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1、笔译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 A study by scientists concludes that meat and milk from cloned animals and their offspring is safe to eat and should be allowed to enter the

2、 food supply without any special labeling. 2 A survey found that 64% of Americans were uncomfortable with animal cloning and 43% believed food from clones was unsafe. 3 It could be the perfect excuse for cheating spouses who are caught out: infidelity may be inherited. Both men and women may be more

3、 likely to have affairs as a result of the genes passed down by their parents, according to research. 4 Experts say they could have isolated the so-called “Thatcher gene“ which could allow highfliers to survive on no more than four hours sleep a night. 5 Whenever identical twins or triplets are born

4、 their parents will often be met with a cry of “how do you tell them apart?“ 6 Our ability to manipulate plants by introducing new genes promises innovative solutions to many real-world problems. Yet there is considerable opposition to the use of genetically modified plants for food production. 7 Th

5、e Culture Club In this weeks Nature, a group of zoologists led by Andrew Whiten of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and Christophe Boesch of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, have provided that evidence. They have synthesized the results from seven

6、chimpanzee-research centers scattered across Africa, and shown that chimps can, indeed, do more than just pass on the odd behaviour pattern here and there. Individual groups of chimps exhibit behavioural “complexes“ that are recognisably different from those of other groups, yet seem to have no conn

7、ection with environmental or genetic differences between the groups. If that is not culture, it is difficult to think what is. The problem that confronted Dr. Whiten and Dr. Boesch was how to disentangle which of chimpanzees many behaviour patterns are genetically instinctive, which are learnt by in

8、dividuals in isolation (and so are not cultural, because not copied from others) and which are culturally transmitted (by animals copying one another). They solved it by standardising the reports from the research centres, and paying as much attention to what the animals in each place did not do as

9、to what they did. Behaviour patterns found at all sites were deemed as likely to be genetic as cultural (leaf-sponging turned out to be in this category), as were those whose absence was due to some environmental factor (fishing algae out of ponds is impossible where there are no algae to fish). Nor

10、 were behaviour patterns that did not appear to be sporadic (digging for termites, rather than using a stick to fish for them) classified as cultural. They could just as well have been the result of individual invention, as of copying. That still left 39 behaviour patterns that were common at some s

11、ites and absent from others. Termite fishing with twigs and the midribs of leaves were two. So were breaking nuts open with a hammer (which could be done in four different ways, each with its own pattern of occurrence among the sites), and picking marrow out of the bones of hunted animals using a to

12、ol. Nor does chimpanzee culture revolve solely around food. Some chimps have developed flywhisks in the form of leaves. Others have learnt how to tickle themselves. And there is even a behaviour pattern the researchers refer to as “ rain dance“ , though it takes place in response to rain, rather tha

13、n as a way of conjuring it up. The idea that these and some 30 other behaviour patterns are cultural rather than genetic was supported by the fact that particular subspecies (which differ from one another genetically) are not associated with particular behaviours. Indeed, abrupt cultural transitions

14、 often occur in the middle of subspecific homelands. Short of developing language (and there are a few researchers who believe that chimps can also manage that), it is hard to see what more mans closest relatives could possibly be required to do to be admitted to the culture club. 8 Cloned Pigs the

15、Potential Organ Donors Five cloned piglets, genetically modified so that their organs are much less likely to be rejected by a human donor recipient, have been born in the US. More than 62, 000 people in the US alone are waiting to receive donated hearts, lungs, livers, kidneys and pancreases. The n

16、umber of human donors falls far short of demand. Pig organs are of a similar size to human organs, and some scientists hope they might be used to help meet the shortfall. But previous attempts to transplant unaltered pig tissue into humans have failed, due to immune rejection of the tissue. The five

17、 piglets, born on Christmas Day, lack a gene for an enzyme that adds a sugar to the surface of pig cells. The sugar would trigger a patients immune system into launching an immediate attack. “ This advance provides a near-time solution for overcoming the shortage of human organs for transplants, as

18、well as insulin-producing cells to cure diabetes,“ says David Ayares, vice president of research at PPL Therapeutics, US division, where the pigs were created. “This is the key gene for overcoming the early stage of rejection. “ However, scientists warn that much more work is necessary before organs

19、 from copies of the pigs could be transplanted into humans. Human genes will need to be added, to prevent rejection of the organ in the long-term. There are also concerns that pig viruses could infect organ recipients. Cloning techniques were vital to the production of the pigs. Genes can only be kn

20、ocked out in a single cell. Cloning of these single cells then allowed the creation of a whole animal in which the gene was knocked out in every cell. But the PPL researchers have succeeded in knocking out only one copy of the gene for the enzyme, called alpha 1, 3 galactosyl transferase. The team w

21、ill now attempt to knock out both copies of the gene. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 9 克隆伟人、英雄等没有意义。人的发展不但取决于基因,更取决于外部环境。克隆爱因斯坦未必会产生伟大的物理学家。 10 有些科学家宣称,转基因作物有助于解决全球性的饥饿问题;毕竟全球各地还有食品短缺的现象。 11 科学家预测,

22、生物技术的市场将是信息技术的 10倍。 12 21世纪技术革命中,生物技术、信息技术、纳米技术 (nanotechnology)特别重要,是推动未来社会经济发展的关键。 13 许多国家近年来研究开发投入最多的领域是生物技术;美国基础研究经费的49用于生物技术和生命科学研究。 14 专家预测了 10年后最有影响的技术应用,其中包括:转基因作物与动物、干细胞治疗、根据某人基因图定制的药物、人造肌肉与组织、增强记忆药物。 15 克隆人 虽然许多科学家都不相信,一个实实在在的克隆人会立即问世,但克隆技术的突飞猛进却有目共睹。 自从 1997年克隆羊 “多利 ”诞生以来,全世界已有很多国家立法禁止克隆人

23、。但科学家在人类胚胎、干细胞克隆技术的研究方面却取得了很多新进展。无论是公开还是秘密 “研制 ”克隆人的工作也根本就没有停止过。克隆技术之所以会迅速发展,首先是因为它有需求。以干细胞为例,它既是胚胎的主要构造,又是克隆技术的基础。科学家们相信,他们最终可以从干细胞中制造皮肤、内脏、骨头或者大脑细胞等多种人类细胞,并通过控制胚胎干细胞的分化过程,制造出不同的细胞,取代许多病人坏死的细胞,达到医治多种疾病的目的。如果科学家们运用克隆技术能够克隆出 心脏、肝脏甚至神经细胞等,那就意味着医疗技术的一场革命。 16 转基因生物 转基因动植物是遗传工程实验的产物,在这个实验中,一个生物体的基因物质被移入另

24、一生物体,因而受体就能显示出新的特征。商界、科学家和农民都希望转基因的技术能够培育出更多具价格优势、而且是最近的培育技术无法培育的恰遂人愿的动植物。转基因的技术能使遗传物质在两种完全不相干的生物体之间进行转移。为了启用转基因技术,基因工程师必须首先培育一个转基因。在培育转基因时,科学家通常用一个将在受体动物或植物的恰当组织中活动的启动子序 列替代原有的启动子序列。总的说来,转基因技术比传统的育种方法具有更多优势。据称,转基因技术育种的目的更精确、速度更快捷、成本更低廉。目前的研究工作仅局限在与一个或数个相关的特征上。科学家们要驾轻就熟地调配动植物复杂的特性,尚需长期的研究。 笔译三级实务(综合

25、)模拟试卷 4答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 【正确答案】 科学家的研究表明,克隆动物及其后代的肉和奶是安全无害的,应该允许这类产品进入食品供应环节,而无需作专门的标注。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 一项调查发现, 64的美国人对动物克隆技术感到不安, 43的人认为克隆动物的食品不安全。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 出轨

26、被发现,也许你将有一个完美借口:对伴侣不忠是遗传的。研究显示,携带父母遗传的这种基因的男人和女人更容易出轨。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 专家表示,他们已经发现了所谓的 “撒切尔基因 ”,该基因可以让有远大抱负之人每晚睡眠不超过四个小时。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 每当同卵的双胞胎或三胞胎诞生后,他们的父母常听到有人叫喊: “你怎么分辨他们几个呢 ?” 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 我们通过引入新基因来操纵植物的能力有望创新式地解决当今世界的许多问题。但是仍有人强烈反对使用转基因植物来生产粮食。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 文化俱乐部 在本周出版

27、的 自然上,由苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的安德鲁 -怀特和德国莱比锡马克斯 -普朗克人类学进化研究所的克里斯托夫 -布伊希带领的动物学家小组提供了黑猩猩属于 “文化俱乐部 ”这一证据。他们综合了分散于非洲的七个黑猩猩研究中心的观察结果,发现黑猩猩除了在各处传递独特的行为模式,还拥有更多的能力。每个黑猩猩群表现出的行为 “综合性 ”都与其它群体明显不同,但好像与各自差异化的环境或遗传又无关联。如果这都不是文化的话,那么很难想像到底什么是文化。 怀特博士和布伊希博士所面临的问题是,怎么从黑猩猩诸多行为模式中分辨出哪些是属于基 因本能性的,哪些是属于孤立的群体后天学来的 (同样也不是文化的,因为不是通过模

28、仿学来的 ),哪些是属于文化上传递的 (通过动物间的相互模仿 )。于是,他们对来自各研究中心的报告进行了标准化处理,他们不但注意每个地方的黑猩猩所做的事,而且关注他们所不做的事情。 (并对每个地方的动物所做的事和没有做的事给予了同等的关注 )。 他们认为,在所有地方观察到的动物行为模式既有可能是遗传的,也有可能是文化上的 (用树叶收集雨水和露水的行为就属于这一类 ),那些因环境因素不同而缺失的行为模式也属于这种情况 (池塘里没有藻类,便不可 能出现钓食藻类的行为 )。一些看起来并不是偶发的行为模式 (例如,不用棍子引诱白蚁上钩,而是挖坑寻找白蚁 )也未被纳入文化模式。这种行为既有可能是模仿的结

29、果,也可能是个体独创的结果。 除此之外,还有 39种行为模式在某些地方是很常见的,但在其它地方却没有出现。用小树枝和树叶中脉寻找白蚁便是两个例子。以下情况也然:用锤子砸开坚果(可以用四种不同方式敲开,每种方式都具有只在某些地区发生的独特模式 ),以及用工具将猎物骨髓取出等。黑猩猩文化也不是完全以食物为中心。有些黑猩猩发明了树叶蝇掸,有些则学会了给自己呵痒,甚 至还有一种被研究人员称之为 “祈雨舞 ”的行为模式,不过这只是黑猩猩对下雨作出的反应,而不是真的祈雨。 将这些例子和其它 30来种行为模式归为文化模式而非基因模式,是有事实依据的:特殊亚种 (相互间基因上有区别 )与特殊行为没有对应关系。

30、事实上,突发性文化转变经常发生在亚种生活区域之内。除了仍待开发的语言能力 (但是也有少数研究人员认为黑猩猩有这个能力有语言能力 ),很难说出入类最近的这个亲戚还需要做些什么才能被接纳到文化俱乐部中来。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 克隆猪有望成为人体 器官移植供体 在美国已出生了五只转基因的克隆小猪,它们的器官在植入人体时发生排异反应的可能性大为减小。 仅在美国就有 6 2万多人在等待他人捐献心脏、肺、肝脏、肾脏和胰脏。捐献器官的人数远远供不应求。猪的器官与人体器官大小差不多,一些科学家希望它们可用于补足这一短缺。但是,由于组织免疫排异反应,以前用未经改良的猪器官进行的移植尝试都失败

31、了。 圣诞节出生的这五只小猪,缺少一种酶基因,该基因可使猪的细胞表面增加某种糖类物质。这种糖会引发病人的免疫系统立即发动攻击。 这些小猪是由 PPL医疗公司美国分公司培育出来的,该公司研究部副总裁大卫 -阿亚里斯说: “这项进展及时解决了人体移植器官的短缺问题,也解决了胰岛素分泌细胞的短缺问题,该细胞用以治疗糖尿病。这是克服早期排异反应的关键基因。 ” 但是,科学家提醒说,在克隆猪所提供的器官能顺利植入人体之前,还有大量的工作要做。为了防止长期的排异反应,还要加上人类基因。猪的病毒会感染器官接受者,也是要人们关注的。 克隆技术是培育这些猪的关键。去除基因只能在单个细胞中进行。克隆这些单细胞后再

32、培育出一头猪,该猪身上的每个细胞中的该基因都被去 除了。但是 PPL公司的研究人员只是成功地去除了产生这种叫做 1, 3半乳糖转移酶的基因的一个复制品。他们正试图将这个基因的两个复制品都加以去除。 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 9 【正确答案】 It may be futile/ in vain to clone great politi

33、cians, heroes, etc. A persons development is determined not only by his genes, but more profoundly by the environment ( is more determined by the external environment than by his genes). The clone of Einstein might not grow up to be a great physicist. 【知识模块】 汉译英 10 【正确答案】 Some scientists claim that

34、GM (genetically modified) crops might help solve world hunger. After all, there is food shortage in many parts of the world. 【知识模块】 汉译英 11 【正确答案 】 Scientists predict that the biotechnology market will be ten times larger than (10 times as large as) that of information technology. 【知识模块】 汉译英 12 【正确答案

35、】 In the technological revolution of the 21st century, biotechnology, information technology and nanotechnology are especially important. They play the key role in promoting future social and economic development. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 In recent years the largest research investment by many countries

36、 has been made in the field of biotechnology: 49% of the basic research funds of the United States have been used in biotechnology and life science. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 Experts have forecast/ predicted the most influential technological applications in the next decade, which include GM crops and an

37、imals, stem-cell technology treatment, making medicine according to a patients genetic map/ gene information, man-made muscle and tissues, and memory-enhancing drugs. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 Human Cloning Though many scientists do not believe that a human clone will really come into being soon, rapid p

38、rogress in cloning techniques is evident. Since the birth in 1997 of Dolly, the cloned sheep , many countries have passed laws that prohibit human cloning. Nevertheless, scientists have made headway in the research on/ into the cloning of human embryos and stem cells. Human cloning research, whether

39、 in public or in secret, has never stopped. The swift advances in cloning technology are due to the demand. Take stem cells for example. They are not only the main constituents of the embryo, but also the foundation of cloning technology. Scientists believe they will eventually know how to duplicate

40、 many kinds of human cells like cells of the skin, organs, spine or even brains out of stem cells. In time they will, by controlling the division of embryo stem cells, be able to replace a patients dead cells and cure diseases. If scientists can use cloning technology to make a heart, a liver or eve

41、n neural cells, that means they have unleashed a revolution in medicine. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 GMO Transgenic plants and animals result from genetic engineering experiments in which genetic material is moved from one organism to another ( from organism to organism) , so that the recipient organism (t

42、he latter) will have/ show/ display/ exhibit new characteristics/ features. The business circle/ Business corporations, scientists, and farmers hope that transgenic techniques will allow more cost-effective plants and animals (crops and herds) with desirable characteristics that are not available us

43、ing up-to-date breeding technology. Transgenic techniques allow genetic material to be transferred between completely unrelated organisms. In order for a transgenic technique to work, the genetic engineer must first construct/ develop a transgene. When making a transgene, scientists usually substitu

44、te the original promoter sequence with one that will be active in the correct tissues of the recipient plant or animal. Overall/ Generally, the transgenic technology has many advantages over traditional/ conventional methods in many aspects/ areas. Transgenic breeding/ The technology/ It is said to be more specific, faster, and less costly. Right now research is limited to one or a few traits. Before scientists can flexibly regulate/ manipulate complex traits, there is going to be the need for many years of research. 【知识模块】 汉译英


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