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1、词汇练习试卷 12及答案与解析 Section B Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your rnachine-scor

2、ing ANSWER SHEET. 1 Responding to voters concern over crime, Congress passed a $2 billion anticrime bill, and _ $9 billion for programs aimed at crime prevention. ( A) abolished ( B) accounted ( C) accumulated ( D) allotted 2 A final _ was the faulty analysis of the vote in the primary election. ( A

3、) blunder ( B) blend ( C) bolt ( D) block 3 There is nothing so lovely as to be beautiful. Beauty is a gift of the nature and we should _ it as such. ( A) cheat ( B) choose ( C) cherish ( D) choke 4 The president believed that the _ of his personality and of his travels would compete forcefully agai

4、nst the “image-making“ publicity tours of his rivals. ( A) glory ( B) glamour ( C) gloom ( D) glance 5 I have been for years troubling the pages of historians, to find out what our fathers have done to the native Americans, but I must say, that my researches have _ been to no effect. ( A) therefore

5、( B) hitherto ( C) however ( D) nevertheless 6 Only sharp _ can enable man to be just right and good in his conduct, and can produce such a sharp sense in the highest degree. ( A) energy ( B) capacity ( C) volume ( D) intuition 7 A Boeing 747 crashed into a hillside while attempting to land during a

6、 nighttime storm; 228 of the 254 people who were on board the plane _. ( A) patrolled ( B) perceived ( C) perished ( D) plunged 8 Meg did not say this _, and when she had finished, she turned to Ethel with a smile. ( A) rudely ( B) toughly ( C) routinely ( D) kindly 9 Educational specialists argued

7、that omitting such subject areas as the arts, foreign languages, _ education could lead to a “narrowing“ of what is taught in schools. ( A) occasional ( B) positional ( C) vocational ( D) personal 10 That nations relationship with its neighbors was reflected in the mistrust, misunderstanding, and _.

8、 ( A) comprehension ( B) concession ( C) hostility ( D) hospitality 词汇练习试卷 12答案与解析 Section B Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter

9、 with a single bar across the square brackets on your rnachine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 该句意为: 为了回应选民对犯罪问题的关心,议会通过了一项 302亿美元的法案,并决定拨款 69亿美元用以预防犯罪。 abolish:废除; account:认为,说明; accumulate:积累; allot:分配,拨款。 【知识模块】 词汇 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 该句意为:最后的一项重大失误是对初选中选票的错误分析。blunder:重大失误; blend:混合; bolt:

10、门闩,螺钉; block:块,街区。 【知识模块】 词汇 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 该句意为:美比什么都可 爱,美是自然赐予我们的,我们应该珍惜它。 cheat:欺骗; choose:选择; cherish:珍惜; choke:窒息,噎住。 【知识模块】 词汇 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 该句意为:总统认为他个人性格的魅力以及他的到处游说有力地胜过了其对手为树立公众形象而进行的宣传所造成的影响。 glory:光荣; glamour:魅力; gloom:阴暗; glance:一瞥。 【知识模块】 词汇 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 该句意为:我花了几年的时间来阅读历史学家

11、的书,为的是找 到我们的祖先对美国印第安人做了什么事,但是我必须说到目前为止,我的研究还没有什么成效。 therefore:因此; hitherto:至今; however:无论如何;nevertheless:仍然,不过。 【知识模块】 词汇 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 该句意为:只有敏锐的直觉才能使人的行为正直端正,才能产生这种最高等的敏锐的感觉。 energy:精力,活力; capacity:容量,能力,才能;volume:体积,量; intuition:直觉,直觉的知识。 【知识模块】 词汇 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 该句意为:一架波音 747飞机在夜晚风暴中试图着陆时

12、坠毁在山腰上,机上 254人中有 228人丧生。 patrol:巡逻; perceive:察觉,感知; perish:死亡; plunge:投入,陷入。 【知识模块】 词汇 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 该句意为: Meg在说这些时显得很有礼貌,当她说完时还转过身对Ethel微笑了一下。 rudely:无礼地; toughly:坚强地; routinely:例行地;kindly:和蔼地。 【知识模块】 词汇 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 该句意为:教育专家们坚持认为如果把美术、外语和职业技能教育取消的话,那么学校教育面就会太窄了。 occasional:偶然的,不经常的;positional:位置的;地位的; vocational:职业的; personal:个人的。 【知识模块】 词汇 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 该句意为:该国与其邻国的关系主要反映在不信任、误解和敌意方面。 comprehension:理解; concession:让步; hostility:敌意; hospitality:好客。 【知识模块】 词汇


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