DIN EN 13674-1-2017 Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 1 Vignole railway rails 46 kg m and above German version EN 13674-1 2011+A1 2017《轨道交通 轨道 铁轨 第1部分 46 kg m及以上素的(列车)用丁字形.pdf

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DIN EN 13674-1-2017 Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 1 Vignole railway rails 46 kg m and above German version EN 13674-1 2011+A1 2017《轨道交通 轨道 铁轨 第1部分 46 kg m及以上素的(列车)用丁字形.pdf_第1页
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DIN EN 13674-1-2017 Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 1 Vignole railway rails 46 kg m and above German version EN 13674-1 2011+A1 2017《轨道交通 轨道 铁轨 第1部分 46 kg m及以上素的(列车)用丁字形.pdf_第2页
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DIN EN 13674-1-2017 Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 1 Vignole railway rails 46 kg m and above German version EN 13674-1 2011+A1 2017《轨道交通 轨道 铁轨 第1部分 46 kg m及以上素的(列车)用丁字形.pdf_第3页
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DIN EN 13674-1-2017 Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 1 Vignole railway rails 46 kg m and above German version EN 13674-1 2011+A1 2017《轨道交通 轨道 铁轨 第1部分 46 kg m及以上素的(列车)用丁字形.pdf_第4页
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DIN EN 13674-1-2017 Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 1 Vignole railway rails 46 kg m and above German version EN 13674-1 2011+A1 2017《轨道交通 轨道 铁轨 第1部分 46 kg m及以上素的(列车)用丁字形.pdf_第5页
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1、July 2017 English price group 32No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 93.100!%h?m“2692874www.din.deDIN EN

2、 13674-1Railway applications Track Rail Part 1: Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above;English version EN 136741:2011+A1:2017,English translation of DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07Bahnanwendungen Oberbau Schienen Teil 1: Vignolschienen ab 46 kg/m;Englische Fassung EN 136741:2011+A1:2017,Englische bersetzung

3、 von DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07Applications ferroviaires Voie Rails Partie 1 : Rails Vignole de masse suprieure ou gale 46 kg/m;Version anglaise EN 136741:2011+A1:2017,Traduction anglaise de DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07SupersedesDIN EN 136741:201104www.beuth.deDTranslation by DIN-Sprachendienst.In case of dou

4、bt, the German-language original shall be considered authoritative.Document comprises 124 pages 06.17 2A comma is used as the decimal marker. National foreword This document (EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 “Railway track products” (Secretariat: DIN, Germ

5、any). The responsible German body involved in its preparation was DIN-Normenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (DIN Standards Committee Iron and Steel), Working Committee NA 021-00-12 AA “Railway track products”. Amendments This standard differs from DIN EN 13674-1:2011-04 as follows: a) rail profile drawing

6、s and technical and physical properties have been fundamentally revised; b) the rail profile 54E6 has been included; c) a new Annex F “Microscopic examination of rail steels using standard diagrams to assess the content of non-metallic inclusions” has been included; d) normative references have been

7、 updated; e) further technical corrections can be found in the updated Annex G, Table G.1; f) the standard has been editorially revised. Previous editions DIN 5901-1: 1938-01, 1948-03, 1965-03 DIN 5902-1: 1942-12, 1948-03, 1965-06, 1968-07 DIN 5901: 1995-11 DIN EN 13674-1: 2003-12, 2008-01, 2011-04

8、DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN 13674-1+A1 May 2017 ICS 93.100 Supersedes EN 13674-1:2011English Version Railway applications - Track - Rail - Part 1: Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above Applications ferroviaires - Voie - Rails - Partie 1 : Rails Vigno

9、le de masse suprieure ou gale 46 kg/m Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Schienen - Teil 1: Vignolschienen ab 46 kg/m This European Standard was approved by CEN on 10 December 2010 and includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 25 December 2016. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Re

10、gulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN me

11、mber. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

12、 CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Polan

13、d, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels 2017 CEN All rights of exploi

14、tation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017 EApril 2011EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017 (E) 2 Contents Page European foreword . 5 Introduction 7 1 Scope 8 2 Normative references 8 3 Terms and definitions . 8 4 Information to be supplied by

15、 the purchaser . 9 5 Steel grades 10 6 Profile drawings/properties/mass . 11 7 Manufacture . 12 7.1 Product integrity 12 7.2 Blooms 12 7.3 Rails . 12 7.4 Identification . 12 7.4.1 Branding 12 7.4.2 Hot stamping 13 7.4.3 Cold stamping 14 7.4.4 Other identification . 14 8 Qualifying tests . 14 8.1 Pro

16、cedure 14 8.2 Fracture toughness (KIc) 15 8.2.1 Test pieces and test methods . 15 8.2.2 Qualifying criteria 15 8.3 Fatigue crack growth rate . 15 8.3.1 Test method . 15 8.3.2 Test pieces 15 8.3.3 Number of tests and test conditions 15 8.3.4 Qualifying criteria 15 8.4 Fatigue test . 16 8.4.1 Test met

17、hod . 16 8.4.2 Test pieces 16 8.4.3 Number of tests and test conditions 16 8.4.4 Qualifying criteria 16 8.5 Residual stress in rail foot 16 8.5.1 Test method . 16 8.5.2 Test pieces 16 8.5.3 Measurements . 16 8.5.4 Qualifying criteria 16 8.6 Variation of centre line running surface hardness of heat t

18、reated rails 17 8.7 Tensile strength and elongation . 17 8.8 Segregation . 18 8.9 Other qualifying requirements . 18 9 Acceptance tests . 18 9.1 Laboratory tests 18 DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07 EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017 (E) 3 9.1.1 General . 18 9.1.2 Sampling and preparation of samples and test pieces 18 9.

19、1.3 Chemical composition . 18 9.1.4 Microstructure . 23 9.1.5 Decarburisation 24 9.1.6 Oxide cleanness . 24 9.1.7 Sulfur prints 24 9.1.8 Hardness 24 9.1.9 Tensile tests 25 9.1.10 Retest procedures 26 9.2 Dimension tolerances . 26 9.2.1 Profile . 26 9.2.2 Straightness, surface flatness and twist . 27

20、 9.2.3 Cutting and drilling 33 9.3 Gauges . 33 9.4 Inspection for internal quality and surface quality . 33 9.4.1 Internal quality 33 9.4.2 Surface quality . 36 9.4.3 Checking of automated testing equipment 38 Annex A (normative) Rail profiles . 49 Annex B (normative) Standard test method for the de

21、termination of the plane strain fracture toughness (KIc) of rails . 76 B.1 Test methods 76 B.2 Test pieces . 76 B.3 Number of tests . 76 B.4 Test conditions)76 B.5 Analysis of test data . 77 B.6 Reporting of results . 77 Annex C (normative) Method for the determination of rail foot surface longitudi

22、nal residual stresses . 82 C.1 Procedure 82 C.2 Strain gauges and their location . 82 Annex D (normative) Limiting sulfur prints 85 Annex E (normative) Profile and drilling gauges . 99 Annex F (normative) !Microscopic examination of rail steels using standard diagrams to assess the content of non-me

23、tallic inclusions“ 113 F.1 General 113 F.1.1 Degree of purity . 113 F.1.2 Standard diagram plate No. 1 113 F.2 Preparation of specimens . 113 F.3 Structure and use of standard diagram plate No. 1 . 113 F.3.1 Use of diagram plate No. 1 113 F.3.2 Rating a single inclusion . 114 F.3.3 Rating of very sm

24、all inclusions . 114 F.4 Test procedure . 114 F.4.1 Magnification. 114 F.4.2 Selection of inclusions . 114 F.5 Evaluation . 115 F.5.1 General 115 F.5.2 Method of evaluation 115 F.5.3 Calculation procedure for evaluation using method K 115 DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07 EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017 (E) 4 Annex G

25、(informative) Significant technical changes between this European standard and the previous edition 118 Annex ZA (informative) !Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC“ . 120 Bibliography . 122 DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07 EN 13674-1:2011+A1:20

26、17 (E) 5 European foreword This document (EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 “Railway applications”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text

27、or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2017, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by November 2017. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN and/or CENELEC shall not be held responsi

28、ble for identifying any or all such patent rights. This document includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 25 December 2016. This document supersedes !EN 13674-1:2011“. The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags !“. This document has been prepared

29、under a mandate given to CEN/CENELEC/ETSI by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC. For relationship with EU Directive 2008/57/EC, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document. !Annex G“

30、 provides details of significant technical changes between this European Standard and the previous edition. This part of EN 13674 is the first of the series EN 13674, Railway applications Track Rail, which consists of the following parts: Part 1: Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above; Part 2: Swit

31、ch and crossing rails used in conjunction with Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above; Part 3: Check rails; Part 4: Vignole railway rails from 27 kg/m to, but excluding 46 kg/m. Other standards for rails and corresponding welding processes, already published or under preparation, are: EN 14587-1, R

32、ailway applications Track Flash butt welding of rails Part 1: New R220, R260, R260Mn and R350HT grade rails in a fixed plant; EN 14587-2, Railway applications Track Flash butt welding of rails Part 2: New R220, R260, R260Mn and R350HT grade rails by mobile welding machines at sites other than at a f

33、ixed plant; prEN 14587-3, Railway applications Track Flash butt welding of rails Part 3: Welding in association with crossing construction; EN 14730-1, Railway applications Track Aluminothermic welding of rails Part 1: Approval of welding processes; DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07 EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017 (E)

34、 6 EN 14730-2, Railway applications Track Aluminothermic welding of rails Part 2: Qualification of aluminothermic welders, approval of contractors and acceptance of welds; EN 14811, Railway applications Track Special purpose rail Grooved and associated construction; EN 15594, Railway applications Tr

35、ack Restoration of rails by electric arc welding; prEN xxxxx, Railway applications Track Forged rail transitions. According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgar

36、ia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerla

37、nd, Turkey and the United Kingdom. DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07 EN 13674-1:2011+A1:2017 (E) 7 Introduction This Introduction provides an explanation of the concepts, and reasoning considered for this standard. Whenever possible this part of EN 13674 is performance based, recognises the European Quality Sy

38、stem standard EN ISO 9001 and requires manufacturers to offer the latest proven technology to consistently satisfy the demanding quality of the required product. This part of EN 13674 has two major divisions: 1) qualifying tests; 2) acceptance tests. The qualifying tests take into account performanc

39、e requirements. They also include typical results from relevant acceptance tests. The acceptance tests control those characteristics of the rail steel and rail that are of relevance to the production of high quality rails including heat treated rails and the demands of the railway. To ensure the sup

40、ply of high quality rails, some restrictions on production processes are considered. The performance based standard applies to all procurements falling inside the requirements of the European Procurement Directive (93/38/EEC of 14thJune 1993), taking into account safety implications and at the same

41、time addressing modern production technology and the requirements of high-speed railways. As a result of the Directive it was recognised that there would be few opportunities (and these would have to be for transparent safety considerations) for derogation from the standard to operate between the us

42、er and the manufacturer. The standard includes a prerequisite for all manufacturers to prove conformity against a set of qualifying test criteria at the time of tendering. The Qualifying tests include all “normal“ acceptance test results plus new “type-casting“ features such as fracture toughness, f

43、atigue and residual stress. To provide users with the necessary confidence, acceptance limits have been based on results from rail known to have performed well in demanding track installations. The standard includes a quality assurance and inspection clause as part of product integrity. In order tha

44、t quality management systems are consistent across all manufacturers and that users have the best assurance for the consistency of required product quality on this safety critical component of the track, this rail standard recommends that the manufacturers quality assurance systems are at least equi

45、valent to the requirements of EN ISO 9001. The inclusion of this requirement also reduces the need to incorporate detailed method and calibration descriptions on items such as normal chemical composition determination and the need to define more extensive testing. DIN EN 13674-1:2017-07 EN 13674-1:2

46、011+A1:2017 (E) 8 1 Scope This European Standard specifies Vignole railway rails of 46 kg/m and greater linear mass, for conventional and high speed railway track usage. Nine pearlitic steel grades are specified covering a hardness range of 200 HBW to 440 HBW and include non heat treated non alloy s

47、teels, non heat treated alloy steels, and heat treated non alloy steels and heat treated alloy steels . There are 23 rail profiles specified in this standard. Two classes of rail straightness are specified, differing in requirements for straightness, surface flatness and crown profile. Two classes o

48、f profile tolerances are specified. 2 Normative references !The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the ref

49、erenced document (including any amendments) applies.“ EN 10163-1, Delivery requirements for surface condition of hot-rolled steel plates, wide flats and sections Part 1: General requirements !deleted text“ CEN/TR 10261, Iron and steel Review of available methods of chemical analysis EN 10276-1, Chemical analysis of ferrous materials Determination of oxygen in steel and iron Part 1: Sampling and p

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  • DIN EN 1656-2010 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and.pdfDIN EN 1656-2010 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and.pdf
  • DIN EN 1230-2-2018 Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Sensory analysis - Part 2 Off-flavour (taint) German version EN 1230-2 2009《用.pdfDIN EN 1230-2-2018 Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Sensory analysis - Part 2 Off-flavour (taint) German version EN 1230-2 2009《用.pdf
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