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1、考研英语模拟试卷 262及答案与解析 一、 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points) 1 When lab rats sleep, their brains revisit the maze they navigated during the day, according to a new study (1)_ yesterday, offering

2、 some of the strongest evidence (2)_ that animals do indeed dream. Experiments with sleeping rats found that cells in the animals brains fire in a distinctive pattern (3)_ the pattern that occurs when they are (4)_ and trying to learn their way around a maze. Based on the results, the researchers co

3、ncluded the rats were dreaming about the maze, (5)_ reviewing what they had learned while awake to (6)_ the memories. Researchers have long known that animals go (7)_ the same types of sleep phases that people do, including rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, which is when people dream. But (8)_ the occ

4、asional twitching, growling or barking that any dog owner has (9)_ in his or her sleeping pet, theres been (10)_ direct evidence that animals (11)_. If animals dream, it suggests they might have more (12)_ mental functions than had been (13)_. “We have as humans felt that this (14)_ of memory our ab

5、ility to recall sequences of experiences was something that was (15)_ human“, Wilson said. “The fact that we see this in rodents (16)_ suggest they can evaluate their experience in a significant way. Animals may be (17)_ about more than we had previously considered“. The findings also provide new su

6、pport for a leading theory for (18)_ humans sleep to solidify new learning. “People are now really nailing down the fact that the brain during sleep is (19)_ its activity at least for the time immediately before sleep and almost undoubtedly using that review to (20)_ or integrate those memories into

7、 more usable forms“, said an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. ( A) related ( B) retained ( C) released ( D) relieved ( A) as yet ( B) still ( C) however ( D) by then ( A) intersecting ( B) paralleling ( C) resembling ( D) differing ( A) sleeping ( B) dreaming ( C) awake (

8、 D) aware ( A) in circles ( B) in accord ( C) in case ( D) in essence ( A) erase ( B) consolidate ( C) discipline ( D) improve ( A) for ( B) by ( C) through ( D) in ( A) instead of ( B) as well as ( C) apart from ( D) except for ( A) guaranteed ( B) encountered ( C) confirmed ( D) witnessed ( A) lit

9、tle ( B) some ( C) much ( D) enough ( A) cry ( B) memorize ( C) dream ( D) sleep ( A) complex ( B) confused ( C) vigorous ( D) instantaneous ( A) validated ( B) recognized ( C) calculated ( D) evaluated ( A) remainder ( B) acquisition ( C) property ( D) accuracy ( A) mainly ( B) uniquely ( C) approx

10、imately ( D) respectively ( A) did ( B) does ( C) would ( D) will ( A) displaying ( B) thinking ( C) performing ( D) behaving ( A) why ( B) when ( C) how ( D) where ( A) reviewing ( B) analyzing ( C) decoding ( D) stressing ( A) consolidate ( B) transform ( C) reorganize ( D) renovate Part A Directi

11、ons: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points) 21 Mark Twain once observed that giving up smoking is easy. He knew, because hed done it hundreds of times himself. Giving up for ever is a trifle more difficult, apparently, and it is well

12、 known that it is much more difficult for some people than for others. Why is this so? Few doctors believe any longer that it is simply a question of will power. And for those people that continue to view addicts as merely “weak“, recent genetic research may force a rethink. A study conducted by Jac

13、queline Vink, of the Free University of Amsterdam, used a database called the Netherlands Twin Register to analyze the smoking habits of twins. Her results suggest that an individuals degree of nicotine dependence, and even the number of cigarettes he smokes per day, are strongly genetically influen

14、ced. The Netherlands Twin Register is a voluntary database that is prized by geneticists because they allow the comparison of identical twins (who share all their genes) with fraternal twins (who share half). In this case, however, Dr. Vink did not make use of that fact. For her, the database was me

15、rely a convenient repository of information. Instead of comparing identical and fraternal twins, she concentrated on the adult fraternal twins, most of whom had completed questionnaires about their habits, including smoking, and 536 of whom had given DNA samples to the register. The human genome is

16、huge. It consists of billions of DNA “letters“, some of which can be strung together to make sense (the genes), but many of which have either no function, or an unknown function. To follow what is going on, geneticists rely on markers they have identified within the genome. These are places where th

17、e genetic letters may vary between individuals. If a particular variant is routinely associated with a particular physical feature or a behavior pattern, it suggests that a particular version of a nearby gene is influencing that feature or behavior. Dr. Vink hopes that finding genes responsible for

18、nicotine dependence will make it possible to identify the causes of such dependence. That will help to classify smokers better (some are social smokers while others are physically addicted) and thus enable “quitting“ programmes to be customized. Results such as Dr. Vinks must be interpreted with car

19、e. Association studies, as such projects are known, have a disturbing habit of disappearing, as it were, in a puff of smoke when someone tries to replicate them. But if Dr. Vink really has exposed a genetic link with addiction, then Mark Twains problem may eventually become a thing of the past. 21 T

20、he author cites the example of Mark Twain to show that ( A) quitting smoking is no easy job. ( B) kicking the habit of smoking demands a strong will. ( C) some people are frustrated by failing to give up smoking. ( D) some people may be destined to fail quitting smoking. 22 What can be inferred from

21、 the third paragraph? ( A) The fraternal twins are much more valued by researchers. ( B) Two kinds of twins are often been compared in research. ( C) Identical twins are more likely to be addicted to smoking. ( D) Fraternal twins are more genetically similar than identical twins. 23 The word “custom

22、ized“(Paragraph 5) can best be substituted by ( A) diversified. ( B) tailored. ( C) simplified. ( D) justified. 24 Dr. Vinks results must be interpreted with care because ( A) it may have negative effects on related studies. ( B) it is unreliable so far. ( C) it may provide an excuse for nicotine ad

23、dicts. ( D) it could undermine the anti-smoking movement. 25 The passage is mainly about ( A) an innovative way of quitting smoke. ( B) a possible link between genetics and smoking. ( C) an impressive study on fraternal twins. ( D) a famous persons experience quitting smoking. 26 When enthusiasts ta

24、lk of sustainable development, the eyes of most people glaze over. There is a whiff of sack-cloth and ashes about their arguments, which usually depend on people giving up the comforts of a modern economy to achieve some debatable greater good. Yet there is a serious point at issue. Modern industry

25、pollutes, and it also seems to cause significant changes to the climate. What is needed is an industry that delivers the benefits without the costs. And the glimmerings of just such an industry can now be discerned. That industry is based on biotechnology. At the moment, biotechs main uses are in me

26、dicine and agriculture. But its biggest long-term impact may be industrial. Here, it will diminish demand for oil by taking the cheapest raw materials imaginable, carbon dioxide and water, and using them to make fuel and plastics. Plastics and fuels made in this way would have several advantages. Th

27、ey could accurately be called “renewables“, since nothing is depleted to make them. They would be part of the natural carbon cycle, borrowing that element from the atmosphere for a few months, and returning it when they were burned or dumped. That means they could not possibly contribute to global w

28、arming. And they would be environmentally friendly in other ways. Bioplastics are biodegradable, since bacteria understand their chemistry and can therefore digest them. Biofuels, while not quite “zero emission“ from the exhaust pipe (though a lot cleaner than petrol and diesel), would be cleaner ov

29、erall even than the fuel-cell technology now being touted as an alternative to the internal-combustion engine. That is because making the hydrogen that fuel cells use is not an environmentally friendly process, and never will be unless it, too, uses biotechnology. All this will, in the end, depend o

30、n costs. But these do not look unfavorable. Already, the price of bioplastics overlaps the top end of the petroleum-based plastics market. Bulk production should bring prices down, particularly when the raw materials are free. Meanwhile, ethanol would be a lot easier to introduce than fuel cells. Ex

31、isting engines will run on it with minor tweaking, so there is no need to change the way cars are made. And since, unlike hydrogen, it is a liquid, the fuel-distribution infrastructure would not need radical change. The future could be green in ways that traditional environmentalists had not expecte

32、d. Whether they will embrace that possibility, or stick to sack-cloth, remains to be seen. 26 According to the author, applying biotechnology to industry ( A) has brought about sustainable development. ( B) proves to be nothing but an imagination. ( C) will deprive most people of modern comforts. (

33、D) contributes to the environmentally sound development. 27 The word “depleted“(Line 2, Paragraph 3) can be substituted by ( A) exhausted. ( B) discarded. ( C) abandoned. ( D) wasted. 28 One advantage of the biofuels is that ( A) they will not pollute the environment. ( B) they are degradable by bac

34、teria. ( C) they are cheaper than hydrogen fuels. ( D) they are suitable for internal-combustion engine. 29 According to paragraph 4, _. ( A) the prospect of biotechnology industry depends on its marketing cost. ( B) fuel cells are easier to be utilized in auto industry than biofuels. ( C) biofuels

35、will replace the fuel cells in the near future. ( D) the price of bioplastics shows a downward trend. 30 The best title for the passage might be_. ( A) A World Clean Yet in Comfort. ( B) Conserving Before Its Too Late. ( C) There Is Only One Earth. ( D) The Fuel-Hungry Planet. 31 Quite apart from an

36、y awkwardness in the way he handled the hostile bid by rival Oracle for the firm he was running, Craig Conway seems to have been an unpopular CEO of PeopleSoft, a large enterprise-software company. Three managers who reported directly to him were apparently close to resigning in frustration, and the

37、 board was unhappy about “misstatements“ he made to analysts. So even though there was no “smoking gun“, as the board put it, Mr. Conway was fired on October 1st and replaced by the firms founder, David Duffield. Mr. Duffields brief is now to address Mr. Conways perceived shortcomings and his obsess

38、ion with fending off the $7.7 billion takeover bid from Oracle. At the same time, says Paul Hamerman of Forrester, a research firm, Mr. Conway offered no compelling technological vision for PeopleSoft, and seemed deaf to “quite a noise level of customer complaints“. Mr. Conways firing prompted much

39、speculation that PeopleSoft might now be more prepared to negotiate with Oracle rather than fight it. But PeopleSoft insists that both Mr. Duffield and the board focus on a long-term strategy for the company, not a quick sale. On the same day that Mr. Conway was fired, however, Oracle scored another

40、 victory when Americas Justice Department said that it would not appeal against a judges decision to allow the takeover on antitrust grounds. So, this week, the battle moved to another courtroom, in Delaware, where both companies are registered. In this suit, Oracle is claiming that PeopleSoft is no

41、t properly looking after the interests of its shareholders by using a “poison pill“ and a “customer assurance programme“ to keep Oracle at bay. The poison pill is a very common provision, and one that PeopleSoft has had for almost a decade. It floods the market with new shares if a predator buys mor

42、e than 20% of PeopleSofts equity, thus making an acquisition very difficult. The customer-rebate programme, by contrast, was put in place last June. It guarantees that any PeopleSoft client can get a refund for between two and five times its software-licence fee if support for that software is ever

43、cut off. To Oracle, this represents another dirty tactic, since it amounts to a potential liability of more than $2 billion. To PeopleSoft, however, it was not only fair but necessary to retain customers, since Oracle said at the time of its bid that it planned to kill PeopleSofts products and switc

44、h clients to its own. The two companies lawyers are likely to be at it for another few weeks, which could yet, see a higher bid from Oracle. 31 According to the passage, Craig Conway _. ( A) tactfully handled Oracles hostile bid. ( B) induced the resign of his three managers. ( C) ignored customers

45、grievances. ( D) is technologically illiterate. 32 The phrase “smoking gun“ in the first paragraph probably means ( A) conclusive evidence. ( B) unconvincing excuse. ( C) fundamental conflict. ( D) irresistible cause. 33 PeopleSoft claims that the Oracles takeover of PeopleSoft ( A) is hard to resis

46、t. ( B) is not given first priority. ( C) depends on its validity. ( D) is irrational. 34 Oracles current difficulty to take over PeopleSoft is that ( A) this kind of trade is now illegal. ( B) PeopleSoft has adopted anti-takeover strategy. ( C) PeopleSoft demands a high price. ( D) Mr. Conway rejec

47、ts the takeover. 35 The best title for this passage might be ( A) Acquisition of PeopleSoft. ( B) Can the New Boss Save PeopleSoft? ( C) New Boss, New strategy. ( D) Who Is the Winner, PeopleSoft or Oracle? 36 A friend of mine had a grandfather who supervised the payroll at a large company long ago.

48、 People who knew him say this man was a paragon of virtue when it came to making sure the employees were treated fair and square on every payday. But he also believed that once wages were disbursed, workers should take full responsibility for their financial security. In his view, honest labor and t

49、hrifty habits were basic elements of the free-enterprise system. Nobody should expect any money unless they earned it. He opposed company pension plans, and was thoroughly dismayed by the fiscal structure and benefits of Social Security. I wonder how many people hold the same views now. The debate about changing Social Security is part of a larger question: What obligation, if any, do Americans feel toward fellow citizens who need help? Note, I didnt say “less f


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