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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 174及答案与解析 1 Nowadays, more and more children are becoming obese. Give possible reasons and suggestions. 2 It is hard for people to agree on the definition of happiness. Why? How do people achieve happiness? 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 174答案与解析 1 【正确 答案】 As some children in poor countries are vastly underw

2、eight as a result of poverty, others elsewhere in the world are suffering from another problem obesity, as a consequence of improved living conditions. A recent study has shown the latter problem is becoming an epidemic, as the number of obese children in the developed world keeps rising alarmingly.

3、 I believe there are several factors responsible for this increase. In some cases, there is a genetic link to obesity. It has been found that the childrens weight is related to that of their parents. A child of obese parents is more likely to become overweight, as he may inherit some of genes that c

4、ontrol body weight from his mother or father. Are genetic reasons the only explanation? Other factors must also be at work and among them is a poor diet. Being afraid that their children may not get enough to eat and even suffer from poor health, some parents are too permissive, allowing them to eat

5、 too much, with as many as five or six meals a day. The increasing popularity of fast-food and sweets make matters even worse. It is not just of a question of what young people eat, but also a matter of lifestyles. TV and the Internet have produced sedentary lifestyle. Children who watch TV passivel

6、y or who use computers for hours every day simply do not get enough physical exercises. Besides, a growing number of preteenagers have come to rely on public transport or lifts from their parents, rather than walking or using bicycles. Lack of activity gradually contributes to overweight. Obesity ma

7、y have knock-on effects, especially in the form of such diseases as diabetes and heart problems in childrens later lives. Solutions to the problem may vary according to root causes. Those whose obesity is gene-related should consult doctors. For others, a better lifestyle, more exercise and a proper

8、 diet consisting of more vegetables and fruit and fewer fatty foods may assist. 2 【正确答案】 The responses of people around the world will paint a varied picture, as a result of difference in their living conditions, their sex, as well as different cultural and religious experiences. Ask a beggar what h

9、is happiness is, and he may reply “A square meal“. However, those who have to attend banquets every day for business may seek more for their happiness. It is very hard to give a definition of happiness that holds true for everyone. Although the definition varies from people to people, the routes to

10、happiness are similar for most of us. Whoever you are, follow the strategies below and you may find happiness within a week. Take care of your health. A good physical condition is the best thing God can give us. Poor health will spoil everything. To achieve good health, you should get enough sleep,

11、take time for fun, exercise, and relax and be free from work stress from time to time. You should count your blessings and find the good in each situation. Focus on the good things in your life and start a gratitude journal if possible. To do this, make a point each day of writing down five things f

12、or which youre grateful. Youll be amazed at how happy you are. Give something nice for someone else. Reaching out to other people increases our sense of self-worth, and also brightens someone elses day. Moreover, such actions will be rewarded with others respect and friendliness. You make someone ha

13、ppy, and at the same time, are made happy. You need to find balance. All too often we involve ourselves disproportionately with the same type of activities throughout a week. Variety will help us find a more balanced outlook on life. If you work alone all day, spend your evening hours on a group act

14、ivity. If meetings occupy your day, explore your creative side in an activity of solitude such as enjoying light music. The more interests you have, the more colourful your life becomes, and the more balanced it is. If you are now feeling unhappy and seeking help to get out of it, why not try these steps to make your world a better and happier place? Youll win emotionally and professionally.


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