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1、托福模拟试卷 42及答案与解析 0 Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 1 Why does the professor mention Jim Abbott? ( A) To indicate how impossible for him to play baseball. ( B) To encourage people to forge the

2、ir unusual ambition. ( C) To introduce the following presentation on motivation. ( D) To prove that emotion can motivate people behave unusually. 2 According to the professor, what is motivation? Clink on 2 answers. ( A) It involves physiological and cognitive processes. ( B) It may satisfy a biolog

3、ical and psychological need. ( C) It is a process that causes people to move toward a goal. ( D) It can motivate people to behave in particular ways. ( E) It studies what moves why we do what we do. 3 According to the professor, what is the main problem with the drive theory? ( A) It could not accou

4、nt for human motivations completely. ( B) It was proposed in 1943 and therefore it went out of fashion. ( C) It indicates the root of biological needs only presents. ( D) It proves that we have only a few primary drives. 4 What aspect of modern motivation research does the professor mainly discuss?

5、( A) What is unique in human aspiration. ( B) The pursuit of fame and romantic love ( C) A seemingly impossible goal. ( D) The athletic perfection. 5 What is the professors opinion of affiliation? ( A) People like to stay with friends and family. ( B) Americans take pride in independence. ( C) No on

6、e doesnt need someone else. ( D) People need their own breathing room. 6 What does the author imply when he says this? ( A) American culture emphasizes independence and self-reliance. ( B) Some people like “lots of space“ and “breathing room“. ( C) Individuals vary in their need for affiliation. ( D

7、) Americans pay no attention to teamwork. 6 Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 7 What are the speakers mainly discussing? ( A) Working in an office. ( B) Finding a job. ( C) Choosing a majo

8、r. ( D) Talking to an advisor. 8 Why does the student visit the professor? ( A) To ask for advice ( B) To ask questions ( C) To make up for lessons ( D) To get his signature 9 What does the professor imply when he says this? ( A) The student shouldnt share a room with other students. ( B) The studen

9、t should make a decision for her own major. ( C) The student should stay at college all the time. ( D) The student shouldnt listen to others opinions 10 What can be inferred from Dr. lasenzas response to the student? ( A) The student should study what she likes at university. ( B) The student should

10、nt waste her time and money to find a job. ( C) The student should make as much money as possible. ( D) The student can disconnect what she has learned from what she does. 11 What can be inferred about the professor when he says this? ( A) He agrees with Dr. lasenzas opinion. ( B) He disagrees with

11、Dr. lasenzas opinion. ( C) He asks Susan to be honest with herself. ( D) He thinks it worthwhile to get a huge income. 11 Narrator Listen to a lecture about study activities in a university. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 12 What is the talk mainly

12、about? ( A) The ways to internalize academic knowledge. ( B) The ways to express personal views on a certain topic. ( C) The importance of taking part in seminars. ( D) The central focus of university work. 13 What is the main purpose of the professors introduction to his lecture? ( A) To make it ea

13、sy to learn complex, abstract subjects. ( B) To imply how to internalize the academic knowledge. ( C) To provide helpful means in the process of learning. ( D) To give a brief overview of the four key study activities. 14 How does the professor define essay writing? ( A) By giving examples. ( B) By

14、providing information. ( C) By emphasizing its functions. ( D) By comparison and contrast. 15 According to the professor, what is the function of seminars and class discussion? ( A) To talk about current issues or economic policy. ( B) To talk about rhetoric in literature study class. ( C) To intern

15、alize academic knowledge by providing contexts. ( D) To practice using the knowledge gained from other activities. 16 According to the professor, what does the professor imply about the activity of individual tutorials and discussions? ( A) Teachers play the most important role in this activity. ( B

16、) Both teachers and students are important in this activity. ( C) Students play a more important role than teachers do. ( D) Students have to prepare well and talk as much as possible. 17 Why does the professor say this? ( A) To express his uncertainty about the four activities. ( B) To show that th

17、ese four activities are the most important. ( C) To explain that other activities have been found. ( D) To encourage students to use other activities apart from the four. 17 Narrator Listen to part of a lecture on New-Age Transport. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to he

18、lp you answer. 18 What is Renault most famous for? ( A) Startlingly different cars. ( B) A kind of family car. ( C) Advances in design. ( D) Boat and train design. 19 Why will Boeing not need a replica of the 777? ( A) It can use computers to check the design. ( B) It already has enough experience w

19、ith plans. ( C) It needs to upgrade the replica of the previous model. ( D) It can make sure all the bits fit together. 20 How did Renault test the Racoon? ( A) Over rocky terrain. ( B) In actual reality. ( C) Over French country roads. ( D) In virtual reality. 21 What does the professor imply when

20、she says this? ( A) Renault will focus on the study of CAD. ( B) Renault pays more attention to CAD than other things. ( C) Renault started to develop CAD earlier than others. ( D) Renault has known CAD much better than others. 22 Why does the professor say this? ( A) To indicate that Renault is thi

21、nking much more than this. ( B) To indicate that not only Renault is thinking about this. ( C) To explain what Renault is thinking. ( D) To indicate the future developments in this field. 23 Which of the following is mentioned as an ingredient of a composite? ( A) Oil. ( B) Resin. ( C) Glass. ( D) S

22、teel. 23 Narrator Listen to a conversation between Ana and her tutor about her courses settlement. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 24 What is the dialogue mainly about? ( A) A very wide range of options on the foundation courses. ( B) Anas course set

23、tlement in the foundation year. ( C) Various modules in the foundation year. ( D) The importance of taking a Cambridge proficiency test. 25 Why does Ana choose to do computer design? ( A) She is interested in designing computer games. ( B) Shes taught herself a lot of programming. ( C) Shed like to

24、produce educational software. ( D) She benefits less from a foundation level course. 26 What are the suggestions that the tutor gave to Ana on her course settlement in the foundation year?Clink on 2 answers. ( A) She can only take six modules. ( B) She could take German as an option next year. ( C)

25、She needs IELTS for the first year of the degree. ( D) She should take English as a foreign language. 27 According to the dialogue, which of the following statements are true of the discussion between Ana and her tutor? Clink on 3 answers. ( A) Ana doesnt want to take a maths option because she feel

26、s confident in it. ( B) The tutor suggests the student take English literature. ( C) Ana has problems with reading and writing. ( D) The tutor suggests joining two different classes. ( E) The tutor suggests delaying German for one year. 28 What can be inferred from the tutors questions to Ana? ( A)

27、He dislikes the courses that Ana has chosen. ( B) He agrees with Ana on the courses she has chosen. ( C) He is curious about the courses she has chosen. ( D) He is curious about the reason why she chose these courses. 29 What does the tutor mean when he says this? ( A) He thinks Ana has nothing else

28、 to ask him. ( B) He thinks he has something else to ask her. ( C) He thinks Ana should leave if there is nothing else. ( D) He thinks he should leave if there is nothing else. 29 Narrator Listen to part of a lecture about the environment study in Biramichi River. Now get ready to answer the questio

29、ns. You may use your notes to help you answer. 30 What was the speaker assigned to do in the past year? ( A) To study the problems of local industries. ( B) To find ways to treat human waste. ( C) To investigate the annual catch of fish in the Biramichi River. ( D) To conduct a study on fishing in t

30、he Biramichi River. 31 What is one of the problems in Biramichi River? ( A) Lack of oxygen. ( B) Overgrowth of water plants. ( C) Low water level. ( D) Serious pollution upstream. 32 What aspect of the factories along the river does the professor mainly discuss? ( A) Theyll be closed down. ( B) They

31、re going to dismiss some of their employees. ( C) Theyll be moved to other places. ( D) They have no money to build chemical treatment plants. 33 What does the professor imply about the fact that the annual catch of fish in the Biramichi River has been reduced? ( A) The reason is that there were few

32、er fish in the river. ( B) Over-fishing in the river has been prohibited. ( C) The local Chamber of Commerce tried to preserve the fish. ( D) The local fishing cooperative decided to reduce its catch. 34 What does the professor imply when she says this? ( A) The cooperative did not really reduce the

33、ir annual fishing catch. ( B) The cooperative was making efforts to protect the fish. ( C) The cooperative is responsible for fewer fish in the river. ( D) The cooperative has to try to preserve the fish. 一、 Sections Three: Reading Comprehension 34 CivilizationBefore about 3500 BC, there were cultur

34、es, but not civilizations. Prehistoric men and women created societies, constructed houses, lived in villages, hunted and fished, farmed, made pottery, wove cloth and created languages. But unlike more advanced peoples, they did not build cities, read or write. Cities are the cornerstone of civilize

35、d life because with them came other civilizing elements, including differentiation of classes and employment, sophisticated religious and political systems, monumental architecture and the formation of states and empires. Historians usually begin the story of civilization with accounts of the worlds

36、 first great writers and city-builders, the Sumerians. Because the Sumerians recorded ideas and sagas and listed the names of their rulers, we know more about them than about prehistoric peoples who left their legacy in stones, bones and pottery. With the ability to build cities and record thoughts

37、came the ability to communicate ideas and innovations over vast reaches of time and space. Human beings who had formerly taken hundreds of thousands of years to learn that a stone ax sharpened on both sides is more useful than an ax sharpened on one side progressed rapidly from foot travel to horse

38、drawn carts, and later from railways to airplanes. With these and thousands of other innovations, people came to live longer, more comfortable lives. Civilization also brought new ills to humanity. In the 20th century it brought nuclear warfare, global warming, and ozone depletion. More subtly, civi

39、lization removed human beings from regular encounters with the wonders of the natural world. Unlike people of modern civilizations, primitive people lived close to the sounds and smells of forest and grasslands. They looked at fire and the stars with awe and reverence. Civilization involves the abil

40、ity to create a new political and cultural world. In the 19th century the American writer, philosopher and naturalist Henry David Thoreau noted that this artificial sphere separates humanity from primitive virtue. “Most of the luxuries“, he argued, “and many of the so-called comforts of life are not

41、 only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevations of mankind. “ Thoreau believed that men and women should simplify their lives.(A) To live well and happily usually doesnt mean to live very luxuriously, the material enjoyment and much expense can satisfy you to some extent, but to e

42、njoy a simple life also can make you feel fine and comfortable, something in your mind or in your spiritual world can bring more or influence much on your life and your happiness value. (B) They expressed this sense of regret in the story of Prometheus and Pandora. Contrary to the wishes of other go

43、ds, Prometheus brought to humanity the gifts of fire, art and science. The jealous gods were unwilling to allow men and women to enjoy such blessings without cost, and so they sent Pandora to the world with a box containing disease, sorrow and other evils.(C) From then on, the world wasnt quiet or f

44、ortunate all the time, some people suffered from them and always got punished in one way or other. The people began to pay as well as they gain some achievement during the progress process. Human beings have viewed civilization as a mixed blessing. Civilized people have waged brutal wars, destroyed

45、majestic forests and persecuted religious minorities.(D) But civilizations have also achieved wonders. We cannot list with words all the achievements of the human beings with the help and development of civilization. The abilities of writing and reading can spread one kind of culture or invention to

46、 other places, and advanced science and technology have allowed human beings to enjoy much more convenient and interesting lives. With many inventions of modern life, many places where people could not reach before can be explored and developed by human beings and many new materials with very good p

47、roperties can improve peoples lives and help do many jobs which were thought very difficult or impossible before. 35 The word cornerstone in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_. ( A) foundation ( B) centralization ( C) backbone ( D) milestone 36 The word account in Paragraph 2 is closest in meanin

48、g to_. ( A) narration ( B) counting ( C) notation ( D) reference 37 According to Paragraph 1, which of the following represented human civilization? clink on 3 answers ( A) They built cities. ( B) They had classes. ( C) They lived in houses. ( D) They could read or write. 38 The word them in Paragra

49、ph 2 refers to ( A) the historians ( B) the rulers ( C) prehistoric people ( D) the Sumerians 39 The word innovation in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_. ( A) creation ( B) inscription ( C) liberation ( D) recreation 40 Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. ( A) Most luxuries and comforts were important and could improve the quality of peoples lives ( B) Most luxuries and comforts were no


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