BS IEC 60050-807-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Digital recording of audio and video signals《国际电工词汇 音频和视频信号的数字记录》.pdf

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BS IEC 60050-807-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Digital recording of audio and video signals《国际电工词汇 音频和视频信号的数字记录》.pdf_第1页
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BS IEC 60050-807-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Digital recording of audio and video signals《国际电工词汇 音频和视频信号的数字记录》.pdf_第2页
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BS IEC 60050-807-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Digital recording of audio and video signals《国际电工词汇 音频和视频信号的数字记录》.pdf_第3页
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BS IEC 60050-807-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Digital recording of audio and video signals《国际电工词汇 音频和视频信号的数字记录》.pdf_第4页
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BS IEC 60050-807-1998 International electrotechnical vocabulary - Digital recording of audio and video signals《国际电工词汇 音频和视频信号的数字记录》.pdf_第5页
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1、 STD.BS1 BS IEC b0050-807-ENGL 3998 W 1624669 0713651 017 D BRITISH STANDARD ICs 01.040.33 33.160.01 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BS IEC 60050-807:1998 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 807: Digital recording of audio and video signals BS IEC

2、60060-807:1998 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Electrotechnical Sector Board, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 16 July 1998 Q BSI 1998 ISBN O 680 30037 4 National foreword This British Standard reproduces verbati

3、m IEC 6OO50-807: 199804 and implements it as the UK national standard. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee EPU100, Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment, to Subcommittee EPL/100/2, Recording, which has the responsibility to: - aid enquirers to und

4、erstand the text; - present to the responsible internationaUEuropean committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; - monitor related intedonal and European developments and promulgate them in the UK A list of organizations represented on

5、this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. From 1 January 1997, ali IEC publications have the number 60000 added to the old number. For instance, IEC 27-1 has been renumbered as IEC 60027-1. For a period of time during the change over from one numbering system to the other, publi

6、cations may contain identifiers from both systems. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entiled “International Standards Correspondence Index“, or by us

7、ing the “Find“ facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunit

8、y from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the IEC title page, pages II to V, a blank page, pages 1 to 53 and a back cover. Amendments issued since publication AmdNo. IDate I Text afected NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STAN DAR D CE1

9、IEC 60050-807 Premire dition First edition 1998-04 Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International - Partie 807: Enregistrement numrique des signaux audio et vido * * vi International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 807: Digital recording of audio and video signals Numro de rfrence Reference number CE

10、I/IEC 60050-807: 1998 STD-ES ES IEC 60050-807-ENGL 1998 Lb24669 0713654 826 BS IEC 60050-807:1998 -II- SOMMAIRE Page AVANT-PROPOS . N Sections 807-01 Enregistrement numrique - Signaux et codage 1 807-02 Pistes et caractristiques des supports . 9 807-03 Enregistrement numrique sur disque . 18 807-04

11、Enregistrement numrique sur bande 24 INDEX . 27 STD-BSI BS IEC 60050-807-ENGL LqA 1624669 0711655 762 -III- BS IEC 60050-807:1998 CONTENTS Page FOREWORD . V Sections 807-01 Digital recording - Signais and coding . 1 807-02 Tracks and recording medi.a parameters 9 807-03 Digital disk recording 18 807


13、E1 (Commission Electrotechnique Internationale) est une organisation mondiale de normalisation compose de lensemble des comits lectrotechniques nationaux (Comits nationaux de la CEI). La CE1 a pour objet de favoriser la coopration internationale pour toutes les questions de normalisation dans les do

14、maines de llectricit et de llectronique. A cet effet, la CEI, entre autres activits, publie des Normes internationales. Leur laboration est confie des comits dtudes, aux travaux desquels tout Comit national intress par le sujet trait peut participer. Les organisations internationales. gouvernemental

15、es et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec la CEI, participent galement aux travaux. La CE1 collabore troitement avec lorganisation Internationale de Normalisation (ISO), selon des conditions fixes par accord entre les deux organisations. Les dcisions ou accords officiels de la CE1 concernant les q

16、uestions techniques reprsentent, dans la mesure du possible un accord international sur les sujets tudis, tant donn que les Comits nationaux intresss sont reprsents dans chaque comit dtudes. Les documents produits se prsentent sous la forme de recommandations internationales. ils sont publis comme n

17、ormes, rapports techniques ou guides et agrs comme tels par les Comits nationaux. Dans le but dencourager lunification internationale, les Comits nationaux de la CE1 sengagent appliquer de faon transparente, dans toute la mesure possible, les Normes internationales de la CE1 dans leurs normes nation

18、ales et rgionales. Toute divergence entre la norme de la CE1 et la norme nationale ou rgionale correspondante doit tre indiquk en termes clairs dans cette dernire. La CE1 na fix aucune procdure concernant le marquage comme indication dapprobation et sa responsabilit nest pas engage quand un matriel

19、est dclar conforme lune de ses normes. Lattention est attire sur le fait que certains des lments de la prsente Norme internationale peuvent faire lobjet de droits de proprit intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. La CE1 ne saurait tre tenue pour responsable de ne pas avoir identifi de tels droits de

20、 proprit et de ne pas avoir signal leur existence. La prsente Norme internationale a t tablie par le Groupe de Travail 1 du Comit de plus, les termes sont indiqus en arabe (ar), allemand (de), espagnol (es), italien (it), japonais (ja), polonais (pi) et portugais (pt). STDwBSI BS IEC bOG0-807-ENGL L


22、ectrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote international co- operation on all questions concerning standardization in the eiectricai and electronic field

23、s. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International. governmental and non-governm

24、ental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations. 2) The formal decisions or agreements of the

25、 IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from ail interested National Committees. 3) The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are

26、 published in the form of standards, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense. 4) In order to promote international unification, iEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Intemational Standards transparently to the maximum extent possible in the

27、ir national and regional standards. Any divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly indicated in the latter. 5) The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any equipment declared to

28、 be in conformity with one of its standards. 6) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or ali such patent rights. This Intemational Standard has been

29、 prepared by Working Group 1 of of EC Technical Committee 100: Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment, under the responsibility of Technical Committee 1: Terminology. The text of this standard is based on the following documents: Full information on the voting for the approval of this sta

30、ndard can be found in the reports on voting indicated in the above table. In this IEV part, relating to digital recording of audio and video signals, the terms and definitions are written in two languages: French and English; in addition the terms are given in Arabic (ar), German (de), Spanish (es),


32、7-01-01 807-01-02 807-01-03 Systeme audiovisuel denregistrement numrique systme denregistrement ou de lecture des signaux audio ou vido o le signal est enregistr sous forme numrique digitai recording system digital audidvideo recordingreproducing system a system for the recording and/or reproduction

33、 of audio and/or video signais, in which the signais are recorded in digital form ar uj,iwiL - rt ?U;j - vj, 3+y; -. ?u, de es it ja pl system rejestracji cyfrowej audiowinialnej pt digitaies Aufzeichnungssystem; digitales Aufzeichnungs- und Wiedergabesystem fr Ton und Bild sistema digital de grabac

34、in; sistema dital de grabacidreproduccin de audidvdeo sistema di registrazione digitale audio e video T“ 39 )b/A=?/ A? . sistema udidvdeo de gravadleitura digital rsolution (en traitement numrique) mesure de la prcision avec laquelle un systme numrique peut diffrencier deux chantillons dun signai No

35、te. - La rsolution sexprime en gnral par le nombre de bits ncessaires pour crire en binaire le nombre maximal de niveaux de signai diffrents que le systme peut distinguer. resolution (in digital processing) a measure of the accuracy with which a digital system can distinguish between the magnitudes

36、of two samples of a signai Note. - Resolution is usually expressed as the number of bits necessary to express in binary form the maximum number of possible different signai levels which can be recognized by the system. ar (9JWI)W de Aufisung (in der Digitaltechnik) es resolucin (en tratamiento digit

37、ai) it risoldone (ne1 trattamento digitale) pl roadzielczo% (w procesach cyfrowych) pt resoluo (em processamento digital) ja !*lybi91 de Synchronisierwort; Synchronisationsrnuster es it parola di sincronhuione ja RBJ pi slow0 synchronizacji pt paiavra de sincronizao paiabra de simronizafln; patrn de

38、 Sincronizacin voie transparente voie de transmission de donnes pour laquelle le signal de sortie est identique au signai dentre transparent channel a data channel whose output is identical to its input ar uli;col;s de transparenterKanal es canaitransparente it aude traisparente ja aai.tSlL pl kami

39、transparentny; kand pnep.ocYsty pt canal transparente surchantillonnage chantillonnage dun signal une frquence largement sup3eure au double de la frsuence maximale du signal utile Note. - On peut utiliser le surchantillonnage pour augmenter la prcision ou pour simplifier le filtrage. oversampling sa

40、mpling a signal at a frequency considerably higher than twice the maximum frequency of the required signal Note. - Oversampiing may be used to increase accuracy, or to simplify filtering. ar J$l CZJI j,L+ de i2berabtastung es sob- it sovracmppiamento ja #/I EFM (Abkrzung) es modulacin ocho a catorce

41、; EFM (abreviatura) it maddadone ottdquattoriu; EFM (abbreviazione) ja 8-14:EFM%) pl modulacja dem na czternaScie; EFM (skr6t) pt cdigo oito em catone; EFM (abreviatura) ar + J! ( EFM) _)toiil 807-01-13 contrle de redondance cyclique CRC (abrviation) mthode de dtection derreurs utilisant des donnes

42、redondantes et un traitement algbrique cyclic redundancy check CRC (abbreviation) method of error detection using additional data and algebraic processing ar 4 ( CRC ) de zyklische Redundanzprfung; CRC (Abkurnuig) es contrai de redunancia ciciica; CRC (abreviatura) it codice di ndondanza aclico; CRC

43、 (abbreviazione) ja iYEi”ngtk8: CRC C#FizI pl kontroa cykliczm nadmiarowa; CSR (skrt) pt controlo de redundancia ciico; CRC (abreviatura) 807-01-14 entreincement rpartition des mots de donnes en COUIS denregistrement visant loigner systmatiquement des mots initialement adjacents. de faon remplacer d

44、es paquets derreurs par des erreurs Quirparties plus faciles comger interleaving shuffling the systematic distribution of data words being recorded so that originally consecutive words are separated, thus changing burst errors into evenly distributed errors which are more easily corrected de fer;rch

45、achtelung es intercalado it uiteriacciamento ja tzl tasowanie pt entdaamento ar Lyl %by CIRC (Abkrzung) es cdigo Reed-solomon inercaiado; CIRC (abreviatura) it codice hterlacciato Reed-Solomon; CIRC (abbreviazione) ja 3?8i$84GACIRC (4IP pl kod knyiowoprzeplatany Reeda-Solomona; CIRC (skrt) pt cdigo

46、Reed-Solomon entreiaado; CIRC (abreviatura) 807-01-16 masqmge derreurs remplacement dchantillons errons dun signal numrique par dautres reconstitus partir dchantillons corrects, afii de rduire au minimum leffet des erreurs error concealment replacement of samples of a digitai signai that have incurr

47、ed mrs by other samples which have been retrieved from error-free samples, to minimize the effects of the errors ar ClLYlClii! de Fehlerverdeckung es emmmamientodeerrores it mawheramento degii errori ja R9% pl maskowanie Mdu; ukrywanie biu pt cancelamento de erros 807-01-17 taux derreurs aprs utilis

48、ations rptes taux derreurs sur un support numrique relev aprs plusieurs enregistrements et lectures successifs dans des conditions spcifies multipass error rate error rate of a recording medium after a number of passes through a corresponding record/playback system under specified conditions ar UudI

49、JJjJhh- de Fehierhufigkeit bei mehrfachem Durchlauf es tasa de error muiticiclo it ja ?IL?FA#$ pl czqsto auBerer code es it ja pi kod korekcyjny zewnrmy pt ( Ud + ) e+ $;( jkl ECC ) JGY digo externo de correccin de error; cdigo extern coice correttore di errore esterno (%i!,iOE; fim=- F : fimE C C cdigo (corrector de erro

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