CGSB 4 2 NO 3-M88-CAN CGSB-1988 Methodes Pour Epreuves Textiles Determination De L-Humidite Dans Les Textiles《纺织品试验方法 纺织品湿度的测定》.pdf

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CGSB 4 2 NO 3-M88-CAN CGSB-1988 Methodes Pour Epreuves Textiles Determination De L-Humidite Dans Les Textiles《纺织品试验方法 纺织品湿度的测定》.pdf_第1页
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CGSB 4 2 NO 3-M88-CAN CGSB-1988 Methodes Pour Epreuves Textiles Determination De L-Humidite Dans Les Textiles《纺织品试验方法 纺织品湿度的测定》.pdf_第2页
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CGSB 4 2 NO 3-M88-CAN CGSB-1988 Methodes Pour Epreuves Textiles Determination De L-Humidite Dans Les Textiles《纺织品试验方法 纺织品湿度的测定》.pdf_第3页
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CGSB 4 2 NO 3-M88-CAN CGSB-1988 Methodes Pour Epreuves Textiles Determination De L-Humidite Dans Les Textiles《纺织品试验方法 纺织品湿度的测定》.pdf_第4页
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CGSB 4 2 NO 3-M88-CAN CGSB-1988 Methodes Pour Epreuves Textiles Determination De L-Humidite Dans Les Textiles《纺织品试验方法 纺织品湿度的测定》.pdf_第5页
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1、5, .A. Govern ment Gouvernement 1 of Canada du Canada / Canadian General Office des normes Standards Board gnrales du Canada Textile Test Methods CANICGSB -4.2 No./N0 3-M88 SupersedesRemplace CANCGSB-4.2 Methodhthode 3 July/Juillet 1977 ExtendedProlonge DecemberDcembre 1993 ReaffirmedConfirme ApriVA

2、vril 2002 Mthodes pour preuves textiles Determination of Moisture in Textiles dans les textiles Dtermination de lhumidit National Standard of Canada Norme nationale du Canada Canada Experience and excellence CS- Exprience et excellence OGC Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS u

3、nder license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB), under whose auspices this National Standard of Canada has been developed is a government agency within Public Works and Government Services Canada. CG

4、SB is engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the media of standards committees and the consensus process. The standards committees are composed of representatives of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, retailers, gover

5、nments, educational institutions, technical, professional and trade societies, and research and testing organizations. Any given standard is developed on the consensus of views expressed by such representatives. CGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-deve

6、lopment organization. The standards that it develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this purpose by the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes as national standards, CGSB produces standards to meet particu

7、lar needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Both CGSB standards and CGSB national standards are developed in conformance with the policies described in the CGSB Policy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards. CGSB standards are

8、 subject to review and revision to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, should be brought to the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in ne

9、w editions of standards. An up-to-date listing of CGSB standards, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, is found in the CGSB Catalogue, which is published annually and is available without charge upon request. An electronic version, ECAT, is also available. Mo

10、re information is available about CGSB products and services at our Web site - http:/www .pwgsc.gc.calcgsb. Although the intended primary application of this standard is stated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users of the standard to judge its suitabil

11、ity for their particular purpose. The testing and evaluation of a product against this standard may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous. This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this standard has the resp

12、onsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish appropriate health and safety practices in conjunction with any applicable regulatory requirements prior to its use. CGSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result

13、of tests, wherever performed. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Canadian standard may be the subject of patent rights. CGSB shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determinati

14、on of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their own responsibility. Further information on CGSB and its services and standards may be obtained from: The Manager Strategic Standardization Group Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6 The STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA is

15、the Co-ordinating body of the National Standards System, a federation of independent, autonomous organizations working towards the further development and improvement of voluntary standardization in the national interest. The principal objectives of the Council are to foster and promote voluntary st

16、andardization as a means of advancing the national economy, benefiting the health, safety and welfare of the public, assisting and protecting the consumer, facilitating domestic and international trade, and furthering international co-operation in the field of standards. A National Standard of Canad

17、a is a standard which has been approved by the Standards Council of Canada and one which reflects a reasonable agreement among the views of a number of capable individuais whose collective interests provide, to the greatest practicable extent, a balance of representation of producers, users, consume

18、rs and others with relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject in hand. It normally is a standard that is capable of making a significant and timely contribution to the national interest. Approval of a standard as a National Standard of Canada indicates that a standard conforms to the c

19、riteria and procedures established by the Standards Council of Canada. Approval does not refer to the technical content of the standard; this remains the continuing responsibility of the accredited standards-development organization. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use Nat

20、ional Standards of Canada whenever practicable. These standards are subject to periodic review; therefore, users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the organization preparing the standard. The responsibility for approving National Standards of Canada rests with the: Standards Council of

21、 Canada 270 Albert Street Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario KIP 6N7 9ow to order -3 Publications: by telephone - (819) 956-0425 or - 1-800-665-CGSB (Canada only) by fax - (819) 956-5644 by mail - CGSB Sales Centre Ottawa, Canada K1A lG6 - Place du Portage Phase III, 6B1 11 Laurier Street Hull, Quebec in per

22、son by email - on the Web - http:/www.pwgsc.gc.cakgsb Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-La prsente Norme nationale du Canada a t labore sous les

23、 auspices de lOFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA (ONGC), qui est un organisme relevant de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada. LONGC participe la production de normes facultatives dans une gamme tendue de domaines, par lentremise de ses comits des normes qui se prononcent par conse

24、nsus. Les comits des nonnes sont composs de reprsentants des groupes intresss aux normes ltude, notamment les fabricants, les consommateurs et autres utilisateurs, les dtaillants, les gouvernements, les institutions denseignement, les associations techniques, professionnelles et commerciales ainsi q

25、ue les organismes de recherche et dessai. Chaque norme est labore avec laccord de tous les reprsentants. Le Conseil canadien des normes a confr IONGC le titre dorganisme dlaboration de normes nationales. En consquence, les normes que lOffice labore et soumet titre de Normes nationales du Canada se c

26、onforment aux critres et procdures Ctablis cette fin par le Conseil canadien des normes. Outre ia publication de normes nationales, IONGC rdige gaiement des normes visant des besoins particuliers, ia demande de plusieurs organismes tant du secteur priv que du secteur public. Les normes de IONGC et l

27、es normes nationales de IONGC sont conformes aux politiques nonces dans le Manuel des politiques pour llaboration et la mise jour des normes de IONGC. cet aspect demeure la responsabilit de lorganisme dlaboration de normes accrdit. I1 est recommand aux personnes qui ont besoin de normes de se servir

28、 des Normes nationales du Canada lorsque la chose est possible. Ces normes font lobjet dexamens priodiques; cest pourquoi il est recommand aux utilisateurs de se procurer ldition la plus rcente de la norme auprs de lorganisme qui la prpare. La responsabilit dapprouver les Nonnes nationales du Canada

29、 incombe au: Conseil canadien des normes 270, rue Albert Bureau 200 Ottawa, Ontario KIP 6N7 2omment commander des publications de i90GC: par tlphone - (819) 956-0425 ou - I -800-665-CGSB (Canada seulement) par tlcopieur - (819) 956-5644 par ia poste Ottawa, Canada K1A iG6 - Place du Portage Phase II

30、I, 6B1 i 1, rue Laurier Hull, Qubec - Centre des ventes de IONGC en personne par courrier - lectronique sur le Web - http:/lwww.tpsgc.gc.cdongc Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permi

31、tted without license from IHS-,-,-CANKGSB-4.2 No./N“ 3-MSS NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA TEXTILE TEST METHODS DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE IN TEXTILES SupersededRemplace MethocMthode 3 July/Juillet 1977 ExtendedlProlonge DecembreDcernbre 1993 Reaffrmed/Confirme ApriUAvnl 2002 CAN/CGSB-4.2 NORME NATIONALE

32、 DU CANADA MTHODES POUR PREUVES TEXTILES DTERMINATION DE LHUMIDIT DANS LES TEXTILES Prepared by thePrpare par Approved by thdApprouve par le Canadian General Standards Board -3 Standards Council of Canada lOffice des normes gnrales du Canada OGC Conseil canadien des normes Published March 1988 by th

33、e Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6 o Minister of Supply and Services Canada - 1988 No pari of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. Publie, mars 1988, par lOffice des normes gnrales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 8 Mini

34、stre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada - 1988 Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite daucune manire sans la permission pralable de lditeur. Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitt


36、 Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency National Defence Tissus Hubbard (1991) Inc. Bodycote ORTECH National Defence Logistik Unicorp Inc. REETEX Industry Canada Lincoln Fabrics Ltd. Chatel Votre Nettoyeur The Incredible Clothing Co. Health Canada Difco Performance Fabrics Inc. University of Manitoba P

37、ML Consulting Consultant Consultant Consultant Textile Technology Centre Sears Canada Inc. University of Alberta Public Works and Government Services Canada Consoltex Inc. Stedfast Inc. Lincoln Fabrics Ltd. Consultant Canadian General Standards Board Taylor, V. ChairpersodPrsidente Allen, L. Audet,

38、A.J. Baig-Mirza, A. Bauerle, J. Carrick, D. Carrire, S. Charlebois, J. Chiba, C. Cochran, B. Demers, A. DeSouza, D. Dhawan, K.L. Duhamel, D. Manness, J. Marsh, P. Mitton, M.T. Morgan, J. Muniak, E. Nantel, R. Patel, A.B. Perkins, H. Ronsyn, C. Routier, D. Simard, F. Smith, B. Tait, C. Dolhan, P. Sec

39、retary/Secrtaire DuPont Canada Inc. Agence des douanes et du revenu du Canada Dfense nationale Tissus Hubbard (1991) Inc. Bodycote ORTECH Dfense nationale Logistik Unicorp Inc. REETEX Industrie Canada Lincoln Fabrics Ltd. Chatel Votre Nettoyeur The Incredible Clothing Co. Sant Canada Difco Tissus de

40、 performance inc. University of Manitoba PML Consulting Expert-conseil Expert-conseil Expert-conseil Centre des technologies textiles Sears Canada Inc. University of Alberta Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada Consoltex Inc. Stedfast Inc. Lincoln Fabrics Ltd. Expert-conseil Office des

41、 normes gnrales du Canada Acknowledgment is made for the translation of this National Standard of Canada by the Translation Bureau of Public Works and Government Services Canada. Nous remercions le Bureau de la traduction de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada de la traduction de la p

42、rsente Norme nationale du Canada. CANKGSB-4.2 N0./No 3-M88 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CANICGSB-4.2 No./No 3-M88 Preface to the National Standard of Canada This Na

43、tional Standard of Canada has been extended and reaffirmed by the CGSB Committee on Textile Test Methods and Terminology. Editorial changes have been made by the addition or correction of the following paragraphs: 1.2 The testing and evaluation of a product against this method may require the use of

44、 materials andior equipment that could be hazardous. This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this method has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish appropriate health and safety practices in conjunctio

45、n with any applicable regulatory requirements prior to its use. 10.1 The publications referred to in par. 3.1.1 may be obtained from the Canadian General Standards Board, Sales Centre, Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6. Telephone (8 19) 956-0425 or 1 -800-665-CGSB (Canada only). Fax (819) 956-5644. SupersedesR

46、emplace CAN/CGSB-4.2 MethodlMthode 3 July/Juillet 1977 ExtendedlProionge DecembreDcembre 1993 ReaffirmedCon firme AprWAvril 2002 Prface de la Norme nationale du Canada La prsente Norme nationale du Canada a t prolonge et confirme par le Comit des mthodes pour preuves textiles et terminologie de IONG

47、C. Des modifications rdactionnelles ont t apportes dont lajout ou la correction des paragraphes suivants: La mise lessai et lvaluation dun produit en regard de ia prsente mthode peuvent ncessiter lemploi de matriaux ou dquipement susceptibles dtre dangereux. Le prsent document nentend pas traiter de

48、 tous les aspects lis ia scurit de son utilisation. I1 appartient lusager de ia mthode de se renseigner auprs des autorits comptentes et dadopter des pratiques de sant et de scurit conformes aux rglements applicables avant de lutiliser. Les publications mentionnes lal. 3.1.1 sont diffuses par lOffice des normes gnrales du Canada, Centre des ventes, Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6. Tlphone (8 19) 956-0425 ou 1-800-665-CGSB (Canada seulement). Tlcopieur (819) 956-5644. Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or ne


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