CAN CSA-ISO IEC 14143-6-2014 Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 6 Guide for use of ISO IEC 14143 series and related International St.pdf

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CAN CSA-ISO IEC 14143-6-2014 Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 6 Guide for use of ISO IEC 14143 series and related International St.pdf_第1页
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1、 ISO/IEC 2012. C S A Gr oup 2014. All rig hts r eserv ed. Unauthorize d r epr oduction is strictl y pr ohibit ed.CAN/C S A -I SO/IE C 14143-6:14(ISO/IEC 14143-6:2012, ID T)National Standar d of CanadaCAN/C S A -ISO/IE C 14143-6:14 Information t echnology S oftw ar e measur ement F unctional size mea

2、sur ement P art 6: Guide for use of ISO/IE C 14143 series and r elat ed Int ernational Standar ds( ISO/IEC 14143-6:2012, ID T )Leg al Notic e for Standar dsCanadian St andar ds Associa tio n (oper a ting as “CS A Gr oup”) de v elop s s t andar ds thr oug h a c onsensus s t andar ds de v elopmen t pr

3、 ocess appr o v ed b y the St andar ds Council of Canada. This pr oc ess brings t og e ther v olun t eer s r epr esen tin g v aried vie wpoin ts and in t er es ts t o achie v e c onsensus and de v elop a s t andar d. Although CS A Gr oup adminis t er s the pr oc ess and es t ablishes rules t o pr om

4、 ot e f airness in achie ving c onsensus, it does not independen tly t es t, e v alua t e, or v erif y the c on t e n t of s t andar ds.Disclaimer and e x clusion of liabilityThis documen t is pr o vided without an y r epr esen t a t ions, w arr an ties, or c onditions of an y kind, e xpr ess or imp

5、lied, including , without limit a tion, implied w arr an ties or c onditions c oncerning this documen t s fitness f or a particular purpose or use, its mer chan t abili ty , or its non-in fring e men t of an y thir d party s in t e llectual pr oper ty righ ts. CS A Gr oup does not w arr an t the acc

6、ur acy , c omple t eness, or curr enc y of an y of the in f orma tion published in this documen t. CS A Gr oup mak es no r epr esen t a tions or w arr an t ies r eg ar ding this documen t s c ompliance with an y applic able s t a tut e, rule, or r egula tion.IN NO EVENT SHALL CS A GR OUP , IT S V OL



9、 OR POSSE SSION OR USE OF THIS DOCUME NT , EVEN IF CS A GR OUP HAS BEEN AD VISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH D AMA GE S , INJUR Y , L OSS, C OS T S, OR EXPENSE S.In publishing and making this documen t a v ailable, CS A Gr oup is not undert aking t o r ender pr of essional or other ser vices f or or

10、on behalf of an y per son or en tity or t o perf orm an y duty o w ed b y an y per son or en tity t o another per son or en tity . The in f orma tion in this documen t is dir ect ed t o those who ha v e the appr opria t e degr ee of e xperienc e t o use and apply its c on t en t s, and CS A Gr oup a

11、ccep ts no r esponsibil ity wha tsoe v er arising in an y w a y fr o m an y and all use of or r eliance on the in f orma tion c on t ained in this documen t .CS A Gr oup is a priv a t e not - f or -pr ofit c ompan y tha t publishes v olun t ar y s t andar ds and r ela t ed documen t s. CS A Gr oup h

12、as no po w er , nor does it undert ak e, t o en f or ce c ompliance with the c on t e n ts of the s t an dar ds or other documen ts it publishes.Int ellectual pr operty rig hts and o wnershipAs be tw een CS A Gr oup and the user s of this documen t (whe the r it be in prin t ed or electr on ic f orm

13、), CS A Gr oup is the o wner , or the authoriz ed licensee, of all w ork s c on t ained her ein tha t ar e pr ot ect ed b y c op yrigh t, all tr ade-mar k s (e x cep t as other wise not ed t o the c on tr ar y), and all in v en tions and tr ade secr e ts tha t ma y be c on t ained in this documen t,

14、 whe ther or not such in v en tions and tr ade secr e ts ar e pr ot ect ed b y pa t en ts and applic a tions f or pa t e n ts. Without limit a tion, the unauthoriz ed use, modific a tion, c op ying , or disclosu r e of this documen t ma y viola t e la w s tha t pr ot ect CS A Gr oup s and/ or other

15、s in t ellectual pr ope rty and ma y giv e rise t o a righ t in CS A Gr oup and/ or other s t o seek leg al r edr ess f or such use, modific a tion, c op ying , or disclosur e. T o the e x t e n t permit t ed b y licence or b y la w , CS A Gr oup r eser v es all in t ellectual pr operty righ ts in t

16、his documen t.P at ent rig htsA t t en tion is dr a wn t o the possibility tha t some of the elemen ts of this s t an dar d ma y be the subject of pa t en t righ ts. CS A Gr oup shall not be held r esponsible f or iden tif y ing an y or all such pa t en t righ ts. User s of this s t andar d ar e e x

17、pr essly advised tha t de t er mina tion of the v alidity of an y such pa t en t righ ts is en tir ely their o wn r esponsibil ity .A uthorized use of this documentThis documen t is being pr o vid ed b y CS A Gr oup f or in f orma tion al and non-c ommer c ial use only . The user of this documen t i

18、s authoriz ed t o do only the f ollo wing :If this documen t is in electr onic f orm: load this documen t on t o a c omput er f or the sole purpose of r e vie wing it; sear ch and br o w se this documen t ; and prin t this documen t if it is in PDF f orma t.Limit ed c opies of this documen t in prin

19、 t or paper f orm ma y be dis tri but ed only t o per sons who ar e authoriz ed b y CS A Gr oup t o ha v e such c opies, and only if this Leg al Notice appear s on each such c op y .In addition, user s ma y not and ma y not permit other s t o alt e r this documen t in an y w a y or r emo v e this Le

20、g al Notice fr o m the a t t a ched s t andar d; sell this documen t without authoriz a tion fr o m CS A Gr oup; or mak e an electr onic c op y of this documen t .If y ou do not agr ee with an y of the t e rms and c onditions c on t ained in this Leg al Notice, y ou ma y not load or use this documen

21、 t or mak e an y c opies of the c on t en t s her eof , and if y ou do mak e such c opies, y ou ar e r equir ed t o des tr o y them immedia t ely . Use of this documen t c ons titut es y our accep t ance of the t er ms and c onditions of this Leg al Notice.S t andar ds Updat e Ser vic eCAN/CS A -ISO

22、/IE C 14143-6:14Mar c h 2014Title: Inf ormation t ec hnolog y Soft w ar e measur ement F unctional siz e measur ement P art 6: Guide f or use of ISO/IE C 14143 serie s and r e lat ed Int ernational S t andar dsT o r egis t e r f or e-mail notific a tion about an y upda t es t o this public a tion g

23、o t o shop.csa.c a click on CS A Upda t e Ser viceThe Lis t ID tha t y ou will need t o r egis t e r f or upda t es t o this public a tion is 2422913 .If y ou r equir e assis t ance, please e-mail t echsupportcsagr oup.or g or c all 416-747-2233.Visit CS A Gr oup s policy on priv acy a t csagr o up.

24、or g /leg al t o find out ho w w e pr ot ect y our per s onal in f orma tion.Canadian St andar ds Associa ti on (oper a ting as “CS A Gr oup”) , under whose auspices this Na tional St andar d has been pr odu ced, w as chart er ed in 1919 and accr edit ed b y the St andar d s Council of Canada t o th

25、e Na tional St andar ds s y s t em in 1973. It is a not - f or -pr ofit, nons t a tut or y , v olun t ar y member ship associa tion eng ag ed in s t andar ds de v elopmen t and certific a tion activities.CS A Gr oup s t andar ds r e flect a na tional c onsensus of pr odu cer s and user s including m

26、anuf actur er s, c onsumer s, r e t ailer s, unions and pr of essional or g aniz a tio ns, and g o v ernmen t al ag encies. The s t andar ds ar e used widely b y indus tr y and c ommer ce and oft e n adop t ed b y municipal , pr o v incial, and f eder al g o v ernmen ts in their r egula tions , part

27、icularly in the fields of health, sa f e ty , building and c ons truction, and the en vir onmen t.Individuals, c ompanie s, and associa tions acr o ss Canada indic a t e their support f or CS A Gr oup s s t andar ds de v elopmen t b y v olun t eering their time and skills t o Commit t ee w ork and s

28、upporting CS A Gr oup s objectiv es thr ough sus t a ining member ship s. The mor e than 7000 c ommit t ee v olun t e er s and the 2000 sus t aining member ship s t og e ther f orm CS A Gr oup s t ot al member ship fr o m which its Dir ect or s ar e chosen. Sus t a ining member ship s r epr esen t a

29、 major sour ce of inc ome f or CS A Gr oup s s t andar ds de v elopmen t activities.CS A Gr oup of f er s certific a ti on and t es ting ser vices in support of and as an e x t ension t o its s t an dar ds de v elopmen t activities. T o ensur e the in t e grity of its certific a ti on pr oc ess, CS

30、A Gr oup r egularly and c on tinually audits and inspects pr odu cts tha t bear the CS A Gr oup Mark.In addition t o its head of fice and labor a t or y c omple x in T or o n t o , CS A Gr oup has r egional br anch of fices in major cen tr es acr oss Canada and inspection and t es ting ag encies in

31、eigh t c oun tries. Since 1919, CS A Gr oup has de v eloped the necessar y e xpertise t o mee t its c orpor a t e mission: CS A Gr oup is an independen t ser vice or g aniz a tio n whose mission is t o pr o vid e an open and e f f ectiv e f orum f or activities f acilit a ting the e x chang e of g o

32、ods and ser vices thr ough the use of s t andar ds, certific a ti on and r ela t ed ser vices t o mee t na tional and in t erna tional needs.F or further in f orma tion on CS A Gr oup ser vices, writ e t oCS A Gr oup5060 Spectrum W a y , Suit e 100Mississaug a, On t ario , L4W 5N6CanadaThe St andar

33、ds Council of Canada (SCC) is the c oor dina tin g body of the Canadian s t andar diz a ti on ne tw or k, which is c omposed of people and or g aniz a tions in v olv ed in the de v elopmen t, pr om otion and implemen t a tio n of s t andar ds. Thr o ugh the c ollabor a tiv e e f f orts of Canadian s

34、 t an dar diz a tion ne tw ork member s, s t andar diz a ti on is helping t o adv ance the social and ec onomic w ell-being of Canada and t o sa f eguar d the health and sa f e ty of Canadians. The ne tw ork s e f f orts ar e o v er se en b y SCC.The principal objectiv es of SCC ar e t o f os t er a

35、nd pr om ot e v olun t ar y s t an dar diz a tion as a means of adv ancing the na tional ec onom y , supporting sus t a inable de v elopmen t, bene fiting the health, sa f e ty and w elf ar e of w ork er s and the public, assis ting and pr ot ecting the c onsumer , f acilit a ting domes tic and in t

36、 e rna tional tr ade, and furthering in t e rna tional c ooper a tion in r ela tion t o s t andar diz a tion.An import an t f ace t of the Canadian s t an dar ds de v elopmen t s y s t em is the use of the f ollo wing princip les: c onsensus; equal access and e f f ectiv e participa tion b y c oncer

37、ned in t er es ts; r espect f or div er se in t e r es ts and iden tific a t ion of those who should be a f f or ded access t o pr o vid e the needed balance of in t er es ts; mechanism f or disput e r esolution; openness and tr anspar ency; open access b y in t e r es t ed parties t o the pr oc edu

38、r es guiding the s t andar ds de v elopmen t pr oce ss; clarity with r espect t o the pr oc esses; and Canadian in t er es t c onsider a tion as the initial basis f or the de v elopmen t of s t andar ds.A Na tional St andar d of Canada (NSC) is a s t an dar d pr epar ed or r e vie w ed b y an SCC-ac

39、cr e dit ed SDO and appr o v ed b y the SCC acc or ding t o NSC appr o v al r equir emen t s. Appr o v al does not r e f er t o the t ec hnic al c on t en t of the s t andar d, as this r emains the r esponsibility of the SDO . An NSC r e flects a c onsensus of a number of c apable individuals whose

40、c ollectiv e in t er es ts pr o v ide, t o the gr ea t es t pr actic able e x t en t, a balance of r epr esen t a tion of g ener al in t er es ts, pr odu cer s, r egula t or s, user s (including c onsumer s) and other s with r ele v an t in t e r es t s, as ma y be appr opria t e t o the subject a t

41、 hand. NSCs ar e in t ended t o mak e a signific an t and timely c on tributio n t o the Canadian in t er es t.Those who ha v e a need t o apply s t andar ds ar e enc our ag e d t o use NSCs. These s t andar ds ar e subject t o periodic r e vie w . User s of NSCs ar e c autioned t o ob t ain the la

42、t es t edition fr om the SDO tha t publishes the s t andar d.The r esponsibilit y f or appr o v ing s t an dar ds as NSCs r es t s withSt andar ds Council of Canada270 Albert Str ee t, Suit e 200Ot t a w a, On t ario , K1P 6N7CanadaCe t t e Norme Na tionale du Canada n es t disponible qu en anglais.

43、 Le Gr oupe CS A publier a la v er sion en fr an ais ds qu elle ser a pr oduit e par l or g anism e r dact eur .Although the in t en ded primar y applic ation of this St andard is s t at e d in its Sc ope, it is import a n t t o not e that it remains the responsib ility of the users t o judge its su

44、it abili ty f or their particular purpose.TMA trade-ma rk of the Canadian St andards Association, operating as “CS A Group”ICS 35.080ISBN 978-1-77139 -510-6 2014 CS A GroupAll righ ts reser ved. No part of this public ation may be reproduc ed t o an y f orm whatsoe ver without the prior permission o

45、f the publisher .Published in March 2014 b y CS A Group A not -f or -profit privat e sect or organiz ati on 5060 Spectrum W ay , Suit e 100, Mississauga, On t ario , Canada L4W 5N6 T o purchase s t andards and relat ed public ations, visit our Online St ore at shop.csa.c aor c all t oll-free 1-800-4

46、63-672 7 or 416-747-404 4.TMA trade-mar k of the Canadian S tandards Association, operating as “CSA Group”Reviewed byPrepared byInternational Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical CommissionApproved byInformation t ec hnolog y Soft w ar e measur ement F unctional siz e meas

47、ur ement P art 6: Guide for use of ISO/IE C 14143 serie s and r e lat ed Int ernational S t andar ds( ISO/IE C 14143-6:2012, ID T )CAN/CS A -ISO/IE C 14143-6:14National S t andar d of C anadaCAN/CS A -ISO/IE C 14143-6:14Inf ormation t ec hnol og y Soft w ar e measur ement F unction al siz e measur e

48、ment P art 6: Guide f or use of ISO/IE C 14143 serie s and r e lat ed Int ernat ional S t anda r dsMar c h 2014 2014 CS A Gr oupCS A/5CAN/CS A -ISO/IE C 14143-6:14Information t ec hnolog y Soft w ar e measur ement F unctional siz e measur ement P art 6: Guide for use of ISO/IE C 14143 serie s and r

49、e lat ed Int ernational S t andar ds( ISO/IE C 14143-6:2012, ID T )CS A Pr efac eSt andar ds de v elopmen t within the In f orma tion T echnology sect or is harmoniz ed with in t erna tional s t andar ds de v elopmen t. Thr ough the CS A T echnic al Commit t ee on In f orma tion T echnology (T CIT), Canadians ser v e as the Canadian Advisor y Commit t ee (CA C) on ISO/IE C Join t T echnic al Commit t ee 1 on In f orma tion T echnology (ISO/IE C JT C1) f or the St andar ds Council of Canada (SCC), the ISO member body f or Canada a


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