1、ISBN 3 900 734 36 4 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LCLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COM MISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMMISSION LIGHTING EDUCATION (1983 = 1989) Pub. No. CIE 99 1 st Editlon 1992 UDC: 628.9(07) Descriptor: Lighting, illumination engineering (Education) CIE 99 92 9006345 O0
2、04622 517 II This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 7-05 of Division 7 General Aspects of Lighting and has been approved by the Board of Adminstration of the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge and e
3、xperience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted
4、regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 7-05 de la Division 7 Aspects gnraux de lclairage et a t approuv par le Bureau dAdministration de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour tude et application. Le document traite des connaissa
5、nces courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels amendements, consulter l
6、es plus rcents comptes rendus de la CIE ou le CIE NEWS. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 7-05 der Division 7 Allgemeine Aspekte der Beleuchtung ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Internationale de IEclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeit
7、igen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte o
8、der das CIE NEWS sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive
9、. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport A la compilation de tous les documents jusqua la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obglei
10、ch groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1992 CIE 99 92 8111 9006145 O004623 453 m III FOREWORD The following members of TC 7-05, Lighting Education, took part in the preparation of
11、 this Technical Report. The Committee comes under CIE Division 7, General Aspects of Lighting. W. Julian G. Schach L. Tasse R. White L. Monzer J. Juntunnen I. Arnaud M. Rieman V. Schultz S.H.A. Begemann J. Vermeulen J. Pollich L. Di Fraia T. Noguchi J. Grzonkowski M. Frantzell J. Poliak G. Debreczen
12、i Division director Division secretary Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czechoslovakia Finland France Germany (former GDR) Germany, Federal Republic The Netherlands The Netherlands Hungary Italy Japan Poland Sweden Switzerland Hungary (Chairman) K. Narisada 1982-1 987 J. Kossakowski 1987-1 991 J.T.
13、Grundy 1983-1 987 J. Vermeulen 1987- The Technical Committee would like to acknowledge assistance and advice received from J.A.M. Bell, A.B. de Graaff, J.T. Grundy and J. Kaufman. CIE 99 92 9006345 0004624 39T IV CONTENTS CHAPTER Technical Committee membership Summary Resume Zusammenfassung 1, Intro
14、duction 2. Framework 3. Situation of lighting education 4. Lighting design 4.1 Qualification 4.2 Training of lighting designers 4.2.1 Architects 4.2.2 Electrical engineers 4.3 Professional training in lighting 4.4 Summing-up 5. Proposals on lighting publications and education Appendix I Conclusions
15、of TC 7-05 Appendix II Lighting education in individual countries Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czechoslovakia Finland France Germany Great Britain Hungary Italy Japan Netherlands Poland South Africa Sweden Switzerland USA Appendix 111 Bibliography 111 V V V 1 2 3 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 11 11 11 12 12
16、 12 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 21 PAGE CIE 99 92 9006345 0004625 226 W V LIGHTING EDUCATION (1 983 - 1989) SUMMARY The CIE has dealt several times with the subject of lighting education. The results of the work beniyeen 1983 and 1989 are summarized in this report. It is based on the info
17、rmation obtained from 18 CIE-member countries and makes an attempt to picture the situation on lighting education. It can be concluded that the present education of architects and electrical engineers provides insufficient knowledge, even for traditional designing requirements (the design ac- cordin
18、g to the various standards by means of calculation) but even less for compliance with the modern requirements of lighting design (the design based on both the traditional require- ments and aesthetics together with ergonomics). Next to the promotion of education, an important role can be played by t
19、he CIE in the provision of adequate information. Four proposals are made to improve the situation. RSUM La Commission Internationale de IEclairage (CIE) a dj plusieurs fois abord les questions de lducation en clairage. Dans cette tude, on rcapitule les rsultats de ce travail effectue entre 1983 et 1
20、989. Ces informations ont t recueillies des 18 pays membres de la CIE et sur la base de ces informations on essaie de rsumer la situation de lducation en clairage. En conclusion, on constate que lducation, - cest-dire loffre des informations - a un rle important et CIE devrait faire beaucoup plus au
21、ssi dans ce domaine. Cette tude aborde quatre propositions de quoi faire?“. ZUSAMMEN FASSUNG Die CIE hat sich mehrmals mit den Fragen der lichttechnischen Ausbildung befat. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit von 1983 bis 1989 sind in diesem Bericht zusammengefat. Er beruht auf den Informationen aus 18 CIE-Mi
22、tgliedslndern und versucht, den Stand der lichttechnischen Ausbildung darzustellen. Es mute festgestellt werden, da die derzeitige Ausbildung von Architekten und Elektroingenieuren nur unzureichendes Wissen vermittelt, sowohl hinsichtlich der Anforderungen fr eine herkmmliche Planung (rein lichttech
23、nische Berechnung auf der Basis der vorliegenden Normen) als auch insbesondere im Hinblick auf eine Bercksichtigung der zeitgemen Anforderungen (Lichtplanung, die herkmmliche Planung mit sthetischen und ergonomischen Aspekten verbindet). Neben einer allgemeinen Frderung der lichttechnischen Ausbildu
24、ng kann die CIE hier eine wichtige Rolle spielen, indem sie geeignetes lnformationsmaterial zur Verfgung stellt. Insgesamt werden vier Vorschlge zur Verbesserung der Situation unterbreitet. CIE 99 92 9006345 0004b2b Lb2 1 1. INTRODUCTION The CIE has dealt with the question of lighting education on s
25、everal occasions. The study of the working groups led by Prof. Spieser and W. Matthias was presented at the CIE Session 1967 in Washington DC I. At the CIE Session 1979 in Kyoto the TC-3.6 Lighting and Architecture, with chairman Mr. K.E. Gow, gave a report on education 2. At the CIE Session 1983 in
26、 Amsterdam, the “Lighting Education and Information“ Study Group SG 1, presented its repon on a study of the lighting education of architects by supplying data from 18 countries and a summary, including proposals, of the position of lighting education and areas for possible improvement. The CIE Divi
27、sion 7 and the CIE Council considered it necessary to continue this work in the 1983-1 987 quadrennium. The previous Study Group became Division 7 Technical Commit- tee 7-05 Lighting Education“ with the following Terms of Reference and Working Programme. Terms of Reference To provide information to
28、improve the lighting education for professions which are responsible for lighting design. Working Programme To improve the lighting education of architects (through liaison with the International Commission on Building, CIB, and the International Union of Architects, UA). To determine those professi
29、ons which are responsible for lighting design in each country, and to establish the current pattern of education for each of these professions. To prepare a report on the results of the above activities. 1. 2. 3. CIE 99 92 9006345 O004627 OT9 2 2. FRAMEWORK In connection with the first working item,
30、 the Technical Committee recommends the continua- tion of the joint work of CIE-CIB-UIA and that the material “Lighting Education for Architecture prepared by SG-1 for the Amsterdam Session be accepted by the CIE-CIB-UIA. - - - To fulfil the second working item: we sent out questionnaires to the mem
31、ber countries concerning the general situation of lighting education, we elaborated the studies dealing with lighting education in each country, we attempted to supplement the information on the lighting design situation in the various countries from articles and personal discussions. Our report is
32、based on these. The report deals with the situation of lighting design: who designs lighting, the kind of educational training they have, the status of lighting design in the given countries, the position of lighting education and how people in each country go about the lighting of buildings. Regard
33、ing the last point, this report deals also with the matter of lighting information (.e. publications, standards, technical journals, etc.) since it is closely connected with lighting design. To determine the extent of education in vision and lighting at basic and intermediate levels and in other pro
34、fessional fields all countries were asked to comment. We compiled proposals on those activities which would lead to greater recognition of the importance of lighting design, lighting education and - consequently - of good lighting. The enclosed material attempts to summarize the situation of lightin
35、g design and education in each country. CIE 99 92 9006345 0004628 T35 3. 3 SITUATION OF LIGHTING EDUCATION. RESULTS FROM THE QU ESTION NA1 R ES SUMMARY OF THE ANSWERS With the intention of getting an overall picture of the general lighting situation in the member countries we drew up a questionnaire
36、 after consultations with members. We sent it out either to the members of the working committee or to the secretaries of the National Committee in the countries where no TC member could be found. We circulated it with the request to send back the replies. We have received answers from 14 countries.
37、 On the basis of the replies we have compiled a general situation report and prepared summaries about each country. We sup- plemented the summaries of some countries with data collected from literature and personal information. In preparing the report and making the Recommendations part we made use
38、of the replies and the material relating to them. Hereunder is a summary of the replies: 1-3 Who designs lighting in your country? What kind of qualification is a condition for lighting design? Design - entitlement to design. Lighting is designed in most countries by architects and electrical engine
39、ers. Lighting engineers - because of their relatively small number - get fewer tasks. Qualification is required for lighting design in only a few places. 4 5 6 7 What hinders the development of good lighting? Good lighting is mainly hindered by economic factors. This is followed, as a reason, by uns
40、uitable qualification - lack of education - and, in some places, lack of means. Lack of demand (no demand for modern lighting, mainly because the possibilities and benefic of modern lighting are not known) also occurs frequently, which can be attributed to educational insufficiency. What measures do
41、 you consider necessary for development of lighting design? - Publication of good lighting solutions. - General lighting education introduction for electrical engineers. - Awarding prizes for good lighting design. - Interest of communication media - newspapers, television, etc. - in lighting que- st
42、ions. - Better education of architects. - Organising lighting courses. Education of good lighting teachers. - Informing manufacturers and managers of the necessity of lighting. - Illustration and criticism of bad lighting solutions. - Extension of education - information about all users, public, pri
43、mary and se- condary education, education of skilled workers. Do you have a specialised lighting education? According to the replies, the distribution is 50-50 per cent. Specialised education varies in standard. In what professional field do students obtain lighting knowledge? In most countries arch
44、itects and electrical engineers receive lighting education in a more or less equal number of hours. In some places, environmental experts, labour safety engineers, ergonomists, physic- ists and managers can acquire lighting knowledge and there are series of lectures for the public on vision and ligh
45、ting. CIE 99 92 900b345 0004b29 971 4 a Do you have postgraduate education? Almost all countries have postgraduate education: it means, however, in some places, periodic courses and in other places the provision of a basic knowledge in lighting. 9 Do you find the system, the length of time and the l
46、evel of lighting education satisfactory? The majority of the respondents did not find the form of present education satisfactory in their country. 10 Approximately how many articles are published about lighting engineering in a year in your country? In all respondent countries there are articles pub
47、lished: from 4 to 30 yearly. 11 What standards or guidelines are applied in lighting design? The majority of the respondents said that the standards applied are not older than 1 O years. 12 Technical books used most often by lighting designers? Almost all countries have their own lighting books of q
48、uite recent publication. In addition to these, the most frequently used books are as follows: the USA-IES handbook, Handbuch fr Beleuchtung, and other lighting books published in English. 13 Do lighting engineers have any organisation? In all 14 participating countries there are lighting societies w
49、ith active and supporting members. 14-1 5 What areas of lighting in your country do you find to be well settled? In which areas do you find problems with lighting? The replies cover a wide spectrum. In most places problems are noted in the field of industrial lighting, with the joint application of daylight and electric light, and with the integration of lighting and architectural aspects. 16 What theoretical and application questions are lighting experts at present especially eng