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1、托福模拟试卷 10及答案与解析 0 Narrator Listen to a conversation between two students after a science class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 1 Which expression is NOT true according to the conversation? ( A) Biology is an exact science. ( B) Robotics is a branch

2、of science. ( C) Science may also bring about disasters. ( D) Science is knowledge of facts and laws. 2 According to the conversation, what have people dreamed of since ancient times? ( A) Ordering food at home. ( B) Leaving their home planet. ( C) Receiving education at home. ( D) Getting rid of gr

3、eat wars. 3 What does Student B mean when she says this? ( A) Its hard to imagine an emotionally independent machine. ( B) Many new things nowadays were once ridiculous dreams. ( C) The technological changes have greatly influenced our life. ( D) People communicate better and live a more comfortable

4、 life. 4 How do the students clarify the benefits and disadvantages that science has brought to us? ( A) By giving definitions. ( B) By citing examples. ( C) By offering causes and results. ( D) By showing sequences. 5 Whats the students general attitude towards science? ( A) Negative. ( B) Positive

5、. ( C) indifferent. ( D) Unknown. 5 Narrator Listen to a conversation between a foreign student and a professor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 6 What is the conversation mainly about? ( A) The importance of vocabulary learning. ( B) The size of voc

6、abulary. ( C) Vocabulary learning styles. ( D) Vocabulary building strategies. 7 According to the professor, which are true expressions for vocabulary learning? Clink on 2 answers. ( A) Vocabulary learning is not so complex as most people think. ( B) English learners should never stop learning new v

7、ocabulary. ( C) English learners should try to use specialized words in daily life. ( D) Learning differences between words are a problem-solving process. 8 What is NOT mentioned for vocabulary learning according to the professor? ( A) Using new words in a different setting. ( B) Reading words loud

8、on a daily basis. ( C) Making individualized word cards. ( D) Enjoying acquisition of words. 9 If one wants to learn current English used in television news programs, which way is NOT correct according to the professor? ( A) Listing single words one hears more than once on those programs headings. (

9、 B) Listing pairs of words that seem to occur together in news programs. ( C) Listening to the same news broadcast often and charting the words one recognizes. ( D) Learning the specialized words in the news which you havent known. 10 Why does the professor mention “mechanical engineering“? ( A) To

10、show that words in mechanical engineering are more specialized and more difficult. ( B) To show that words in some major fields are more difficult to learn than the words used daily. ( C) To show that different learning purposes result in different vocabulary learning strategies. ( D) To show that o

11、nly people in mechanical engineering need to learn vocabulary in this field. 10 Narrator Listen to part of a talk in a history class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 11 In which part can we find the general wealth of the Mayan population? ( A) The no

12、rthern part. ( B) The southern part. ( C) The central part. ( D) The western part. 12 Which is NOT true about the central area? ( A) It was often hot and rainy in central areas ( B) Most of the Mayan population lived in this area. ( C) There were few plants or trees in this area. ( D) Most of the cu

13、ltural accomplishments came from this area. 13 What caused problems for the farmers near the market centers? ( A) The poor climate. ( B) The lack of water. ( C) The increase in population. ( D) The bad quality of soil. 14 Why does the professor say this? ( A) Because the central area was very famous

14、 during that period. ( B) Because the central area was the largest area at that time. ( C) Because thousands of people came in from the countryside. ( D) Because many large ceremonial centers were there also as market places. 15 What caused the collapse of the market centers according to the talk? C

15、link on 2 answers. ( A) Pollution. ( B) Poverty. ( C) Dry weather. ( D) Overcrowding. 16 What can be inferred about the Mayan culture? ( A) Mayan civilization began to decline around 900 AD. ( B) Historians are not sure about the reason for the decline. ( C) The study of Mayan civilization has becom

16、e very popular now. ( D) Mayan civilization will flourish again in the future. 16 Narrator Listen to part of talk in an economy class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 17 What is the talk mainly about? ( A) The satisfactory “buy-now, pay-later“ credit

17、 system. ( B) The ways the credit companies use to issue credit cards. ( C) The classification and advantages and disadvantages of credit cards. ( D) The difference between store credit cards and other credit cards. 18 Why does the professor mention VISA and American Express? ( A) To show examples o

18、f store credit cards. ( B) To show examples of credit companies. ( C) To show advantages of credit cards. ( D) To show disadvantages of credit cards. 19 Which expression is NOT true according to the professor? ( A) In a credit system the buyer may get goods and pay later. ( B) Most large credit comp

19、anies are connected to large banks. ( C) Airplane tickets can be bought with credit cards. ( D) Store credit cards can be used to buy things anywhere. 20 How does the professor clarify the advantages of using credit cards? ( A) By comparing credit cards with other means. ( B) By citing examples of h

20、ow to use credit cards. ( C) By listing the merits of using credit cards. ( D) By making a classification of credit cards. 21 What is the professors reason for saying this? ( A) Because the consumer has already used many credit cards. ( B) Because the consumer has spent too much money buying things.

21、 ( C) Because the consumer overspends and cannot make her payments. ( D) Because the consumer forgets to pay her credit bill. 22 Whats the professors general attitude towards using credit cards? ( A) Positive. ( B) Negative. ( C) Neutral. ( D) Doubtful. 22 Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a c

22、omputer science class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 23 What is the talk mainly about? ( A) The function of computers. ( B) The operation of computers. ( C) The disadvantages of computers. ( D) The emergence of computer crimes. 24 Why does the prof

23、essor say this? ( A) To get the exact number of students who can operate a computer. ( B) To ask a warm-up question and lead to the topic of his lecture. ( C) To check how many students have good skills of operation. ( D) To show the popularity of using computers in students life. 25 What has create

24、d opportunities for computer crimes? ( A) The increased production of computers. ( B) The skillful operation of computers. ( C) The increasing number of people using computers. ( D) The availability of computer networks. 26 What kinds of computer users are police becoming increasingly concerned abou

25、t? Clink on 2 answers. ( A) Users who can gain access to large websites. ( B) Users who can gain access to private information. ( C) Users who can gain access to government websites. ( D) Users who can gain access to secret information. 27 Why does the professor mention the movie War Games? ( A) To

26、illustrate the expertise in computer operation. ( B) To give an example of the computers functions. ( C) To show how a high school boy accessed military information. ( D) To prove the danger of a wrong person accessing a computer network. 28 According to the talk, what can NOT be concluded? ( A) The

27、re are more and more computer crimes nowadays. ( B) The expertise in computer operation can sometimes lead to crimes. ( C) People commit computer crimes to challenge modern technology. ( D) The police and justice departments are worried about computer crimes. 28 Narrator Listen to part of a lecture

28、in a sociology class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 29 What is the talk mainly about? ( A) The main function of the American housing system. ( B) The serious problems of the American housing system. ( C) The social and economic changes of the Ameri

29、can housing. ( D) The developing tendencies of the American housing system. 30 What is NOT true according to the talk? ( A) The changes in family size have affected the size of houses. ( B) One out of four married couples divorce in America. ( C) In the U.S. , many people would rather rentan apartme

30、nt than buy a house. ( D) People form cooperatives in order to spend less money on houses. 31 Why do some people move back to cities? ( A) Because they want to be closer to their offices. ( B) Because they can save time driving to work. ( C) Because they can save on the cost of driving long distance

31、s to work. ( D) Because they think its more convenient to live near the workplace. 32 What indicates the economic effect on American housing? Clink on 2 answers. ( A) Inflation has increased the cost of housing. ( B) People earn less and less than before. ( C) There is a serious shortage of energy.

32、( D) Interest rates have become very high. 33 What can be concluded from the lecture? ( A) Inflation has made the interest on housing loans 18% higher than before. ( B) Living underground can help lower the cost of heating and lighting. ( C) Most Americans with moderate earnings now can manage to bu

33、y apartments. ( D) Unemployment and depression in housing industry result from social and economic changes. 34 Why are mobile houses built? ( A) For convenience. ( B) To lower the cost. ( C) To obtain a loan from the bank more easily. ( D) To accomodate all the workers of a factory. 一、 Sections Thre

34、e: Reading Comprehension 34 POPULATION ECOLOGY 1 Population ecology is the science that measures changes in population size and composition and identifies the causes of these fluctuations Population ecology is not concerned solely with the human population In ecological terms a population consists o

35、f the individuals of one species that simultaneously occupy the same general area rely on the same resources, and are affected by similar environmental factors The characteristics of a population are shaped by its size and by the interactions among individuals and between individuals and their envir

36、onment 2 Population size is a balance between factors that increase numbers and factors that decrease numbers Some factors that increase populations are favorable light and temperature, adequate food supply, suitable habitat, ability to compete for resources, and ability to adapt to environmental ch

37、ange Factors that decrease populations are insufficient or excessive light and temperature, inadequate food supply, unsuitable or destroyed habitat, too many competitors for resources, and inability to adapt to environmental change 3 An important characteristic of any population is its density Popul

38、ation density is the number of individuals per unit, such as the number of maple trees per square kilometer in a county Ecologists can rarely determine population size by actually counting all individuals within geographical boundaries.Instead, they often use a variety of sampling techniques to esti

39、mate densities and total population sizes In some cases, they estimate population size through indirect indicators, such as the number of nests or burrows, or signs such as tracks or droppings 4 Another important population characteristic, dispersion, is the pattern of spacing among individuals with

40、 the populations geographical boundaries.Various species are distributed in their habitats in different ways to take better advantage of food supplies and shelter, and to avoid predators or find prey Within a populations range, densities may vary greatly because not all areas provide equally suitabl

41、e habitat, and also because individuals space themselves in relation to other members of the population 5 Three possible patterns of dispersion are clumped, uniform, and random A clumped dispersion pattern means that individuals are gathered in patches throughout their habitat Clumping often results

42、 from the irregular distribution of resources needed for survival and reproduction For example, fallen trees keep the forest floor moist, and many forest insects are clumped under logs where the humidity is to their 1iking Clumping may also be associated with mating, safety, or other social behavior

43、 Crane flies, for example, swarm in great numbers, a behavior that increases mating chances, and some fish swim in large schools so they are less likely to be eaten by predators 6 A uniform or evenly spaced distribution results from direct interactions among individuals in the population For example

44、, regular spacing of plants may result from shading and competition for water In animal populations, uniform distribution is usually caused by competition for some resource or by social interactions that set up individual territories for feeding, breeding, or resting 7 Random spacing occurs in the a

45、bsence of strong attraction or repulsion among individuals in a population Overall, random patterns are rare in nature, with most populations showing a tendency toward either clumped or uniform distribution 8 Populations change in size, structure, and distribution as they respond to changes in envir

46、onmental conditions Four main variables births, deaths, immigration, and emigration determine the rate of change in the size of the population over time A change in the birth rate or death rate is the major way that most populations respond to changes in resource availability Members of some animal

47、species can avoid or reduce the effects of environmental stress by emigrating from one area and immigrating to another with more favorable environmental conditions, thus altering the populations dispersion 35 Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence i

48、n paragraph 1?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information ( A) Any species of life can be studied in population ecology ( B) Population ecologists care about the future of humanity ( C) The growth of the human population is a major concern ( D) Populatio

49、n ecology does not consider humans worthy of study 36 According to the passage, which factor might cause the population of a species to decrease in size? ( A) A favorable amount of light and water ( B) An ability to hide from or defend against predators ( C) A large number of other species competing for food ( D) A greater number of births than deaths 37 Which of the following is an indirect indicator of a populations density? ( A) The distribution of food in a given area ( B) The number of nests i


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