1、2008年南京大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、填空题 1 Author_Title_ The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars. As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night. 2 Author_Title_ Not one of all the purple host Who to
2、ok the flag today? Can tell the definition, So clearly, of victory. 3 Author_Title_ Thus speaking, Fortunato possessed himself of my arm; and putting on a mask of black silk and drawing a roquelaire closely about my person, I suffered him to hurry me to my palazzo. There were no attendants at home;
3、they had absconded to make merry in honour of the time. 4 Author_Title_ His mothers hand touched his shoulder. “Does hit hurt?“ she said. “Naw,“ he said. “Hit dont hurt. Lemme be.“ 5 Author_Title_ Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade.
4、 And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten. And drank coffee, and talked for an hour. 6 Author_Title_ For no very intelligible reason, Mr. Lucas had hurried ahead of his party. He was perhaps reaching the age at which independence becomes valuable, because it is so soon to be lost. 7 Author_Title_
5、 Viciously, with full intention, he hurled his spear at Ralph. The point tore the skin and flesh over Ralphs ribs, then sheared off and fell in the water. Ralph stumbled, feeling no pain but panic, and the tribe, screaming now like the Chief, began to advance. 8 Author_Title_ Every layer they strip
6、Seems camped on before. The bog holes might be Atlantic seepage The wet center is bottomless. 9 Author_Title_ The report of his undeniable delirium at sea was likewise popularly ascribed to a kindred cause. And so too, all the added moodiness which always afterwards, to the very day of sailing in th
7、e Pequod on the present voyage, sat brooding on his brow. 10 Author_Title_ I used to wonder About here and there I think the distance Is nowhere. 11 Author _ Title_ It didnt start out that way. The minute I walked in and the Big Bozo introduced us, I got sick to my stomach. It was one thing to be ta
8、ken out of your own bed early in the morning it was something else to be stuck in a strange place with a girl from a whole other race. 12 Author_Title_ Virtues are, in the popular estimate, rather the exception than the rule. There is the man and his virtues. Men do what is called a good action, as
9、some piece of courage or charity, much as they would pay a fine in expiation of daily non-appearance on paradise. 13 Author_Title_ Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. 14 Author_Title_ So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 15 Author_Title_ J
10、ane tugged at her multiple earrings, coils of gold wire and little glass beads. I had a go at the tension, she said. I cant get it to go back. Jane was forthright and attacking with many things Veronica had her generations classic inadequacy about: machines group living, authority. 16 Author_Title_
11、Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with hold dread, For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise. 17 Author_Title_ Of vapors, from whose solid atmosphere Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst: oh hear! 18 Author_Title_ Business had taken Herbert on a journey to
12、Marseilles. I was alone, and had a dull sense of being alone. Dispirited and anxious, long hoping that tomorrow or next week would clear my way, and long disappointed, I sadly missed the cheerful face and ready response of my friend. 19 Author_Title_ The white man sat up. Arsat rose and stood, an in
13、distinct and silent figure above the dying embers of the fire. Over the lagoon a mist drifting and low had crept, erasing slowly the glittering images of the stars. 20 Author_Title_ ABBIE: Hes dead. CABOT: stares at her bewilderedly What. ABBIE: I killed him. 二、问答题 21 What does the word “irony“ mean
14、 in literary writing? 22 Could you briefly explain a pair of terms “round characters“ and “flat characters“ as E. M. Forester presents in his book Aspects of the Novell 23 Who is the protagonist in the story A Woman on a Roof by Doris Lessing? 24 Discuss the symbolic meaning of the hawk in Hawk Roos
15、ting by Ted Hughes. 25 What does the title Our Nickys Heart by Graham Swift suggest? 26 Discuss the implication of the letter “A“ in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 27 Analyze the character of Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. 28 Comment on the artistic features of the
16、poem In a Station of the Metro by Ezra Pound. 三、论述题 29 “The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of the majority is recurring theme of many novels plays, and essays.“ From a novel or play of recognized literary merit, select a fictional character who is in opposition to h
17、is or her society, and analyze the conflict. 30 Make comments on the following passage. Use at least one major literary work to support your argument. “Modernism reacted to a top-heavy Victorian rationalism by turning to the exotic, the primitivist, the archaic and unconscious. Truth was to be felt
18、in the guts and genitals, not in the head. Animal spontaneity was the latest cerebral experiment. For all its self-conscious modernity, it was a period rife with myth and sour with blood and soil. We would be blown backwards into the future by gazing on the archaic images of the past, a past which r
19、esembled Utopia in its absolute non-existence.“ Terry Eagleton 2008年南京大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析 一、填空题 1 【正确答案】 William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet 【试题解析】 注意到文中的五步抑扬格。 2 【正确答案】 Emily Dickenson, Success is Counted Sweetest 【试题解析】 狄金森诗歌的形式比较单一,诗行常以三音步和四音步抑扬格及其变体构成。从这一点可以对诗歌的作者进行判定。 3 【正确答案】 Edgar Allan P
20、oe, The Casket of Amontillado 【试题解析】 一桶白葡萄酒 (The Casket of Amontillado)是爱伦 坡悬疑小说的代表作。小说以第一人称为视角描述了主人公蒙特里梭 (Montresor)对福吐纳托(Fortunato)的报复。在狂欢节的傍晚,蒙特里梭将醉酒的福吐纳托引入一座公馆(palazzo),借鉴赏一桶白葡萄酒为名,将其杀害在公馆地窖的最深处。本题解题的关键在于 Montresor和 palazzo。 4 【正确答案】 William Faulkner,Barn Burning 【试题解析】 烧马棚 (Barn Burning)是福克纳的短篇
21、小说,讲述了美国内战后南方白人农民阿伯纳一家的生活经历。注意文中的黑人英语。 5 【正确答案】 T S Eliot, The Waste Land 【试题解析】 Starnbergersee与 Hofgarten是判断作者和文章的关键。 6 【正确答案】 E M Forster,The Road from Colonus 【试题解析】 科林斯之路是福斯特的短篇小说,讲述了 Lucas在旅途中对无奈的 社会现实的顿悟。文中出现的人名 Lucas是解题的关键。 7 【正确答案】 William Golding, Lord of Flies 【试题解析】 威廉 戈尔丁 (William Goldin
22、g), 19111994,英国 20世纪最富影响的小说家之一,其代表作则为蝇王 (Lord of Flies),他也因此获得了诺贝尔文学奖。小说蝇王的故事很简单,未来的一场战争毁掉了人类的和平,有一群孩子乘着飞机路过海上时发生了坠机事件并困在了一个荒岛上。最初孩子们齐心协力,共同应付随之而来的种种困难,但由 于对 “野兽 ”的恐惧使孩子们渐渐分裂成两派 代表理智与文明的一派与代表野性与原始的一派,并于最终爆发了两派的矛盾,主人公为代表理性的拉尔夫 (Ralph)和代表野性的杰克 (Jack)。 蝇王的典故来源于圣经,原词为 Baalzebub,代表人性最深层的黑暗和无法避免的劣根性。这里人名是
23、解题的关键。 8 【正确答案】 Seamus Heaney,Bogland 【试题解析】 谢默斯 希尼 (Seamus Heaney), 1939-,爱尔兰诗人。主要诗集有自然主义者之死 (Dean of a Naturalist)(1966)、 引向黑暗之门 (Door into the Dark)(1969)、外出度冬 (Wintering Out)(1972)、 北方 (North) (1975)、 农活 (FieldWork)(1979)和斯特森岛 (Station Island)(1984)等, 1995年获诺贝尔文学奖。本文选自沼泽地。 9 【正确答案】 Herman Melvil
24、le, Moby Dick 【试题解析】 注意文中出现的 Pequod。在本部小说中,麦尔维尔使用了大量的隐 喻和象征,考生可以对这些隐喻和象征的使用进行一定的分析。 10 【正确答案】 Langston Hughes, Border Line 【试题解析】 兰斯顿 休斯 (Langston Hughes), 19021967,美国作家,在诗歌、散文和戏剧方面有卓越成就,代表作有消沉的蓝色 (Weary Blues)、 白人的方式 (The Ways ofWhite Folks) 11 【正确答案】 Tony Morrison, Recitatif. 【试题解析】 叙述 (Recitatif)
25、,托尼 莫里森出版的唯一一本短篇小说,讲述了黑人女孩 Twyla和白人女孩 Roberta之间所引发的友谊与冲突。本文以 Twyla的口吻叙述了整个故事情节。 Big Bozo是两个孩子的保姆 Mrs Itkin的绰号,也是解题的关键所在。 12 【正确答案】 Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance 13 【正确答案】 Robert Frost, Fire and Ice 【试题解析】 本题文章节选自冰与火。弗罗斯特的叙事诗一般都格调低沉,体现了诗人思想和性格中阴郁 的一面。弗罗斯特的世界观是比较复杂的,他把世界看成是一个善与恶的混合体。因此,他的诗一方面描写了大
26、自然的美和自然对人类的恩惠,另一方面也写了其破坏力以及给人类带来的不幸和灾难。弗罗斯特诗歌风格上的一个最大特点是朴素无华,含义隽永,寓深刻的思考和哲理于平淡无奇的内容和简洁朴实的诗句之中。这既是弗罗斯特的艺术追求,也是他事业成功的秘密所在。考生可以借助于这首诗,分析诗人的这种思想以及后结构主义的思想。 14 【正确答案】 F Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby 【试题 解析】 这里选自小说了不起的盖茨比的最后一段。这一本小说往往被看做是美国梦的终结,考生应需要重点把握这本小说的主题。 15 【正确答案】 Antonia Susan Byatt, Rose-co
27、loured Teacups, 【试题解析】 本文选自玫瑰色茶杯 (Rose-coloured Teacups)。小说叙述方法独特,女主人公维罗妮卡的思绪在现在与过去、现实与想象之间来回跳跃,打破了传统的时空界线。女儿简将家里一台老缝纫机弄坏了,维罗妮卡感到十分心疼,因为缝纫机是已故母亲的结婚礼物,简却 不懂得爱护。维罗妮卡正要朝女儿发火,耳边突然想起当年自己打碎粉红色茶杯后母亲责骂的声音: “你怎么能 ” 维罗妮卡的愤怒转变为沉思,回想起年轻时自己与母亲的矛盾,进而重新审视她与简的关系。文中的主人公维罗妮卡 (Veronica)和简 (Jane)是解题的关键。 作家介绍 A S拜厄特 (An
28、tonia Susan Byatt, 1936),英国当代杰出的女作家、批评家。自1964年第一部小说太阳的影子 (Shadow of the Sun)问世以来,她已经出版了游戏 (The Game, 1967)、 花园 里的处女 (The Virgin in the Garden,1978)、 寂寞的生活 (Still Life: A Novel, 1985)、 占有 (Possession: A Romance, 1990)和通天塔 (BabelTower, 1996)等多部长篇小说和糖与其他故事 (Sugar and Other Stories, 1987)等 4部中、短篇小说集。 占有
29、是她最成功的小说,获 1990年布克奖。 16 【正确答案】 Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan 【试题解析】 忽必烈汗是一首非理性的诗,其意义在于逻辑或理性之外的某种韵味。全诗分三节,起首突如其来,随后不断涌进恍惚离奇的幻象。诗中既无故事情节,也没有明确的题旨,而只是传达了一种幻觉或印象。作品虽然以忽必烈汗为题,但并没有刻意描写或赞颂这位中国帝王的伟业,而是将这位传奇人物当作寄情表意的媒介充分发挥诗人的想象力。诗人在叙述过程中不断出现语义断裂和不连贯现象可以使读者更加关注诗歌的形式,充分领略其神奇而优美的韵律。虽然这首诗只是一个片段,但诗人奇特的想象、神秘
30、的感觉、富于音乐性的文字却赋予他经 久不衰的魅力,达到了诗人刻意追求的令人 “情愿暂时信以为真 ”(willingsuspension of disbelief for the moment)的忘我境界。诗中富于节奏的音乐美,尤为西方文学评论家所称道。 作家介绍 塞缪尔 泰勒 柯勒律治 (Samuel Taylor Coleridge), 1772-1834,英国诗人和评论家。主要代表作为忽必烈汗和古舟子咏 (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)。这些诗表现了诗人奇特的想象力如何驰骋在遥远的海洋和中古的月下城堡之间, 立意新颖,感情激荡,想象奇特,语言瑰丽,音律优美
31、,代表了浪漫主义的神秘,奇幻的一面,在技巧上则发掘了诗的音乐美。他还写有一些伤感、阴郁的抒情短诗,表现了诗人不幸的生活遭遇和抑郁的心情。他写有大量的文学、哲学、神学论著,论述精辟,见解独到,在英国文学史上占有重要地位。 17 【正确答案】 P B Shelly, Ode to the West Wind 【试题解析】 西风颂是 19世纪英国伟大的抒情诗人雪莱的代表作之一,在诗中诗人把西风当作革命力量的象征,它横扫败叶、席卷残云、震荡大海,是无所不及 、无处不在的 “不羁的精灵 ”。同时西风对新生事物起了保护和促进作用,是 “破坏者兼保护者 ”。诗人愿意做一把预言的号角,告知人们:如果冬天已经来
32、了,呵,西风,春天还会遥远吗 ?这有名的诗句一百多年来鼓舞了无数革命者。 西风颂全诗气势豪放,想象奇丽,意境雄浑,思想深沉,感情强烈,在艺术上达到辉煌的境界。 18 【正确答案】 Charles Dickens, Great Expectations 【试题解析】 注意文中出现的人名 Herbert。 19 【正确答案】 Joseph Conrad, The Lagoon 【试题解析】 礁湖 (The Lagoon),康拉德的短篇小说,讲述了一个悲情与背叛的故事。主人公 Arsat为了爱情,背叛了自己的哥哥,然而最后他的情人Diamelen却病死,这使得主人公一无所有。他自己也希冀着死亡来获得
33、解脱。 20 【正确答案】 Eugene O Neill, Desire under the Elms 【试题解析】 榆树下的欲望是尤金 奥尼尔的代表作之一,也是一部广受关注的戏剧,有些评论家认为它是 “美国第一部伟大的悲剧 ”。戏剧主要讲述了农场主卡伯特 (Cabbot)为了农场所有权同儿子伊本 (Eben)和妻子艾比 (Abbie)之间发生的三角纠纷。戏剧真正的冲突在于男女主人公的内心冲突,冲突的两极是财产和爱情。剧本从艾比和伊本的相互吸引写起,后为了财产又相互敌视,直至最终同赴刑场,一波三折、细致入微地展示了人物的心路历程。 二、问答题 21 【正确答案】 Irony is a situ
34、ation, literary technique or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity, discordance or unintended connection that goes beyond the most evident meaning. It is the expression of ones meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite. There are three types of irony. 1) Verbal iro
35、ny is a disparity of expression and intention: when a speaker says one thing but means another, or when a literal meaning is contrary to its intended effect. 2) Dramatic irony is a disparity of expression and awareness: when words and actions possess a significance that the listener or audience unde
36、rstands, but the speaker or character does not. 3) Situational irony is the disparity of intention and result: when the result of an action is contrary to the desired or expected effect. 【试题解析】 本题要求对 “反讽 ”这个文学术语做出解释。由于 “反讽 ”的外延比较广泛,因此在解释完其基本含义的基础上应再加以限定,介绍其种类并给予说明。 22 【正确答案】 According to E. M. Forst
37、er, there are two types of characters in the novel round characters and flat characters. A flat character is a minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as “two-dimensional characters“ or “static characters,“ fla
38、t characters play a supporting role to the main character, who as a rule should be round. They are necessary in the novel. A round character is a major character in a work of fiction who encounters conflict and is changed by it. Round characters tend to be more fully developed and described than fla
39、t, or static, characters. A writer employs a number of tools or elements to develop a round character, making him or her round, including descriptions and dialogue, so they probably seem as real to you as people you know in real life. 【试题解析】 本题考查 E M Forster在小说面面观 (1927)中所提出的两个术语:圆形人物 (round charact
40、ers)和扁形人 物 (flat characters),给出定义即可。 23 【正确答案】 In A Woman on a Roof, Tom is the protagonist who Doris highlights in the flow of the plot. Wrestling with his sexual desire, Tom is mostly interior and secretive in his reactions. Upon noticing the sunbather, he grins excitedly, creating detailed fantas
41、ies about her affection. He wants to show detachment from others but defends her strongly from the vicious criticism of his companions. Unfortunately, Tom views himself as an outsider, peering into the womans intimate space but he feels too insecure to go close and talk to her in real life, just as
42、she has no idea about what is going on in his head. 【试题解析】 本题要求考生对多丽丝 莱辛短篇小说屋顶丽人 (1963)的主人公进行分析。文中共有四个人物,三名工人 (Tom, Stanley and Harry)和一名妇女。由于小说采取了第三人称的全知视角,并着重描述了 Tom的内心活动和语言行动,并以他作为文中的叙述重点,所以我们应该认定 Tom是文中的主人公。 多丽丝 莱辛,当代英国最重要的作家之一,被誉为继伍尔芙之后最伟大的女性作家,曾于 2007年获诺贝尔文学奖。其风格独特多变,思想深邃,观点犀利,见解新颖。代表作品为野草在歌唱
43、(The Grass is Singing, 1950)、 暴力的儿女(Children of Violence, 1952-1969)等。 24 【正确答案】 In the poem, the hawk is used as a simple analogy to humans in power. The hawk itself is powerful and in command of the earth below him. He is overjoyed by his power, and asserts his power by “the allotment of death“, w
44、hich shows a combined flawless creation and ruthless brutality. The hawk is at the top of the hierarchical chain that defines nature and how it runs, and seems unmoved by the fact that he does not need to defend his place on this chain: “No arguments assert my right: The sun is behind me.“ Furthermo
45、re, this word sun gives an image of light and righteousness shining upon the hawk, creating a shadow of justice covering all creatures below it. It may also relate back to the idea of nature and how its rules and laws, no matter how ridiculous they may be, still support his position. So he is a symb
46、ol of humanity, a dictator; he also stands for the effects power can have on a living being, and demonstrating how it can change ones perspective on life, causing him to become almost delusional because of this. 【试题解析】 本题要求考生对特德 休斯的诗歌栖息之鹰中秃鹰的象征意义做出解释。诗歌以鹰的口吻描述了其所具有的生理优势和内心独白。作为万物的主宰,秃鹰支配着消亡,因此代指了社会之
47、中的暴力以及权力对人的影响。 特德 休斯, 1930-1998,英国诗人。他 与菲利普 拉金一起,被公认为二次世界大战后英国最重要的两位诗人。休斯的诗多以暴力作为主题,认为是暴力在统治着自然界和人类社会。尤其是他擅长于从内部与外部两个世界来进行描写,从而展示了一些形而上学的观点,有很强的象征性和寓言色彩,体现了对人性和自然的深度思考。他的诗在真实与梦魇间保持着平衡,在人与非人间维系着张力。代表诗集有: 雨中的鹰 (The Hawk in the Rain, 1957)、乌鸦 (Crow, 1970)、 穴鸟 (Cave Birds, 1975)、 季节之歌 (Season Songs, 197
48、6)和沼泽之城 (Moortown, 1979) 25 【正确答案】 The Title Our Nickys Heart first serves as the thread of the story. Nicky, the youngest boy in the Randall family, dies after an accident. The doctors suggest using his heart for the organ donation. After the donation, Nickys mother feels hard to find peace in hers
49、elf and insists Mark, the second youngest son to figure out the fate of Nickys heart. Later, Mark learns that the heart goes to a 46-year-old woman, but he lies to his mother that it is transplanted into a young girls body. The title also suggests that Nickys death satisfies his mothers long-cherished dream of having a