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1、外销外贸英语模拟试卷 2 及答案与解析0 transalate the follwing terms:(10%) 一.from english into chinese:(5%)1 pntr_2 irrevocable letter of credit 以 _3 blank endorsement_4 general average_5 faq_6 des _7 franchise_8 fpa_9 bill of exchange_10 aution_一、单选题11 We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be

2、supplied _ stock.(A)upon(B) out(C) in(D)from12 We look forward to _ the goods in the fourth quarter.(A)the delivery of(B) your delivery(C) deliver (D)delivery13 We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6, _ regret that we can not supply the goods _ the end of May.(A)but, by(B) and, by(C)

3、 but, for(D)and, for14 We have lodged a claim _ the seller for the shortage of shipment _ S.S. DONGFENG.(A)against, ex(B) with, under(C) on, as per(D)with, to15 The introduction of containers in transport greatly _ carriage of goods.(A)facilitate(B) speeds(C) facilitates(D)economizes16 We have _ at

4、30 days sight for the amount of the invoice.(A)written to you(B) called on you(C) sent to you by air mail(D)drawn on you17 We will _ you as soon as the new crop comes to the market.(A)contact with(B) contact(C) contact to(D)get contact18 We regret _ to accept your terms of payment and therefore have

5、 to return the order to you.(A)cannot(B) being unable(C) not able(D)not be able19 A Sales Confirmation should be counter _ signed by _.(A)the Seller(B) both parties(C) the bank(D)to receive20 We confirm _ your order No. 7891 dated May 10, 1990.(A)to have received(B) having received(C) receiving(D)to

6、 receive21 We have noticed the Dutch producers _ a joint venture agreement with Chinese firms.(A)interest(B) are interested(C) are interested in(D)interest in22 We _ if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.(A)should appreciate(B) appreciate(C) appreciate it(D)should appreci

7、ate it23 We _ the seminar sponsored by you in September last year.(A)aware(B) aware of(C) are aware of(D)are aware24 We will consider _ your terms of payment.(A)accepted(B) to accept(C) accepting(D)accept25 We shall do everything possible to assist you in _ a mutually beneficial trade.(A)developing(

8、B) developed(C) develop(D)development26 Everyone knows that Chinas Bristles are of superior quality _ those from other countries.(A)with(B) to(C) for(D)than27 We have to point out that the postponement of the fulfilment of the contract _ caused us certain expenses.(A)had(B) have(C) has(D)having28 We

9、 are _ to have your enquiry for Sewing Machines.(A)please(B) pleased(C) pleasure(D)in pleasure29 We have received your letter of September 12, _ we are glad to know that you are interested in our electric heaters.(A)which(B) at which(C) from which(D)in which30 Should your price _ reasonable, we will

10、 place an order _ you.(A)is, with(B) are, from(C) is, from(D)be, with31 If we had received your L/C, we _ shipment.(A)will effect(B) have effect(C) would have effected(D)had effected32 _, we are airmailing you our latest quotation-sheet.(A)As request(B) At request(C) As requested(D)At requested33 We

11、 are pleased to say that we are _ to supply you _ the goods you want.(A)of a position, (B) at a position, (C) in a position, with(D)at a position, with34 We are waiting _ your reply _ our letter.(A)-, of(B) for, to(C) #NAME?(D)-,-35 One of our clients is _ the market _ Mens Shirts.(A)on, of(B) at, w

12、ith(C) in, for(D)with, at二、短文互译36 敬启者:你公司 4 月 5 日询价函收悉,很高兴你公司对我公司的茶叶感兴趣。现随函寄上茶叶最新目录及价目表各一份。请注意,价目表上所列第 1-10 项均可供现货。我公司经销的各种品种、牌号的茶叶均为中国名茶,品质上等,远销欧、美、亚、非众多国家和地区。已另邮航寄可供现货的三种名茶样品,这三种茶叶在你地一直颇受欢迎。有关详细介绍,请参阅目录。你方若需了解上述目录及价目表中未涉及的情况,请告。 期待接到你公司的定单。此致 A B C Trading Company Shanghai Tea I/E Corp. 经理 王大三、附加题

13、37 From English into Chinese A joint venture is a form of business organization undertaken by two or more parties. It is Chinas Policy to enter into joint ventures with foreign enterprises in order to expand international economic cooperation and technologi38 From Chinese into English 在国际贸易中买卖双方距离遥远

14、,业务成交与实际交货时间相隔较长,付款问题远比国内贸易复杂。卖方总希望在收到货款后发货,而买方总希望收到货物后付款。所以国际贸易中,一般采用信用证付款方式,使买卖双方的利益都得到一定的保障。_四、电传认读39 请寄缝纫机形式发票,数量 300 台,成本加保险费加运费到旧金山价,5 月份装运,请即航寄二份,以便确认。(电传缩写字不少于 4 个)_40 尽管难以减至你方出价,现仍在与厂方磋商,明日去电最终还价。请电告可否于 5 月 6 日每月运 300 吨。(电传缩写字不少于 4 个) _五、合同填制41 On September 15, 1991, the Great Wall Imp. 2. The total amount sh


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