ASTM D1129-2013 Standard Terminology Relating to Water《水相关标准术语》.pdf

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1、Designation: D1129 10D1129 13Standard Terminology Relating toWater1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1129; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indica

2、tes the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.absolute filter rating, nparticle size above which 100 % of particles that are trapped on or within the filter medium. D6161absorbance, nlogarithm to the base 10 of the recipr

3、ocal of the transmittance (T). A = log10 (1/ T) = log10 T. D4691absorption, nrelease for desorption holding of a substance within a solid by cohesive or capillary forces. D6161absorptivity, nabsorbance (A) divided by the product of the sample path length (b) and the concentration (c). a = A/bc. D469

4、1accelerated erosion, nerosion at a rate greater than geologic or natural erosion. D4410DISCUSSIONAccelerated erosion is usually associated with anthropogenic activities and usually reduces plant cover and increases runoff.acceptable holding time, nany period of time less than or equal to the maximu

5、m holding time. D4841acceptable verification ratio (AVR)ratio of the difference between measured value of the verification sample and the knownvalue added to the verification sample to the square root of the sum of the squares of their associated combined standarduncertainties. See Eq. 8 in 16.2.13.

6、 D7282accretion, nprocess of sediment accumulation. D4410accumulator, npulsation dampener installed on the suction and/or discharge lines of pumps, generally plunger type, to minimizepressure surges and provide uniformity of flow. D6161accuracy, na measure of the degree of conformity of a value gene

7、rated by a specific procedure to the assumed or accepted truevalue, and includes both precision and bias.accuracy, ncloseness of agreement between an observed value and an accepted reference value. Where an accepted referencevalue is not available, accuracy is a description of a measure of the degre

8、e of conformity of a value generated by a specificprocedure to the assumed or accepted true value, including both precision and bias. D6161accuracy, nmeasure of the degree of conformity of a single test result generated by a specific procedure to the assumed oraccepted true value, and includes both

9、precision and bias. D2777accuracy, nproportion of the observed count to the true density of a sample. D5392accuracy, nrefers to how close a measurement is to the true or actual value. (See Terminology D1129.) D5906acid error, nin very acid solutions, the activity of water is reduced (less than unity

10、) causing a non-Nernstian response in glasselectrodes. A positive error in the pH reading results. D4127acidity, nthe quantitative capacity of aqueous media to react with hydroxyl ions.acidity, nquantitative capacity of aqueous media to react with hydroxyl ions. D6161acidity, free mineral, nthe quan

11、titative capacity of aqueous media to react with hydroxyl ions to pH 4.3.acidity, theoretical free mineral, nthe free mineral acidity that would result from the conversion of the anions of strong acidsin solution to their respective free acids.1 This terminology is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Comm

12、ittee D19 on Water and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.02 on Quality Systems, Specification,and Statistics.Current edition approved March 1, 2010March 1, 2013. Published March 2010April 2013. Originally approved in 1950. Last previous edition approved in 20062010 asD1129 06aD1129 10

13、. 1. DOI: 10.1520/D1129-10.10.1520/D1129-13.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately,

14、ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1acou

15、stic path, nstraight line between the centers of two acoustic transducers. D5389acoustic path length, nface-to-face distance between transducers on an acoustic path. D5389acoustic transducer, ndevice that is used to generate acoustic signals when driven by an electric voltage, and conversely, adevic

16、e that is used to generate an electric voltage when excited by an acoustic signal. D5389acoustic travel time, ntime required for an acoustic signal to propagate along an acoustic path, either upstream or downstream.D5389action level, nconcentration of the analyte of concern at which some further act

17、ion is required or suggested. D6850activated carbon, ngranulated or powdered activated carbon used to remove tastes, odor, chlorine, chloramines, and someorganics from water.Afamily of carbonaceous substances manufactured by processes that develop adsorptive properties. D6161activity, nthermodynamic

18、ally effective concentration of a free ion in solution. In dilute solutions, ionic activity and concentrationare practically identical, but in solutions of high ionic strength, or in the presence of complexing agents, activity may differsignificantly from concentration. Ionic activity, not concentra

19、tion, determines both the rate and the extent of chemical reactions.D4127activity coefficient, nfactor, , that relates activity, A, to the concentration, C of a species in solution:A 5CThe activity coefficient is dependent on the ionic strength of the solution. Ions of similar size and charge have s

20、imilar activ-ity coefficients. D4127activity standard, nstandardizing solution whose value is reported in terms of ionic activity. If the electrode is calibrated usingactivity standards, the activity of the free, unbound ion in the sample is determined. D4127adenosine triphosphatesee ATP. D6161adsor

21、ption, nholding of a substance onto the surface of a solid by chemical surface forces, without forming new chemical bonds.D6161aerobic bacteria, nbacteria that require oxygen for growth. See bacteria, aerobes. D6161aerosol, nany solid or liquid particles, with a nominal size range from 10 nm to 100

22、m, suspended in a gas (usually air). D5544agglomeration or flocculation, ncoalescence of dispersed suspended matter into large flocs or particles that settle rapidly.D4410aggradation, ngeologic process by which stream beds, flood plains, and the bottoms of other water bodies are raised in elevationb

23、y the deposition of material eroded and transported by water from other areas. D4410aggregate, ngranular material such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone. D6161air header, npipe running within a cassette that distributes the air to the individual modules or aerators. D6161airscour, vdistributing air

24、over the entire area at the bottom of a filter media flowing upward or immersed membrane to improvethe effectiveness of filtration or backwashing or to permit the use of lower backwash water flow rate, or both. D6161air stripping, vremoval of volatile substances from a water solution by passing a ga

25、s through the solution. D6161algae, nmajor group of lower plants, generally aquatic, photosynthetic of extremely varied morphology and physiology,monocellular plants with chlorophyll often masked by a brown or red pigment. D6161alkaline error, nin alkaline solutions, where hydrogen ion activity beco

26、mes very small, some glass electrodes respond to othercations, such as sodium. A negative error in the pH reading results. By changing the composition of the glass, the affinity of theglass for sodium ion can be reduced. Such electrodes are known as lithium glass, high-pH, or full-range electrodes.

27、D4127alkalinity, nthe quantitative capacity of aqueous media to react with hydrogen ions.alkalinity, nquantitative capacity of aqueous media to react with hydrogen ions. “M” alkalinity is that which will react with acidas the pH of the sample is reduced to the methylorange endpoint of about 4.5. “P”

28、 alkalinity is that which reacts with acid asthe pH of the sample is reduced to the phenolphthalein end point of 8.3. “M” is the total alkalinity which is the sum of hydroxide,carbonate, and bicarbonate contents, “P” includes all the hydroxyl and half the carbonate content. D6161D1129 132alkyl benze

29、ne sulfonate (ABS)2generic name applied to the neutralized product resulting from the sulfonation of abranched-chain alkylated benzene. See also Terminology D459. D2330alluvial channelsee alluvial stream. D4410alluvial depositsediment deposited by the action of moving water. D4410alluvial fanssedime

30、nt deposited in the shape of a segment of a cone formed because of a sudden flattening of a stream gradientespecially at debouchures of tributaries on main stream flood plains. D4410alluvial stream, nstream whose boundary is composed of appreciable quantities of the sediments transported by the flow

31、 andwhich generally changes its bed forms as the rate of flow changes. D4410alleviation, nprocess of accumulating sediment deposits at places where the flow is retarded. D4410alluvium, ngeneral term for all fluvial deposits resulting directly or indirectly from the sediment transport of (modern) str

32、eams,thus including the sediments laid down in riverbeds, flood plains, lakes, fans, and estuaries. D4410alpha (), nvelocity-head coefficient that adjusts the velocity head computed on basis of the mean velocity to the true velocityhead. D5129alpha (), nvelocity-head coefficient that adjusts the vel

33、ocity head computed on basis of the mean velocity to the true velocityhead. It is assumed equal to 1.0 if the cross section is not subdivided. D5243alpha (), nvelocity-head coefficient that represents the ratio of the true velocity head to the velocity head computed on the basisof the mean velocity.

34、 It is assumed equal to 1.0 if the cross section is not subdivided. For subdivided sections, a is computedas follows: D51305(Ski3Ai2DKT3AT2where:K and A = the conveyance and area of the subsection indicated by the subscript i andKT and AT = the conveyance and area of the entire cross section.alpha (

35、), ndimensionless velocity-head coefficient that represents the ratio of the true velocity head to the velocity headcomputed on the basis of the mean velocity. It is assumed equal to unity if the cross section is not subdivided. For subdividedsections, a is computed as follows: D53885(Ski3ai2DKT3AT2

36、where:k and a = the conveyance and area of the subsection indicated by the subscript i andKT and AT = the conveyance and area of the total cross section indicated by the subscript T.alpha particle (), nparticle consisting of two protons and two neutrons emitted from the nucleus of an atom during rad

37、ioactivedecay. D7316alpha particle detection efficiency, nin the measurement of radioactivity, that fraction of alpha particles emitted by a sourcewhich are identified as alpha particles by the counter. D7283alpha-to-beta spillover, nin the measurement of radioactivity, that fraction of alpha partic

38、les emitted by a source which aremisclassified as beta particles. D7283alum, naluminum sulfate, AL2(SO4)3XH2O (X = 14-18), a coagulant. D6161ambient temperature, ntemperature of the surroundings, generally assumed to be 2025C. D6161American Water Works Associationsee AWWA. D6161American Water Works

39、Association Research Foundationsee AWWARF. D61612 For a more complete discussion of terms relating to synthetic detergents and their significance, refer to “Syndets and Waste Disposal” by McKinney, R. E., Sewage andIndustrial Wastes, Vol 29, Part 6, June 1957, pp. 654-666.D1129 133amorphous, adjnonc

40、rystalline, devoid of regular cohesive structure. D6161amperometric systems, nthose instrumental probes that involve the generation of an electrical current from which the finalmeasurement is derived. D888amphoteric, advcapable of acting as an acid or a base. D6161anaerobic bacteria, nbacteria that

41、do not use oxygen. Oxygen is toxic to them. See bacteria, anaerobes. D6161analate addition, nvariation of the known addition measurement technique in which the sample (analate) is added to a reagentcontaining the ion being measured. The electrode is placed in the reagent, and the sample concentratio

42、n is calculated from thechange in electrode potential after the addition of the sample. D4127analate subtraction, nvariation of the known subtraction measurement technique in which the sample (analate) is added to areagent containing an ion that reacts with the species being determined. The electrod

43、e is placed in the reagent, the change inelectrode potential is observed when the sample is added, and the sample concentration calculated. D4127analyte, na possible sample component whose presence and concentration is of interest.analyte, nchemical or constituent being determined. D5463analytical c

44、olumn, nchromatography column that contains the stationary phase for separation by ion exchange. The column ispacked with anion exchange resin that separates the analytes of interest based on their retention characteristics before detection.D6994analytical column, ncolumn used to separate the anions

45、 of interest. D5996analytical column, nion exchange column used to separate the ions of interest according to their retention characteristics priorto detection. D6581analytical column set, ncombination of one or more guard columns, followed by one or more analytical columns used toseparate the ions

46、of interest. All of the columns in series then contribute to the overall capacity and resolution of the analyticalcolumn set. D6581analytical column set, ncombination of one or more guard columns followed by one or more analytical columns. D5996analytical columns, ncombination of one or more guard c

47、olumns followed by one or more separator columns used to separatethe ions of interest. It should be remembered that all of the columns in series contribute to the overall capacity of the analyticalcolumn set. D4327analytical columns, ncombination of one or more guard columns followed by one or more

48、separator columns used to separatethe ions of interest. It should be remembered that all of the columns in series contribute to the overall capacity of the analyticalcolumn set. D5542analyze, vto determine the relationship of parts or the value of a particular parameter. D5851analyzersee monitoring

49、system. D3864angstrom (A), nunit of length equaling 10-10 metres, 10-4 umetres, 10-8 centimetres, and 3.937 10-9 in. The symbol is , A,or A.U. D6161animal/vegetable-derived oils, nmixture made of mono-, di-, and triglyceride esters of fatty acids and other substances ofanimal or vegetable origin, or both. D3326anion, nnegatively charged ion. D6161anion exchange chromatography, ntype of liquid chromatography in which anionic analytes are separated by differentialretention on an anio


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