FAA 14 CFR PART 137-2011 Agricultural aircraft operations《农用飞机作业》.pdf

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1、510 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 136.43136.49 (1) Limitation. The Administrator may not grant interim operating au-thority under this paragraph (c) if the Administrator determines that it would create a safety problem at the park or on the tribal lands, or if the Di-rector determines that it would cr

2、eate a noise problem at the park or on the tribal lands. (2) ATMP limitation. The Adminis-trator may grant interim operating au-thority under this paragraph (c) only if the ATMP for the park or tribal lands to which the application relates has not been developed within 24 months after April 5, 2000.

3、 Doc. No. FAA20018690, 67 FR 65667, Oct. 25, 2002. Redesignated by Amdt. 1361, 72 FR 6912, Feb. 13, 2007 136.43136.49 Reserved Subpart CGrand Canyon National Park 136.51136.69 Reserved APPENDIX A TO PART 136SPECIAL OP-ERATING RULES FOR AIR TOUR OPER-ATORS IN THE STATE OF HAWAII Section 1. Applicabil

4、ity. This appendix pre-scribes operating rules for airplane and heli-copter visual flight rules air tour flights con-ducted in the State of Hawaii under 14 CFR parts 91, 121, and 135. This appendix does not apply to: (a) Operations conducted under 14 CFR part 121 in airplanes with a passenger seatin

5、g configuration of more than 30 seats or a pay-load capacity of more than 7,500 pounds. (b) Flights conducted in gliders or hot air balloons. Section 2. Definitions. For the purposes of this appendix: Air tour means any sightseeing flight conducted under visual flight rules in an air-plane or helico

6、pter for compensation or hire. Air tour operator means any person who conducts an air tour. Section 3. Helicopter flotation equipment. No person may conduct an air tour in Hawaii in a single-engine helicopter beyond the shore of any island, regardless of whether the heli-copter is within gliding dis

7、tance of the shore, unless: (a) The helicopter is amphibious or is equipped with floats adequate to accomplish a safe emergency ditching and approved flo-tation gear is easily accessible for each occu-pant; or (b) Each person on board the helicopter is wearing approved flotation gear. Section 4. Hel

8、icopter performance plan. Each operator must complete a performance plan before each helicopter air tour flight. The performance plan must be based on the infor-mation in the Rotorcraft Flight Manual (RFM), considering the maximum density al-titude for which the operation is planned for the flight t

9、o determine the following: (a) Maximum gross weight and center of gravity (CG) limitations for hovering in ground effect; (b) Maximum gross weight and CG limita-tions for hovering out of ground effect; and, (c) Maximum combination of weight, alti-tude, and temperature for which height-ve-locity info

10、rmation in the RFM is valid. The pilot in command (PIC) must comply with the performance plan. Section 5. Helicopter Operating Limitations. Except for approach to and transition from a hover, and except for the purpose of takeoff and landing, the PIC shall operate the heli-copter at a combination of

11、 height and for-ward speed (including hover) that would per-mit a safe landing in event of engine power loss, in accordance with the height-speed en-velope for that helicopter under current weight and aircraft altitude. Section 6. Minimum flight altitudes. Except when necessary for takeoff and landi

12、ng, or operating in compliance with an air traffic control clearance, or as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may con-duct an air tour in Hawaii: (a) Below an altitude of 1,500 feet above the surface over all areas of the State of Hawaii, and, (b) Closer than 1,500 feet to any per

13、son or property; or, (c) Below any altitude prescribed by fed-eral statute or regulation. Section 7. Passenger briefing. Before takeoff, each PIC of an air tour flight of Hawaii with a flight segment beyond the ocean shore of any island shall ensure that each passenger has been briefed on the follow

14、ing, in addition to requirements set forth in 14 CFR 91.107, 121.571, or 135.117: (a) Water ditching procedures; (b) Use of required flotation equipment; and (c) Emergency egress from the aircraft in event of a water landing. Docket No. FAA19984521, 72 FR 6914, Feb. 13, 2007 PART 137AGRICULTURAL AIR

15、CRAFT OPERATIONS Subpart AGeneral Sec. 137.1 Applicability. 137.3 Definition of terms. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00520 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitt

16、ed without license from IHS-,-,-511 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 137.11 Subpart BCertification Rules 137.11 Certificate required. 137.15 Application for certificate. 137.17 Amendment of certificate. 137.19 Certification requirements. 137.21 Duration of certificate. 137.23 Carriage of narcoti

17、c drugs, mari-huana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Subpart COperating Rules 137.29 General. 137.31 Aircraft requirements. 137.33 Carrying of certificate. 137.35 Limitations on private agricultural aircraft operator. 137.37 Manner of dispensing. 137.39 Economic poison dispensing. 1

18、37.41 Personnel. 137.42 Fastening of safety belts and shoul-der harnesses. 137.43 Operations in controlled airspace des-ignated for an airport. 137.45 Nonobservance of airport traffic pat-tern. 137.47 Operation without position lights. 137.49 Operations over other than congested areas. 137.51 Operat

19、ion over congested areas: Gen-eral. 137.53 Operation over congested areas: Pi-lots and aircraft. 137.55 Business name: Commercial agricul-tural aircraft operator. 137.57 Availability of certificate. 137.59 Inspection authority. Subpart DRecords and Reports 137.71 Records: Commercial agricultural air

20、craft operator. 137.75 Change of address. 137.77 Termination of operations. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 4470144702. SOURCE: Docket No. 1464, 30 FR 8106, June 24, 1965, unless otherwise noted. Subpart AGeneral 137.1 Applicability. (a) This part prescribes rules gov-erning (1) Agricultu

21、ral aircraft operations within the United States; and (2) The issue of commercial and pri-vate agricultural aircraft operator cer-tificates for those operations. (b) In a public emergency, a person conducting agricultural aircraft oper-ations under this part may, to the ex-tent necessary, deviate fr

22、om the oper-ating rules of this part for relief and welfare activities approved by an agen-cy of the United States or of a State or local government. (c) Each person who, under the au-thority of this section, deviates from a rule of this part shall, within 10 days after the deviation send to the nea

23、rest FAA Flight Standards District Office a complete report of the aircraft oper-ation involved, including a description of the operation and the reasons for it. Doc. No. 1464, 30 FR 8106, June 24, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 13713, 54 FR 39294, Sept. 25, 1989 137.3 Definition of terms. For the purpos

24、es of this part Agricultural aircraft operation means the operation of an aircraft for the pur-pose of (1) dispensing any economic poison, (2) dispensing any other sub-stance intended for plant nourishment, soil treatment, propagation of plant life, or pest control, or (3) engaging in dispensing act

25、ivities directly affecting agriculture, horticulture, or forest preservation, but not including the dis-pensing of live insects. Economic poison means (1) any sub-stance or mixture of substances in-tended for preventing, destroying, re-pelling, or mitigating any insects, ro-dents, nematodes, fungi,

26、weeds, and other forms of plant or animal life or viruses, except viruses on or in living man or other animals, which the Sec-retary of Agriculture shall declare to be a pest, and (2) any substance or mix-ture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant. Doc. No. 1464

27、, 30 FR 8106, June 24, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 1373, 33 FR 9601, July 2, 1968 Subpart BCertification Rules 137.11 Certificate required. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, no person may conduct agricultural aircraft op-erations without, or in violation of, an agricult

28、ural aircraft operator certifi-cate issued under this part. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00521 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

29、-,-,-512 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 137.15 (b) Notwithstanding part 133 of this chapter, an operator may, if he com-plies with this part, conduct agricul-tural aircraft operations with a rotor-craft with external dispensing equip-ment in place without a rotorcraft ex-ternal-load operator certificat

30、e. (c) A Federal, State, or local govern-ment conducting agricultural aircraft operations with public aircraft need not comply with this subpart. (d) The holder of a rotorcraft exter-nal-load operator certificate under part 133 of this chapter conducting an agri-cultural aircraft operation, involvin

31、g only the dispensing of water on forest fires by rotorcraft external-load means, need not comply with this subpart. Doc. No. 1464, 30 FR 8106, June 24, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 1373, 33 FR 9601, July 2, 1968; Amdt. 1376, 41 FR 35060, Aug. 19, 1976 137.15 Application for certificate. An application

32、 for an agricultural aircraft operator certificate is made on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Administrator, and filed with the FAA Flight Standards District Office that has jurisdiction over the area in which the applicants home base of op-erations is located. Doc. No. 1464, 30 FR 8106, Ju

33、ne 24, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 13713, 54 FR 39294, Sept. 25, 1989 137.17 Amendment of certificate. (a) An agricultural aircraft operator certificate may be amended (1) On the Administrators own ini-tiative, under section 609 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1429) and part 13 of this

34、chapter; or (2) Upon application by the holder of that certificate. (b) An application to amend an agri-cultural aircraft operator certificate is submitted on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Administrator. The applicant must file the application with the FAA Flight Standards Dis-trict Offic

35、e having jurisdiction over the area in which the applicants home base of operations is located at least 15 days before the date that it proposes the amendment become effective, un-less a shorter filing period is approved by that office. (c) The Flight Standards District Of-fice grants a request to a

36、mend a cer-tificate if it determines that safety in air commerce and the public interest so allow. (d) Within 30 days after receiving a refusal to amend, the holder may peti-tion the Director, Flight Standards Service, to reconsider the refusal. Doc. No. 1464, 30 FR 8106, June 24, 1965, as amended b

37、y Amdt. 1379, 43 FR 52206, Nov. 9, 1978; Amdt. 13711, 45 FR 47838, July 17, 1980; Amdt. 13713, 54 FR 39294, Sept. 25, 1989 137.19 Certification requirements. (a) General. An applicant for a private agricultural aircraft operator certifi-cate is entitled to that certificate if he shows that he meets

38、the requirements of paragraphs (b), (d), and (e) of this section. An applicant for a commercial agricultural aircraft operator certifi-cate is entitled to that certificate if he shows that he meets the requirements of paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section. However, if an applicant ap-plies fo

39、r an agricultural aircraft oper-ator certificate containing a prohibi-tion against the dispensing of economic poisons, that applicant is not required to demonstrate the knowledge required in paragraphs (e)(1) (ii) through (iv) of this section. (b) Private operatorpilot. The appli-cant must hold a cu

40、rrent U.S. private, commercial, or airline transport pilot certificate and be properly rated for the aircraft to be used. (c) Commercial operatorpilots. The applicant must have available the serv-ices of at least one person who holds a current U.S. commercial or airline transport pilot certificate a

41、nd who is properly rated for the aircraft to be used. The applicant himself may be the person available. (d) Aircraft. The applicant must have at least one certificated and airworthy aircraft, equipped for agricultural op-eration. (e) Knowledge and skill tests. The ap-plicant must show, or have the

42、person who is designated as the chief super-visor of agricultural aircraft oper-ations for him show, that he has satis-factory knowledge and skill regarding agricultural aircraft operations, as de-scribed in paragraphs (e) (1) and (2) of this section. (1) The test of knowledge consists of the follow

43、ing: VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00522 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-513 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 137.31 (i

44、) Steps to be taken before starting operations, including survey of the area to be worked. (ii) Safe handling of economic poi-sons and the proper disposal of used containers for those poisons. (iii) The general effects of economic poisons and agricultural chemicals on plants, animals, and persons, w

45、ith em-phasis on those normally used in the areas of intended operations; and the precautions to be observed in using poi-sons and chemicals. (iv) Primary symptoms of poisoning of persons from economic poisons, the appropriate emergency measures to be taken, and the location of poison con-trol cente

46、rs. (v) Performance capabilities and op-erating limitations of the aircraft to be used. (vi) Safe flight and application proce-dures. (2) The test of skill consists of the following maneuvers that must be shown in any of the aircraft specified in paragraph (d) of this section, and at that aircrafts

47、maximum certificated take-off weight, or the maximum weight established for the special pur-pose load, whichever is greater: (i) Short-field and soft-field takeoffs (airplanes and gyroplanes only). (ii) Approaches to the working area. (iii) Flare-outs. (iv) Swath runs. (v) Pullups and turnarounds. (

48、vi) Rapid deceleration (quick stops) in helicopters only. Doc. No. 1464, 30 FR 8106, June 24, 1965, as amended by Amdt. 1371, 30 FR 15143, Dec. 8, 1965; Amdt. 1377, 43 FR 22643, May 25, 1978 137.21 Duration of certificate. An agricultural aircraft operator cer-tificate is effective until it is surre

49、n-dered, suspended, or revoked. The hold-er of an agricultural aircraft operator certificate that is suspended or revoked shall return it to the Administrator. 137.23 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stim-ulant drugs or substances. If the holder of a certificate issued under this part permits any aircraft owned or leased by that holder to be engaged in any operation that the cer-t


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