1、 , IEC 60068-2-80:2005Environmental testing Part 2-80: Tests Test Fi: Vibration Mixed mode(MOD) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)314192010(IEC60068-2-80:2005), - 1.092 . - 1.22009 . , . , , -, 1 - ( ) - , 42 3 , (- 10 2010 . 37) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 0049
2、7 AMBYKZKGMDRUUZUA - 4 60068-2-80:2005 . 2-80. . - Fi. , (IEC 60068-2-80:2005 Environmentaltesting Part 2-80: Tests Test Fi: Vibration Mixed mode) , . 5318920085 13 2011 . 447-6 ( ) - . - , -. , 2012 -, II 3141920101 .12 13 24 .55 .66 117 .138 .139 1310 .1511 .1512 1513 , 1514 , 16 () - 17 () 23III
3、314192010 , - . - () . - . , , . , . 60068-2-80:2005 , 30630, - , .IV 314192010 , Environmental dynamic test methods for machines, instruments and other technical articles.Mixed mode vibration tests 201111011 , ( ) - . , ( - ), ( ) ( ). , ., , - , -, . , . -, (, - ) , , . 30630.0.0, .2 : 2434680 . (
4、 2041:1990 . - , NEQ) 30630.0.099 , . 30630.1.199 , . 30630.1.299 , . ( 60068-2-6:1995 . 2-6. . Fc. () , NEQ)1 314192010(IEC 60068-2-80:2005) 30630.1.92002 ( 60068-2-64:1993) , . ( 60068-2-64:1993 . 2-64. - . Fh. ( ) , MOD) - - , 1 , , . (), - () . , , , , .3 24346 30630.0.0, :3.1 (cross axis motion
5、): , , ( , -).3.2 (actual motion): , , .3.3 (fixing point): , - , . , , , .3.4 (control)3.4.1 (single point control): , , .3.4.2 (multipoint control): , (. 3.9), , - .3.5 (standard acceleration due to gravity);gn: , , - , . . 10 /2.3.6 (measuring points): , .3.6.1 (check point): , , .1 .2 , -. , , .
6、3 , , - , - .4 , - , , , , ( -) . -, . , .2 3141920103.6.2 (reference point): , - , .3.6.3 (fictitious reference point): , - , , .3.6.4 (response points): , - . .3.7 (preferred testing axes): - , , .3.8 (sampling frequency): - () .3.9 (multipoint control strategies): (. 3.4.2).3.9.1 (averaging strategy): .3.9.2 (extremal strategy): - - .3.10 MAX/SUM: (. 3.14) , -. MAX , - ; SUM , - .3.11 - (crest factor): .3.12 (super positional strategy): , - .3.13