A) Fill the vehicles up with fuel in advance ( B) A

18、rrive at a work location on time ( C) Repair a problem with a machine ( D) Check purchase order requests 四、简短文章 71 For whom is the message most likely intended? ( A) A marketing expert ( B) A potential customer ( C) A professional athlete ( D) A real estate agent 72 Why is the speaker leaving a mess

19、age? ( A) To request an apartment viewing ( B) To inquire about an advertisement ( C) To promote a new product ( D) To ask about returning a purchase 73 What does the speaker plan to do? ( A) Apply for a job ( B) Place an order ( C) Open a store ( D) Make a reservation 74 Where are the listeners? (

20、A) At a board meeting ( B) At a product release ( C) At a yearly gathering ( D) At a company banquet 75 Who most likely is Albert Forrest? ( A) A land developer ( B) A conference organizer ( C) An event planner ( D) An environmental researcher 76 What will happen in Rosewood Hall? ( A) Lunch will be

21、 served. ( B) A documentary will be shown. ( C) A talk will be given. ( D) Books will be signed. 77 What type of business is Megans Threads? ( A) A fabric manufacturer ( B) A sewing supply shop ( C) An online fashion store ( D) A clothing retailer 78 According to the speaker, why should listeners vi

22、sit Megans Threads? ( A) To see new product lines ( B) To pick up a product catalog ( C) To take advantage of a sale ( D) To fill out a membership form 79 How can customers receive a free product? ( A) By applying for a membership card ( B) By spending more than $50 ( C) By purchasing two specific i

23、tems ( D) By arriving at the outlet early 80 Who most likely is giving the talk? ( A) A mining engineer ( B) A tour guide ( C) A shop clerk ( D) A gemstone analyst 81 What does the speaker say about the facility? ( A) It employs over 1,000 workers. ( B) It recently underwent expansion. ( C) It displ

24、ays minerals from around the world. ( D) It operates a dining establishment. 82 What does the speaker say visitors can do? ( A) Watch a documentary film ( B) Listen to a short presentation ( C) Observe stones being cut ( D) Touch some displayed items 83 What was sent to the factory? ( A) A list of r

25、egulations ( B) A set of guidelines ( C) A damaged product ( D) A new piece of machinery 84 What problem does the speaker mention? ( A) A store branch will be closed. ( B) A machine is not installed properly. ( C) A bookcase is damaged. ( D) A material is temporarily unavailable. 85 According to the

26、 speaker, why do many customers prefer teak furniture? ( A) It is easy to find. ( B) It is very durable. ( C) It looks sophisticated. ( D) It costs less money. 86 What is the main purpose of the announcement? ( A) To give details on a delay ( B) To publicize a special promotion ( C) To provide safet

27、y information ( D) To announce future services 87 According to the speaker, what will passengers find on the new ships? ( A) Indoor movie theaters ( B) Equipment for sports activities ( C) Poolside dining facilities ( D) Devices for observing the sky 88 What information can be found online? ( A) Dep

28、arture dates ( B) Food menus ( C) Ticket prices ( D) Job listings 89 According to the speaker, what has been completed? ( A) A building construction ( B) A financial report ( C) A home design ( D) A production process 90 What does the speaker say he can do after the presentation? ( A) Look at some p

29、roperty ( B) Join Ms. Gretsky on a tour ( C) Provide copies of a business agreement ( D) Talk about any necessary changes 91 What does the speaker recommend? ( A) Developing a new architectural plan ( B) Making an appointment for Monday ( C) Visiting a building site ( D) Hiring another construction

30、crew 92 What is the purpose of the call? ( A) To promote a delivery service ( B) To schedule an interview ( C) To inform a client about an order ( D) To get feedback from a customer 93 According to the speaker, what just arrived? ( A) A film ( B) An album ( C) Some clothing ( D) Some tickets 94 What

31、 does the speaker say will happen if Ms. Singh does not return the call? ( A) A discount will no longer be provided. ( B) A shipment of products will be canceled. ( C) A fee will be charged to her account. ( D) An item will be offered to other customers. 95 Who most likely is the speaker talking to?

32、 ( A) Equipment suppliers ( B) New employees ( C) Company managers ( D) Administrative assistants 96 According to the speaker, how can workers ensure the safety of products? ( A) By keeping the machines clean ( B) By maintaining specific temperatures ( C) By inspecting the assembly line ( D) By repl

33、acing storage containers 97 Why should listeners watch for possible contaminations? ( A) They are difficult to discover. ( B) They are expensive to correct. ( C) They are a danger to consumers. ( D) They are a health risk to staff. 98 Who most likely is Adrian Miller? ( A) A business consultant ( B)

34、 A famous researcher ( C) A school founder ( D) A corporate leader 99 What does the speaker mention about BioPro? ( A) It uses minimal packaging. ( B) It makes natural products. ( C) It offers excellent service. ( D) It sponsors environmental groups. 100 According to the speaker, what is BioPro tryi

35、ng to do? ( A) Expand its market share ( B) Help preserve nature ( C) Develop agricultural equipment ( D) Donate to charitable organizations 托业(听力)模拟试卷 95答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 【听力原文】 (A)She is parking a car. (B)She is checking under the hood. (C)She is refueling a vehicle. (D)She is wiping off the windshie

36、ld. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 应仔细观察,图片为一位女士正在给车加油的场景。 2 【听力原文】 (A)The man is cutting a hole in the wall. (B)The man is setting down a drill. (C)The man is using a tool. (D)The man is stacking lumber. 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 应仔细观察,图片为一位男士拿着工具工作的场景。 3 【听力原文】 (A)Hes repairing a window. (B)Hes knocking on a door. (C)

37、Hes sorting some boxes. (D)Hes wheeling a cart. 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 仔细看图,图中为一位男士站在建筑物外面敲门,旁边有一个放着箱子的手推车。 4 【听力原文】 (A)A man is writing some notes on a pad. (B)A presentation is being shown on a screen. (C)A woman is pointing to the whiteboard. (D)A meeting is taking place in a room. 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 应

38、该确定图中一位男士正站在会议室中讲话,有几个人在听。 5 【听力原文】 (A)The men are carrying a boat. (B)The men are swimming in the water. (C)The men are rowing with some oars. (D)The men are standing on the shore. 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 应该确定图中有 几位男士正在划桨。 6 【听力原文】 (A)The bicycles have been placed in a rack. (B)A structure is being built

39、 near some trees. (C)A tire is leaning against the fence. (D)The leaves have been raked into a pile. 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 应仔细观察图片,图片中没有人,自行车放在齿条间并且周围有栅栏。 7 【听 力原文】 (A)Their legs are resting on a piece of furniture. (B)They are pushing a sofa against the wall. (C)Books are being arranged on a shelf. (D)

40、A headset has been left on the table. 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 应该确定图片中一位男士和一位女士正坐在沙发上。 8 【听力原文】 (A)Some magazines are piled in a rack. (B)Some merchandise is being displayed on the ground. (C)A shopper is unfolding an umbrella on the street. (D)A person is Organizing some items at a market. 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解

41、析】 应仔细观察人们在露天市场以及周围的环境。 9 【听力原文】 (A)The gallery is crowded with people. (B)Light fixtures are being attached to the ceiling. (C)Some paintings are exhibited on the wall. (D)A visitor is admiring some artwork. 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 应该确定图片中没有人,画挂在墙上,椅子靠着墙壁。 10 【听力原文】 (A)Some diners are seated at the table

42、s. (B)The bushes are being trimmed. (C)The umbrellas are positioned along a fence. (D)Some plants are being placed into pots. 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 应该确定图片中没有人,同时遮阳伞沿着栅栏摆放,旁边的桌子整齐地摆放着。 二、应答问题 11 【听力原文】 Did you eat lunch already? (A)A fast-food restaurant. (B)No, not yet. (C)I dont eat meat. 11 【正确答案】 B

43、【试题解析】 本句为助动词引导的一般疑问句,询问对方是否吃过午饭。 12 【听力原文】 Who designed that building? (A)Mr. Davis, I believe. (B)Four years ago. (C)No, that was your project. 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本句为 Who引导的疑问句,在询问建筑物的设计者。 13 【听力原文】 Whats the subject of the conference? (A)At the new hotel. (B)Next Friday. (C)It hasnt been announce

44、d. 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句为 What引导的疑问句,在询问会议的主题。 14 【听力原文】 Where is the towns grocery store? (A)Some great produce. (B)On Pearl Street. (C)Its open until eight. 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本句为 Where引导的疑问句,在询问食品杂货店的位置。 15 【听力原文】 How do you get to work? (A)About 30 minutes. (B)I moved to another department. (C)I

45、 usually take the train. 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句为 How引导的疑问句,询问对方如何去上班。疑问词 How用来询问方式、方法。 16 【听力原文】 When are you leaving for New Zealand? (A)In two weeks. (B)Im visiting my family. (C)With a tour group. 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本句为 When引导的疑问句,询问对方离开新西兰的时间。 17 【听力原文】 Would you like to have the meeting on Thurs

46、day or Friday? (A)A detailed review. (B)Fridays fine. (C)I submitted that yesterday. 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本句为选择疑问句,要求在周四和周五中选择一个开会时间。 18 【听力原文】 Which book did you end up editing? (A)The science textbook. (B)No, I need to edit it. (C)Probably next month. 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本句为 Which引导的疑问句,询问对方编辑完成了哪本书。

47、一定要注意听开头的 Which book。 19 【听力原文】 Why was the workshop postponed? (A)About marketing strategies. (B)Yes, on Monday morning. (C)Not enough people registered. 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句为 Why引导的疑问句,询问研讨会延迟的原因。 20 【听力原文】 Youll be joining us on the cruise to Hawaii, wont you? (A)Thats the plan. (B)No, I wont be

48、 working. (C)Youll have a great time. 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本句是确认对方是否一起乘船游览夏威夷的反意疑问句。 21 【听力原文】 The company plans to hire more employees. (A)Pay a higher salary. (B)Its about time. (B)Applicants at the front desk. 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本句为陈述句,转述公司计划招聘更多职员这一客观事实。 22 【听力原文】 Would you help me choose a comput

49、er? (A)I bought it years ago. (B)Sure, you can borrow mine. (C)What will it be used for? 22 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句为请 求疑问句,请求对方帮忙挑选电脑。 23 【听力原文】 I wont be able to complete my project today. (A)The other assignment. (B)Try to finish it by tomorrow. (C)For the video presentation. 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本句为描述 “今天无法完成工作 ”这一事实的陈述句。 24 【听力原文】 Who should I consult about the program? (A)It will be implemented soon. (B)Its programmed that way. (C)We can help you with that. 24 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句为 Who引导的疑问句,询问应该与谁一起商议项目。 25 【听力原文】 Why dont we go to a concert? (A)Who is playing? (B)My favor


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