CAN CSA-ISO IEC 10026-1-2000 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 1 OSI TP Model.pdf

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1、National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA-ISO/IIEC 10026-1 -00 (ISO/IEC 10026-1:1998) CSA INTERNATIONAL International Standard ISO/IEC 10024-1:1998 (second edition, 1998-10-15) has been adopted without modification as CSA Standard CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 10026-1-00, which has been approved as a National Standard

2、of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada. ISBN 1-55324-1 10-X March 2000 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 1: OS1 TP Model Technologies de Iinfurmation - tnterconnexion de systemes ooverts (OSI) - Traitement transactionnel this rema

3、ins the continuing responsibility of the accredited standards-development organization. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use National Standards of Canada whenever practicable. These standards are subject to periodic review; therefore, users are cautioned to obtain the lates

4、t edition from the organization preparing the standard. The responsibility for approving National Standards of Canada rests with the Standards Council of Canada 45 OConnor Street, Suite 1200 Ottawa, Ontario, K1 P 6N7 Canada A National Standard of Canada is a standard which Although the intended prim

5、ary application of this Standard is stated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 1: OS/ TP Model CA

6、N/CSA-ISO/lEC 70026- 1-00 CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 10026-1 -00 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 1: OSI TP Model CSA Preface Standards development within the Information Technology sector is harmonized with international standards development. T

7、hrough the CSA Technical Committee on Information Technology (TCIT), Canadians serve as the Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC) on iSO/IC Joint Technical Committee 1 on Information Technology (ISO/IEC JTCI) for the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), the IS0 member body for Canada and sponsor of the Ca

8、nadian National Committee of the IEC. Also, as a member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Canada participates in the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (ITU-T). This International Standard was reviewed by the CSA TClT under the jurisdiction of the Strategi

9、c Steering Committee on Infurmation Technology and deemed acceptable for use in Canada. (A committee membership list is available on request from the CSA Project Manager.) From time to time, ISO/IEC may publish addenda, corrigenda, etc. The CSA TClT will review these documents for approval and publi

10、cation. For a listing, refer to the CSA Information Products catalogue or CSA lnfo Update or contact a CSA Sales representative. This Standard has been formally approved, without modification, by these Committees and has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Cana

11、da. March 2 0 0 0 0 CSA international - 2000 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior permission of the publisher. ISO/IEC material is reprinted with permission. Inquiries regarding this National Standard of Canada should be uddresse

12、d to CSA International, 1 78 Rexdale Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, M9W 7 R3. March 2000 CSA/I INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 10026-1 Second edition 1 998- 1 0- 15 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 1: OS1 TP Model Technologies de Iinforma

13、tion - lnterconnexion de systemes ouverts (OSI) - Traitement transactionnel reparti - Partie 1: Modele OS1 TP Reference number ISOAEC 10026-1 :1998(E) ISOAEC 10026-1 :I 998(E) Con tents . Page Foreword iv Introduction v 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references . 1 3 Definitions . 2 3.1 Terms defined in othe

14、r International Standards 2 3.2 Terms defined in ISOAEC 10026 3 4 Abbreviations 8 5 Conventions 8 6 Requirements 8 6.2 User requirements : 9 6.1 Introduction 8 6.3 Modelling requirements . 9 6.4 OS1 TP Service and Protocol requirements 10 7 Concepts of distributed TP . 10 7.1 Transaction 10 7.2 Dist

15、ributed transaction . 10 7.3 Transaction data and coordination level 10 7.4 Tree relationships 11 7.5 Dialogue 11 7.6 Dialogue tree . 12 7.7 Transaction branch 12 7.8 Transaction tree 13 7.9 Channel . 13 7.1 0 Handshake 13 7.1 1 Hinterland 13 8 Model of the OS1 TP Service 14 8.1 Nature of the OS1 TP

16、 Service 14 8.2 Rules on dialogue trees . 15 8.3 Rules on transaction trees . 16 8.4 Naming 18 8.5 Data transfer 19 8.6 Coordination of resources . 19 8.7 Recovery . 24 8.8 Concurrency control and deadlock 31 8.9 Security 31 8 ISOAEC 1998 Ail rights reserved . Unless otherwise specified. no part of

17、this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical. including photocopying and microfilm. without permission in writing from the publisher . ISOAEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneve 20 Switzerland 0 ISOAEC ISOAEC 10026-1 :1998(E) Annexe

18、s A Relationship of the OS1 TP Model to the Application Layer Structure . Erreur! B Tutorial on concurrency and deadlock control in OS1 TP Erreur! C Tutorial on the presumed rollback two-phase commit protocol . Erreur! D Combinations of Commitment Optimisations Erreur! E Summary of changes to the se

19、cond edition Erreur! Tables Table 1 - Permitted combinations of transaction data and coordination levels 11 Table 2 - Update of log-damage record . 24 Table 3 - Types of failures . 25 Table 4 - Restoration of node state after atomic action data unavailability 30 Figures Figure I - Transaction hinter

20、land of node A viewed from node B 14 Figure 2 - Transaction branches, dialogues, and application-associations . 18 Figure 3 - Phases of recovery 29 iii ISOAEC 10026-1:1998(E) 0 ISO/IEC Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnicat Commi

21、ssion) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IfC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0

22、 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO

23、AEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO/IEC 10026-1 was prepared by Jo

24、int Technical Committee ISOAEC JTC 1, lnformatiun technology, Subcommittee SC 21, Open systems interconnection, data management and open distributed processing. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 10026-1 :I 992), which has been technically revised. It also incorporat

25、es Technical Corrigendum 1 :1996. This part of ISOAEC 10026 is technically aligned with ITU-T Recommendation X.860, but is not published as identical text. ISO/IEC 10026 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Trans

26、action Processing: - Part 1: OS1 TP Madel - Part 2: OS1 TP Service - Part 3: Protocol specification - Part 4: Protocol Implernenfation Conformance Statement (PES) proforma - Part 5: Application context proforma and guidelines when using OSI TP - Part 6: Unstructured Data Transfer Annex A forms an in

27、tegral part of this part of ISO/IEC 10026. Annexes B to E are for information only. IV ISOAEC 10026-t :I 998(E) In trod uct ion ISO/IEC 10026 is one of a set of standards produced to facilitate the interconnection of computer systems. It is related to other International Standards in the set as defi

28、ned by the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection (ISO/IEC 7498-1). The Reference Model subdivides the area of standardization for interconnection into a series of layers of specification, each of manageable size. The aim of Open Systems Interconnection is to allow, with a minimum of techn

29、ical agreement outside the interconnection standards, the interconnection of computer systems from different manufacturers; under different management; of different levels of complexity; and, of different technologies. ISOAEC 10026 defines an OS1 TP Model, an OS1 TP Service and specifies an OS1 TP P

30、rotocol available within the Application Layer of the OS1 Reference Model. The OS1 TP Service is an Application Layer service. It is concerned with information which can be related as distributed transactions, which involve two or more open systems. ISO/IEC 10026 provides sufficient facilities to su

31、pport transaction processing, and establishes a framework for coordination across multiple OS1 TP resources in separate open systems. ISOAEC 10026 does not specify the interface to local resources or access facilities that are provided within the local system. However, future enhancement of the stan

32、dard may deal with these issues. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 0 ISOAEC ISOAEC 10026-1 :1998(E) Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 1: OS1 TP Model 1 Scope This part of ISOAEC 10026: a) provides a general introduction to the concepts and mechani

33、sms defined in ISOAEC 10026; b) defines a model of distributed transaction processing; c) defines the requirements to be met by the OS1 TP Service; and d) takes into consideration the need to coexist with other Application Service Elements, e.g. RDA (Remote Database Access), ROSE (Remote Operations

34、Service Element), and non-ROSE based applications. This part of ISO/IEC 10026 makes sufficient provisions to allow the specification of transaction-mode communications services and protocols that meet the properties of: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (the ACID properties), as defi

35、ned in ISOAEC 9804. This part of ISO/IEC 10026 does not specify individual implementations or products, nor does it constrain the implementation of entities or interfaces within a computer system. 2 Norm at ive references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this te

36、xt, constitute provisions of this part of ISO/IEC 10026. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISOf EC 10026 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editi

37、ons of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISOAEC 7498-1 :1994, Information technology - Open Systems interconnection - Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model. IS0 7498-2: 1 989, Information processing systems - Open Sy

38、stems interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Part 2: Security Architecture. ISOA EC 7498-3: 1 997, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model: Naming and addressing. ISOA EC 8326: 1 996, Information technology - Open Syskems Interconnection I Session service def

39、inition. ISOAEC 8649:1996, Information technology - Open Systems inferconnection - Service definition for the Association Control Service Element. ISO/I EC 8822: 1 994, information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Presentation service definition. 1 ISOAEC 10026-1 :1998(E) ISO/IEC ISO/I EC

40、 9545: 1 989, Information technology - Open Sysiems Interconnection - Application Layer structure. NOTE - this edition of ISOAEC 10026 uses the terminology and modelling mechanisms of the first (1989) edition of the Application Layer Structure (ISO/IEC 95451 989)- ISOAEC 9579-1 :I 993, Information t

41、echnology - Open Systems Interconnection - Remote Database Access - Part 1: Generic Model, Service, and Protocol. ISO/IEC 9594-2: 1995, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory.- Models. ISOAEC 9804: 1997, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Service d

42、efinition for the commitment, concurrency and recovety service element. ISO/l EC 1 0026-2:1998, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing - PaH 2: OS1 TP Service, ISO/I EC 1 0026-3:1998, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distribu

43、ted Transaction Processing - Part 3: Protocol specification. ISO/I EC 1 0026-4: 1 995, lnformation technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Distributed Transaction Processing: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma. ISO/IEC 10731 :I 994, Information technology - open System

44、s Interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Conventions for the definition of OS1 services. ISO/IEC 1371 2-1 :1995, Information technology - Remote Operations: Concepts, model and notation. 3 Definitions For the purposes of ISO/IEC 10026, the following definitions apply. 3.1 Terms defined in other I

45、nternational Standards 3.1.1 ISO/IEC 10026 makes use of the following terms defined in ISO/IEC 7498-1: a) application-entity; b) application-process; c) application-protocol-data-unit; d) concatenation; e) open system; f) presentation-service; g) presentation-service-access-point; h) presentation-se

46、rvice-data-unit; i) real open system; and j) separation. 3.1.2 ISO/IEC 10026 makes use of the following terms defined in IS0 7498-2: a) access control; b) audit; c) authentication; d) confidentiality; e integrity; and f) non-repudiation. a) application-process-invocation-identifier b) appiication-pr

47、ocess-title; c) application-entity-invocation-identifier; 3.1.3 ISO/IEC 10026 makes use of the following terms defined in ISOAEC 7498-3: 2 0 ISOAEC ISOAEC 10026-1 :I 998() d) application-entity-qualifier; and e) application-entity-title. 3.1.4 ISOIIEC 10026 makes use of the following term defined in

48、 ISO/IEC 8326: quality-of-service 3.1.5 ISO/IEC 10026 makes use of the following terms defined in ISO/IEC 10731 : a) request; b) indication; c) response; d) confirm; e) service primitive; primitive; f) service-provider; and g) service-user. 3.1.6 ISOAEC 10026 makes use of the following terms defined

49、 in ISO/IEC 9545: a) application-association; association; b) c) application-context-name; d) application-entity-invocation; e) application-process-invocation; f) ap pl icat io n-se rvice-eleme nt; g) association control service element; h) multiple association control function; i) j) single association object. a p p Ii cat io n-co n text; single association control function; and 3.1.7 ISO/IEC 10026 makes use of the following terms defined in ISO/IEC 9594-2: a) Directory Information Tree; b) Directory entry; entry; c) distinguished name; d) object class; and e) relative distinguished


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